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1Catch the Cat [D-Rank, Konoha] Empty Catch the Cat [D-Rank, Konoha] Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:29 pm



Locate... a cat? Really, now? Ugh. Well, at least it was some more ryo in her pocket, and that was sure to help pay for her training plans. She randomly went over the various reasons why the cat had ran away in the first place as she slowly walked her way to the owners house. 'Maybe she had wanted to chase a bird.' Her soft footfalls echoed slightly as she continued her way to the woman's home. "Maybe she just got bored and felt like trying to get out and have a good time." The soft tap, tap, of her feet continued to sound. "Maybe she was given the wrong kind of food, and felt like rebelling." She had reached the woman's door, arm raised as her she rapped lightly on the door with her knuckles. The door was almost thrown open an instant later and the next thought that came from Amaya was, "Or, maybe the cat went to off itself because it has to live with someone who looks like some snooty rich bitch..", yeaaaaah, nice Amaya was gone in a flash.

Amaya took a second to take in the woman's appearance: everything about her screamed rich, expensive, and snob. 'If she holds her nose up any higher she's going to get a nose bleed due to the change in elevation.', came Amaya's mental musings as she plasted the more false of smiles on her face and gave a nod of greeting. "Hello, ma'am. I'm here to help find your cat. I was just wondering if you had any pictures of her, this way I'm sure to bring back the right one."

The woman gasped, as if she'd been insulted and Amaya momentarily mused herself with the fact that woman seemed to puff herself up like a bullfrog when offended. "Well, I never! My cat looks nothing like one of those strays out there!" A picture was thrusted into Amaya's grasp, the woman almost knocking her back, had Amaya not been expecting it. "Now find her!" SLAM! went the door in her face.

A tick began in Amaya's temple, easily seen on the right side as her fists clenched. She wanted to kill her, just wanted to shove a senbon in her neck and kill her. It took a moment of just standing there, constantly chanting "Think of the mission, think of the mission!" for her to calm herself down enough to turn around and begin to walk away. 'God, I hate stuck up people...', she thought as she stormed down the walk way. 'Sooner I find this cat the sooner I can get this bitch off my back.'

Without waiting any further she took off, running. She just wanted this over with already, and the mission had just started. It didn't take her long to reach the forest, the sound of meowing quickly reaching her ears. She turned her gaze to the trees, figuring the cat was probably stuck somewhere up high and that was why it was crying out.
Yup, there it was, stuck on a rather high branch, holding on to the thing like it was very much afraid it was going to fall. She simply stared at it for a moment, unable to help herself from wishing the thing would just fall to its death. That would serve that snooty old woman. 'That wouldn't be fair to the animal.', one part of her brain yelled. 'UP YOURS!', screamed the other. God, she really was beginning to lose her mind.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts she focused chakra to the bottom of her feet, one of the oldest tricks in the book. She placed one foot after another onto the tree trunk, walking rather casually up the trunk until she was level with the branch the cat was on. Reaching out she called the cat softly, "Come here, come here kitty kitty...", and a hiss, and a scratch later and she was bleeding. Amaya looked down at the scratch on her finger and then at the cat. "Right, so the hard way, then? Fine, suit yourself, but you asked for it you little fuzz ball." Amaya slipped out of her sweater, tying both arms and the neck hole shut, creating a sack of sorts. This time she reached out again, quickly scooping the cat up into her shirt and holding the only remaining opening shut tightly. The cat meowed and hissed, trying to claw its way out, but it just couldn't shake itself around enough to get loose from Amaya's grip, and given the thickness of her sweat it wouldn't get any claws through to do enough damage to Amaya's hand for her to even consider it.

Without bothering to waste any more time she jumped backwards off of the tree, launching herself in the air as she - and the unwilling cat - did a back flip, landing safely on the ground. Holding up the make-shift sack she gave it a little check, glad to hear the cat hiss in response. "Still alive, good. Lets get you back home, then." She took off running once more, glad it wasn't more than a few minute trip from where she had found the cat to the owners house. She skidded to a stop on the other side of the woman's door and looked at the make shift sack. 'Probably shouldn't return the cat like this... less she bitches I tried hurting it or something stupid.' So, she removed the cat, ignoring the pain as the animal instantly dug claws into her arm for the wicked ride. She gave it a quick pet to fix its fur and then knocked.

The door was almost instantly answered, and the cat was ripped from her grasp. Without even a thank you the door was slammed shut in her face, and she heard the sounds of baby talk coming from the other side of the door. Right...

"Time to turn in and get changed.. don't want to be wandering around with blood on me." Her sleeves were already stained from the newest round of scratches, so she didn't hesitate in going back, walking into the room and skipping ahead of anyone else that might've been there. She gave a small, but detailed report, of what happened and then was on her way, back home to change her shirt.. and throw the old one out.

Word Count: 1,073 / 600

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