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1Wayu Clan Empty Wayu Clan Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:21 am



Symbol:Wayu Clan Frog_Dance-2_600x

   Wayu Clan FAHfQ33
   Clan Name: Wayu, Oil Toad
   Location: Scattered, originally from Konoha but faced discrimination.
   Specialization: none
   Elements: Katon

   Wayu Clan HhU72Pp
   Clan History:
The history of the Wayu clan is quite old, ranging back to some of the first toad sages. After acquiring the imperfect toad sage form some of them left, joining together and beginning the family that would once become the Wayu clan. For many years the clan learned from the toad sages, until they family had began to have innate toad like properties. The members of the clan were quite strong as shinobi, but their appearance made them hated and discriminated against by the people of Konohagakure. After years of enduring they finally left the village, harboring the hate they had felt which tainted their will of fire.

Now the clan has traveled about, it is common to find a few in every village. Some have even forgiven Konoha and moved back.
The Orokamono Family -- half the toad sages the created the first generation of this clan
The Manuke Family -- the other half of the toad sages that created this clan.

   Wayu Clan Y4syLuV
   Kekkei Genkai Name: 脂腺 Shisen | Oil Glands
   Kekkei Genkai Description:
Every member of this clan is born with a toad like appearance. Some have bulbous noses or pointed teeth. Others have extremely strong legs and webbed feet. Long tongues are also quite common aswell. Others appear quite normal, aside from large mouths and round eyes. Because of there naturally strong legs and arms they gain a +1 to strength.

The thing that is the same among all members of the clan and that which sets them apart from other shinobi is a pair of small glands that grow out of the bottom of each of their forearms and under their tongue. The glands generate oil from a minuscule amount of chakra.

Oil is quite a useful liquid, when lit on fire by basic fire or a katon jutsu it does maximum burn damage for jutsu of your rank. (so the same d rank ninja from earlier would have quite diluted oil, only doing minor 1st degree burns when lit.)

Oil Production/Ejection Speed/Ejection Range
D-Rank:   20 liters, 10/ms, 15m
C-Rank:   40 liters, 20/ms, 30m
B-Rank:   60 liters, 30/ms, 50m
A-Rank:   80 liters, 40/ms, 70m
S-Rank:   100 liters, 60/ms, 90m
SS-Rank: 150 liters, 100/ms, 130m

The amount of oil they can eject as well as the speed and range at which it can be ejected is dependent on their rank (the higher rank you are the more chakra you can give away without it having any tangible effects).

Oil is expended when shot, one liter is used for every two meters when in fired in a short stream. There is a cooldown for ejecting oil, you must wait one post inbetween every usage of oil. However oil based jutsu do not follow this rule and instead use the cooldown listed in the jutsu.

The oil can be refilled any amount of times by paying the cost of a jutsu of rank equal to your ninja rank. (so a D rank ninja would pay the price of a jutsu of D rank, 10 chakra).

Specific oil jutsu typically have higher oil usage costs but can follow jutsu guidelines (the oil cost must be included in the jutsu and must be approved by the person modding the jutsu.) You may app jutsu that eject oil in specific shapes, but these cost the normal chakra cost of a jutsu of their rank. Additionally if you have ninjutsu or chakra flow you are able to create jutsu where you eject modified oil (such as sticky oil like the Toad Oil Bullet)

Toad-Like Features.
The members of this clan are quite strange, which is the main reason they were discriminated against and the ultimate reason why they left Konohagakure. Due to your strange appearance or the discrimination still held against your clan by some, when purchasing items you must pay an additional 10% due to your toad like appearance.

Katon Reliance.
The members of this clan have only ever focused on the usage of Katon. You must start with Katon as your primary element and must train your secondary from scratch. Additionally you must take the Hesitant (Element) SC without balancing it

The Heart of Ash.
This is a direct effect of the hate they were treated with and the hate they harbored in return. Because of this hate the Wayu clan has lost their will of fire and replaced it with the heart of ash. They are typically very in control of their emotions, but when they are faced with something or someone they hate or when they are insulted they lash out in hate of their own, fueled by the hate their ancestors once held for Konoha and the hate Konoha held for them. You must take the Short Fuse SC without balancing it.

Last edited by Kashiki on Fri Nov 23, 2018 9:20 pm; edited 5 times in total

2Wayu Clan Empty Re: Wayu Clan Thu Nov 15, 2018 8:42 pm




  • Oil Production / Expenditure: So it mentions that you can refresh your oil reservoirs. However you don't really give a way it can be expended. Obvious when you eject the oil it expends it, however a more precise way measure how much you drain when shooting out could be something like; "For every meter oil is shot out a liter of oil is expended." Additionally a cool down of some sort is going to be expected here, since you can potientially spam high damaging S rank oil as it's written right now.

  • Transplants: Seems good to me however without being from this clan the person receiving the transplant can't use the gland, so in my opinion this becomes invalid.


  • With what I gave you so far, I don't currently feel that this clan needs more drawbacks.

3Wayu Clan Empty Re: Wayu Clan Sun Nov 25, 2018 10:54 pm



Unless anyone has anything to say, consider this clan approved

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