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1The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Empty The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:22 pm

Gin Iburi

Gin Iburi

The Iburi Clan (Revamp) B12359154b96386dd9703d9f85bf03468a1e70dd_hq

The Iburi Clan (Revamp) FAHfQ33
Clan Name: Iburi
Location: Scattered
Specialization: Ninjutsu
Elements: -

The Iburi Clan (Revamp) HhU72Pp
Clan History: The Iburi clan was a seclusive clan that lived underground in the Land of Fire. They had the ability to become smoke at will and still physically interact. However, this ability was imperfect, causing them to occasionally transform unintentionally. In their smoke form, they were vulnerable to wind as it caused them to disperse permanently and die. Because of that, clan members did not tend to have long lives, and were forced to live confined in caves or places where the wind is practically non-existent. Instead of tombstones to honour the dead, the clan would plant trees for them, believing their deceased souls would watch over them. They were later found by Orochimaru, who used his cursed seals to partially stabilise their ability. Claiming he needed more research to perfect the process, the clan willing gave him multiple children as test subjects, as the ability is more pronounced the younger the user is. Ultimately, the clan was killed off by Orochimaru in an attempt to find a blood source capable of bestowing him with this power. Few survivors remained and so they scattered to far off lands with generations adapting to their abilities, perfecting what Orochimaru had failed to, allowing the clan to flourish as they no longer transform unintentionally.


The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Y4syLuV
Kekkei Genkai Name:Iburi
Kekkei Genkai Description: Iburi are capable of transforming their body as well as clothing and equipment they're in contact with, either fully or partially, into chakra-infused smoke. This ability is something every Iburi is born with, though most manifest it first as children. As a result the transformation becomes as easy as walking and in most cases is practically mastered before puberty. While in this form they are completely impervious to physical damage of any form, be it from basic attacks or jutsu. Another of many potential applications of this ability is slipping through incredibly small spaces such as cracks in walls, spaces beneath or around doors, etc. Though the primary use of the ability is defensive and supplementary, offensive applications are possible since they can fairly easily slip inside another person's body, along with the capability to manipulate physical objects to some extent in their smoke forms. While naturally quite clumsy and weak, manipulation of objects whilst in smoke form can be trained to the point that precise and powerful applications of force are possible.
Tiers of object movement in smoke form:

Though the smoke form is totally natural to Iburi members, it still costs chakra to activate and maintain, the amount increasing with how much of the body is transformed.

< Half 1 Limb
Less than half of the mass of one limb can be turned into smoke form with no need for training at all. This is the base form of the Iburi clans ability and is learned as a small child.

Chakra -5 every 3 posts

1 Limb
Requires the ninja to be D- Rank, 1,000 words of training, and 250 ryo.
One limb's worth of mass can be transformed with negligible amounts of chakra. It should be noted that the next tier is the standard transformation in combat scenarios, as the small amount of mass transformed requires exceptional control and instincts to effectively allow, for example, a blade to pass through without harm. An Iburi using this level in combat can only do so to avoid damage if the attack is clearly detected before it is an immediate danger.

Chakra: -5 per post

Up to 4 Limbs
Requires the ninja to be C-Rank, 3,000 words of training, and 750 ryo.
Up to four limbs worth of mass can be transformed with little effort or chakra expenditure. In combat this is the standard use of the ability, transforming a large portion of the body into smoke to avoid direct strikes and often severely injuring the foe in their confusion.

Chakra: -10 per post

Full Body
Requires the ninja to be A-Rank, 5,000 words of training, and 1,500 ryo.
Full body transformation is especially effective in combat, as it often leaves a normal opponent with nothing to strike at while having to maintain a defense. It is also very effective for infiltration and stealth, allowing the user to slip through tiny openings and in many cases hide in plain sight. It is also a powerful form of assassination, allowing the user to enter another's body, from there being able to do any number of things. (all of which are clan jutsu that must be learned)

Chakra: -15 per post

  • Physical Immunity: While in their smoke form, Iburi are totally immune to physical damage from both basic attacks and jutsu. This includes piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning attacks.

  • Heart of Fire: Due to Katon being the root of their ability, Iburi are especially resistant to jutsu utilizing the element. All Katon techniques function as though they were a rank lower against Iburi in their smoke form or against smoke techniques.

  • Learn or Die:Since an Iburi must learn to control their transformation at such a young age or inevitably perish to it, Iburi are all quick on the uptake. Each member gains the Quick Learner SC without having to balance it with a negative.


  • Scatter: The Iburi while able to change their bodies into smoke, cannot have that smoke scattered in any way or will be diagnosed with an extreme case of dead be fatally wounded. Even if most of the smoke remains together, they will not be able to reform without parts of their body equivalent to the amount of smoke scattered missing from their body, usually resulting in a rapid bleed-out. Due to their dependency on staying as a whole, Futon and Suiton techniques as well as explosive forces deal greater damage, Suiton and any attack with an explosive force dealing damage as though it were a rank higher, and Futon dealing damage as though it were two ranks higher.

  • Know Your Roots: As the root of the Iburi's ability is the Katon element, they are heavily aligned with it. So much so that rather than starting with two elements, Iburi can only begin with Katon and are limited to three total elements rather than four.

  • Limited Reserves: All Iburi suffer a 10 point penalty to their maximum chakra pool (E.g. Iburi begin with a chakra pool of 240 rather than 250)

Last edited by Gin Iburi on Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:07 pm; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : Made requested changes)

2The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Empty Re: The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:50 pm



Hope you'll pardon the slow update, however, I do hope this session of "Clan Modding with Kisei" will more than make up for it!


  • Chakra Costs: In general, bump all the chakra costs by 5.

  • Resistance: Personally I feel like that they should just be immune to physical damage, however I don't mind what you have going here. Though if you decide not to change it I do wonder if raiton gets anything changed when it comes to interacting with the Iburi or their smoke techniques, as they aren't mentioned to be stronger or weaker.


  • Add another drawback and you should be all set.

3The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Empty Re: The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Fri Oct 26, 2018 4:38 pm

Gin Iburi

Gin Iburi

Made the suggested changes and added Fire Specialists as a drawback.

4The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Empty Re: The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Mon Oct 29, 2018 11:14 pm



I'm sorry to say, but an active drawback is what I meant. Something that meaningfully would hold you back in a combative scenario. Such as a stat deduction, an extra negative special characteristic or chakra pool deduction are good examples. Note: if you do go for a chakra pool deduction, you wouldn't need to make it so big in this specific case.

5The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Empty Re: The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Thu Nov 01, 2018 10:29 pm



As usual, unless anyone has anything to say about this, consider this clan APPROVED~

6The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Empty Re: The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Thu Nov 01, 2018 11:20 pm



Clan is pulled for further review.

Seeing as the core of the clan is very similar in function to that of the Hozuki, it should also receive a more similar restriction on its ability.
There should be rank limits on how much of your body you can turn into smoke and put training requirements on it.
Alternatively you can make the ability less potent and then get away with other things.


7The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Empty Re: The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Sat Dec 15, 2018 12:12 am



I feel every thing is good, however please increase the rank requirements to train your KKG by one rank please. So your final form would be attainable at A rank.

8The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Empty Re: The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Tue Dec 18, 2018 8:25 pm

Gin Iburi

Gin Iburi

I had the full body transformation at B rank because clan memebers already have to train 4k wc and pay an 1300 extra ryo for the form to be viable offensively while still having a lowered strength and speed while in smoke form. Also it doesn't activate automatically like the hozuki hydrofication does. Is that enough balance to reduce the rank needed by 1? If not may I raise the rank needed to A rank and remove the training needed to manipulate objects and not have lower tier strength and and speed in smoke form?

9The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Empty Re: The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Wed Dec 26, 2018 8:54 pm



I'm only asking for the full body transformation to be up to A-rank, and yes, feel free to knock off part of the training and ryo for Precise Control.

Precise Control -> 2500WC + 750 ryo.

Additionally change the 2-4 limbs to explain more simply that you can smoke up to 4 limbs worth of your body. Its a picky change, but otherwise it makes its sound like you can't do less as well as it's just cleaner.

10The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Empty Re: The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:09 pm

Gin Iburi

Gin Iburi

The requested changes have been made.

11The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Empty Re: The Iburi Clan (Revamp) Fri Dec 28, 2018 10:29 pm



Once again, unless I missed something, consider this clan... A P P R O V E D ~

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