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1Round One: Raiu, Yasuke vs. Eitilt, Bau Empty Round One: Raiu, Yasuke vs. Eitilt, Bau Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:13 pm



Round One: Raiu, Yasuke vs. Eitilt, Bau 4R1lWs8

Rising from an artificial forest floor, contestants enter atop a wild canopy of dense forest, with doors leading them onto its apex. The terrain itself is wildly unpredictable at the top, practically necessitating the use of Supernatural Walking Practice to navigate without hindrance. However, dropping below the canopy reveals an arena of tall trees with sparse horizontal foliage for climbing.

1 - Yasuke
2 - Bau


Last edited by Kirei on Tue Nov 13, 2018 5:15 pm; edited 1 time in total



"Raiu, Yasuke.......Raiu,Yasuke.......RAIU,YASUKE"

A young woman called, who was a special jounin from Konohagakure was helping with the exams, as she called Yasuke's name the final time he snapped out of his day dream jumping out of the bench he was sitting in. Yasuke had been trying to mentally prepare himself for his match but apparently slipped too deeply into thought.

"Is it that time already....I guess this point had to come sooner or later"

Yasuke would say scratching his head a bit confused as it had seemed as if time had flown by, Yasuke would begin to walk with the proctor heading towards the entrance of the arena his match would take place.

"Yeah it's that time, look at it this way you get to show your strengths and will know what weaknesses you need to work on"

The proctor would say with a warm smile reassuring Yasuke's concerns as they would now be in front of the entrance, the proctor would extend her arm gesturing Yasuke to go ahead.

"This is as far as I go good luck Raiu, Yasuke

She would say as Yasuke would enter the arena, there would be a catwalk which would be suspended above a dense forest, the canopy would be so full one could barely see into it. Now on the edge of the catwalk Yasuke would be taking in every visual cue he could, he looked around for a moment before he would leap down atop of the canopy utilizing the "Shūgyō'shikachō" technique to better manage his balance. The branches coming from the trees would protrude from the tree in an uncommon pattern making the canopy an unpredictable terrain, Yasuke would then descend down the closest tree until he would reach the bottom of the forest. The terrain an the bottom would as wild as it is atop with uncontrollable brush growing from unusual places, packed with trees full of leaves, with broken branches and leaves scattering the floor.

Yasuke would pick up a branch off the ground a bit larger than his torso as he would send chakra into the the branch before dropping to the floor almost immediately being camouflaged by the other debris of branches and leaves on the ground although Yasuke would make a visual note of where he placed the branch. Yasuke then walked forward a few meters as he would wait for his opponent to arrive taking in as much information as he could about his surroundings developing plans, back-up plan, and going over other options in his head. Although Yasuke's physical traits made him stand out he was a true strategist.


240/250 | Techniques Used:



Ryuga has withdrawn from the Exams, and his entry has been substituted with another ninja on a reserve list - Eitilt Bau.



Bau had been settling in the waiting area of the reserves. A few stragglers sat here and there but he had been asked to come as a simple job. Even if he didn't participate as a fill in he would get paid something though if he were called to fight he would be paid based on how far he made it through his matches. A fitting proposal for even a lazy mercenary like himself. Others around him looked anxious but Bau simply sat in a chair puffing on a pipe of some sweet smelling herb. His lazy emerald eyes scanning about now and again. His staff or rather a gnarled walking stick leaning against his shoulder under the crook of his arm. White hair spilling about his face held down by a striped hat. On his hip was a sword with a peace tie on it and part of the hilt melted closed. He would have to break the fragile weld in order to draw it but he had not intentions of doing so. It was a memento to a forgotten place from a lonely time. A man he no longer was. Not a blade was on his person. Just his stick and the sealed sword.

His attention would be drawn to the attendant running in and checking the list. Bau already knew he was at the top of said list. He had arrived early for the free food of course. Still he would wait to slowly rise to his feet as his name was called. A Mr. Eitilt was needed right away to attend an arena match. He would sigh before gathering his massive frame and standing. Even hunched over he was larger than many of the others in the room. His lips puffing on his wood pipe. He was wearing some rather simple green pants and a green shirt. Both baggy but warm in appearance with a black cloak hung over his shoulders with faded gold diamond imprints along the bottom. On his feet were a pair of nice sandals for the time being. Clogs rather as the wooden bases would tap as he moved to the doorway. The attendant would attempt to rush him into the arena. On the back of the cloak was a sword and shield with the symbols for Iron Falls on the back. This was likely going to be a pain but he was a paid combatant after all.

He would be led to a door before told to proceed alone. He would repack his bowl and light it once more before stepping out. The light was brighter outside for a moment which made him wince slightly. Still he quickly grew accustomed. He would look over the edge of the catwalk to the canopy below before taking a deep breath and letting it out. Damn that was an unsettling drop. Still he would step over the edge and drop from it without much grace. Loudly crashing through the thinner branches before his free hand reached out and snapped a thicker branch to break his fall and swung to land on the floor. Obvious on where he was by all accounts. He would glance at the broken branch in his hand as he remained hunched over to conceal his size a bit. Focusing chakra into it before tossing it randomly over his shoulder a fair distance away into a bush. Pulling his pipe from his mouth with his newly freed hand to blow out a bit of smoke. His hat hand managed to stay on miraculously through all that and still shadowed his eyes. Still he would put the pipe back in his mouth and free up his hand as his other hand shifted his walking stick to lean on it before he mumbled.

"Alright kiddo. Make yer move if yer gonna. Kids these days like ta fart thunder at random people I hear."





Yasuke would be patiently waiting continuously generating ideas he could use to aid him in battle, although Yasuke wasn't sure of his opponents abilities having some sort of plan always gave Yasuke direction. Yasuke would hear branches breaking as he would focus his attention in the direction he would see the silhouette of a figured crashing through branches falling into the arena. There was now doubt this was Yasuke's opponent, he would immediately jump on the offensive swiftly bringing his hands together forming the tiger handseal utilizing the "Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu", which would jump into the tree line and disguise it's location waiting quietly surveying the area.  

The figure would have just hit the ground crashing with a loud thud, sending broken branches and other debris flying almost creating a crater like effect. Even while formulating his plans Yasuke still paid close attention to his surrounds he had gather so far, that his opponent was much larger then him although he was tall for his age, the force created from the impact of the fall showed evidence. Yasuke would stand his ground as the figure began slowly walking towards him as he would get larger the closer he got, once in eye sight Yasuke noticed it was a very large old man, "He's atleast six feet, two hundred pounds", Yasuke thought as the man would stop and speak.

"Alright kiddo. Make yer move if yer gonna. Kids these days like ta fart thunder at random people I hear."

The man would say as Yasuke would return a smirk, he would then bow showing his respect,  although Yasuke was an overconfident being he wasn't foreign to showing respect for his elders something that had been instilled in him since birth.

"Before we start I must know your name sir, I'm Raiu, Yasuke of Kumogakure, elders first"

Yasuke would say as he would reach into his pouch grabbing a kunai with his left hand, his bunshin would still be in the tree watching the entire situation.



Mizu Bunshin 25/25:



Bau would watch with emerald eyes as the young man approached him. By all accounts he was your expectations of your average shinobi. A little on the thin side and lightly geared by the looks of him. Green eyes would shift over his clothes, an off white tank top with blue cargo pants which has a kunai pouch attached to his left leg and a pair of grey high top sandals. Probably one of them jutsu users for sure. He wasn't built like a swordsman neither. Well that would make things interesting. How did one fight people not using weapons? His thoughts went to the last time he was in one of these matches. Idly he would puff on his pipe as the young man neared. Darker skin with blonde hair too. Now that was rare. He had a young face with blue eyes and some sort of headband though Bau only recalled it because of his time in Kumo. Good times with a pot farm there. What was it they focused in more than others again? Right....lightning and thunder. Chances were they were gonna burn him. Fantastic. Not that he would feel it buuut that meant time spent in recovery for his body to heal. Man what a pain. He would lean a little harder on his staff.

The kid would walk right up to him though at least. Giving up any hint of stealth or an attack from an unknown angle at least. Bonus points for what appeared to be a direct fight. It was because this one walked right up to him though that he had managed to miss the rustling in a nearby tree above them to the side. Mostly concealed with his own entrance with leaves still falling about them. The kid would actually bow which made Bau blink. Did he look like a lord or something? Ahh well the appropriate response in these parts was uh...screw it. He would simply nod his head and grunt in response to the bow. The kid would continue to introduce himself politely. Jeeze these kids sure took this seriously. If it wasn't shameful to do so he might just throw this fight so someone who cared could progress. Still he was getting paid to actually try. Besides that he knew better than to underestimate a now armed opponent. The kunai didn't escape him as it was drawn. Expecting him to make the first attack after he introduced himself. Instead Bau would blow out some sour smelling smoke and speak.

"Name is Eitilt Bau. From somewhere you never heard of and I can't ever return to. Now about that startin idea. Make this easy for you kid. If you think you can take that pig sticker here and take my stick from my hands you win. If not, ain't no shame in surrenderin boy. We can sit back, watch some other matches and smoke a bowl. Whatchu gonna do?" He would say in a gruff voice as his hand audibly tightened on his staff.



Yasuke had come to the conclusion that his opponent had to be a fill in of some sort he showed no sense  urgency, or care for that matter. Nonetheless this was still the chuunin exams and Yasuke had to make his village shine, prepared for an attack Yasuke gripped his kunai as the man spoke once more.

"Name is Eitilt Bau. From somewhere you never heard of and I can't ever return to. Now about that startin idea. Make this easy for you kid. If you think you can take that pig sticker here and take my stick from my hands you win. If not, ain't no shame in surrenderin boy. We can sit back, watch some other matches and smoke a bowl. Whatchu gonna do?"

Bau would say as he clutched his staff, Yasuke wouldn't respond but would simply nod before jumping back five meters then using his momentum to flip backwards consecutively for ten more meters. As soon as Yasuke would stop he would jump forward five meters while using his free hand to grab three shuriken, he would then flick his wrist releasing only the first of the three gently tossing it high into the air, the trajectory off the fall would aim the shuriken at Bau's neck, with the first high in the air Yasuke would throw the other two in a direct path one would be aim at Bau's left leg the other, his right shoulder. As the three shurkien would be precisely throw with timing they would all reach the target at the same time, Yasuke would begin to gather ranton chakra in his lungs.

"Let's see how fast he is and how well he uses that staff"

Yasuke thought to himself, as the three shuriken reached the ten meter mark of closing in on the target, he would quickly release the chakra he had gathered in his lungs expelling a black mist, this mist would cover a twenty meter radius as it rapidly covered the battleground the shuriken would disappear from Bau's view seven meters away. Yasuke used his "Kuroi Kiri no Jutsu" in conjunction with his shuriken to provide cover for the attack, while also giving him an advantageous upper hand. Now Yasuke would get to see how his opponent reacted, not actually but because of the sensory this technique provided, Yasuke would be able to gauge his opponents speed and movements.



Mizu Bunshin 25/25:



Bau would calmly observe the other one in the thick forest. The kid as he predicted didn't care for his proposal. Someone who expected to win via some strategy or another. He supposed he could just be the one to surrender but then he wouldn't get paid and the chapter house was hurting on funds. Besides that rumors were spreading about other chapter houses running into issues. He needed to have some preparations made just in case. He would grunt as the kid launched himself back. Well he wasn't one for standing around while someone created some distance for a ranged attack. He would start moving back himself as the kid launched himself even further backwards upon landing. Bau would hop back five meters and when the kid dashed forward he would hop back another five. When the boy threw the shuriken he was twenty meters away. So Bau would adjust and move back and to the right another five meters even as mist began to fill the space between them. Three shuriken flying out of it as two stuck into a tree and one into the ground. Kid sure was aiming high. But stealth tactics? An interesting approach. If Bau were caught in it....

So the kid was going to go for some ranged damage eh? The edge of the mist was only five meters in front of him now. Idly he wondered if the mist could move or if it blocked another vision too. Typical mist techniques were a double edged blade but this one was different. Almost like a storm cloud. If a viking knew anything it was to not sail into those. So he would shift back another five meters to the right and place his back to a tree. Taking steady breaths as he waited for the other to come looking for him. Or to see if the mist could move. Either way this kid wasn't going to just charge him. Nor did he have qualms with cutting him. Well if the kid was going to take him seriously he wouldn't hold back himself. Of course that meant getting close and as far as he knew at the moment neither of them had a read on the others position. So he would remain perfectly still with his back against the thick tree. Listening as he stretched out his senses. This was a forest and to cross the terrain meant making noise short of another jutsu to do so.



Yasuke would pay close attention to Bau's movement tracking how fast he moved, as he would evade not only the range of the mist but also the shuriken that had been thrown at him. The old man was actually quite fast for his massive size and frame this would only make things more interesting for Yasuke. Yasuke's clone would be in the tree watching the entire thing and as soon as Bau moved and slipped behind a tree the clone would drop out of the tree and into the smokescreen. The clone would alert Yasuke of Bau's location. It would be clear now that Bau was a taijutsu specialist, he avoided range attacks and let Yasuke get extremely close without attacking, Yasuke would clearly have to engage him.

The clone would then form the tiger seal summoning an additional clone utilizing the "Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu", as Yasuke himself would then utilize the "Henge no Jutsu", on the new water clone turning it into an insect which would latch onto the other clones back. Yasuke would then use his strength, grabbing his clone by the arms and swinging it in a circle three times before releasing it, sending it flying into the air following a trajectory which would give it a clear view on Bau once the clone cleared the tree which obstructed the view from the two seeing each other. In this same instance Yasuke would release his technique using the remaining mist to cover his movements as he would begin sprinting in the direction opposite of which he tossed his clone accelerating to a speed of thirteen meters per second(C1 speed) then shooting into the tree line giving him a clear view on Bau. If Bau would also be moving during this time Yasuke and his clone would surely see him and hear him adjusting their views.

The position of Yasuke and the clone in comparison to where Bau stood would place the clone three meters to the left and about three meters above Bau, as Yasuke would be a good five meters to the right of Bau in a direct line of sight although at an angle since Yasuke would be in a tree. Yasuke would have timed it so as soon as he came into line of sight with Bau so would his clone forcing Bau to react to one, with Yasuke generating sound from running drawing his attention and the clone silently sailing through the are avoiding that same type of detection. They both threw the kunai at the same time, the clone aiming at Bau's left shoulder, and Yasuke's kunai would be aimed at Bau's right Achilles tendon. In the same motion of the throw Yasuke would push off the tree using the momentum gathered from his thirteen meter per second sprint, propelling him towards Bau' closing in on him in mere seconds, extending his arm aiming the punch at Bau's cheek. While the clone would be in it descent upon landing only three meters away, would launch it self toward Bau at six meters per second(D1) reaching Bau in about half a second the clone would drop to the ground executing a sweep kick the timing would be perfect as the punch and sweep kick would land at the same moment sending Bau flying two meters to the left of where he would currently stood. If these attacks landed they would deal moderate soreness, if the kunai hit they would pierce Bau's skin yielding 3/4 inch deep cuts. Yasuke himself would be ready to substitute if need be, while the clone still hidden using the "Henge no Jutsu", would be on the back of the other clone ready to appear and attempt a counter based on Bau's reaction.


(OOC: I'm new to this system of rping and this is my first real battle with techniques equipped technically, If im doing anything wrong be sure to let me know.)


Mizu Bunshin(1) 10/25:

Mizu Bunshin(2) 25/25:



Bau listened for the sounds of those moving around the arena. Soft sounds of leaves in the wind only halted by the sound of feet pattering around some distance off. Not enough to know more than he already did though. His opponent was out there and scheming. Of course he would be aiming to gain the advantage here somehow but this one was actually fairly decent of an opponent. Around the same level as himself and clever instead of just brute strength. However this all seemed to just be building up into something. He heard the sound of something being spun as a large object but couldn't figure out what. A giant shuriken perhaps? If so it was likely going to be thrown and used for a substitution jutsu to get right on top of him. Long range attacks hadn't been effective so mid range to close range would likely take place next. That was his deduction on the matter anyway. For the moment he remained calm and steadied his breathing. Pacing himself and remaining calm. Recovering what little energy he had used up until then moving around. The other could press on him and wear himself out but Bau would keep control.

The sound of foot steps approaching him would catch his attention just before something burst from the trees above him. A clone? Or perhaps the real one. The boy had some serious strength to throw his clone all that distance. Something over a hundred pounds required even more than his own strength usually. A considerable feat on its own. He would need to avoid being caught up in such things as grapple attacks. However for the moment they both had pulled a kunai and were throwing it. Jeeze these kids didn't seem to understand the dangers of playing with knives. Still Bau would push off the tree hard with his back to propel himself forward while turning. His right hand remained on his staff while his left grabbed his free cloak and ripped it from his own shoulders. As he spun his left hand launched out the cloak to fly over the upper torso of the one that had ran at him *Real one* Wrapping it around his head and shoulders if he could with his charge and using the momentum to pull the boy down and into the position Bau had been in only a moment before. Coming with its own trials.

Both kunai would miss him and plunge into the ground into different spots around where he had been. This one liked his throwing weapons. But the other clone had decided to power slide and was now having the original coming down on top of him with two kunai caught up in the two. Likely leaving little more than scratches and small cuts depending on if he flailed or not. However Bau now stood over the two if all went well. With staff in both hands now he would begin to rain down blows on the two forms. Each attack surprisingly powerful and doing a rank above what his weapon would normally do. Every single blow able to fracture bones as he wailed on the two forms listening for any sound of surrender.



As Yasuke closed in on Bau, he would notice his first movement pushing off the tree to avoid the kunai thrown. Bau would rip off his cloak and extend it out attempting to catch Yasuke in it but as Yasuke extended his arm to punch he would open his hand catching the cloak stopping its momentum and instead wrapping it around the arm that Bau had held the cloak in. While Yasuke would be adjusting his movements attempting to constrain Bau, a small poof of smoke would be dispersed as the clone hidden as a bug on the other clone back would appear right before the clone would complete its power slide, this clone would aim to uppercut Bau at point blank range as the other clone would continue to try to sweep Bau off his feet with a kick. Yasuke him self would begin drawing chakra for his next move if need be.



Bau was a little surprised at the kids speed but his hands were slower than Bau's. Even as he would wrap the cloth around his arm for a grip and attempt to control Bau's movement a realization would dawn on him. Bau was considerably stronger. How he had managed to throw his own body weight before was beyond him but Bau was two tiers higher in strength and several tiers higher in reaction time. However the poof of smoke would draw his attention as well. One of them was holding one of his arms, another was sweeping at his leg and now a third was rising up to upper cut him. So he would deal with this all at once. Part of the hit would have to be taken but he would lower his head and use his forehead to take the fist from the rising clone. Likely fracturing the knuckles. His own forehead would hurt but for him not being able to feel it anyway it was better than his brain shaking from a hit to the jaw. At the same time the bottom of his stick would come down to slam down into the leg sweeping at him.

As for the other boy he would step toward him and use their connection to pull him forward. The stick pressed down for the clone on the grounds knee to grind it down even further and for support as he would raise his shoulder to the boy while using their connection the boy had wrapped around his arm for stability to pull his center of gravity over Bau's shoulder. A simple shoulder throw but at the end of it with him directed now toward the other clone a sudden burst of wind would launch him at ten meters per second directly into his replica. Slamming the two together harshly with enough to cause minor bruising to both. Taking them both down in the process. If all that succeeded he would then lift the stick before stepping to the side of the clone on the ground so all three were in front of him now and with a violent motion he would slam his stick down on top to clones head. Not enough to kill him but a good fracture to the skull to add to his shattered knee. The kid had good tactics but he had assumed he could hold the giant when the truth was different.




Yasuke had concluded earlier that he would have to get up close and possibly take a blow to access Bau's skills. As Bau adjusted his neck using his forehead as protection versus taking the full blow to the chin, Bau indeed have very good reflexes he was strong as well making him an ideal candidate showing taijutsu prowess. The clone would move it's fist ever so slightly as it's knuckles would still make contact but only enough to cause minor bruising the clone would then immediately flip back a two meters and a meter to the right placing itself behind Bau's left shoulder. The clone sliding into Bau's legs in a sweeping motion would be stopped as Bau's staff crashed into it's knee in the same motion he used during his headbutt, knowing it had little damage left to take before being dispersed it wait until the right moment to use its last resort attack.

As soon as Bau had adverted his attention back to Yasuke in preparation of a slam, as Yasuke would come down on his other clone which would burst into a pool of water, not before it released a normal mist which would cover a fifteen meter radius. At the same time this happened the clone now placed behind Bau would release a small pool of water from it's mouth aimed at Bau's mid back area if hit this pool of water would completely cover Bau from his shoulders down to his feet. This water would be highly viscous causing it to be very sticky with would immediately reduce Bau's speed by one tier and ultimately immobilizing him after two post if the substance remained on his clothing. While Yasuke had already been gathering chakra he would wait until the exact moment he felt his body crash against his clones releasing a one meter wide wave of lightning traveling at ten meters per second aimed at Bau's face causing minor first degree electrical burns while knocking him back a meter.

Yasuke now on the ground with minor bruising to his right side would quickly roll over springing up 2 meters away from Bau as his vision would be obscured as so should Bau's at this point if all went as planned Yasuke would pan back a few more meters gaining a bit more space.



Mizu Bunshin (1) 0/10:

Mizu Bunshin (2) 10/25:



Bau would finish his throw when suddenly the shadow would loom from behind him. A jutsu at point blank range. In front of him, another one lit up the area between them like someone just flipped a light switch. So this kid wasn't down and out at point blank range against him. Just trying to get a good position. At first it seemed like Bau couldn't do a thing about it. His defense jutsu required him to spin his staff but there was no time to do so and even then the attack was coming from both sides at once. A good flanking maneuver.  Both jutsu would appear to be pretty much on top of their mark. However in that second Bau would poof in a cloud of smoke as both attacks would hit the branch from earlier. Allowing him to pop into a safe space a good twenty meters away from the opponent near their starting point. The wave of inspiration lightning jutsu no longer having a target would surge through its path right at the crippled clone in that split second instead. Bau had used his substitution jutsu he had prepared at the beginning of the match. A good practice to keep.

Bau would lean on his staff peering at the mist some distance away. Pushing his weight against it as he studied for anything like a kunai or jutsu to come flying out. Emerald eyes studying this mist he had no entrance of running blindly into. Nor did he care to waste jutsu against a basic mist that was a fairly safe distance away. Instead he would speak loudly so as to be heard. After all it seemed like both clones were likely destroyed now. Bau would let his booming voice carry fully aware he was giving up his position to the enemy.

"Aye boy that was a good tactic. However this old man has learned to be prepared for such mischief. After all those I wonder though just how much energy ya have left in ya. Could you keep up the pace as is or would you find yourself exhausted quickly? Ain't no shame in knowin when ta surrender. Offer stands boy."

He would finish speaking as he would shift his attentions to not only the mist but his surroundings. He had only counted two clones....if he remembered the technique, it could make more than that. If he had Bau needed to remain on his guard.

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki


Round One: Raiu, Yasuke vs. Eitilt, Bau. Bau has an advantage in both strength and reaction time, and has consistently countered what Yasuke has thrown at him. This last attempt caused the clone to be hit with the Wave of Inspiration; either the stick couldn't stop the attack entirely or it flowed up the Starch Syrup jutsu to the clone, dispersing it. With more unused jutsu left at his disposal and a great deal more chakra, Bau has the edge and wins the round.

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