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Round One: Senju, Sachihiro vs. Kiinstugi, Yugen 3eljTfm

Entering at opposite ends, this otherwise bland arena is a circular coliseum with a spiral pattern depicted on the floor. When the match begins, exits are sealed and the arena's mechanisms begin to churn. Beginning as a 50m radius, the spiral patterns serve as guidelines for walls which close in from all directions, reducing the arena's effective radius by 10m each posting round, with the final 10m being reduced to a 2m radius within which the combatants will eventually find themselves fighting. Contestants enter the arena at opposite sides of the circle.

1 - Sachihiro
2 - Yugen




The boy nervously walked down the corridors to the arena. He knew what they entailed but couldn’t help but feel the burden of performance anxiety. He had never met opponent before and felt weird knowing his name just before a regulated battle. Each step bringing him closer to the stage as he shook off the last few stresses plaguing is mind. Passing just through the doors into the stage, he eyed his opponent opposite of him having made his entrance just as him.

Quite excited, he lifted his hand preparing to wave at him just a hundred meters away but stopped as the doors shut close and immediately the whirring mechanism just below him shook the ground. Sachihiro quickly darted his gaze as the ground began subtly shaking and the walls surrounding them began to slowly but surely began closing in on them, following the spiraling trail that eventually led to the center. The arena spared no time in formalities and would force the opponent to immediately act on their first impulses.

“That was fast!” the Senju panicked a little as he took a few steps forward, avoiding the moving wall and eyeing Yugen as he made his preparations.

Just a hundred meters away from each other, Sachi decided he’d go with his most successful and safest strategy, clones. The boy quickly came to as his little panic subsided and figured the best plan was just a clear approach. Might as well start reaching the center before reaches you and quickly weaved his hand signs as two bodies of water rose from his surround surface and took the shape of the boy. Each one being standing just 10m away from him with the original in the center.

“No time like the present,” the boy and his clicks quickly prepped and started charging at his opponent before he would perform any jutsu. Knowing full well none of them would reach him from such a radical distance and went into a full burst in tandem with his clones just past the center of the stage, running at 9m/s and upon reaching the needed range for one of his jutsu, he and his clones stopped just 25 meters away from Yugen. His plan laid, he and one of his clones proceeded to weave separate jutsu.

The boy weaved the dog, horse and serpent in quick succession as he swung his arms forward and an array of wooden chips rapidly emerged from his body “Wood Release: Splintered Senbons!” the boy cried as he aimed them directly at his opponent, holding nothing back.

On his right his water clone weaved a hand sign of its own, quickly weaving a dragon, tiger, boar and dog respectively as it placed its hands on the ground and water began to emerge from the nearby surface, forming into wolves and charging at the opponent, looking to restrain and attack him given the chance “Water Release: Water Wolves!” it cried.

The water clone on the left kept itself near the two as it held out a Kunai in preparation for any approaching attacks and seeing to defending its two occupied allies in case he would choose to come directly at the two. He wasn’t sure what his opponent’s abilities were of yet, so he had decided keeping his distance was the best option for now.


Chakra 170/250:

Last edited by Sachihiro on Tue Nov 13, 2018 7:50 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Double spaced)



The chuunin exams, an honoured tradition amongst the hidden Villages. To pit the best of the best against each other in a display of power. So a pagent? Well then, they better prepare for the best freaking show they've ever seen. (Even if your moves are incredibly repetitive.) Yugen was lead down a corridor to the arena he and his opponent, a member of the legendary senju clan nonetheless. Great. Just means this battle will be more interesting. Eventually he could see the light at the end, the image of steel bars an impression he wouldn't forget.

His opponent and he would enter within a second of each other. Though, sadly, his vision was no so keen as to make out specific details on their appearance. Though when three people suddenly appeared a good distance away on either side of them, the match seemed just a bit tilted. The presence of three people instead of one was concerning. When Yūgen had first stepped foot into the arena a metallic groan could be heard around. Looking to the side it was clear what was going on; the arena was shrinking, forcing him to take a few steps forward to avoid being crushed. Not really his style, but that wasn't going to stop him from winning. Though if the arena was shrinking, that meant that the people close to his opponent weren't proctors, but some sort of clone or doppleganger- hah! His opponent was making his move.

His opponent has decided on a frontal style of attack. Charging forward as he made his move. Stopping in the middle of the arena before both he and one of his clones, on Yūgen's left, started to weave a few hand signs. Ahead of the game already in numbers and offensive power. Yūgen would counter with his own jutsu. With nothing but a thought from his mind and a raised horse hand seal Yugen was suspended in a purple energy ball one meter away from his body, using the enhanced speed he managed to dodge out of the needles. Though the wolves were another story. As the watery wolves continued to chase him along the walls he held his horse hand sign up, though he would take this opportunity to launch a counter attack. As he circled around the twenty five meter radius of attack established  by his opponent Yūgen shot a sphere a meter above the chasing wolves heads he would have it spawn hundreds of tiny skulls for their projectiles. Sending one ahead of him, further away from Sachihiro. As for the other three, he’d send one to each of the three duplicates, with the real one among them.

Yugen also noticed how the walls continued to close in. While he was confident that the walls wouldn’t be able to break his jutsu ball, he didn’t want to risk it right then. Besides, if they played out how he thought it would, he would be needing this jutsu active. For the moment though he channel chakra into horse hand seal and projected his will, trapping all three senju in a diagonally positioned ten by ten by five meter rectangle.

At this point he would have made a complete semi circle, completely opposite from where he started. Once he did that he immediately rolled the ball another fifteen meters back. Though he maintained a somewhat close distance, keeping within forty meters of Sachihiro and the wolves. His bullet hell jutsu hoping forcing them to retreat, but if not, the senju would have to redirect the wolves to try and intercept the spheres for their masters. A win either way.


[200 / 250]:



The gods beneath them whirred and the walls boomed as the stage’ radius began to dwindle down and reducing its by 10m. Forcing anyone out of the arena’s maximum range of 50 meters and into its 40 meter radius. It was obvious they would have to be getting closer, but the Senju’s strategy was thrown off course as he was now surrounded in a rectangular force field. Trapping him and his clones inside the barrier and noting on its significant strength when compared to the one around his opponent.

“Oh no” the boy cried out as his jutsu’s missed and the wolves were caught of range and a sphere had been thrown to him that would soon generate little projectiles. Although annoying to start off with, it was obvious these would soon be an issue if he let himself be trapped.

Upon realizing this, the young Senju called out to his clones and rallied them together, placing themselves at the center of the enemy’s barrier. As he was limited in movement, and his opponent seemed to be wading from the howling wolves at the end of its efficient range, waiting for Yugen to come move forward, the clone stopped its channeling. Leaving the three wolves to dissipate and collapse onto the floor as he realized there was no way to get closer unless he waited for the walls to close in leaving him with one clone. No need in wasting chakra if he won’t be able to reach him, luckily the stage was at his advantage and would soon use this to find an opening for his mid to close range attacks.

Sachi hero quickly weaved his hand signs as the two clones surrounded him in order to keep up with his quick thinking. He wanted to keep his clones at his disposal as long as possible and weaved a quick dragon and serpent, placing his hands on the ground as shrubbery and plant material spiraled from the surrounding surface creating a dome around him and the clones within a 3m radius. Blocking him from the outside assault and would be requiring another jutsu of equal rank to fully dismantle it, he figured that as there was no obvious way to get out of the situation right now, he would wait until there was a clear sign of this field dissipating. With his wood release barrier now within’ his enemies own lager barrier, he was hoping that the lack of visual cues would have him surrender his current assault and look for a different and much closer approach.
“Okay boys” the Senju ducked down at his other two clones “I’m not really sure to what do here but I’ll to keep us up as long as possible. The more fists the better the fight? No? I’ll use tremor sense right now and check if he gets any closer. Though I don’t think I’ll be able to pinpoint his location until he lands.” With yuugen being suspended in the air by his jutsu, it would make it that much more difficult to sense him within’ Sachi’s jutsu’s range. Needing his opponent to be making contact with the floor, however hoping he could sense a few feint vibrations for this ball whenever it would hit the floor. The clones nodded along, preparing for a jutsu of their own as the original Senju weaved the Ram Signal.

“Earth Release: Tremor Sense!,” prepared for any moment this force field user would decide to approach on foot. There wasn’t much of an option in his eyes.

Chakra 145/250:



Yugen was on a roll.

After being caught in his barrier, his opponent decided to crowd all his forces to the center. The clones made it to the center while the main senju would conjure a barrier of leaves and wood to enshield all three of them. Yūgen could wait this out, however.. he couldn't be sure if the barrier they had would protect them. While he could allow the wall to pass through his own technique, what would come to that after, he couldn't be sure. Yugen would have to take action now!

With a thought the length and width of the barrier shrunk down to press against the leafy barrier Sachihiro had erected. Continuing to push on the barrier despite it having no effect. Though the height remained the same, now the mighty cube was a long rectangle. As it was shrinking Yūgen slid forward, suspended in his bubble, and prepared a jutsu. Concentrating on a single point directly in front of his sight within the confines of his barrier. When he entered within a six meter distance to the barrier he released the chakra he was concentrating on. The energy shot out in a sharp burst. His technique was strong and it made a strong dent in the barrier, however it wasn't strong enough to completely break it. Plan B.

Twirling around he could see that his slow moving bullet spawners still haven't moved much. Now roughly ten meters away from their intended targets.  Even the one stray one he had directed to the wolves was just sliding further away.

With his mind he reached out to all the bullet spheres and yanked them just outside of the his barrier while he backed away, about twenty meters away. Hundreds of tiny skulls bombarding the wood barrier seemed to do the trick and it broke, allowing for Yūgen's barrier to squeeze down, lightly pushing on the clones and the real one on the inside but it was a bit crowded. Since the wood barrier was giving them space, though with that gone they had nowhere to go unless they did something. With their defenses broken Yūgen would watch on as the three of them would presumably be slammed with a barrage of attacks.  He would say that this fight was just about wrapped up. With victory in sight Yūgen let loose a large grin. However he knew, he knew this couldn't continue much longer anyway. Maintaining this many jutsu was beginning to tire him out, even if he hadn't moved an inch with his own body since this fight started, the chakra drain was exhausting.

155 | 200:



Once again, the cogs whirred within’ the arena as the spiraling wall drew ever closer to the trapped boy. Now moving 10 meters closer as the arena’s radius now reached its 30m radius. The stress of the enclosing stage was definitely taking its toll on the boy but by now he had learned to manage the pressures of battle.

The boy knew he wasn’t safe from the beginning but he knew he had to take a breather before he got caught up in his thoughts. As he and the two clones waited for something to happen, he hadn’t accounted for his enemy having full control of the barrier. He figured it’d be very much like his own jutsu, serve a single purpose and stay as it is. He took a peak from an open crevice in his barrier and to his surprise the transparent barrier was now shrinking. He got back to his three man team and darted his look at the two, knowing full well the enemy’s intent, to squeeze him just as the arena would. Snapping his fingers at his clones attempting to formulate a plan.

“Okay okay okay…. I’m sure we don’t have much t-“ just as he was about to set out a plan, it was cut short by a quick barrage of jutsu, dwindling out the barrier but still holding to its how. Though to have been completely dwindled down by the slow but efficient chakra, the barrier soon squeezing down on the two. Seeing the barrier below also, the only escape presented would be to forcefully push his way through the barrier. His youthful heart racing he turned back to his clones as ripped off a branch from his own wooden barrier just before being crunched down and called out to the two

“Disperse now! We’d be having it tank the rest of this damage, but in sure you two make it” they all nodded in agreement as the boy held the piece of stray wood in his mouth, weaved a quick combination of hand seals and immediately removed the bark from his mouth upon completing it. Placing the wood just in front of him, making contact with the barrier as he channeled chakra through it and performed a jutsu from it. Just before he came out of the collapse barrier and into the surrounding assault, his clones held up the ram sign and dispersed.

“Feral Emergence!” he shouted as the chakra quickly infused within’ the bark and violently sprouted crude but large branches from it. Making quick work of the barrier as it effortlessly pierced through the barrier. Surprised it was taken down so easily but did not let himself get stuck on the thought.

However brief they may have been in the bullet barrage, they suffered just mere cuts as it was a jutsu that required them to stay within the area for quite some time. To be thrown into a trap much like they had just been in. Sachi felt a little distressed as he wouldn’t know what other jutsu would be up the enemies sleeve and he felt the opponent’s agility would be troublesome, especially in tandem with his barrier. Now out, he figured the best thing to do now was break this distance between them. His opponent was just a mere 6m away, looking as if his jutsu had a limited range so the boy approached accordingly.

“Water Wolves!” he weaved a second set of hand signs as he reached out his hand onto the ground, the wolves charging at the barrier at a full speed of 20 meters per second with just a few meters separating them. Ready to sustain the wolves had he missed the lung, however difficult it may present itself.

Chakra 145/250:

Last edited by Sachihiro on Thu Nov 15, 2018 11:50 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Adjusted due to Battle Mod Ruling)




There's two things at play here, one is the attempted method of escaping the prison used by Sachihiro, the other is the legality of Yugen's barrier technique, the ruling is as follows -

As the Barrier is a cube, it has a bottom, and a single use of Double Suicide Decapitation would be insufficient to escape, but Sachihiro could determine this ICly easily enough and is welcome to devise a new method for attempted escape as if he had not performed the Double Suicide, as the barrier would not be hidden beneath the ground (possesses no phasing properties which would allow it to act in this manner). Furthermore, the technique has been pulled and edited accordingly with the restrictions of Yugen's clan as well as jutsu guidelines. The new version of the technique is listed below, its new rank refunds Yugen 5 chakra. Sachihiro is welcome to edit his most recent post to apply the new scenario created by this ruling, or post again to codify his new reaction, after which it will be Yugen's post again.

Name: Reality: Imposition of Forced Penance
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Element: N/A
Range: Up to 30 meters away | Up to 6 meter radius
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: Maintainable | -5 per post
Cooldown: Duration + 2
Description: Yugen holds one of his hands in a horse hand seal as he concentrates his chakra, creating a semi transparent rectangle/cube up to 6 meters in size, centered on a location up to 30 meters away from him. When first setting the length, width, and height measurements of the projection it may be any size equal to or lower than 6 meters in any dimension.

From there the size can be adjusted at will, though it costs -5 chakra for every dimension changed. Additionally it will restore 2 D-rank jutsu worth of durability to the barrier when two or more dimensions are changed. (Which, if it takes no damage that next post, it's treated as a C-rank restore) Due to the extra chakra fortifying it. The speed at which it changes shape is 15m/s

While Yugen and his techniques are able to enter and exit as he so chooses, anything else requires his permission to do so. Effectively restricting opponents from leaving unless he wants to, while he is free to attack however he wants. It takes a jutsu of C-rank / 2 D-rank jutsu to break this barrier.



As the barrage of bulleted hailed on the trip of Senju inside of his barrier, Yūgen was starting to break into a sweat. The exhaustion on his chakra pool wasn't so debilitating yet but he couldn't maintain this level of combat forever. However his opponent had to be getting tired too. Yūgen's thoughts were pulled out of reality as the barrier was destroyed by one of their wooden jutsu. "Shoot!" Yūgen hissed as he drew back his bullet spheres to revolve further away from his opponent, just over five meters. Allowing him to still attack while giving him enough space to react if they made a move on the spheres. He further adjusted the bullets the spheres spawn to shoot further out. (Although this was nothing but shifting the bullet spawning radius closer to his enemy through the use of his Psionics jutsu.)

His opponent began moving closer towards him. Oh dear. Yugen redirected the bullet spheres to maintain their exact radius away from Sachihiro as he moved forward, keeping him within their bullet radius. Dozens of boned faced digging into his fresh victims. His hope was that the dozens of projectiles would be enough to at least temporarily cause the wolves to lose their consistency.
While the now 20 or so piercing cuts all over his opponent's body would hopefully be enough to force him to finally give up.

Behind him the wall would shrink about ten meters. Leaving now only a twenty meter radius. This was starting to become a dangerous situation. Even then, he still had a few ways to deal with close combat. Even if would be... Socially unacceptably liberating.

If Sachihiro decided to go through with summoning his wolves or some other watery construct, it was Yūgen's hope that the massive amounts of bullets would be enough to destroy the consistency of the construct, forcing period of reforming. However if they decided on a different course of action then Yūgen would adjust to the best of his ability.


150 | 200:



The stage whirred and the arena shrunk once more. Moving 10 meters closer as the arena’s radius now reach its 20m radius.

Sachihiro jolted ever forward, attempting to avoid the flurry of bullets and quickly wield his hands signs. “Overgrowth” he shouted as wooded nature and shrubbery surrounded his persons and blocked the outside assault. Keeping to his own as the wolves summoned advanced to the bubbled boy ahead. Hitting his shields.

Immediately after this attack, the boy moved away toward the center of the stage where he would have a better time seeing the stage around him. Sachi weaved a hand seal just 10 meters away, before his wolves would land, waving his arms forward as he cast splintered senbon once more. Sure that his opponent would be unable to judge it this time as there was much less space needed as the 25 m/s needles headed forward.

It was much smaller and his opponent would need to eventually reach the center with him. Time was running out and he would seen feel the exhaustion of combat. His wounds just under his coated armor ceasing to bleed as it acted as makeshift bandages.

Chakra 110/250:



Sachihiro pulled another surprise out of his pocket when he conjured a sudden growth of wood throughout his entire body, protecting him from the additional injuries he would have suffered, and blocking and disrupting the five spheres of bullet spawners spiralling around his opponent. In a split second the spheres blinked rapidly before blinking right out of existence. Oh no. The frail ninja, a bit too focused on his spheres disappearing failed to react in time to dodge the wolves and barrage of spikes. Their combined force enough to completely shatter his barrier.

Yūgen gasped as his bubble barrier was shattered and he fell toward the ground with a thud, landing in a slight crouch. 'Okay then, plan C.' he thought determinedly.

He jumped upward, just a short half meter in the air, both arms stretched out from his sides thrusted forward at his opponent. Directing his chakra around his jacket, it responded to his will and flew forward; aimed towards their wrists and hands, attempting to use the sleeves to bind their hands and wrists closely together to prevent any new hand signs. At the same time his shoes flew off his feet and the belt off his waist, followed quickly by his tight leather pants. His belt was the first to the go, snaking through the air and wrapping around the senju's neck before tightening down with as much force as the jutsu allowed. The pants would try and wrap around the ankles, tightening down there to to try and hold their movements. Meanwhile, the boots would take turns trying to, so to speak, "hit below the belt." Kicking the Senju over and over again in the croch.

As all those items left on their attacks, Yūgen directed another part of the psionics jutsu to his shirt and boxers and socks, enabling him some evasive room if he needed to escape. Additionally he worked another defensive jutsu, specifically targeted to deal with enemy jutsu, in the form of a thin barrier just above his skin. Let's see how this plays out. Landing back on his feet, he kept his eyes open on his walking tree of an opponent, watching for attacks.

135 / 250:



The Senju shortly after his final assault was absolutely surprised his senbon had landed its second time around, having Yugen fall to the floor and this would have his active jutsu finally tick. Tremor Sense would’ve now been able to be used to his full potential. The vibrations brought upon his opponents fall were so accurately registered, his face lit up. Expecting Yugen to go for another kind of defensive jutsu, he was prepared to go back in. However to his surprise, quite the opposite had just happened. The opponent that had tactfully chosen to keep his distance and proceeded to throw his chakra enfused clothing at him.

Stunned at the notion and thrown for a loop, had he expected him to do this the boy would’ve been able to react accordingly. Simply weaving enough hand signs to perform a plant like bola that he would throw, only to miss the jacket and landing on the boots. Catching them and binding them to stay put. However, delayed by the pause from curiosity, he couldn’t find the chance to properly wield a second hand signs under the alotted until the jacket had reached him mid weave and bound them behind his back. The belt shortly shot forward and wrap itself around his neck although not enough to cuz him to choke or gasp for air as the wooden armor provided the necessary protection, it did however cause him to stay in place. Not able to fight against the force of the technique, the pants soon followed. Wrapping around his ankles and causing him to fall forward. The boy struggled for a bit as he soon realized this technique was kept under the influence of its user.

He let out a frustrated sigh. However short, he hadn’t had the proper utility to face his opponent. He struggled for the time being as the walls closed in, fighting against the chakra powered clothing he knew he wouldn’t be able to get out of the bind lest Yugen chose to do so. He placed his head flat down on the ground, the arena ceased to close in as the machines below the ground stopped whirring.

“I surrender!” he yelled out. Proctors were on standby as they watched the planking Senju. An alarm rang as a Special Jonin came between them, placing his hand up and declaring.

“Sachihiro Senju is unable to battle. Yugen Kiinstugi is the victor” directing his hand at the teenage psionic.



When his binding clothes worked Yugen hollared out. "Ha! Didn't think I'd go so far as to strip myself for this match?!" He huffed. Looking down at his boxers and tight white T-shirt. He then looked at his opponent sprawled helplessly on the ground. Casually he walked forward, prepare to strike him with another jutsu and finally bring this match to an end as their wooden defenses caved in and Yugen could properly give him a strangling. Maybe then, no definitely, will they be forced to surrender. The strength of this psionics jutsu was tested thoroughly for this exam, he eyed the belt around their neck. At this level of skill, such damage would be lethal. He noted with a sense of malicious intent as he raised his hand, charged with a thick blue chakra, to finish the job. "Not too bad if I saw so myself, train for another decade and we might be on equal ground!" He thrust his arm forward-

“I surrender!”

A shiver crawled up my spine, "What?" Despite his wishes, he never expected this was how it ended. A surrender? The shock of the situation had him frozen, a look of pure shock and conflicting emotions etched on his scowl “Sachihiro Senju is unable to battle. Yugen Kinstugi is the victor” What. THE. FU- Alright, lets show this guy when you surrender! Thumping past the older ninja, Yugen jumped again, recalling his clothes back to him, a bit weirded out at how warm then were now but he didn't let that concern him. There was a more important problem right now. Landing right in front of him he would "Hey get up!" Regardless of whether or not they stood he wouldn't relent. "Whadda think you're doing giving up on the match? Don't think that you're getting off easy by giving up!" With a huff he walked past him, towards his own exit. Finally calling out, "Next time, don't think I'll let you give up so casually!" As he walked out of arena through the tunnel. Collapsing to his knees once he was sure no one was around to see him. Not too bad if I saw so myself, train for another decade and we might be on equal ground! "I don't think you understood who I was actually talking about, Sachihiro." Damn. That, that was too close.

2176 WC Total Correction: Including this post, 2594 WC on my part. 5419 in total from both of us

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