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1Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Empty Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Sat Dec 01, 2018 9:13 pm



Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting I0Z7lKB

An arena covered wall to wall in tall grass, seven feet high. As contestants enter, they will immediately notice their vision is impaired by the thick reeds of grass, however, there is something more at work. Combatants cannot see more than 1m around themselves with vision alone, heavily obscuring one another from view, but any movement in this grassy arena causes extremely loud rustling as the grass is pushed to and fro, allowing shinobi to pinpoint one another through sound. Whenever a shinobi moves in this arena, the direction they are in relative to their opponent is immediately revealed.

1 - Yugen
2 - Ting


2Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Empty Re: Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Sun Dec 02, 2018 1:24 pm



Now fully clothed and recovered, Yugen was escorted to the next arena that he was to fight in. He had no idea what to expect. The first two arenas were such a hell for him to duke it out in and only winning both by narrow margins. He knew he’d have to do better here or else all his progress, all his vows and promises would be meaningless. However he has heard that his next opponent would a nightmare for him. But then again, isn’t that the same for every enemy in this exam? Only the well prepared, or the most lucky, would be remaining at this point in the exams. Right now he waited for the sign from his escort to enter the arena. A large door in his way.

“Welcome lords and ladies to the third round of these chuunin exams! Before you, you have a two leaf village genin holding the Will of Fire in their hearts, Ting, and Kintsugi Yugen!”

A chorus claps and cheers resounded from the audience. The vibration shaking the ground beneath the white haired Yugen. The annoucer gave a few more words before screaming out, “Start!” at which point the doors opened upand Yugen was promptly shoved through. What he was greeted with, was beyond reasonable. All around him was tall grass, about two feet higher than he was. Try as he might to see through the grass he couldn’t see far ahead. Immedietly he summoned his bubble, one meter in radius. While it did raise him somewhat higher it was not enough to suspend him above the weeds. Finding this whole thing tedious he did what any sane person would do, a bit of gardening. Projecting five spheres from his body forward, hundreds of tiny green leaves would shoot out from the bullet spheres, cutting down a path for him. Then, channeling third jutsu, he would focus his psionics on three spheres, sending one forward, and two to the side along the walls. Extending them as far out as he could however it seemed to come up shorts from the middle of the arena. Meanwhile his left over two sphere he would having rotate right outside of his bubble barrier, creating a kind of thorny defense around him. He’d slide forward in his bubble about ten meters at default speed, keeping a keen ear on how his opponent may try to use this terrain. Then an idea came to mind, focusing on the three separated spheres and had the side spheres move to the middle before switching sides and moving to the other wall, repeating this process over an over again. Yugen wondered, how would his opponent react?



Last edited by Yugen on Sun Dec 02, 2018 8:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

3Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Empty Re: Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Sun Dec 02, 2018 7:32 pm



They had always called her “Ting.” From the esrliest period she could recall, she was never referred to with any surname. Taking into consideration who her caretakers had been, it was more of a blessing than an inconvenience. The name of her opponent announced just after - Kintsugi Yugen - was not familiar to her at all. As she stepped onto the arena she would be greeted immediately by very tall grass. It was impossible to see where one was going through the thick field. Yet again, an arena looking to challenge her ability to perceive. This was a challenge Ting would accept gladly, flowing chakra into her ears in a way that would allow her to perceive even the most minor disturbances of the surrounding areas. As she prepared her body for any destructive capabilities her opponent may have possessed, her cells racing to divide rapidly, she would suddenly detect a number of disturbances within the distance. It was loud, as though the grass meant to give away all of ones secrets.

Ting could only tell at this point that there was something moving with a constant revolving motion from a position somewhere in the direction she was currently facing. Ting was not much in the business of playing games or hide and seek. She it was time to approach her opponent and seek an end. For that she would need a means. Four tendrils of muscle tissue would form from her back, poised and prepared for whatever they were needed. The light-blue haired woman, dressed in a tight black body suit and her green Konoha jacket would allow muscle tissue to envelop her legs as she finalized her plan.

Ting would rush forward at the height of her natural speed of combined with that of her Sujisu: Agility technique, allowing her a total speed of nineteen meters per second. Upon reaching a point twenty meters directly forward from her starting location, Ting would smash two of her tendrils down into the ground with the full force of their might and speed. Keeping her momentum and adding on that which the height and speed added with her tendrils shoving against the ground, Ting would vault twenty meters into the air at a speed of thirty-nine meters per second. This maneuver would place her over and ten meters passed the source of the disturbances, which she could now perceive the shape and number of clearly via the Expose technique. She had traversed sixty-five meters from her starting location and would catch herself with her tendrils, allowing her to remain high above the grass and walk toward her opponent as if some sort of massive four-legged nightmare. She would make her way to a place above him in only a few more strides, looking upon his bubble from only around ten meters away.

Such a traversal, albeit long-winded in explanation had only taken something like three seconds to reach its end, speed and power evident in the motions. Ting would waste no time upon arrival either, smiling at the white haired Yugen.

Shall we begin?

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Chakra 200/250:

4Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Empty Re: Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Sun Dec 02, 2018 10:37 pm



Yugen was brought to attention when a massive wave of sound from the rustling weeds rolled toward him. He brought all three outer spheres to the center. To intercept them. Though another thump, then silence for a moment. A heart beat.Then in front of him another deep crash. In instinctual response he summoned his secondary barrier around his skin. He heard their small voice, they were closing in. "Shall we begin?" He could hear their voice. 'Nope.' He thought. With the feedback from his revolving bullet spheres outside of his bubble jutsu, he couldn't pinpoint them, but he knew they were dangerously close. He would draw his three spheres clustered near the center backwards as fast as he could while throwing one of the spheres revolving around him forward. Letting the razor leaves cut deeply into the target. Meanwhile he would dash backwards as fast as possible before rolling along the right wall at full speed with assistance from his psionics jutsu, fifty five meters per second. He'd leave the bullet spheres around where his opponent was but kept the one sphere on his person. The first thirty five meters along the wall was somewhat cleared of the dense weeds thanks to his previous bullet sphere's efforts, but after that the dense plant life returned. Although by the time he stopped, about two seconds and ending up in front of his opponent's entrance door, it was racing ten meters behind him before reasserting it's place in a revolution around Yugen's bubble. He mumbled a half hearted curse at his cowardly actions, but understood that if he faced an opponent he knew nothing about in an environment like this, then it might as well be game over. Knowing nothing about the surroundings around him, unable to see or accurately gauge anything around him by sound- speaking of. He would roll backwards, the ball jutsu hitting the locked doors. The spiralling motion of the ball shooting him five meters up in the air. Looking back he could see that his opponent was somehow suspending themselves above the grass. Appearing as if they were walking or gliding above the grass. As he slipped back down under the comfort of the grass instead of keeping the bullet sphere around him he threw it towards the center. Letting it float on its own speed once it reached the limit of his psionics jutsu. Now with an idea where they were an sound interferences out of the way he should be able to clearly hear Ting's movements.



5Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Empty Re: Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:23 am



Three speeding projectiles would be called back in her direction at high speed while another game from straight ahead. Ting’s sensory ability made them difficult to miss. She would grin as she heard the grass rustle intensely, her opponent bolting in the opposite direction as quickly as he could. Waiting for the prime moment, Ting would let out the shattering Kiai just as the four speeding orbs arrived within its range, looking to rend her flesh and do her some level of harm. The powerful cry contained enough force to dissipate all four projectiles, if not for her ability to track their speed with her Exposed technique she would not have timed her defense correctly. Her opponent retreated with haste, not looking to exchange formalities or blows with her directly it would seem. The Konoha-Nin herself was not one for these sorts of games, and she was particularly bothered that her advance had lead to nothing. Immediately after her shout she would repeat the same maneuver she had before, dashing with her agility technique with assistance from the now active Seven Heavens Breathing Method, she would clear ten meters in less than a second at a speed of fifteen meters per second before vaulting with her tendrils once again, propelling herself into the air at a forward angle as to create a collective momentum of what was now thirty-five meters per second. The vault would occur before her opponent sent forward his or. Once again, carrying her over it and into the air around twenty meters. Covering that same distance again, this time Ting would act before she could touch the ground. As she entered into a fifteen meter reach of her opponent, she would launch forth both of her arms which traveled along with her current momentum and all added buffs they would achieve the most speed Ting had ever been able to manage in any of her feats. The added point to point movement of Seven Heavens on her Trebuchet technique would bring the total movement speed of her arms to fifty-five meters per second from fifteen meters away.

At less than a meter from his body, in a split second a powerful burst of chakra would emit from Ting’s right first, sending forth a fifteen meter per second disruptive wave of chakra. This wave would aim to disable any defensive abilities the boy would be utilizing. Her left fist would hook around aimed for the spot just beneath his diaphragm where the liver rested. Spiked knuckles adorned her fists, a direct strike to the liver with said spike would be enough to end things. Ting was not yet finished, however. Even as that left fist flew forth with an additional twenty meters per second boost, activating only after the chakra reverse pulse had connected. All things now considered, Ting’s Agezuki enhanced limb would reach seventy-five meters per second as it traveled toward its target. She could feel the incredible fury rising up and burning through her body as she watched her efforts go forward with the springtime of youth. A single tendril with one final ace in the hole would commit to a long left swing with an unenhanced one paired along to cut off any escape along the wall while the others did the same toward the right. He was effectively being cornered from every possible direction and it was all closing in at speeds one would struggle to keep track of.

Chakra 85/250:

6Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Empty Re: Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Mon Dec 03, 2018 6:18 pm



There was a massively loud rustling running toward him near the center. The bullet sphere had cut down some of the weeds, allowing him a bit more sight beyond normal but nothing definite or in detail, especially from where his opponent was. 'They're going to make a mad dash toward me and into the wall.' Yūgen  thought. He was prepared to side spin out of the way, however after about a second their footsteps disappeared. A sense of deja vu shocked his system. They were jumping again!? Much like how they did before they made a Sprint forward and then a massive leap in the air. Since he was near the top of the canopy of weeds, gratitudes to his suspension, he could see above him much more easily than to his sides and without so much of the restriction. It also helped that Ting was so far from the ground. He could see them, majestically flying above. At the trajectory they were going at they would be falling right on top of him. It was at the peak of their height when Yūgen would act, gravity just beginning to take effect and equal out their momentum. It was at that point when they were eighteen meters above the ground that the white haired Kintsugi would concentrate his chakra in a hasty horse hand seal and fire out a bolt of chakra from the edge of his five meter daydream, which would spread out and form a pulsing barrier that boxed the entirety of Ting's body as it reached a six meter radius of her. Caging her in a six meters wide, long, and tall purplish barrier cube. As soon as that light purplish mass formed he would then extend his  signature psionics jutsu and hone in on the box. Suspending them mid-air. All the while rolling thirty five meters per second to towards the center, twenty five meters from the wall at his stop. Throughout the moment he would not break eye sight with his opponent. Perhaps his psychic technique would be able to throw her out of the match. But even if that didn't happen, Ting wouldn't be able to break it without falling out and being so close to the wall.. well, they'll cross that bridge when they came to it 

If given the chance to speak he would, "Don't move." Brief. But it held the entirety of what he wanted to say. Any sudden movements and he would send the barrier downwards, however, even if he didn't do anything his opponent might. The result would be the same. Behind him still crawling inch by inch was his single sphere still crawling further away from him. Reaching out to it, Yugen would halt its movement but still keep it active. Depending on how this match went, he would be needing it. However if interrupted or his barrier broke prematurely before Ting was secured over the wall then he would switch his tactics.



7Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Empty Re: Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Tue Dec 04, 2018 1:57 pm



As she sprung through the air, intentions all poised upon unleashing a flurry of attacks on her cornered target, Ting would slam with a thud against something she could only just barely perceive. Her opponent had somehow created a barrier and encapsulated her within it before she could even begin her assault. As she pushed against and attempted to shatter the prison, she found no success as several seconds passed, time being of the essence. Her face twisted in frustration, Ting would form muscular tissue across her arms and give a hard smash against the barrier which held her captive. As she was freed, she would succumb to gravity, falling down to the ground where she would catch herself with her tendrils to prevent any bodily harm.

Still around twenty meters from her opponent, Ting would dash forth, pushing with two of her tendrils for an extra boost in order to reach her speed of thirty five meters per second once again. She had no time to waste here, she could feel her chakra reserves suffering already and her body was pulling against her as a result of the Seven Heavens Breathing Method. Notably, Ting would deactivate the chakra aiding her hearing. She simply could not afford the drain any longer. She didn’t have much longer to sustain all of her many techniques. As sure as ever, Ting would spring in the direction of her opponent, wherever that may have been by the time she had broken the barrier and landed upon the ground.

This brought memories of a much weaker iteration of herself chasing after Yoshihiro in the days just before the exams had come around. His agility and movement capabilities were next level, allowing him to outmaneuver her effortlessly. That encounter had shaped much of her being and influenced the techniques she had developed since. And yet, somehow here she was again. Met with an opponent who seemed to move just outside of her grasp no matter what she did. He was fast, but she was hungry for this. She had the will of fire coursing through her body as she dashed across the ground at high speeds. Should she meet her opponents visage within 20 meters she would lash out with full fury with all four of her tendrils without slowing her forward momentum.

Chakra 105/250:

8Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Empty Re: Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Wed Dec 05, 2018 12:20 am



A loud crash caused a deep echo through the ground and a hiss around them as the weeds rustled with the force of their fall. His opponent just about landed near the wall if he was right. It was clear that his cube barrier not enough to stop her long enough to throw her over the wall. At least they weren’t so weak as to lose by a ring out. However now he had to deal with a raging berserker. His bullet sphere was just still his grasp about twenty meters away, and thrust it forward, bringing it within his bubble barrier for safe keeping after he directed his psionics to the plants in front of him. He needed to prepare right now. In a fifteen meter long and two meter wide and tall line in front of him he would weave the thick weeds together starting about three meters in front of him simultaneously. Their elasticity perfect to ward off big targets, and his psionics jutsu capable of enhancing them beyond normal limits. His efforts would create a loose kind of catching mitten. Fifteen long leaves on the left and fifteen on the right. Their roots supporting what was coming forward. If the leaves managed to succeed in catching his opponent they would begin to bind their whole body to the ground while the long weeds would collectively begin to try and choke out Ting. The plants reaching around their neck and brutally constricting around the easy flesh, right before clamping down and squeezing the living breathe out of them.

However if it was that his plan was going to go downhill, with the weeds unable to hold off the threat themselves then he himself would retreat backwards at forty five meters per second until he hit the back wall or was forced to change his plans. 

So this was it. This right here was the defining moment of this fight. It was within the new few seconds that a winner would be decided. Whether that would be Ting or Yūgen himself.. well.. one can only prepare their best and hope for their victory. It was out of his hands now, and in the tendrils of his opponent. Yugen heaved a breath, the fight much faster than his last but much more exhausting. Perhaps it was his opponent's strength or their style of fighting, in either case, they knew what they were doing.



9Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Empty Re: Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Wed Dec 05, 2018 1:34 am



A change in the entire atmosphere seemed to take hold as Ting looked upon her foe in what felt like a moment stretched across eternity. The fit woman met his eyes for but a moment as her tendrils lashes forward with great speed, clearing around the forming reeds and grass which sought to restrain her. As she realized her muscle formations had made it all the way to her target she would enact her plan. The young man, still raising up foliage with his impressive telekinetic power had not accounted for the frailty of the material. The first tendril to arrive within range of the bubble would smash against it with the Crackle enhancement, the first of several strikes to occur simultaneously. The next would strike without any further enhancement, shattering the orb. A third tendril would release the Chakra Reverse Pulse - smashing through the final layer of defense while the last of four tendrils would swipe across his jaw with an unsettling Agezuki uppercut, hard enough to dislodge teeth and with enough of a spin to jar the brain and ensure unconsciousness. The reeds which sought to stop Ting in her pursuit would never find their mark as their creator perished beneath an onslaught of muscular flesh.

It was finished.

Chakra 65/250:

Last edited by Ting on Wed Dec 05, 2018 11:20 am; edited 1 time in total

10Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Empty Re: Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:00 am



Despite the weed’s having such a fragile physique they weren’t so fragile as to be broken immeditely. Yugen’s first warning sign was the snapping of weeds, prompting him to read his retreat, switching his Enhancement jutsu to protect against physical attacks, noting his opponent's tendency for close quarters combat. Not saying anything about his major durability issue. While his efforts to ensnare Ting would have succeeded, definitely, totally, maybe.. all he could hear was the sounds of Ting's tentacles move around the trap he had set up, and the sound of impending doom heading his way. He was able to move back fast enough on impulse to back up at least one meter to have his bullet sphere take the first attack. Though the chakra within the tentacle immediately dispelled it. A second and third tentacle combined would hit the bubble sphere immediately as the first had finished its attack, breaking against the bubble, and with it, Yugen's only method of suspension forcing him to roll backwards at about thirty meters per second. His Enhancement barrier holding firm against the impact but the experience left him disorientated, he pushed himself upward onto his feet. and-smack! A massive sloppy tendril would thrust itself right up against Yugen's face. His barrier would hold off the attack, the inferiority of bare fists against pure chakra evident but the shock of a mighty blow, this close to claiming the match, catching him off guard had broken his concentration. However he did manage to wrack up enough tact to gather himself and direct ten of the massive leaves to wrap around all four tendrils in front of him and slam them down, not allowing them to be manipulated so long as they were being pinned against the ground. Right now, he was a defenseless as before. A little pathetic squirt training in taijutsu with his grandfather. Bones fracturing with the lightest of taps. He was left with no 'sword', no 'shield' against his still standing opponent.

With determination, Yugen walked forward, the space one meter behind his head and half a meter to his right started glowing with chakra. It was a useless threat, he knew that, but with no other option before him he walked the only path laid before him. Forward to where he would find his opponent, exhausted and swallowing deep breathes, but still standing. She was a real beauty to behold, and her determined look... He would crush it utterly. The white haired ninja would walk up to her, standing one meter away. "Hey, don't you dare chicken out! I've had too many of that these exams. Come on! Get your hands up and give me a fight worth living for!" Yugen snarled. At this Ting would gather herself up, rising with purpose and taking a balanced fighting stance.

Using his psionics he reached out to the reeds around him as he charged forward with all his speed -Worthless. No improvement since the academy- Their leaves would wrap around his biceps, forearms, legs and waist. Acting as a kind of brace for him to move freely throughout this match. As he approached melee range he'd thrust forward with a jab forward with his right hand. Ting deflected it to the her right side with her hand before sliding down along his arm to thrash him square in the forehead. He grimaced but it was still bearable.That burst of her she had must have exhausted her, doesn't matter. Bearing with the pain for a bit he let her momentum carry him in a forward back flip straight upward. Spinning in a circle with wild momentum, becoming a spinning disc with enough force to break bone, before flying down a Ting. Narrowly she managed to back out of the way, having Yugen slam his foot into the hard ground. "Damn it!" He yelped. Using his plants to hold him just above the ground he monitored the damage. He definitely sprained if not out right broke something, the adrenaline and disorientation from his failed attack softening some of the pain. Another voice popped in his head, -can’t take a hit. Won’t survive.- He shook his head, refusing to buy into hallucinations. "Not yet, I'm not giving up!" Still suspended in the air he would back kick, pivoting with his left leg and kicking out with his right leg foot pointed at Ting. His shoes instantly undoing themselves and launching forward with an extending kick. The bluish-white hair enemy would block with both hands before running forward. Just a bit faster than Yugen himself. However it was enough to catch Yugen off guard as he was still spinning, late to bring up a fist to counter attack so he threw the ball of light that had been waiting for use behind him forward. A thick collum of blue light streaked past Yugen’s head and at Ting’s chest, giving him just enough time to back up and prepare another attack. However his opponent through the strength of her body pushed through the attack and all the power her body could muster she threw a solid punch into the center of Yugen’s chest. The force of the punch shifting something at the point of impact.

He instantly froze, fist raised high, eyes looking forward at Ting’s eyes. In a split moment his entire body was engulfed in more pain than he had ever felt before. Crap, she must have caved in a rib and punctured a lung. He fell to the ground, clutching his chest, trying to hold on to breathe though it had all but left him. No, it w-won’t end like this. I can still fight! Concentrating on his clothes he tried to force his body to stand, partially working, but he couldn’t concentrate so clearly. Still panicking in the back of his head that he might actually kick the bucket if he didn’t stop now. None of that matters, none of it! Yugen raised his head steadily, straining with every fiber of his being to look at his opponent. Gasping, he tried, “G-gah… ha… ha.. Not.. d-un.” his words constantly interrupted as he started coughing droplets of blood. Ting, still heaving breathes, looked upon her opponent. “I wouldn’t have expected any less from a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf.” She said as she readied one last punch. “It has been an honor.” She would thrust one last attack, striking the finishing blow. As she made contact with his face however a glimpse of malevolent force would rear its ugly head. The moment she struck Yugen down his eyes snapped open for a split second, but it was no longer the light violet pink he has always been known for but black. Pure black like the void. And a red dot in the center. Reminiscent of the demon of his childhood. The terrifying imagery flickered as soon as it had appeared however, leaving one to wonder if it was truly there at all.

As her strike connected straight with his cheek the proud psionic would fall to the floor, completely spent and defeated. “What a turnabout! The winner of this round is, TING!”

1219 + 1748 = 2967 WC on my part

11Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Empty Re: Round Three: Kintsugi Yugen vs. Ting Wed Dec 05, 2018 6:37 pm



The heat of combat had brought out such an...animosity. Even as her tendrils whipped and smacked against imperceptible defenses and wrangled with her opponent, she would watch as he used every last ability he had to subdue and push back. Youth was such a potent thing, all of the combatants within this tournament were likely just entering their prime. Each and every participant wanted something. Whether it was personal glory, recognition within their village, or to carry the torch of the future - they all wanted to meet some end. As Ting felt her tendrils restrained, pushed to the ground and held in place she would watch Yūgen push forward toward her in an act of aggression. The individual who had been flighty and defensive throughout the bout came forward with an intensity the likes of which Ting did not expect from him. As she struggled with her breathing, her lungs pained slightly with each draw. Her tendrils, useless now as they were held down by the invisible force which seemed to manipulate the leaves with such strengt, would dissipate. A fine blood mist drifting away in the almost still air. Her opponent was steamed, and as they met eyes she could almost feel his frustrations coursing through her. This had not need an easy battle by a long shot, for either of them. His shouting at her was a bit surprising as he entered into close-quarters range.

This jarred her into gathering herself as Yugen used the same invisible force to wrap his limbs with reeds in order to puppeteer himself. Was he incapable of effectively moving his body without them? Had this strategy which brought her so much frustration been a cage to him as well? The young woman would shake off the idea of pitying her opponent. He did not deserve pity, he deserved to be treated as any opponent would. It was only speculation either way. She would do her best in the final moment as the two approached to exchange blows. She placed her spiked knuckles on her pouch. This was no place for them.

The first of the exchange would come from Yugen, a jab seeking Ting’s torso. She would evade just with the motion, allowing her to redirect the motion into a strike of her own which arrived at his forehead. The next movement was a surprise, a spiraling guillotine looked to break her down if it connected. She felt the bottom of the heel of his footwear graze her nose as she jerked out of its trajectory only just. The force of the maneuver seemed to pull the air away from her mouth as Yugen’s foot slammed into the ground. Ting would watch him recover, still struggling with her own breathing and chakra exhaustion. He would keep on, another set of kicks sent shoes flying toward Ting which impacted quite painfully with her shins.

Enough. She rushed forward with her fist pulled back and cried out with a hoarseness in her voice. Her left fist would slam into Yūgen’s chest. As he seemed to struggle with the injury itself she would walk forward, her opponent upon the ground trying to gather himself. As she looked on him and tried to make sense of the words he was attempting to form she would place a finger to her lips, a gentle shush.

I wouldn’t have expected anything less from a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf.” Her right fist would cock back, she wanted to put him out of the struggle he was currently in. The sooner he lost consciousnesses, the sooner he would be wheeled away for treatment and find himself no longer suffering from the caved lung.

I has been an honor...” She would strike hard and directly into the side of his face, quickly enough to spin his jaw and knock him into peaceful sleep.

Yūgen.” Ting would watch him hit the floor and as soon as she knew he was gone and saw the medics rush onto the field, she would look up at the crowd roaring around her and she would fall to the floor. Sleep.

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