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1Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Empty Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:34 pm


Mission name: Fixing the Past. [Kumo]
Mission rank: B.
Objective: Convince Raikage Midnight to patch relations with Iwa.
Location: Anywhere in Kumo.
Reward: 250 Ryo.
Mission description: Iwa has screwed over many hidden villages many times in the past. We have a neutral-ish relationship with Kumo, but Midnight will still take some effort to coerce. It might be easier this time around, as Midnight keeps Kumo relatively neutral, in the light of politics. Due to his personality, it might be hard to not get frustrated with him. Please do be cordial.

Mission name: Fixing the Past. [Kusa]
Mission rank: B.
Objective: Convince Kusakage Maxi to patch relations with Iwa.
Location: Anywhere in Kusa.
Reward: 250 Ryo.
Mission description: Iwa has screwed over many hidden villages many times in the past. We have a neutral-ish relationship with Kusa, but Maxi will still take some effort to coerce. It might be easier this time around, as Maxi is the head of a village that has only recently resurfaced. Still, dealing with a crazy guy who's the head of a land that everyone trampled over during past World Wars....might not be pretty.

Mission name: Fixing the Past. [Yuki]
Mission rank: B.
Objective: Convince Yukikage Azumi to patch relations with Iwa.
Location: Anywhere in Yuki.
Reward: 250 Ryo.
Mission description: Iwa has screwed over many hidden villages many times in the past. We have a neutral-ish relationship with Yuki, but Azumi will still take some effort to coerce. It might be easier this time around, as Azumi is the head of a village in a land that Iwa really didn't do anything to, since they just built over Uzushio.


Mission name: Fixing the Past. [Suna]
Mission rank: B-->A.
Objective: Convince Kazekage Gin to patch relations with Iwa. Rises to A-rank if you find Mizukage Jurou and do the same with him. (if you only convince one, you still succeed the mission.)
Location: Anywhere in Suna.
Reward: 250-->450 Ryo.
Mission description: Iwa has screwed over many hidden villages many times in the past. We have a negative, semi-neutral relationship with Suna and Kiri, but Gin will still take some effort to coerce. While you're there, you discover Mizukage Jurou is in Suna, who you will also try and win over. Peace symbol: a two-piece Black Coat as a gift for Gingin, and a Black Coat for Jurou. <3

Mission name: Fixing the Past. [Konoha]
Mission rank: B.
Objective: Convince Hokage Kenta to patch relations with Iwa.
Location: Anywhere in Konoha.
Reward: 250 Ryo.
Mission description: Iwa has screwed over many hidden villages many times in the past. It's going to be difficult to get Konoha back in our favor, especially with....more recent happenings. This will be easier if Dengen has stepped down/been assassinated by the time Zen meets Kenta. Peace symbol: Black Coat for Ken'afamily, even if he never wears it. <3
Mission name: Defend the Fortress!
Mission rank: B.
Objective: Fend off attackers to the village. A party of at least five ninja were seen lurking near the village borders.
Location: Bastion Adamantine if the area's made, general boards below if it's not.
Reward: 300 Ryo.
Mission description: Some unknown ninja have been confirmed lurking around the construction area of Bastion Adamantine. At present, the guard is not staffed enough to fend off any possible attackers. Eliminate the threat, whether by apprehending the suspicious shinobi or dispatching them on-sight.
Mission details: These are just suspicious figures, not confirmed, large threats. That said, you don't have to fight all of them at once, as they were spotted all over the place. Given the rank of the mission, please don't put too much of a damper on their abilities.

Last edited by Zenchi on Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:06 am; edited 8 times in total

2Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Empty Re: Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:09 pm


Le Bomp.

3Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Empty Re: Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:26 pm




4Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Empty Re: Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:16 pm


Bump for new missions.

5Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Empty Re: Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:53 pm


Le bomp.

6Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Empty Re: Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:01 am


both fixing the pasts approved.

7Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Empty Re: Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:28 am


Bump for some new Fixing the Pasts. Might as well cover our bases, non?

8Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Empty Re: Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:41 pm


Le Bomp.

9Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Empty Re: Various Missions. [Iwa-->Everywhere] Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:05 am



Approved~ You'll have to pay for the jackets, though!

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