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1Deserters of the Leaf [Konoha - B] Empty Deserters of the Leaf [Konoha - B] Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:13 pm



Mission name: Deserters of the Leaf
Mission rank: B
Objective: Identify the defectors, locate incriminating evidence of their attempted defection or other crimes, and apprehend both of them.
Location: Konoha Board
Reward: 270 ryo
Mission description: Two shinobi of Konohagakure, both Chuunin ranking, were reported trying to leave the village in the last week without their headbands or checking in with the trafficking agents at the village gates. More recent reports claim that the two shinobi were seen in a neighboring town. It is assumed that the two have attempted to defect, but more evidence is needed to convict them of such a crime. If incriminating evidence of located, apprehend all parties involved. If no evidence is found, escort both shinobi back to the village for further questioning.
Mission details: The two shinobi have been supplying independent groups of unaffiliated ninja with information on Konohagakure infrastructure and wall guard rounds. At night, they can be observed speaking with these suspicious shinobi. Recklessly engaging them during this event will result in both parties attempting to flee. The mission is not repeatable.

Name: Shizuka Fushayami
Age: Sixteen
General Appearance: Appears to be a young woman with relatively pale skin and brown hair and long bangs. Her eyes are brown, and she typically has a disinterested or otherwise indifferent expression. She stands at 167cm and has a moderate physical build. She typically wears tan or brown colored clothing, though this information is subject to change after her speculated defection. These reports are four days old.
Personality: Shizuka has a very indifferent and professional personality. She does not often get worked up, though it is possible for her to become such in times of particular distress. She is very strategic and plans everything out two moves ahead, and is therefore harder to outsmart, though she lacks the necessary skills to be a notable force. However, the greatest tool available to a shinobi is deception, so do not be fooled.
Motivations: Self Preservation, Thinking Ahead.
Fears: When a plan goes wrong, being tricked, being arrested.
Other: Genjutsu (A-Rank) primary, Fuuinjutsu (C-Rank) Secondary. Utilizes Fuuton(C-Rank) and Suiton(C-Rank) jutsu.

Name: Kaito Asara
Age: Twenty One
General Appearance: He appears to be a young man with slightly tanned skin and moderately long auburn hair. His eyes are blue and he normally has some sort of smile or other enthusiastic look on his face. He stands at 177cm and has a moderately muscled build. He typically wears green or black colored clothing, though this information is subject to change after his supposed defection. These reports are three days old.
Personality: Kaito has a particularly positive and enthusiastic personality that often annoys his companion, Shizuka. He tends to act on impulse and prefers to use his brute force over tactics to overwhelm his opponent and tire them out. Kaito relies on Shizuka for the strategical portion of their antics, and is therefore helpless in many different ways when separated from her.
Motivations: Gaining power, wealth, and reputation.
Fears: Being separated from Shizuka, being arrested.
Other: Taijutsu(A-Rank) primary, Ninjutsu(C-Rank) Secondary. Utilizes Katon(B-Rank) jutsu when in a pinch, but prefers to overwhelm opponents with Taijutsu.

[b]Mission name:[/b] Deserters of the Leaf
[b]Mission rank:[/b] B
[b]Objective: [/b]Identify the defectors, locate incriminating evidence of their attempted defection or other crimes, and apprehend both of them.
[b]Location:[/b] [url=]Konoha Board[/url]
[b]Reward:[/b] 270 ryo
[b]Mission description:[/b] Two shinobi of Konohagakure, both Chuunin ranking, were reported trying to leave the village in the last week without their headbands or checking in with the trafficking agents at the village gates. More recent reports claim that the two shinobi were seen in a neighboring town. It is assumed that the two have attempted to defect, but more evidence is needed to convict them of such a crime. If incriminating evidence of located, apprehend all parties involved. If no evidence is found, escort both shinobi back to the village for further questioning.
[b]Mission details:[/b] The two shinobi have been supplying independent groups of unaffiliated ninja with information on Konohagakure infrastructure and wall guard rounds. At night, they can be observed speaking with these suspicious shinobi. Recklessly engaging them during this event will result in both parties attempting to flee. The mission is [b][u]not repeatable[/u][/b].

[b]Name:[/b] Shizuka Fushayami
[b]Age:[/b] Sixteen
[b]General Appearance:[/b] Appears to be a young woman with relatively pale skin and brown hair and long bangs. Her eyes are brown, and she typically has a disinterested or otherwise indifferent expression. She stands at 167cm and has a moderate physical build. She typically wears tan or brown colored clothing, though this information is subject to change after her speculated defection. These reports are four days old.
[b]Personality:[/b] Shizuka has a very indifferent and professional personality. She does not often get worked up, though it is possible for her to become such in times of particular distress. She is very strategic and plans everything out two moves ahead, and is therefore harder to outsmart, though she lacks the necessary skills to be a notable force. However, the greatest tool available to a shinobi is deception, so do not be fooled.
[b]Motivations:[/b] Self Preservation, Thinking Ahead.
[b]Fears:[/b] When a plan goes wrong, being tricked, being arrested.
[b]Other:[/b] Genjutsu (A-Rank) primary, Fuuinjutsu (C-Rank) Secondary. Utilizes Fuuton(C-Rank) and Suiton(C-Rank) jutsu.

[b]Name:[/b] Kaito Asara
[b]Age:[/b] Twenty One
[b]General Appearance:[/b] He appears to be a young man with slightly tanned skin and moderately long auburn hair. His eyes are blue and he normally has some sort of smile or other enthusiastic look on his face. He stands at 177cm and has a moderately muscled build. He typically wears green or black colored clothing, though this information is subject to change after his supposed defection. These reports are three days old.
[b]Personality:[/b] Kaito has a particularly positive and enthusiastic personality that often annoys his companion, Shizuka. He tends to act on impulse and prefers to use his brute force over tactics to overwhelm his opponent and tire them out. Kaito relies on Shizuka for the strategical portion of their antics, and is therefore helpless in many different ways when separated from her.
[b]Motivations:[/b] Gaining power, wealth, and reputation.
[b]Fears:[/b] Being separated from Shizuka, being arrested.
[b]Other:[/b] Taijutsu(A-Rank) primary, Ninjutsu(C-Rank) Secondary. Utilizes Katon(B-Rank) jutsu when in a pinch, but prefers to overwhelm opponents with Taijutsu.

Also, as a note, I'd like to reserve this one for myself if possible. If not, I'll see if I can grab it first.

2Deserters of the Leaf [Konoha - B] Empty Re: Deserters of the Leaf [Konoha - B] Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:48 am


I don't think I can reserve things for people....someone correct me if I'm wrong... otherwise, GOGOGOGOGOGO, Taco!


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