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Mission name: Clean the Thorn Pit [Repeatable]
Mission rank: D
Objective: Clean up the mess.
Location: The Thorn Pit
Reward: 65 ryo
Mission description: There's been a great deal of a mess left behind after the most recent trainings. Practice weapons have been left out almost everywhere and need to be put away before someone trips and gets hurt. The dummies too could use a little fixing up, just mainly stuffing the straw and such back into them, or retying any loose bindings. Your job is to fix all of this. There also have been reports of a trouble-maker who might be helping to make the mess; though you've been ordered not to do anything too drastic too him, a good talking-to should work.
Mission details: The mess has been created from more than just usual wear and tear. An academy student has been sneaking in when no ones busy training and just making a complete mess of things; thinking it's good fun to cause such chaos, he's 100 percent sure to sneak in while you're cleaning and end up being caught red handed.

Name: Meiwaku
Age: 8
General Appearance: Usually has dirt on his face, might stink a bit too as he refuses to bathe when ever possible. His orangish colored hair is normally ratty and tangled, and he has the overall dressed appearance of a bum, or some sort of street kid.
Personality: He's a troublemaker, and loves nothing more than causing headaches for others, though he does have a tender side, and might change his ways if shown how hard of a time he's giving everyone.
Motivations: To cause as much trouble and chaos as possible.
Fears: Getting caught and having his mother told about his misbehaving.
Other: /


[b]Mission name:[/b] Clean the Thorn Pit [Repeatable]
[b]Mission rank:[/b] D
[b]Objective: [/b] Clean up the mess.
[b]Location:[/b] The Thorn Pit
[b]Reward:[/b] 65 ryo
[b]Mission description:[/b] There's been a great deal of a mess left behind after the most recent trainings. Practice weapons have been left out almost everywhere and need to be put away before someone trips and gets hurt. The dummies too could use a little fixing up, just mainly stuffing the straw and such back into them, or retying any loose bindings. Your job is to fix all of this. There also have been reports of a trouble-maker who might be helping to make the mess; though you've been ordered not to do anything too drastic too him, a good talking-to should work.
[b]Mission details:[/b] The mess has been created from more than just usual wear and tear. An academy student has been sneaking in when no ones busy training and just making a complete mess of things; thinking it's good fun to cause such chaos, , he's 100 percent sure to sneak in while you're cleaning and end up being caught red handed.

[b]Name:[/b] Meiwaku
[b]Age:[/b] 8
[b]General Appearance:[/b] Usually has dirt on his face, might stink a bit too as he refuses to bathe when ever possible. His orangish colored hair is normally ratty and tangled, and he has the overall dressed appearance of a bum, or some sort of street kid.
[b]Personality:[/b] He's a troublemaker, and loves nothing more than causing headaches for others, though he does have a tender side, and might change his ways if shown how hard of a time he's giving everyone.
[b]Motivations:[/b] To cause as much trouble and chaos as possible.
[b]Fears:[/b] Getting caught and having his mother told about his misbehavings.
[b]Other:[/b] /

Last edited by Demi King on Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:06 pm; edited 1 time in total



You didn't actually tell someone to do anything. You only described the situation in the description, rather than telling anyone to do anything and the reason why in the details... Also not saying if the mission taker should do anything about the kid or if they should just leave him be.



Fixed this one up, as well. :3




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