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1Kongo Clan Empty Kongo Clan Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:37 am



Kongo Clan LZQskNa

Kongo Clan FAHfQ33
Clan Name: Kongō (金剛)
Location: Scattered.
Specialization: \
Elements: Doton, Katon, Kōton.

Kongo Clan HhU72Pp
Clan History: It is unknown where the teachings of the Kongo clan originated, and the clan has been long-since scattered since its inception. Shinobi who discover these talents are often genetic throwbacks, descendants of the original wielders of this Advanced Elemental Nature who have awakened ancient gifts.

Members: \

Kongo Clan Y4syLuV
Kekkei Genkai Name: Kongo Clan Steel11Steel Release (鋼遁 ~ Kōton)

Kekkei Genkai Description -
The Kekkei Genkai of the Kongō clan allows them to combine their Doton and Katon chakra natures to form Kōton, otherwise known as Steel Release. The process of creating Steel Chakra is relatively simple, though can be considered fairly limited. The user simply uses their affinity for Doton chakra to generate ores, and Katon chakra to mold them into solid shapes. Kōton can only be formed inside the users body, and all Kōton jutsu must form from the users body and expand from there. The range at which a clan member may manipulate Kōton is detailed below and depends on the rank of their Koton element, if a Steel jutsu goes beyond the range specified below, it dissipates instantly. The rank of a user's Kōton is determined by the lowest rank among their constituent elements.

  • D-rank: 10 meters.
  • C-rank: 15 meters.
  • B-rank: 25 meters.
  • A-rank: 40 meters.
  • S-rank: 60 meters.
  • SS-rank: 100 meters.

Due to its composition, Kōton techniques are incredibly difficult to penetrate with Taijutsu and Weapon-based techniques and strikes, affording Kōton an interaction bonus against these techniques at all times. In addition, because Kōton is a highly defensive element, and is good at defending against other jutsu, Defensive Kōton techniques follow different numbers for the number of jutsu that can be defended against. These are as follows:

  • Two techniques of one rank higher.
  • Three techniques of equal rank.
  • Six techniques of one rank lower.


- Katon element receives a +1 against Kōton, as it is able to heat and weaken the steel.

- Koton also attracts Raiton, as steel is an excellent conductor for electricity, because of this, Koton jutsu act as lightning rods for Raiton techniques, making them harder to avoid. Raiton techniques moving towards Steel Release constructs, or a user currently performing a Kōton technique have their Speed enhanced by 5m/s (+5m/s for each rank the technique is above E-rank).

- All Kongo clan elements begin at D-rank.

- Kongo clan members must take the Hesitant Specialization Negative Special Characteristic and are unable to balance it.

2Kongo Clan Empty Re: Kongo Clan Thu Aug 02, 2018 4:41 am



Kongo Clan C2j42yx

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