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The young genin of Iwagakure no Sato, Tenjin awakens after many events have transpired in the past couple of days, he sits up and stretches he looks down realising he fell asleep in his gi, he chuckles a bit and gets to his feet, he walks to the bathroom to get ready for the day. After a while, he walks to his window and steps upon the edge with his right foot, he kicks off the edge and propels himself in to the village, he lands upon one of the nearby building tops, he looks towards the sky truly in a good mood, he will test this genin strength and improve his taijutsu by the end of the day, and see how good his skill is, Kumogakure no Sato is truly flourishing with talent as of late due to the chunin exams, he’s impressed with their presence which acts as a seed in which sprouts all of the talented shinobi of the future.

Tenjin soon reaches the edge of the village, he leaps upon the bordering wall and looks outwards towards the direction of the training field, he leaps from tree to tree eventually closing the distance between Iwagakure no Sato and the training field, he reaches his destination, he views the testing dummy blown worn out, this might be fun, he chuckles a bit and leaps off the surrounding trees and skids to a stop upon the small rocky area his steps causing a small dust cloud to form as he approaches the grounds, Tenjin stands and stretches five meters from the dummy, he is in a cheerful mood, "So, I guess you’re my training partner for today" He says in a joking manner, his Iwagakure no Sato headband gleams in the sunlight, his raven black hair cut shot and spiking slightly, a sight not really seen by many as of late due to his being in another village, Tenjin himself should clearly be a strange sight, and Tenjin being far younger than most in the village, Tenjin being only eleven years old yet wants to rise to such heights as ANBU, thinking of this, Tenjin smirks slightly, "Well then I guess I’ll start it off, just a warning thought, I will be giving it my all and will be holding nothing back." Tenjin plans to enjoy himself with this, the future of the ANBU in Iwagakure no Sato, he is making himself look towards the future more and more, perhaps everything was turning around for the better, he could only hope. Tenjin began punching the dummy and simultaneously delivering a series of kicks in order to further train his taijutsu capabilities. Tenjin may have had the body for a powerful genin, but he certainly doesnt possess the skillset. That’s not to say that Tenjin isnt good enough though, because he is dedicated to working hard and seeing his progress inspires him further to become one of the most powerful shinobi to come out of Iwagakure and the Sencho school of particle release.

WC 504 / 2000

Sabaku, Kongo

Sabaku, Kongo

It had been a few weeks since Kongo had joined the village of Iwagakure after her lonely travels once Sungakure was destroyed, she had a very brief sparing session with a fellow blonde hair ninja from Iwa after he had attacked her but after that she didn't see him again making her feel a sense of loneliness. Kongo not wanting to waste time decided to finally train her clan's secret art of sand manipulation to strengthen herself and to further increase her capabilities as a shinobi of Iwagakure. Up until this point she had no real reason to do so considering the near annihilation of her clan and original village and it seemed like a waste of time but now that she had a real reason to improve herself she decided she would do just that.

In the middle of her training she had even meant a genin in her village named Paku Santaro that was a prominent fuuton user, it was a good opportunity as her clans sand manipulation jutsu involved mixing fuuton chakra nature making training not only that more interesting but relevant towards her cause. Through Paku, Kongo had managed to learn a wind technique as well as making her ability to manipulate wind into her sand all the more natural to her, but one day after taking a lunch break in the training grounds of Iwagakure Paku started complaining about her sensai not allowing her squad to join the chunin exams.

Kongo's curiosity got the better of her shyness and she boldly asked, "What is the chunin exams?" Paku would be right in the middle of putting a rice ball in her mouth to eat but the sudden question would bring her out of focus causing the rice ball to fall straight down onto the floor underneath them as she answered back,"How could you not know what the chunin exams are as a genin!!?" Her sudden reaction made Kongo flinch in surprise and Paku seemed to sense that as she quickly calmed down and explained what she meant, "Listen here Kongo, for us genin the chunin exams are the most important event of the year. Not only does it allow us to rank up in the ninja world but for those who perform well will not only bring honor to their village but will gain considerable fame from their kage."

Kongo would quietly smile as she listened to her new friends enthusiasm for the chunin exams and noticed towards the end of her conversation she seemed to be getting a little sad she wasn't there to be participating herself, Kongo would then make a low humming sound as if she was pondering something before she spoke while swirling the left side of her hair with a finger in clear nervousness "Well it might be too late to be in the chunin exams but it may not be too late to watch it right? Hearing you talk about it has me interested so how about we go watch it together?" Paku would look at Kongo with such happiness Kongo swore she could see stars in her eye's lightning up from pure excitement as she hugged her. Once they made the decision they would make a request to have  a chunin and a jonin escort them to the village of Kumogakure as the travel could prove potentially fatal if they weren't careful, in the spirit's of traveling Kongo decided to spend the rest of that day packing food pills for the duration of the trip and once she was done did reading on the village of Kumogakure in Konahagakure's library.She had spent hours reading up on their history and by the time she felt she held adequate information it was already approaching night time, she decided to go home and sleep well for the trip to watch the chunin exam's.

It was now the early morning of the day of the trip usually Kongo would take her time making sure she was squeaky clean in the shower but her excitement for the travel made her take her morning ritual in quick haste and once she was done she was  ready and warring to go as she had quickly packed a kunai in her pouch and proudly displays her ninja headband around her left forearm, she eagerly rushed towards the meeting site and almost a full hour had passed before everyone showed up and the jonin not wasting time quickly announced "Let's go, we have no time to waste" before starting to run just slow enough for Kongo and Paku along with the chunin that was  present to keep up with.

It took them nearly two days to finally reach the village of Kumogakure, Paku and the chunin were exhausted as they stayed up the most during the trip in excitement while Kongo and the jonin took proper rests making them more active as they were about to pass by the village gates. Right before they did so the jonin would then turn back, "Listen up, for the duration of the trip until we leave stay confined near the village. If you happen to get curious i would ask you to stay within 20 meters of the village's outside other than that your free to move about as you please, later! The jonin suddenly vanished to go knows where leaving them behind, Paku yawns before moving forward as she said in a groggy voice "Im going to go report to my bed Kongo, ill see you later" the chunin seemed to have the same idea as they both looked like walking corpse's dragging themselves along the way.

Kongo was now alone and looked all around her taking in the new sights of Kumogakure, right now there didn't seem to be any fights going on in the chunin exams so she decided she would check out the training grounds to do a bit of training of her own. She then started to run slowly before seemingly jumping to a higher builder and started jumping from rooftop to rooftop avoiding citizen foot traffic, it didn't take her long to see the entrance to the training field and she took one big leap at the edge of the nearest building landing at the center of the training field causing dust to kick up as she landed making her cough from the sudden inhalation.




Arriving at the training grounds, came a ninja who Tenjin was unable to determine sex, due to a large jacket covering this ninjas body who also appeared to be carrying a gourd. The gourd reminded Tenjin of the stories of the Kazekage of the Sand, Gaara. But Tenjin knew better than to jump to conclusions, and meeting people from outside of Iwagakure has proven to be a worthwild experience meeting a number of different personalities. Tenjin could not help but feel like this place was starting to feel every bit as much like a second home. Due to the exams, he had been spending a vast amount of time here in Kumogakure no sato, but even still, Tenjins loyalty to his village is unmatched. Tenjin wanted to train to be a useful ninja for Iwagakure, and this to along with his drive to be better would not allow him to slack off. He looked around at all the various people training and took a nice deep breath. The air in the village hidden in the clouds was at its typical, but it was a condition that all the residents there were more than used to training under. By now, Tenjin can still workout despite being in such heights above sea level. Taking his place in an empty corner, he began to look at the ninja with the gourd. Tenjin wondered about the possibility of fighting a sand shinobi, it was a troubling thought because after all, the more they had, the more they would be able to do with it. He figured that there was no reason he should not use the time training today and even request to train with this ninja to have a better understanding of the ability, if it is true that this ninja is a sand manipulator, and this simply meant that he would love to see this shinobi to practice his or her sand techniques so that Tenjin can gain more knowledge and experience of the shinobi world.

Since this was going to be a different breed of training, the first thing he did was to stretch. He had once made the mistake of not stretching properly back in his academy days, and the pain it caused was enough to ensure he never made the same mistake again. There was a time when he felt a little silly stretching out in front of everyone, but now he realized that it just showed that he knew what he was doing. Once he was nice and stretched he went ahead and began speaking with the shinobi that arrived. “As a sand user, wouldn’t your major weakness be close combat? I think you would need to work a great deal on your long range tactics to offset that disadvantage.” Tenjin wanted to cut right to the point in order for him to have a training partner. Tenjin wanted to work on his taijutsu, and dodging sand techniques might be a brilliant way to do so. Being that dodging with his tremondous reflex is going to be one of his more useful skills in future combat. Whether the shinobi was a sand manipulator or not, Tenjin wanted to train his dodging capabilities. After the small exchange, Tenjin would then introduce himself. “My name is Tenjin, im from Iwagakure. Whats your name?“ After the introduction Tenjin felt like warming up before they trained, so he would ask before going off again for a small warm up session. “I deduce that you are available to train right now? If so, would you like to be training partners for today. But first, let me warm up huh?” He then ran and leaped around the training grounds, trying his best to make his runs as fast as possible and his leaps as accurate as he can, so that he landed exactly where he intended, and quickly so that he left the ground again almost the very moment he touched down onto it. He did this for as long as it took to get his blood pumping. Once he felt nice and warmed up, he found that it took a bit more out of him than he expected, but not enough to seriously hinder him from continuing his training.

Next, Tenjin went over to one of the dummies that is able to move around and swing their stiff arms at you. While the movements were pretty predicable, when set for higher speeds it still posed a challenge. Tenjin used this dummy to practice blocking. Should his training parner get close enough to hit him, he would have to rely on not just dodging but also blocking. As his training continued on, he continued raising the speed on the dummy. He kept going until he got to a point where he felt like he could not continuously block the dummy. This is where he kept the speed of the dummy. He stayed working at this until he finally decided he was too tired to get the hang of it. He had gotten quite a few bruises. Each time the dummy would hit him he found himself getting flustered and would subsequently get hit two or three more times. He went and took a rest in his corner. He opened up his water bopttle and drank greedily from it. The sun was high in the sky by this point but blocked by the villages clouds.

After this intense warm up, Tenjin would slowly get up in order to conserve his energy. Tenjin walked up to the ninja he just met in order to begin a dialogue and a training session that is more fulfilling then going against dummies. When reaching the shinobi he would ask, “I’m ready for our training session. How about you?” Tenjin wanted to know more about this ninja, but for now, he would be more than happy to just train until they could not train any longer. Tenjin had a long way to go to become a powerful shinobi in the ANBU division, but if things keep up the way they are, Tenjin suspects that he will be joining the ranks in little to no time.

WC 1,025

TWC 1,529 / 2000

Sabaku, Kongo

Sabaku, Kongo

Once the air around Kongo cleared up after the dust storm she formed while landing disappeared she finally had a chance to look around and see quite a few fellow shinobi training which filled her with  motivation to do her own even more so then she originally did. Kongo wasn't good at physical combat so she would watch the fellow ninja around her train in it with her eyes as if recording their movements in her mind in hope's she would better understand how to move her own body as well, while she continued to watch around her she would hear a sudden voice in the background close by “As a sand user, wouldn’t your major weakness be close combat? I think you would need to work a great deal on your long range tactics to offset that disadvantage.

Kongo would turn around to face the shinobi that was speaking to her and would see a male with black spiky hair that stood straight up but what Kongo would notice most was his eye's that were very defined that gave off a appearance of a stern look to her, the eye's only seem to compliment the smooth tanned complexion of his skin and the  traditional  loose gi that he wore secured together with a black obi tied in a knot at the left of his waist. He also wears silver-metal forearm protectors that cover nearly his entire forearms, and a signature black scarf, it was evident on first glance that he was a combat fighter the worst type of match up for her.

It would be after staring at the man for several seconds in a daze that she would snap out of it when he introduced himself as Tenjin from Iwagakure and asked for her name, "...ohh! ummm my name is Sabaku,Kongo originally from Sungakure now living in Iwagakure as a genin so i guess that make's us allies?" Kongo would do a small nervous chuckle as she did not expect to actually talk to anyone while she was here but fate would have it otherwise. Now that they were done introducing each other the boy would then talk once more, "“I deduce that you are available to train right now? If so, would you like to be training partners for today. But first, let me warm up huh?”
Kongo simply nodded to his answer feeling rather shy and nervous as this would only be the second time she would experience combat in her career as her Shinobi with the first time being another boy from Iwagakure that was quite rude but she was happy knowing that this time she had a partner that was quite well mannered.

Kongo would take a few minutes to observe Tenjin's movements as he seemed to begin jumping up and down in preparation of their training before he moved on to practicing his strike's on the dummy, it didn't take long for Kongo to realize that the power between them was quite on a different scale making her even more nervous then she already was but her mask concealed it well however the fidgeting of her body did not.

Kongo would begin doing light stretching of her own for a couple of minutes before Tenjin made his way back to her
and said, “I’m ready for our training session. How about you?” Kongo didn't feel ready at all but she needed to see the flaw's of her jutsu and skills just as Tenjin was attempting to and she simply put her hand behind her back popping the top of her guard on her back open as a thin layer of sand would begin to swirl around her like a barrier and she would nod before saying "Im ready, lets do this."

Chakra: 145/150

Jutsu Used:


Total WC:1,743



Tenjin knew what to expect from this combat but he was still more than surprised to see sand slowly pooring out and being manipulated around his opponent. Tenjin could not help but smile as he was shocked to see such a technique, it is one thing to read about the legends of Gaara, and it’s certainly another to see someone manipulate sand right in front of you. Tenjin didnt know what to expect with this sand manipualtion, so he decided to get some distance. Tenjin jumpped backwards utilizing back handsprings. With a couple of backward flips of the body, Tenjin would land on his hands, and then the legs then follow in the same direction as a pair. After the flips were done, Tenjin returned to a standing position. Tenjins last flip was actually a backward somersault which was a backward rolling movement on the air, where the knees are tucked in as far as possible. While standing he noticed that he was simply 10 meters away from his opponent. “Let me know when you are ready to attack. I’m ready to dodge anything.” This of course wasnt Tenjin acting cocky, but instead he was letting his training partner know that he was ready for his attacks. The young shinobi wanted to train his reflexes and against a sand manipulator, Tenjin believed this would be a more than stellar opportunity. The young shinobi has yet to see what this sand manipulator is capable of, so he was sure to not underestimate.

Tenjin then felt like replying to Sabaku’s comment that boarderlined as a question in regards to the pair now being allies. “The truth is, if you’re in Iwagakure citizen, then we’re certainly allies. If you stick with me after this training session, I can show you around the village and school you a bit on our history. We are not Konohakure no sato, so dont expect a history that matches the legends of Sasuke and Naruto. But we have had an interesting past.” This was of course a comment made in reference to the times in which Iwagakure partnered up with the villanous Akatsuki. The truth is, Iwagakure has always done all they can to gain the upper hand, and utilizing under handed tactics have never been beyond our scope of capabilities. Nevertheless, Iwagakure is Tenjins home and he would love the Land of Stone until it possibly becomes the death of him. For you see, Tenjin would die for his village, and not only would he be willing to sacrifice his life for the greater good of the land, but he would also do so to save a fellow Iwagakure shinobi. Tenjin’s hardcore training is only due to his will to become a great defender of this village, and becoming an ANBU appears to be the best way Tenjin believes he could produce the most effective defense.

WC 479

TWC 2,008/4000

Sabaku, Kongo

Sabaku, Kongo

Once Kongo jutsu activated causing a light mist of sand to swirl around her in a circle her sparing partner Tenjin would look at her in surprise, Kongo wagered in her mind that this was the first time she was seeing someone from her clan which made her sad to think that her clan's jutsu around the other village's were so obscure. She begun to watch as Tenjin started to jump backwards using a combination of flip and handstands until he was nearly ten meters away from her, Kongo mask would conceal that she was smiling underneath it, it was quite obvious to her that the shinobi in front of her was alot faster but yet he still treated her as somewhat of a real threat.

Now back on his feet Tenjin would speak, “Let me know when you are ready to attack. I’m ready to dodge anything.” Kongo would nod in response but even though she was originally happy that her opponent respected her by being cautious, it would seem that his caution was now turned against her as he was five meters out of her sand manipulation range. A sweat-drop would roll down her forehead as she had just learned how to wield her sand and hadn't encountered a situation where her opponent was too far, although she also was pleased with the tight situation as it would prove to be useful data for her in her future.

Kongo though for a moment on what to do before the answer had came to her quite shockingly, she begun to immediately start to walk before starting to sprint until she was two meters closer to Tenjin in which she would then suddenly spin her body around while jumping upwards with her back to him before  using fuuton nature to blow out a powerful gust of wind from her mouth propelling her five meters closer and she was now only but three meters away from him. she would then land on her feet while her back was still turned to him, Kongo quickly turned around flicking a senbon needle towards him but that was not her true aim as she would weave her right hand causing about 2m worth of sand around her to speed towards Tenjin at 10m/s aiming towards his feet. The sand would then wrap around his left foot and she would pull the sand to the right in hope's that he would either trip or come at her.

Chakra: 130/150

Jutsu Used:


Total WC:2,165



Tenjin noticed his training partner nod in confirmation, it didn’t take long for him to see his sparring partner walk before running, only to travel about two meters. The shinobi then jumped and flipped, which entertained Tenjin in regards to how slow her movement was, nevertheless, he was surprised to see what appeared to be a wind technique with a diverse application for movement, as this technique allowed Sabaku to maneuver in the middle of the air. The shinobi exhaled a powerful, concentrated stream of wind from their mouth. This burst of wind apparently had enough force to accelerate Sabaku’s movement mid-air, in of course the opposite direction of where the stream is directed, by temporarily giving him or her a short burst of speed at that was far faster than what was apparently her normal capabilities. Kongo would then land on his or her feet a simple three meters away, with his or her back facing him. As Sabaku turned, she simultaneously threw a senbon while also weaving her right hand. Tenjin was able to see her movements with great ease utilizing his perfect 20/20 vision to tilt his body sideways to maneuver away from the senbon attack, and slightly enhanced sense of depth perception to see the sand around her collectively being sped up toward Tenjin’s feet. Tenjin was able to move in a short burst of 6 meters per second [D 0], which was almost enough to dodge the technique as he ran but got caught off guard and tripped by the sand.

Tenjin knew that if he didnt let this shinobi get near, he would have certainly dodged the attack with ease, but entertaining himself with this shinobis movements, he let Sabaku get to close. Tenjin laughed a bit while on the floor, and said, “I underestimated you. That won’t happen again.” In the middle of him saying this, he would suddenly but quickly begin to become transparent. This technique has never actually been seen by anybody else as far as Tenjin could tell. The technique is shown to render the user completely invisible, allowing them to either make stealthy strikes on their opponent or escape from the opponent's sight. Tenjin will still retain mass and the technique did erase the his shadow but not his scent. The usefulness of this ability can be entirely negated by those with special vision or sensory skills i.e. sensory techniques and dojutsu that see chakra. As Tenjin utilized the transparent escape technique, he would break off of the hold he was in on his left foot by again moving at a speed of 6 meters per second [D 0], opposite of his sparring partner, to get at a 10 meter range once again, and finally becoming visible. While visible he would say, “I have never let anybody else see that jutsu. Do me a favor and don’t tell anybody, it is still in its beta form, but it can still do the trick.” After a small amount of time, Tenjin would continue. “I won’t let you catch me off guard anymore.” Getting in combat formation, Tenjin would await Sabaku’s first move. If Kongo once again charged at Tenjin, he would also charge at him or her, already deducing that he was much faster than him or her and this time, always staying one step ahead of her to better maneuver his dodging capabilities with this battle.

WC 569
TWC 2,577


Sabaku, Kongo

Sabaku, Kongo

After Tenjin easily dodged her senbon needle that she tossed she could trace his eye's and already know that her sand was speeding up, however he did not get completely out of it's range and ended up being tripped over. Out of the blue she would hear Tenjin start to laugh to himself before speaking, “I underestimated you. That won’t happen again.” Right in the middle of his words, he would suddenly start to become transparent in a matter of seconds.

Kongo would immediately be on high alert as her sparing partner seemed to vanish into thin air, she could neither hear nor see where he had gone but she quickly realized that she had underestimated her opponent even though she said she wasn't to herself earlier. Tenjin would then reappear but he was ten meters away from her once again meaning that he had already figured out the limit range of her sand control jutsu, he would then explain that he had never let anyone see his jutsu before as it was in it's beta creation phase and that she was the very first one to witness it and then asked if she could keep it a secret for him, he would go on to proclaim that he would no longer let her catch him off guard again as he shifted his body into what she would assume was a basic combat stance as she held lesser knowledge about taijutsu.

Kongo would then grab the mask around her face and slide it down just enough so the shinobi could see her smile, "You honor me with a new original move despite the fact you are clearly the better shinobi." Her left hand would then reach up and quickly pluck a hair from her head, "It seems i too underestimated how much you could take, but no more. Ill be giving it my all although it might not amount to much" Her body weight and smile would shift into a nervous grin before her hands would then weave a combination of hand-signs before a poof of smoke appeared revealing a clone of Kongo, "I have never used this move against a shinobi as talented as you although im pretty sure you can handle it more or less."

The clone would then dash forward in a short burst of 6 meters a second just as Tenjin did with their hips shifting as they raised their right leg aiming for the right side of his head with a high side kick but it would be a faint as they would miss purposely as they would use that leg to switch positions and actually aim to kick his stomach area with the left leg. As the clone dashed towards Tenjin Kongo would make another combination of hand signs before touching the ground causing it to turn to mud within a fifteen meter distance that would cover a 4 meter radius, she would keep her sand jutsu active for defense purposes as she thought receiving a blow from him might end the match prematurely.

Chakra: 100/150

Jutsu Used:


Total WC:2,693



Tenjin would keep a keen eye on his opponent, seeing Sabaku lay down his mask just slightly enough for Tenjin to see the lips of a female, with long pink hair which made Tenjin deduce that Sabaku Kongo was indeed a girl. Even though a male could have such feminine features, Tenjin wrote that off as a less likely probability. Tenjin was rather surprised to see Sabaku pluck out one of her hair stands as she simultaneously spoke and finished only to begin weaving a number of hand signs and create a clone that appeared to have been created with that kunoichis hair. The clone was identical to Sabaku, and Tenjin was rather impressed as not even he, had a clone technique that he was proficient in utilizing. Tenjin knew which was the clone considering that Sabaku didn’t move and the deduced that the hair was used to create a clone considering that the clone appeared right wait the strand was. Tenjin would again smile as he noticed the clone coming at him at a reasonable speed, and definitely faster than the original. The young shinobi would brace himself, prepared for the worst. The clone would then kick Tenjin with its right leg toward his head, but this was quickly dodged, as it was then followed up with another kick with her left leg toward his stomach. Tenjin went to block the technique, but was simultaneously taken aback by the ground that morphed into mud and dragged him relatively ten meters away.

Tenjin stood himself up quickly as was now standing relatively twenty meters away from the original Sabaku, and just ten meters away from the clone. Tenjin then utilized this opportunity to bury himself under the ground at three meters deep and moves beneath the surface. Tenjin didn’t delay his initial movement. Tenjin would quickly initiate the rest of the technique, as he can move up to fifteen meters in any direction from the starting position at a speed of up to fifteen meters per second, but Tenjin would obviously decided to move toward the clone who was standing less than 15 meters away meaning he easily reached the clone in less than a sec. Tenjin then used this technique to drag the opponent under the ground along with the user. The user will, upon arriving within arms reach of the opponent, burst from the ground with only his hands at a speed of fifteen meters per second and grapple the target, dragging them back into the ground with them. Tenjin would then rises out of the ground effortlessly. The clone would remain trapped beneath the earth, with only their head above the surface, unable to move. Tenjin was now standing 10 meters away from the original Sabaku, but instead of attacking Kongo, would decide to take off the top of his gi, infusing it with chakra and placing it on top of the clones head so that she has no effect in the current battle. Tenjin would then turn toward Kongo and say, “You’re good after all. Iwagakure has a bright future with you, Kongo of the Sand.” Tenjin would then await for Kongo to make the first move before reacting, staying right in front of the clones head while still covered.

WC 544
TWC 3,121

Sabaku, Kongo

Sabaku, Kongo

Kongo's plan hadn't exactly worked out as she planned, Tenjin had managed to block both of her clones kicks before he was pushed back ten meters by her earth style move and stood at nearly twenty meters away from her and ten meters way from the clone way out of her sand's current range limit but, suddenly she would watch as the shinobi buried himself underground as she could do nothing to stop his movements.

Both her and her clone would look for any signs of where he was before suddenly once more from beneath the clone's feet pulled her underground as he rose from above burying her until only her head could be seen from above ground level, Kongo hadn't though that far ahead about the boy's skillset and she really had no way to defend herself against Tenjin. She knew that he wouldn't like it but she rose both her hands in a defensive way and spoke, "Sorry but i surrender~ Your alittle too much for me to handle right now. Please forgive this sudden give up." She honestly wanted to keep up the fight but she was unprepared to face such a opponent and her skill set was not built to handle his type of fighting yet so she would hope he forgive her as she felt alittle guilty coinsidering the ninja had just gave her such words as to say the future of the village was bright with her in it.

-Exit Thread-


Total WC:2,993

Reaction Time:

E ~> E-1, 75/75 (2,918 Words Left)
E-1 ~> E-2, 150 (2,768 Words Left)
E-2 ~> E-3, 225 (2,543 Words Left)
E-3 ~> D, 300 (2,243 Words Left)


E ~> E-1, 75/75 (2,168 Words Left)
E-1 ~> E-2, 150 (2,018 Words Left)
E-2 ~> E-3, 225 (1,793 Words Left)
E-3 ~> D, 300 (1,493 Words Left)


E ~> E-1, 75/75 (1,418 Words Left)
E-1 ~> E-2, 150 (1,268 Words Left)
E-2 ~> E-3, 225 (1,043 Words Left)

Saving 1000 Words and Wasting 43.



Tenjin was surprised to see Kongo give up, but it was understandable. It was after all, time for the exams to end and anybody staying behind will be left to travel alone. Tenjin accepted Kongo’s forfeit, but not before acknowledging her skillset. “You did well Kongo, and hopefully our battle will continue in another time.” Tenjin was able to put the top of his gi back on, and wave to Kongo as he turned to leave. There was no real rhyme or reason why Tenjin was heading out so soon in the middle of their conversation. To be perfectly honest he had just started walking because he had grown weary of waiting around for something to happen in regards to the rest of Iwagakure returning home. Tenjin had disappeared. Tenjin was obviously still in Kumogakure no sato, as far as he knew, he wanted to go home already while everyone else from Iwagakure seemed perfectly content to just sit around doing nothing in Kumogakure. That just wasn't his style though. It had been the first time ever, that Tenjin had stayed in another village other than his own, especially for as long as he had been cooped up in Kumogakure no sato. He had begun to get antsy weeks ago, only lasting as long as he did because of the promise of what was to come in regards to him gaining more power and capabilities. Unfortunately all of his training in Kumogakure no sato has seemed to be coming to an end at this point and Tenjin had reached his limit in terms of living in another village for a fixed and long time period. So, a few short days ago, Tenjin woke up completely fed up with her circumstances and decided to leave.

Leaving the country after such a long chunin exams left Tenjin drained, rather irritatingly he found that he'd managed to just miss the boat when considering the firsy exit of Iwagakure shinobis, forcing him to rush along in order to go in the second wave of ninjas heading home. "Well, that was unpleasant..." He thought as he began walking to meet up with the rest of the crew.

Tenjin sat down in the opened ground in the training fields, after a long walk and closed his eyes. To those around him it would look simply like he was sleeping, but unbeknownst to them Tenjin was attempting to try his hand at meditation before he left, you see Tenjin had met a man in Kumogakure no sato who had shown him a new form of meditation that he'd learned from the jinchurikees of Kumogakure no sato, in the hopes that they can be one with their beast... maybe that was why Tenjini felt the need to try it before he left. Regardless Tenjin had according to the man shown a natural proficiency with the method, taking to it like a fish to water; and so Tenjin continued his practice with the meditation, focusing on all of his body, from the feet traveling up his legs and to his body where he still felt the subtle echo of pain from him rigorous training he had completed there, Tenjin acknowledged the pain before continuing up his body to his torso before focusing on his shoulders, the pain of more previous training sessions echoed there, it wasn't too painful, but again Tenjin knew why it was there and accepted its presence as part of him before moving on down his arms and to his hand... ‘oh that was odd.’ he thought.

There was another echo of pain there, at first Tenjin thought it might have been from the fight he had been in earlier. Opening his eyes and examining the spot Tenjin found nothing to explain the pain that he was feeling... could he have a forgotten attack that he blocked with his hands?... no that couldn't be possible, after all it wasn't like his body was covered in hundreds of bruises, he knew each and everyone intimately and so curious about the entire thing Tenjin placed his hand on the spot, ready to apply what he had so recently displayed his prowess within the recent exhibition match, but Tenjin knew that at the end of the day, he was okay. Tenjin was og course able to train while meditating in his own head and while there utilized his time wisely. But it was time for him to get up and go to meet up with the rest of his squadron. It was around this time that Tenjin noticed that it was about to rain, nevertheless, he saw his jounin commander waiting for the last batch of Iwagakure shinobi ready to traverse the plains back to the land of stone. Tenjin ran to catch up and once he did, he panted heavily from exhaustion, stress being felt in his legs, Tenjin only wished to hide from the burning sun in Iwagakure already. Sand stirred up around him as cold winds blew by. He flinched slightly and paused as it got in his eyes. "Oh god this is the worst place I have ever been too." He groaned and sat down for a moment as he got the sand out of his eyes, Tenjin didnt care much for whining as he sat down on the ground with the rest of his crew. Getting ready to go, Tenjin began grabbing and counting his belongings one by one and stuffing them into a small travelling backpack. He had spent the last couple of weeks in the cloud country but it was now time to go. He didn’t know when exactly he would make it back, but he knew that he couldnt wait any longer, so he knew he could no longer stay in Kumogakure no sato. He was able to train during his short time living in the village hidden in the cloud, but there was nothing else for him there. Maybe if he ventured out to his homeland, he would be able to to continue his training.

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