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1Training In The Dense Forest [O] Empty Training In The Dense Forest [O] Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:54 pm

Sarutobi Isuma

Sarutobi Isuma

The feeling of the cold breeze and the smell of fresh air was like no other at times it felt like a long time has passed yet nothing has changed for Isuma. It's been a 4 months since he started doing less and less activities within the village or with a squad or anything at all; it was like time was passing him by and he couldn't do anything about it. Isuma decided that this morning he would wake up and get ready for some physical training and mental relaxation, as he stepped outside it almost looked the the village changed so much that he couldn't tell if he was dreaming or if he really let go of reality that badly. regardless of all of that he still made his way threw the busy stresses of konoha like the old days but it seemed a bit empty compare to back then alot has changed indeed for young Isuma but much to learn he has to do.

Isuma made it to the gates of the villages as they stood tall yet the same but older looking. He would look at them almost in disbelief of everything he gaze made there way towards the road ahead and beyond the village to the wilderness of Konoha. Isuma layed his right arm on the hilt of his rusty dao blade with his other hand in his pocket as he made his way out the village. Isuma never said a word since he woke up to him it felt useless to speak when no one would hear him nor reach out yet he knew the burden was his to carry of his depression state. after a few minutes of walking the road began to cross into smaller but several roads; many of the roads had signs that told the direction and location of the path but two road where more like dirt roads like shortcuts to reach other areas faster and with less people to bump into. Isuma also knew that one of this roads led to the Dense Forest where the Naka river stream passed by and it was a good spot to train in peace and quiet.

Isuma took one of the dirt roads and he made his way threw bushed and tress until the dirt path became regular ground no path just trees, bushed, plants, animals, and himself. He looked around as he walked as the sun light and the shadows made the environment look beautiful almost exotic and wild a cool breeze passed by giving Isuma a chill but a good one almost like a water source was near by which there was not far from his view he could spot the river stream flowing threw the forest and animals drinking and passing by from his distance. He would continue to make his way until he reach the river stream as once he did he was alone the animals left once they heared his foot steps getting closer there where just deers so nothing to worry about for either one. Isuma would crouch in front of the stream and look at his reflection in the water as he stood there just looking. "It's been a long time, Hasn't it... Isuma finally spoke as he stood there with his arms crossed yet leaning on his knees.

2Training In The Dense Forest [O] Empty Re: Training In The Dense Forest [O] Sun Jun 17, 2018 5:45 pm

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

A darkened room, light seeping through the cracks of a window with a floral cover design, the low sound of someone sleeping could be heard. A trickle of light found it's perfect angle within the room allowing the trajectory of it to change as it hit a mirror, the strain of light now reflecting off it's surface hit the sleeping figure in its right eye, this caused the figure to feel a heat that was increasing every second until they woke up with a shock from it's hot embrace.

The Senju simply moved halfway up as to avoid the light shinning on his face, it took him a second to remember where he was but then it came to him, he was back home in Konohagakure in his old bed. However since he had grown he actually had to curl himself into a ball just to make himself fit, but it was a small consequence and the feeling of familiarity it gave him was truly a blessing. Now fully awake he rose off the bed and begun to make his way into the small bathroom his room provided, he quickly got into the shower and turned to knob for the hot water, the warm embrace of a nearly a hundred water pellets clashing against his skin felt nice and it was quite refreshing.

When he walked out of the shower he wrapped a towel around his waist and wiped a portion of the mirror so he can see himself, his hair being white on the right side and the other half a light brown  that grown almost down to his neck, with bangs being in the center lightly drifting between his eye's was quite different from how he used to look at the very same mirror while growing up in the same home.

Walking out of the steam filled bathroom Mokuzai proceeded to put on clothing, he begun to put on a simple white  shirt with a V-cut that shows off his simple necklace before putting on a  long sleeved black hoodie  jacket edged  with white fur with collar's that popped to the left and right openly and then proceeded to put on his glove's that provided no cover for his finger's but allowed more nimble control, he then slid up a pair of boxers and then standard long chuunin black pants with his signature dark red pocket striped to his left leg for kunai and finally a pair of simple black sandle's, The Senju pulled up the long sleeve's and started wrapping two scrolls around his arms before concealing them with medical bandage's that wouldn't be seen unless somebody already know of their existence there.

Mokuzai then moved to his closet and gazed upon his bladed scythe and then grabbed it strapping onto his back before moving onward downstairs to leave, when he had arrived the night before the house was empty as it was right now, he could only assume his mother had kept up with her time in the hospital and was either now working full time there or on the field as a medical ninja. Either way he had good wish's for his mother and if she was working hard he would do so too, last night he had decided to go for the training spot that was for tougher shinobi back in the day he had no access too, but now that he was older and stronger he wondered if it would provide a good training session.

With his mind made up the Senju proceeded out the door of his home before leaping into the air and landing on the building, before traveling through the rooftops of Konohagakure at a fast pace to reach his destination. It didn't take long for him to make his way through the village and arriving at the gate's, he kept moving on route towards the wilderness and then followed a path further down that eventually lead to multiple split paths, Mokuzai sat there for a minute trying to remember which one lead to the Dense forest but then he remembered that the Naka river flowed through it.

He listened in closely and quickly was able to hear the sound of flowing water and begun to move towards it running up the road until he reach the river stream, however he was not alone. He could see the figure of a shinobi, they seemed to be meditating but what concerned him was if they were friend or foe, in either case Mokuzai let out a loud whistle that was directed at them to get there attention, if they turned around he would simply talk, "Hey there, are you from around here? ah, my name is Mokuzai, Mokuzai Senju by the way."


3Training In The Dense Forest [O] Empty Re: Training In The Dense Forest [O] Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:26 pm

Sarutobi Isuma

Sarutobi Isuma

Isuma shrotly after stood up covering his mouth as he let out a yawn, it was still early in the morning and the sun was shining brightly upon the forest as the sunlight made the forest look beautiful even making the water sprakle. He would begin to back way from the stream until he reached ten meters of distance, still scanning the area he was surrounded by trees and small bushes but he stood in the center of a circular area almost like a training spot even dirt patches could been seen. "This seems good enough for some training... let's see what should I start with" Isuma said out loud as he turn his back towards the stream now looking back at the path that leads towards the village. He would then look both side left and right to see how he would train and what type of training he was going to do. "looks like I have a good open area for close combat each corner is fifteen meters from each other and the stream is ten that gives me open area for some fire base attacks and stream is close so I can use lightning chakra but I'll have to be careful about not shocking myself either" He thought to himself.

Isuma would spread his legs apart and crouch a bit holding his doa case with his right hand and holding the hilt of his dao with his left hand. Isuma closes his eyes and taking a deep breath then holds his breath for a moment then exhales focusing his chakra as he does this building it up inside his body as he open his eyes and transfers his chakra to his dao. Isuma realease his blade from its case as katon chakra would engulf the blade forming a stream of flames over the blade; pointing it ahead he would raise the blade then swing it vertically at the tree trunk to his left, releasing a flame slash like projectile straight at it once it made contact it would scorch the tree leaving a burn mark on it. "Well looks like Art Of The Flame Spear reached a good distance and cuase decent burning prowess" Isuma would say in his head looking at the burn mark.

Quickly he would spin 180 degrees and swing his blade towards the tree to his left sending another slash projectile at it having the same result, obviously the result would end the same but he wanted to know if his aim was good switch it was good so far but much needed improvement he was only a genin after all. Isuma would release the flames from his dao putting back on it's case as he look around again then move forward towards the stream and the trees that where near by it. In quick succession he would shead his blade out again this time aiming for close combat as he would slash and cut tree with speed, strength, and agility at one point he would stab the tree trunk jamming the blade into the tree at the same time he would step on the tree and backflip off it as he would twist and turn like a torrent while doing this he would point his arm in front of himself and make a gun out of his hand with his fingers as he would shoot concentrated Raiton chakra threw he fingers all aimed to his the hilt of the blade for it to penetrate the tree more. Isuma landed as he looked at the tree and noticed that a few of his shoot miss some hit the tree others the ground and some actually hit the hilt of the blade, Isuma would walk toward the tree again and notice that it only pushed the blade 2 inches deeper "that was atrocious.. need to focus more while in motion my aim need to be better.." Isuma said as he let out a sign then grabbed his blade pulling it out. Iusma would remember that he heard someone but to busy trying to train he ignored it for the most part but he knew that he was being watch at this point he would tilt his head towards the trees that he heard the voice coming from "You said your name was Mokuzai Senju right? my bad I didn't pay attention to you earlier, I'm Isuma Sarutobi" He said turning around and bowing.

WordCount: 744

Last edited by Sarutobi Isuma on Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

4Training In The Dense Forest [O] Empty Re: Training In The Dense Forest [O] Mon Jun 18, 2018 10:54 am

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

When Mokuzai called out to the mysterious figure it seemed they either didn't hear him or was ignoring him, it didn't matter though as long as they weren't causing harm, but what he was more interesting in seeing why such a young boy is all the way out here so he decided to simply watch for now. "This seems good enough for some training... let's see what should I start with" Ah, Mokuzai hummed at the fact the young man was training himself out in the dense forest, if he attracted any of the dangerous animals he might not make it out unharmed but neither the less kept watching, the boy looked around as if making a quick scan for the area and then he said what he was thinking out loud, "looks like I have a good open area for close combat each corner is fifteen meters from each other and the stream is ten that gives me open area for some fire base attacks and stream is close so I can use lightning chakra but I'll have to be careful about not shocking myself either"

The Senju thought to himself, "Jesus this kid just basically gave his whole combat ability away, he is a close combat weapons user obviously by the Do Dao blade on the side of his hip, but now he already knows he can use fire and lighting technique's just from listening. Well it's not like anyone else is here so i guess it's fine since he thought he was alone."

Mokuzai switched his full focus to watch now, the young men spreaded his legs into a wider stance and crouched his legs while holding the case of his Dao blade in his right hand and the actual hilt in the left, the Senju could hear the sounds of a deep breath being taken before he exhaled and the whole case was now sheathed in a layer of chakra, very impressive. When the boy releases the blade form it's sheathe it becomes engulf in a layer of fire nature as it is engulfed in flame's, he then lifted it high into the air before swinging downwards vertical aiming for a nearby tree trunk to his left, releasing a projectile like sword slash from a distance, Mokuzai felt a twinge of excitement overcame him, the boy was skilled and it caught his interest as he observed the flame projectile left a burn mark where it landed.

The young boy tried it once more aiming for another tree nearby, possibility testing out if he had a dominant arm but from his reaction the result felt about the same, he then put his blade away and started moving towards the sound of the stream. Mokuzai followed him and then the boy once more pulled his dao from it's case and aimed for a tree where he did combination of precise cuts and violent slashes with speed,power, and agility, it was good but most of the attacks weren't precise as they could be but it still brought joy to watch the lad, the boy seemed to switch his approach as he jammed the tip of the dao into a tree trunk before stepping on the tree and performing a back flip off it while his body twisted and, turned like a torrent and then he reached out his arm before shooting concentrated lighting nature out.

Unfortunately the boy's aim wasn't on point and the strike dispersed everywhere not allowing it to show it's true offensive capabilities to one target, the boy had noticed it too and even made a remark on his own behalf, a smart one indeed. He sounded depressed as he made a dragged out sign before grabbing his weapon, he then turned while tilting his head and looked directly at Mokuzai's way and spoke, "You said your name was Mokuzai Senju right? my bad I didn't pay attention to you earlier, I'm Isuma Sarutobi" and even bowed showing a sign of respect.

Mokuai walked closer putting his hands in his pocket and giving off a light smile, "Nice too meet you then Isuma Sarutobi, don't worry about not answering though since i got to watch something interesting. If your still in the spirit how about you try those move's on a live target, by that i mean me. Give me all you got and more." The Senju was quite blunt in his request, of course if the young man said no he would be on his way but if he was all the way out here the chance of missing a good training opportunity would be more than what he could bear.

As if he already know his answer Mokuzai, released the scythe from his back as he couldn't use it or he could possibly kill him, he then put his hands back into his pocket and kept them there, not as if he underestimated the boy but he wanted to see how well he can move without the use of his hands so this was more of a personal challenge to himself.


Total WC:1,703

5Training In The Dense Forest [O] Empty Re: Training In The Dense Forest [O] Mon Jun 18, 2018 1:31 pm

Sarutobi Isuma

Sarutobi Isuma

"Nice too meet you then Isuma Sarutobi, don't worry about not answering though since i got to watch something interesting. If your still in the spirit how about you try those move's on a live target, by that i mean me. Give me all you got and more." the Senju said, this got Isuma really pump up as he gave of a small smile as he got into a fighting  stance. Isuma noticed that he put his hands inside his pockets so he must feel confident in his ability to eact to Isuma after all he just watched him. Isuma would have to fight a bit different from his usual self a bit more unpredictable then what he was training with the tree; "All right then.. I guess I'll make the first move" Isuma said quickly dashing towards Mokuzai holding the hilt of his dao going for a slow slash towards Mokuzai knees regardless if the move was dodged, blocked or even evaded he would continue with his assault. Isuma swinged his blade towards Mokuzai shoulders, hips and chest doing combinations of slashes, swings, and lunges, but he would keep his distance in-between attacks pushing forward to attack and pulling back to either dodge, and or block.

Isuma would stop the assault and jump back about 5 meters as he began to scan the area looking for other ways to attack from and a way to get the upper hand. He could have used a technique but he already used but a bit of chakra as it is so he had to continue using close combat until he got an opportunity to use a quick tech to turn the tie if that was even possible. Isuma jammed his Dao into the ground as he reach into his pouch and grabbed four shurikens out of it each one held by one of his fingers as he got an idea smirking for a brief moment. He began to spin one of the shurikens on his pointing fingers as he held the other ones then tossed that one straight at Mokuzai's stomach then another one to his head the other two at legs each one of them following the other one quickly Isuma let go of the hilt of the dao and extanded his hand forward as he was building chakra then release a wave of lightning straight ahead pusshing the shurikens given them a boost in speed; But that wasn't all of it he would grab his doe with the hand he tossed the shurikens than dash forward as he he would jump up in the sky spinning his blade on his hands as he would grip the hilt with both hand as he falls going for a downwards thrust attack "Let's hope this works after all this" Isuma thought to himself hoping at least something would land.

Word count: 492 words
Chakra Count: 150 - 10 =140 CP

6Training In The Dense Forest [O] Empty Re: Training In The Dense Forest [O] Mon Jun 18, 2018 4:14 pm

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

It seemed Mokuzai was right as the boy who he now knew as Isuma gave a small smile before slipping into a fighting stance before speaking, "All right then.. I guess I'll make the first move" The senju nodded back at him to reassure him he was right to assume that. Just like that the Isuma dashed off straight towards Mokuzai, his hand on the hilt of his dao his body stance was quite lower than earlier so he was obviously going for a low attack, the Senju decided to take a simple sidestep so that even at full swing the blade would completely miss him but Isuma didn't stop their. The boy kept going, he swung his blade towards his shoulder's so he ducked down, then try to slash at his hips in which he did a twirling spin to the opposite way of where his slash started to avoid it, and then the Isuma lunged aiming for his chest in which he did a jumping back flip just enought to avoid the tip of his dao blade by curling his body mid-air before landing on his feet. "Yes...very nice."

The boy showed enormous promise, more than enough for Mokuzai to want to train him himself. It was common knowledge in Konohagakure that the 3rd hokage was actually a student of the 2nd and 1st hokage that were both Senju, perhaps the Sarutobi clan and the Senju clan's bonds were genetic at this point, but either way he liked Isuma not for his blood line but simply because he was showing him the fruit's of his training and he was liking it. Isuma had jumped back a distance of 5 meters before looking around, Mokuzai wasn't on the offensive so he decided to sit back and see what the shinobi would come up with, Isuma then jammed his Dao into the ground and reached into his pouch and grabbed four shurikens out with each finger holding them in between, he began to spin one of the shurikens on his pointing fingers as he held the other ones then tossed it and following with his eye's it was aiming at his stomach, then he throw the rest with one aiming for his head and the other two at his leg's which was a very thought out plan.

It seemed he still wasn't done as he let go of the hilt of his dao blade and extended his hands forward which caused lightning chakra nature to emanate before he released it forward towards the shuriken which acted as a speed booster, Mokuzai smiled at the fact that if he was still a genin he would have probably been in serious trouble's but as he was right now the shuriken nor the lightning running through them were enough to damage him, but yet again he didn't want to crush the man's pride.

With a depressed sigh that he failed his own challenge Mokuzai used his hands and at a speed of 13 meters per second caught all the shuriken into his hands while enduring and shrugging off the electricity flowing through them and then dropped them to the ground, he then looked upwards as Isuma was planning to do a downward thrust and lifted up his left leg straight up and kicked his Dao blade in such a way that unless the boys grip was stronger than he was the blade would fly straight towards a tree and impale it, but the Senju wouldn't even attack, not yet.


Total WC:2,307

7Training In The Dense Forest [O] Empty Re: Training In The Dense Forest [O] Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:19 am

Sarutobi Isuma

Sarutobi Isuma

As Isuma goes down he ntocies that his Lightning infused shurikens where of no effect as with quick speed and swiftness he caught every single one of them and even endure the lightning chakra. in mid air Isuma knew that he was out of luck but nothing could be done until he noticed that Mokuzai raise his leg in a trust kicking his dao of his hand send in it flying straight towards the tree ahead of us. Isuma landed almost strucked by this quickness, swiftness, and strength he must have been at least one rank above him. Isuma quickly reach into his pouch reaching for some kunai's as he took one out and swing it at Mokuzai stomach then quickly reach for another one with his other hand and swign that towards his shoulders.

Isuma jumped back a bit to get some distance looking at Mokuzai then looking around for his blade until he spotted it. It was closer to Mokuzai but it could be reached if he was quick enough which would be hard since he knew that Moku what much faster and ahead of his league "That was impressive.. you got me of guard didn't expect for you to have that much strength to make me loss my weapon" Isuma said. He would go back to a fighting stance with both kunai's in each hand and he would slip his pointing fingers threw the holes and he would get more grip on them. Isuma got an idea it for a brief moment thoughs of it not working first came out but he shook his head to avoid that; but he needed to act now and quickly before Moku did and with that Isuma dash back into action going for a dash slash that would pass by Moku aiming to leave cut near his hip, after that he would stand next to him side to side as he would spin and do a long slash towards Mokuzai shoulder neck area but that wasn't all after the spin he would go for a lunge to his kidney area this would extend his arm pass Moku then continue his assault in him keeping pressure with swings of the kunai and a bit of leg work trying to leg sweep him at one point and even going for a roundhouse kick.

Isuma would then jump up to a tree branch above Moku as he did that he would apply chakra strings to his kunai's as he would toss them towards Mokuzai aiming for his shoulder blades, that would be transfer into a hand clap as his cheeks would begin to fill up as he build up chakra and then exhales a stream of gas that would cover ten cubic meters in distnace quickly he would aim his finger down as he build extra lightning chakra to his finger tips but instead of shoot several bullets he charge it a bit and release two medium bullets that once it made contact with the gas it would ignite it creating a fireball that would burn the area. Isuma held himself branch as he looked down to see if Moku got caught in it or if was a waiste of chakra "I need to get to my blade, if this didn't work I don't think I'll be able to touch him with hand to hand combat" Isuma would scan the area for his blade trying to find it but this would make him ignore Moku for a brief moment.

Word Count: 599
Chakra Count: 140 - 10 -10 = 120 CP.

8Training In The Dense Forest [O] Empty Re: Training In The Dense Forest [O] Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:36 pm

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

Now landing back onto his feet Isuma wasted no time in throwing one kunai poised to penetrate his stomach, Mokuzai quickly moved his hand and grabbed the kunai before it hit, then with another quick swing Isuma throw one aimed for his shoulder, using the exact same kunai that had been thrown he aim's it directly for the second causing a "ting" sound as they deflect each other. Isuma then jumped back before starting to look for something, he guessed from his large use of weaponry over the sparing match that he felt he was at a disadvantage using hand-to hand combat and was most likely looking for where his blade had landed, suddenly it seemed that his eye's locked onto something which was mostly the weapon he was looking for but then he spoke, "That was impressive.. you got me off guard, didn't expect for you to have that much strength to make me loss my weapon"

Mokuzai smiled at him before answering, "With enough practice even a weapon's user like you and me can become this strong even without the use of our main weapons." Once he finished talking the young shinobi slipped back into a  fighting stance after pulling out two more kunai and placing one in both his hands, a slight pause would happen as the boy seemed to be thinking of something but Mokuzai didn't attack but instead slipped into a very basic taijutsu stance with his right leg behind his left and slightly bent and his left leg forward but straight, while his right hand fingers were slightly curled and his right fist balled up into a fist. After three more seconds of waiting  Isuma dashed forward, Mokuzai dashed forward at the same speed Isuma was going with and just as he was attempting to slash at him the Senju grabbed their arm tight  enough to stop their movements avoiding his weapon before letting go, after that Isuma  stood next to him side to side as he spun into a  long slash aimed at Mokuzai's shoulder and neck area and in response the Senju let himself fall back but in reality he used his left hand to balance himself on the ground as he swung his left leg straight up into a kick launching the kunai straight into the air before hopping back onto his feet and delivering a palm strike at close range with some amount of power but at a higher speed (D-rank Strength, C-rank Speed) that canceled the immediate follow up until Mokuzai caught the kunai that had been launched into the air and lightly tossed it back to Isuma allowing him to continue his assault.

Isuma continued his assault with kunai swings in which Mokuzai was able to dodge easily but when he sweeped kick him he actually tripped and begun to fall, Isuma attempted a round house kick but Mokuzai quickly placed his right hand on the ground and did a back flip avoiding the roundhouse kick, It was then Isuma jumped back into a tree branch above and as he did so throw his two kunai's at his shoulder blade's in which he was a little slow on the uptake allowing them to pierce him and then added chakra strings to them, Mokuzai could have easily taken them out and attacked but he was interested to see where the attack was going. With a loud clap the boy put his hands together before his cheeks swelled, Mokuzai easily recalled the technique being used in his younger days where the user exhaled a type of katon prone gas that was interesting now just as it was back then, just as he predicted the boy seemed to be exhaling something form his mouth although he couldn't see it or smell it, it was then the boy begun to charge raiton energy into his finger's before firing it at the line that quickly caught on fire and was rushing straight towards Mokuzai as he smiled at the incoming attack

As it was quickly approaching Mokuzai decided he had seen enough of the attack and slammed his left foot upon the ground turning  one and half worth of the ground surrounding him into liquefied earth before moving backwards at 25 m/s that was fast enough to dislodge the kunai's from his shoulder blade's while avoiding the fireball as he watched the small explosion happened. He then looked around for the dao blade and quickly found it and went to it before taking it out of the tree it was impaled in, as the smoke cleared he took hold of the dao blade as if it was a spear and throw it with all his strength and speed towards the tree branch that Isuma was on that it would actually pierce through just enough to cause it to split and break off, Mokuzai then spoke with excitement in his voice "Very very good attacks, however when it come's to your kunai swing's you throw you arm to hard and too wide, need to close the gap a bit for faster and more precise swings. You better grab that blade because from now on im going to get a little more serious with your training~."

As he said that Mokuzai pulled out two kunai's of his own and smiled at Isuma from a distance.

Chakra: 235/250

Jutsu Used:

WC: 920

Total WC:3,227

9Training In The Dense Forest [O] Empty Re: Training In The Dense Forest [O] Thu Jun 21, 2018 5:15 pm

Sarutobi Isuma

Sarutobi Isuma

Isuma watched the smoke screen as it began to fade away, as he began to hear the sound of a object coming straight ahead at a great speed. Isuma watched the ground was turn into a wall which crumbled a bit from the explosion "He was quick enough to create a earth wall... much expected from a Senju.. what is that noise tho" Isuma said to himself in a low voice. Isuma looked a head to see an object coming at such a quick speed it was hard to move in time to avoid it but as it got close he noticed it was his dao. Isuma try to react but the dao pierce the branch as it spilt it in half the streght that was used to do this was greatly above his; Isuma began to fall with the branch as the dao continue it's way until it got stuck to the tree behind it. Isuma spin in mid air as he extended his hand as he chakra strings to attach them to the blade, he would be pulled back once the strings have reach the hilt of the blade as swinged himself towards the dao landing his feets on the tree above the blade. "That's crazy strength to be able to Pierce that thick branch he must be at least Spec. Jounin.. maybe I bite a more than I can chew.. as he was saying this Mokuzai began to speak cutting him off.

"Very very good attacks, however when it come's to your kunai swing's you throw you arm to hard and too wide, need to close the gap a bit for faster and more precise swings. You better grab that blade because from now on im going to get a little more serious with your training~." as he said this Isuma's felt a cold sweet run down his face and his body as his hairs stood up almost scared. Isuma glanced at his dao almost like having an epiphany or a mid life crisis; at the same time it reminded his of his spare training with Rippa. "Right.... No matter how tough the path that lays ahead of you get; always try until you succeed... the only way of failing is to give up" Isuma said in a low voice as his gaze got serious and stood up straight on the tree and he reached for his blade and pulled it out then jumped down to the ground landing about 10 meters way from Mokuzai. Isuma held his dao as it scraped the ground leaving a trail until he stopped on his track glancing down at the ground a serious yet hopeless face expression he gave of until he raise his head all looked at Moku as his seriousness took over "I'm no match for you but I won't give up yet, I'm going to throw everything I have at you... since your actually going to show me your actual fight abilities I need to focus more now.. this is where the fight I'll get truly fierce" Isuma said as he began to pose a kenjutsu fighting stance by raising his dao to his head leveling it to his eyes holding the back of the hilt with his left hand behind making both his bicepts and forearm touch and with his right hand he gripped the handle making a "V" with his arm twisting his shoulder forward the blade would be straight aiming for Mokuzai's chest or neck, he would spreading his legs apart from each other his left leg bended a bit and his foot tiled a bit to the right and his right leg was banded a bit alos but extend forward also his foot would face forwards.

Isuma smiled a bit almost as if it brought back memories of his first time training with his old teacher as Isuma began to move forwards walking then running until he got about 5 meters thats he dashed spinning his blade above his head and his left hand until the blade rach his chest at this point he was holding the hilt his one hand as the other one made it's way towards the blade as he would run his hand upwards threw it ingulfing the blade in blames. "Art Of The Flame Spear" Isuma said as he swung his blade horizonal to Mokuzai hips sending a flames slash larger than when he was training by himself adding extra chakra behind it.

Word Count: 774
Chakra Count: 120 - 20 =100 CP.

10Training In The Dense Forest [O] Empty Re: Training In The Dense Forest [O] Fri Jun 22, 2018 11:39 am

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

(OOC Note: For now on Mokuzai is moving at C-2 Speed and D-2 Strength for the rest of the spar)

Once the smoke finally cleared enough where Mokuzai could see Isuma crystal clear he was holding his dao weakly as it was scraping the ground  leaving a trail before he stopped and glanced at the ground, Mokuzai immediately though, "Damn did i do too much? I hope his will to train aint broken..." It was then Isuma looked up with a very serious expression before speaking, "I'm no match for you but I won't give up yet, I'm going to throw everything I have at you... since your actually going to show me your actual fight abilities I need to focus more now.. this is where the fight I'll get truly fierce"

It was only for a second, but when Mokuzai gazed upon Isuma he saw a mirage reflection of himself when he was still but a genin, this brought a wide smile to his face as he begun chuckling lowly to himself as he imagined the boy would one day be a even greater ninja them him with his training ethnic and some help. Mokuzai then looked directly to the boy with a happy face, "Yeah! Give me all you got and more, ill take it head on! Show me the might of the Sarutobi clan!!" Immediately after he said that Isuma slipped into a kenjutsu stance as he  raised  his dao blade to his head leveling it to his eyes, while holding the back of the hilt with his left hand behind him making both his biceps and forearm touch and with his right hand he gripped the handle making a "V",  with his arm twisting his shoulder forward the blade would be straight and the Senju could tell it was aiming for his chest or neck area.

It was obvious that the boy's words weren't mere provocation and that he was now reeving himself up for a powerful attack, in response Mokuzai decided to make preparation's of his own and begun to mold his chakra in a way that created a one inch layer of wooden skin that was exactly like his original skin tone making it almost impossible to detect unless you were either a sensory ninja or closer to him than Isuma was, the technique would be useless for a time but for a future attack it could provide a chance of escape and attack.  Now that he was ready he switched his attention back to Isuma who was now smiling which made Mokuzai happy too, then he begun to run 5 meters forward while spinning his blade until it reached  above his head and then with quick movements the blade became engulfed in the same flames as earlier but from the hue and size of it he had put more chakra into it as he yelled out, "Art Of The Flame Spear" He then swung the blade horizontally and a large flame slash that aimed for Mokuzai's hips was now flying towards him.

Mokuzai smirked as he raised his palm toward the flame slash, "Lesson one! Know your weaknesses and your opponents before losing your chakra for a ineffective attack!" With that the Senju sent out three water palm blades lined up against each other  that were 1 inch long and 1/4 inch wide and moving at 25 m/s, the three blade's would rip through the flame slash with ease as Katon weakness was Suiton and even still went straight to Isuma who would now have to deal with it or get hurt. Now that the boy was distracted he fell backwards on the tree branch before curling his body inward mid-air before landing on his feet and making a straight dash for the Sarutobi, as soon as he got into a 5 meter radius he would suddenly start spinning on his pivot foot around the Sarutobi evading any swing or lunge he might try to pull while casting the snake hand seal that would cause plant like vine's with thorns to erupt from the ground around Isuma entangling him at 25 m/s tightly while causing 1 inch deep cut's around his legs before thrusting his hand forward with a kunai in it before stopping  before the tip actually touched him.

"Lesson two, always plan and expect a counter attack rather or not you think your made contact, this lesson could very well be the line between life or death in a mission or battle." Mokuzai deactivated the vine's causing them to wither away before backing up and slipping into a fighting stance while looking at Isuma, "Again!"

Chakra: 190/250

Jutsu Used:


Total WC:4,018

11Training In The Dense Forest [O] Empty Re: Training In The Dense Forest [O] Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:45 am

Sarutobi Isuma

Sarutobi Isuma

"Lesson one! Know your weaknesses and your opponents before losing your chakra for a ineffective attack!" With that the Senju sent out three water palm blades lined up against each other  that were 1 inch long and 1/4 inch wide and moving at 25 m/s, the three blade's would rip through the flame slash with ease as one first water blade would extinguisher as it cut threw the flame slash as the other two made there way towards Isuma at a speed much faster than he could anticipate. He would quickly and Instinctively raise his blade vertacially up still engulfed in flames to counter block the second water balde; but as it touch it the flame would desepate as the water blade would also extinguish but pushed Isuma back a bit almost cracking threw his blade. "Damn... this water blades are stro..." Isuma was interrupted by the thrid water blade witch broke threw his Dao sending the blade flying until it it the ground as Isuma just held the hilt and a bit of the blade. Isuma almost felt impel as for a breif moment it became a bit hard to breath but he didn't fall stood his ground until he cough up blood looking down a bit for a moment he noticed what happened.

"It.. was that strong that... it broke threw my b-blade.. and still slash me..." Isuma said to himself mentally as from one side of his chest to the other was a long slash with blood running down. Isuma noticed foot steps making there way towards him as he looked up back at Mokuzai, it was like he teleported the distance as he was now infront of him. Isuma Instinctively reacted as he swung his blade vertacially upwards but Moku dodge it cleanly by spinning to his left; Isuma spinned the hilt around his fingers until was holding the hilt upwards and the remaining of his blade bowwards he would spin counterclockwise to cut off Moku spin but that also missed as he pulled back. the pain in his chest was punishing but not enough to stop but thinking about it could cost h as he step back and pulled his arm with the blade behind his back as he build lightning chakra once he was about to move forward for a lunge attack he felt even more pain put this time peircing on his legs like if he step in vines or roses; since his movement was stop he still thrusted his blade infuse with Lightning forward as it stopped inches away from Moku stomach but the same way was Moku as he had a kunai in pointed in his face. "Lesson two, always plan and expect a counter attack rather or not you think your made contact, this lesson could very well be the line between life or death in a mission or battle." Mokuzai said as Isuma took a few deep breaths and spit up some more blood; Isuma noticed that he was stangle up by a wood technique that he didn't even see coming when Isuma looked up Moku was already a few feels away and the vines release him from his imprisonment as he he left to one knee slamming his dao to the ground to get leverge. Isuma looked one at Moku as he mind continue to think of way to at least getting one hit down but at this point it was almost impossible but he didn't was to give up either after going this far it would be stupid to turn back.

Isuma would begin to stand up as he left his dao implanted on the ground. he would stand his his legs spread apart from each other and his arms just hanging as hi face would be facing Mokuzai in expression of pain mix with resolve and resolution as he began to make hand sign [Serpent, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse, Tiger] As he building up fire chakra from his lungs also like inflating himself as he turn his tiger sign into a ring with his pointing fingers and thump as he exhale a Giant Fireball that was 8 6 feet wide and 6 feet in height. The fire ball scraped the ground as it made it's ways towards Moku; Isuma began to cough blood again as that move release used up chakra and it was painful since he was still in pain from his chest.

WordCount: 758 Words
ChakraCount: 100 - 15 - 5 = 80 CP

12Training In The Dense Forest [O] Empty Re: Training In The Dense Forest [O] Sat Jun 23, 2018 6:27 pm

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

Although Mokuzai had planned to do no actual damage, it seemed he still did quite a bit as the water blade's ended not only breaking through his weapon meaning he misjudged the quality of the blade but also caused a slash across the boy's body as well. Despite the clear disadvantage however, Isuma managed to still think clearly enough to charge his blade with raiton energy and just as he had a kunai to his face what was left of his blade in his hand was pointed at his stomach, it wouldn't be enough to accomplish any true damage at that point but the fact that he was able to think decisively with the dread of losing his weapon and pain was more than enough to impress the Senju.

Mokuzai wasted no time in releasing him from his own technique, Isuma fell onto one knee while holding the remnants of his dao blade for leverage, he quickly looked over the Sarutobi's body and considering the damage he took the Senju knew that he couldn't keep going on for much longer, so he put away his kunai's and was about to end it. However it seemed despite his injuries the boy was not done just yet as he stood back up onto his feet,his legs spread apart from each other as his arms seemed limp but his face.. it held the look of someone who was in pain but he could also see resolve and resolution and Mokuzai knew it would be his final attack, at this point the Senju honestly wanted him to get a hit in but this was training, and in a real battle there no free hits.

The boy weaved quick hand signs and then started to inflate himself as let the last hand sign flow into a  ring with his pointing fingers and thumb before exhaling a giant fireball towards him, As the jutsu made his way towards him Mokuzai truly wished to just let it hit him but at the same time he felt it would betray all the work and effort the young shinobi had just put in to even try to get a decisive blow. Once the large fireball made it's way but ten inch's from his face and he could feel the heat he activated his wooden corpse jutsu instantly burrowing himself into the ground while leaving behind a wooden puppet that was almost exactly like Mokuzai beside's looking hollow in appearance before moving at 13 m/s going forward until he was 5 meters behind Isuma and then popped out of the ground. The Senju would then speak to the boy, "Like i said earlier, always prepare for a counter attack. But other than have performed your training magnificently."

Mokuzai then sat down on the ground before waving his hand for the boy to come to him, once Isuma did he would tear his own clothing and wrap it around the wound to halt any more blood lost while he spoke, "Today may have not gone as you expected, but your will to not give up is one of the most valued traits of a shinobi and i suspect your make it far in that endeavor as long as you keep training and pushing your limits until you break them. After all, even i started out as a little squirt from the academy." As he said the last part Mokuzai would pull out a picture from when he had just left the academy with only being 4'10 and nearly anorexic with little to no musle for his age to show to Isuma.

Little Mokuzai:

WC: 612

Total WC: 4,631

13Training In The Dense Forest [O] Empty Re: Training In The Dense Forest [O] Tue Jun 26, 2018 1:11 am

Sarutobi Isuma

Sarutobi Isuma

Isuma could feel the heat of the explosion and the brightness of the explosion. Isuma took a feet forward as his arms moved to his pouch searching for weapon of any kind at this point. Isuma felt that the move hit but he knew that it wouldnt been to easy there was something wrong he felt it in his gut as Isuma began to look around the area of the smokescreen. "He's probably plain mind games wi-" Isuma was about to finish as he heard a noise from behind him but before he could tilt his head to the direction of the noise "Like i said earlier, always prepare for a counter attack. But other than have performed your training magnificently." As Mokuzai voice would make Isuma turn around quickly as the cut on his chest began to burn. He would hold his chest with his free arm as he was about to pull a shurikens but then stopped; Mokuzai decided to sit down and motion his hand for Isuma to get closer as but for a mental he just looked at Mokuzai as he slwoly made his way towards him releasing his shurikens of his fingers and took his hand of his pouch; once he got close enough Mokuzai ripped a piece of his clothing and began to bandage Isuma's injury.

"Sorry for making you worry... and Thanks" Isuma said tilting his head to the side so Mokuzai won't notice of his embarrassed face but it was broken once Mokuzai spoke "Today may have not gone as you expected, but your will to not give up is one of the most valued traits of a shinobi and i suspect your make it far in that endeavor as long as you keep training and pushing your limits until you break them. After all, even i started out as a little squirt from the academy." Isuma stood quiet as he looked at the picture and thinking of what Mokuzai has just said. For the thrid time he was been influence by a superior he would look down at his chest, as he then looks at his hands and raises them squeezing him and then letting go. "First it was Rippa-sama, then it was Shinako-sama, and now it's you Mokuzai.. You gone off your way to entrust the future to me. I promise I will become stronger than all of you one day" Isuma said and he clinch his hand into a fist and extended his arm out as he would smile.

WordCount: 443

14Training In The Dense Forest [O] Empty Re: Training In The Dense Forest [O] Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:50 pm

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

Isuma was silent for a few moments before rising his hand in silence and seemed to squeeze down before releasing his grip and then spoke, "First it was Rippa-sama, then it was Shinako-sama, and now it's you Mokuzai.. You gone off your way to entrust the future to me. I promise I will become stronger than all of you one day" Isuma said and he clinch his hand into a fist and extended his hand out.

Mokuzai simply stared at him before breaking down into a smile and then bumped fists with him, "Don't think ill let you surpass me so easily, but the future is in your capable hand's Isuma, Sarutobi. If you ever need further training or if you would like to try may training out for a change, dont hesitate to contact me with a messenger bird but as for now farewell, i wish you many night's of good luck."  With those words Mokuzai would seem to vanish to Isuma's eye's but he had just jumped into the nearby tree's and moved at full speed as he made his way back to the village.

-Exit Thread-


Total WC:4,833


Reaction time
B ~> B-1, 700 words and 175 Ryo. (4,133 Words Left)
B-1 ~> B-2, 800 words and 200 Ryo. (3,333 Words Left)
B-2 ~> B-3, 900 words and 225 Ryo. (2,433 Words Left)

B ~> B-1, 700 words and 175 Ryo. (1,733 Words Left)

Saving 1,733 Words

15Training In The Dense Forest [O] Empty Re: Training In The Dense Forest [O] Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:53 pm

Sarutobi Isuma

Sarutobi Isuma

"Don't think ill let you surpass me so easily, but the future is in your capable hand's Isuma, Sarutobi. If you ever need further training or if you would like to try may training out for a change, dont hesitate to contact me with a messenger bird but as for now farewell, i wish you many night's of good luck." Mokuzai said as he gave Isuma a smile. Isuma and nodded as letting him know that he was accepting his offering for another training mission next time they meet. Mokuzai would vanish before  Isuma leaving a trail of dust behind him as he moved at a speed so quick Isuma lost him only hear the noise of tree branches shaking and leafs falling leaving a small trail. "Well then I guess its time to make my way back home also... hmmhm.. this was a good day after all" Isuma said to himself as he looked at his chest bandage socked in blood as Isuma placed his hand on it and looked up at the sky smiling for a moment.

Isuma would then put his hands in his pockets as he would make his way back the way he came in passing the stream and haading to the road which would lead him back to the village gates. Isuma stopped at the gates as he looked back for a moment "Next time we spar I promise I'll be stronger Mokuzai.. I know you will" Isuma thought to himself in his head as he grin then turn back to the gates and entered the village.

WordCount: 276
Total WordCount: 4,086
Stats Trained:
Speed: D ~> D-1, 325 words and 25 Ryo. 
D-1 ~> D-2, 400 words and 50 Ryo. 
D-2 ~> D-3, 450 words and 75 Ryo. 
D-3 ~> C, 525 words and 100 Ryo. 
Reaction Time:
D ~> D-1, 325 words and 25 Ryo. 
D-1 ~> D-2, 400 words and 50 Ryo. 
D-2 ~> D-3, 450 words and 75 Ryo. 
D-3 ~> C, 525 words and 100 Ryo.
D ~> D-1, 325 words and 25 Ryo.
Ryo Reduction: 1092 - 525 = 567 Ryo.

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