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1Kasai - Cargo Check [Mission | Solo] Empty Kasai - Cargo Check [Mission | Solo] Wed Jul 04, 2018 5:18 am

Alexa Hyuga

Alexa Hyuga

Kasai - Cargo Check [Mission | Solo] YKYfyYd

Kasai is a large town-city located at the southwestern sea border of the Fire Country in the Taika Province. It is the second most populous town after Teichaku, not counting Konohagakure. Kasai’s economy is currently suffering a recession due to a lack of ability to export their goods via boat as a result of an increase in piracy. Their poor economy has left them unable to afford the same protection that the vastly more successful Teichaku manages.

The architecture of Kasai is modern, typically employing the usage of wood, stone, and plaster. The majority of the population are general labourers and seafarers such as fishermen or naval tradesmen.

Population: 240,000
Population Density: 2,666/km²
Land Area: 90/km²

Economy: Recession, stagnated
Relationship with Konohagakure: Poor
Relationship with Akagahara: Poor

Mission name: Cargo Check
Mission rank: D
Objective: The port is in need of some extra hands.
Location: Any port
Reward: 150 ryo
Mission Description: Ships are preparing to set sail but the cargo still needs to be loaded up. Help out the men by checking if all the cargo is accounted for, and help the sailors load up the crates.
Mission Details: 750 wc
Nothing too difficult but you'll need some good eyes and muscles to get this done. Better spit in your hands and toughen up!

2Kasai - Cargo Check [Mission | Solo] Empty Re: Kasai - Cargo Check [Mission | Solo] Wed Jul 04, 2018 6:03 am

Alexa Hyuga

Alexa Hyuga

Bottle in hand, the warmth of the alcoholic beverage spread through her throat and stomach as red eyes overlooked the docks of Kasai with a slightly blurred vision. Alexa had heard of this place before but this was the first time she actually set foot between the rather beautiful buildings that made up this town-city. For a port that was suffering from pirates, it looked rich in its architecture, the open warehouse at the docks boasting a healthy amount of lumber and stone. Placing her hands on her hips, the young kunoichi took in the scent of the salty sea air with a deep breathe and smiled brightly as she exhaled. This... This was the place where she belonged, the so called troubles Kasai suffered from increased piracy pushed to the background as she saw herself at the wheel of one of those ships, cannons roaring in anger as they spat out gunpowder and iron balls that would crash into the enemy's hull. Great gapes would be left behind, the wood splintering with an equally load crack. The cries of -

"Oi, move it! You're in the way."

- the god-damned irritating idiot telling her to move on as he ate her fist would resonate through Kasai and never be forgotten!

"What's that?" D:< , she'd huff, semi-drunken mind instantly triggered, pivoting on her feet to stand toe-to-toe with a solid piece of man easily a full head above her. As her eyes raised to meet his, irritated scowl expressing her disapproval of the tone he used against her. Didn't he know she would become the next best thing in this port? The privateer of legends, Alexa Hyuga, Admiral of Konoha's Fleet, Scourge of the Wild Seas, Siren of the-

"I said...", he began, halting halfways his sentence to take a better look at the Leaf headband she wore. "Wait. You're that shinobi I requested, aren't you?"
"And what if I am?" <_<
"If you are lassy... You should get a move on. These crate ain't checking themselves."

Oh yeah, right. She had actually been appointed a mission involving crates. There were goods in there, something about checking them, and loading them up. Not a mission that would offer much glory or renown but she was down-to-earth enough to understand even a mighty pirate such as her would have to start somewhere. Besides, they pay was good for a simple task.

"So, are you that shinobi?"

Though perhaps not good enough to stand a pushy boss.

"Yeah, cap'n. That's-a me. Where's the crates?"

He'd beckon her to follow him, stomping forward as his boots hit the stone streets with the Hyuga sashaying behind him. The bottle in her hand would kiss her lips again, the sip of rum flowing easily through her throat before she put the cork on it again. No drinking while working, or some philosophy of that sort, repeated a dozen times by her parents would duly be followed up for as long as she could. Some would have sworn she had a drinking problem but in her eyes the complaints were the problem.

Treading down the stairs, moving from dull thudding on stony underground to the warm clunking of boots on the wooden planks that formed the jetty leading to the ships, the two would move in quietude before they'd arrive at a beautiful schooner. The white sails hung loose, waiting to be raised and catch the winds on the ocean. The mast were thin compared to other ships, stately pointing at the passing clouds and sturdily fixed to the ship's deck. The hull was sleek, a work of craftsmanship, and painted dark brown at the bottom and a cherry red wooden colour at the top. Silver lettering would reveal the name as, "The Nayad", embossed in a writing style that fit the elegance of the schooner.

"Here she is. Sleek and slender, eager to stride across the waters. Got her repainted recently, so now we're stocking up for a voyage."

Alexa would look at the ship as if mesmerised, wishing for a moment she wasn't looking through the clouded eyes caused by her drinking. She whistled appreciatively, dreaming of standing on the deck to feel the wind run through her hair. A cosy little dream ship. But unfit for times of war as the 'light-weight' ship was intended for fast cargo runs, excellently outfitted to make the best use of wind power even when sailing against the winds.

"Aye, a beauty she is.", the man would reply with a nod, then move on to the dozen or so crates standing outside and waiting to be loaded up. He gave Alexa a list seconds after the pop of a cork was liberated from a flask and pointed at the crates. "Crew's been plagued with high fever but deliveries don't wait so I had to find another pair of hands. It's your job to check the content and see if it matches with what's on the list. Wouldn't do well to deliver with a shortage in quantity."

He'd pat her firmly on the back as she took another swig, making her spit out the rum and cough before she shot him a dour look. Spilling quality rum? That didn't sit well with her. The man would only laugh, however, ignoring her vehemence and move on to leave her with the cargo under the watchful gaze of the sailor that stood leaning against one of the poles that kept the jetty standing above water. He'd sign her with a warning he was watching her, distrust apparent in his eyes.

A forlorn look into her eyes would be visible as she threw a last glance on the bottle in her hands, closed it again and clipped it to her belt. Duty called. Thirsty or not, she couldn't have Konoha's reputation be tarnished by a simple bottle, quality or not. Opening the first crate, she'd lean over the box to take a peek inside. Clay figurines. Countless clay figurines. Eyeing the gods on list she was given and spotting the exact number written right next to it, she'd puff up her cheeks in annoyance of the endeavour that awaited her - 200 frickin' dumb figurines to check. That'd take a long while...

... and a long while it took. Finally finishing the first crate, she'd mark it with a piece of chalk tossed by the watcher, and moved on to the next box. This one contained, much to Alexa's vexation, a hundred clay flower pots. She'd catch a chuckle from her guard's side, making a vein on her head twitch in annoyance, and gritted her teeth in self-control before she ended up throwing one of the clay pots in his direction. Once again, she'd start the slow progress of counting way too many objects crammed in a single box before chalking the second box off her list. The third one awaited her keen eyes, her mind bracing against another of those numerical tom-fooleries.

Alas, it would not be. A hundred and twenty-five bamboo poles now, and a pissed off ape giving her the scare of a lifetime as it jumped out of the opened crate, into her face and screamed angrily at her as if to blame her for the fact it had ended up in that box. Alexa would reply in kind, the anger vein popping and urging her to raise her fist and scold the monkey in return, threatening the pet to beat it up if it had something else to say. It would run off, not expecting such vehemence, and hopped onto the shoulder of the guard nearby who seemed all but surprised at finding the monkey locked in a crate.

The dreaded third box came to an end and the fourth would be opened for a check. Three large copper bells. Finally something easy. She'd pass over them swiftly, opening the next crate. Lucky again, as this one only held a dozen of empty cages of wood and steel with a size fit for a dog. She'd shift her gaze to the irritating monkey who had since his return not stopped to harass her guard since. The Hyuga would almost feel sorry but the picture was a tad too funny. Mostly because it wasn't her suffering the monkey's harassment. Chalking up another successful check, the remaining boxes would pass her scrupulous eyes one by one, taking another half hour in full to have them all crossed off as being okay.

Happy to finally be done, she'd thirstily take a swig from the bottle clipped to her belt, allowing the liquid burn her throat. A tear would form in her eyes as her thirst would finally be slaked. She was about to take a second swig of the bottle when she noticed the flask was gone, one irritating monkey jumping up and down in happiness at his successful theft. Instant trigger. Alexa would dash behind the monkey who now fled like his life depended on it.

"Give me back that bottle!" D<

The chase would go on for a few minutes before the Hyuga would almost ran into the captain. The monkey had climbed onto the mastodon of a man, swinging the open bottle about as he danced on the man's shoulder. Victory for the ape, savoured by emptying the last bit of Alexa's cherished quality rum.

"Looks like you're done with your duties."
"All that's left to do is to kill that monkey." D:<
"That would be a bad idea. Peanut is a cherished member of my crew."

Glowering at the monkey who casually threw the bottle away now that it was empty, she'd point her finger at him.

"You're in luck this time, ape. Just make sure you never cross me again."
"Right... Well, I'll let administration know you did a good job, Alexa. In fact, if you're up for it I might ask for you again once I returned. Interested?"

Her fight with the monkey would be forgotten as quickly as it came up, surprise crossing her face as she looked at the man before her for a few seconds, then at the schooner drifting on the gentle waves at the docks. Sobered up by the offer, she'd give him a bright smile and a nod.

"I'd love too. We'll be seeing places, right?" ^-^
"Haha, don't go too fast. I want to see what you're made off first. Being part of the crew is a whole different matter, lassie."
"Just wait and see. I'll make you swallow those words, mate."
"Ohoho, bold words from a brat who lost to Peanut", he'd grin, triggering the girl before him into a battle stance. "Go collect your ryo. I'll see you in a few days."


-750 mission (150 ryo)
-1000 C rank "Read the Winds"

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