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Whatever the forest holds[Private][Training] Hibari11
As the wind blew, birds chirped, shadows loomed, and the sun shined as Rain strolled through the forest. It was time for his usual walk in the forest, and he was enjoying his time. He had nothing to do, and could not think of a better time killer. The young lad smiled as his favorite bird, a yellow canary, landed on his head. He continued walking  through the forest. The young boy would take in the beauty of the small forest with his eyes, and tried to entertain himself with it. However, the beauty if the forest can only humor one for so long. Bored with the calm forest he left for breakfast. He would walk outside the forest, and into the village heading to the market street. His choice of food for breakfast was nothing other than Ramen. 

As he entered and greeted the chef he ordered his usual, a bowl of beef ramen, and so Rain prepared himself for an unusual breakfast. After a couple of minutes waiting for his food to get ready, and even more minutes to drain the whole bowl down. He thanked the old man, paid for the meal, and left for his home, the forest. As he walked towards the forest through the bustling streets of Konoha he would read a book, but he was not reading it because he liked it but he needed some way to kill even more time.

As he entered the forest once again the young boy realized that killing all of this time is such a waste, and decided that training is a much better way to kill time faster and use it productively. The young lad would mark the trees around the area he was in, and stood ten meters away from them. He took hold of a deer that he had killed for his training. As the deer's blood was spilled on the grass; Rain bit his thumb causing it to bleed and letting a drop of blood touch the deer's blood. As the drop merely touched the deer's blood; Rain erected a demonic puppet of blood. The young shinobi would move the Puppet but struggle with it only slightly as there was this constant lag that he couldn't get rid of.

Hours passed, and Rain seemed to easily get rid of the lag, from the start the original reason for that lag was his lack of training. He continued to manipulate his puppet and with extreme proficiency. It seemed that a little bit of training was all he needed to finally get his game back in action. The young man smiled as he sat down to rest, and as he was resting a small creature of insignificant power approached the young Rain seeking his blood. Rain's a nice boy, the wolf approaching Rain had no peaceful intentions. As the wolf was two meters far from Rain a monstrosity of blood rushed at the poor animal punching the wolf rapidly at full strength breaking the wolf to pieces, and why to show mercy when the wolf never did. The puppet would gouge the eyes of the wolf as it choked the life out of the wolf. Rain laying down with his back on a tree looking up at the sky only to find it dark with stars brimming, and only then realized night had consumed the village into darkness. It was time to head home, but why was the young boy not interested in the idea. He merely remained there, looking at the sky, thinking, and smiling....

Rain was a cautious boy, and he remains so even when relaxed. He sensed the movements of another, human, animal, or monster. He was not sure but something in the forest was moving around. Rain manipulated his Puppet hiding it with fifteen meters. Should the intruder be faster than expected his puppet should cover the distance within less than a second. Since his puppet can cover the distance of twenty-five meters in one second; a distance of fifteen meters should be covered in point six of a second. However, those were merely estimated numbers, wishes, and the real battle would be a lot different. Another conclusion might be no hostility from these strange movements.

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Whatever the forest holds[Private][Training] Tumblr_inline_novgichtvr1qzwa65_540

Saisei was tired. He had had a much longer day than he was used to, his mother having decided to punish him for his 'ridiculous actions' earlier in the week. I mean, as much as her son could sort of understand where she was coming from, it's not like Saisei had been given a choice and had actively gone out of his way to harm the civilian. The man, who had in fact introduced himself but who's name was not worth remembering to the young Hyuga, had later explained that he had been put into a trance of sorts, and had not been able to see his fuschia haired opponent, only his own father, who had abused him as a child, which had riven him into a frenzy, lashing out in the way he had, only being able to see his opponent in brief flashes, and not being able to control his words. It had mattered very little in the end, but waking up in a hospital bed, covered in various bruises and burns around your yellow and red skin, with your already strict and high strung mother standing before you, her face a mixture of worry and fury. She certainly hadn't been very happy, having grounded and barred Saisei from leaving the house unless instructed, something she had abused to hell that morning, getting her son up at a ridiculous time to go to the shops and by her weekly shopping before anyone else got there, as well as buying enough for possibly three or four weeks at once. But that wasn't all, oh no, she had then commanded her son to, while still carrying all the shopping back home with him, to stop by the weapons shop and pick up random crap that Saisei knew she didn't really want, she just wanted to tire out her son and make him suffer, something she had continued throughout the day, sending him to do menial and useless tasks, before returning home, which is where the poor boy currently found himself.

After such a long day, Saisei was tired, and so he had run himself a bath for an hour, allowing himself some time alone to relax adn reinvigorate himself, as well as clean his body. No matter what people said, taking a bath was quite possibly the most relaxing thing one could do with their time, short of death, the greatest relaxation in life. It reminded the young Hyuga of another time, a very similar morning, where he had found himself in a lovely little pond and a waterfall, allowing him to bathe in the morning air. Of course, right now it was dark out, but there was an overpowering urge to go to the forests and see his spot, if he could find it in the dark. So he got out of his bath, and began to run towards the forest outside of the village, managing to expertly sneak out without making a noise so as not to alert his mother.

After what felt like an eternity, Saisei was outside of the village, and trying to find his spot. Hoping it would aid him, he activated his Byakugan to give him a better outline of the area, as well as to see if there was anybody to be wary of in his vicinity and, true enough, it didn't take long before two objects came into his cone of vision: one clearly a human, and another, strange one standing on the far side from the man in relation to Saisei. It seemed to contain chakra, but it was the man's within, which was very confusing, because usually things such as puppets were not visible to the Byakugan, as they were merely creations devoid of any chakra of their own. Regardless, this creature possessed a signature of its own, similar enough to the man's for them to be connected in some way, but still unique somehow. Either way, it had certainly piqued the interest of the deaf man, who decided to stick to the tree branches around him, not making his position known to the young man or the creature, while instead simply watching, unable to speak or ask anything. While he watched in futility, he tried to look at the demonic looking red... thing. there was no real explanation for what it was, as it was nothing that should exist. Instead, the young Hyuga decided the best course of action was to do nothing at all, and instead stay exactly where he was so as not to make a sound, with the man now mere inches below Saisei, and the creature a safe fifteen meters away.





Whatever the forest holds[Private][Training] Aee7cc7Rain remained where he was, and nothing approached him. Rain brought the puppet of blood before him and gazed for a moment at the demonic portrayal of his father. He’s not some idiot obsessed with revenge, but that’s only what he thought. His very blood was thirsting for the blood of his father’s killers. Thus, it took the blood puppet had the appearance of his father, but it was more of a demonic portrayal of him. His hatred runs in his veins, and while he knew that deep within he was truly enraged by what happened to his parent, and wanted bloody revenge.
He moved his left hand sharply with to the left side, and by doing so he ordered his puppet to search as far as twenty-five meters for any strangers. The puppet moved and with monstrous speed not letting a second go to waste. The forest itself was small, and escaping the speed of his puppet in a small area would be a task for sure. He did not waste time either, and began searching around the area he’s in. He remained carefully within twenty-five meters of the puppet’s range in order to avoid its dissipation.
Rain was always cautious, and strangers were not so welcomed by him, not around him at least. After a search that lasted for minutes he had found the stranger, or strangers. Five kids about the same age as him stood before him, and they were looking for him as well such a wonderful coincidence! Only it was nothing wonderful. They were a bunch of punks he scared off a couple of days ago, or three of them were but the other two were new to the whole charade. The two new idiots also seemed new.
What did they come for? Revenge. What are they getting? A beat down. They threatened Rain and gave him a choice. Either “kneel and kiss their legs as they spit on him,” or “be killed in the forest where no one will ever know about their murder.” The whole offer made Rain laugh hysterically, and tear up from laughter. As he wiped his tears and stood up, he spoke to them few words: “First of all, do you think trained Anbu wouldn’t find out about this? But fine, let’s go with your logic. That means if I kill you all… No one will ever find out.”
Taunted by his words, the idiots let their biggest idiot attack Rain, but as he threw his punch Rain stood completely still, smirking, taunting, and belittling their existences. His blood puppet wiped out the distance between it and its master and grabbed the wrist of the male that attacked its master. Freaked out the idiots backed out, but still wanted a piece of Rain’s mind and he was going to give it to them. He ordered his puppet to attack them and demolish them. Rain stood with his arms crossed as he watched the idiots getting beat into bloody messes. He then ordered his puppet to stop as they were lying on thing ground helpless and bloody and spat at one of them as he left them all alive.
He walked towards his home, he was done for the day and was quite tired unlike usual today was a long day. The young boy would be stopped by his puppet as it spoke “So_n  Arr-e   yOu   O-ka_Y …?” Shocked and angered he waved his left hand to the very left in a sharp manner wiping away the abdomen area of the puppet and dissipating it. His father was dead, but his blood or he himself refused to believe that fact…
Before long he bumped into someone with a truly weird hair color and sighed as he thought this party would never end. He questioned the man in his cold tone and gaze saying: “What do you want?” He seemed different from the past idiots, and not as idiotic. Rain felt a different vibe emitting from him. The young male, and after hours he looked at the boy’s face and realized that his hair was not everything weird about him.  It was actually about time, constantly staring at someone’s hair and awaiting a response without even flinching should be quite rude, but for Rain, it was only centuries later that he realized the man had a face or even eyes to look at. 
Rain awaited a response and he sadly received no such a thing for a while. A guy with weird hair and weird eyes was hanging around his hut, and this whole situation was confusing Rain didn’t know what to do. But still, Rain stood there and waited for a response. He wanted to go home yes, but having a stranger around your house isn’t convenient, not for Rain it isn’t.  The young male sighed in discomfort and thought to himself: “Please don’t tell me you’re lost…. ” If he’s lost Rain would have to help him, and why? It was his father’s policy and something that saved Rain’s life. And so Rain wanted to honor that policy for the sake of his father at least.  Rain stared blankly at the man with difficulty trying his best to not keep staring at the man’s hair while stealing glances here and there.

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Saisei smiled at the man who was asking whether or not he was lost, but within that smile was a great deal of thoughts and emotions. There was rage, intrigue and a little bit of, even if it had only been there an instant, fear. This man, whoever he was, he was something to be reckoned with, and a fighter worthy of battle, not that Saisei was specifically planning on initiating combat, but if it happened he knew he would still win. That man, no the boy before him had shown some promise to begin with, but after some consideration Saisei had seen through his moves and motives, and had realised the truth about this child. That was all he was: childish. Bullies who seemingly already knew him had come to attack him, with the intent of killing him, and instead of being the bigger man and simply stopping the bullies, he had reacted in the very petty way of lashing out. It was as useful as throwing a tantrum, and he was akin to a baby in that regard, at least in the eyes of Saisei, who was currently looking down on him. His creature, the puppet or whatever it had been, was now gone, after having taken out the children during their confrontation, but it had hardly shown any true power. Saisei had shown very recently how simple it was to take out a civilian, and his foe had been an adult of considerable size and strength, not a bunch of punk kids who had something to prove. Despite his glare and sharp tongue, Saisei looked at him and just saw a pathetic child, so he decided to treat him as such, answering the boy's question with a simple shrug of the shoulders.

But that was not the worst thing, it was not the reason for his rage. He was angry at this time, although his smile never betrayed his emotions, he was looking for the excuse to knock the boy's lights out because of his actions. How dare he attack civilians who knew no better. How dare he think it appropriate to beat them to within an inch of their life, potentially leaving them traumatised for the rest of their lives. The fury was building within the young Hyuga, as he was blaming himself for not doing anything himself. He should've stopped the boy before doing any real damage, but instead he had simply stayed and watched the entire ordeal. He had a thirst for something, not revenge but more redemption. He wished more than anything to avenge the poor children by delivering justice upon the pathetic child before him. The child himself seemed arrogant enough that he would, without even meaning to, provoke an attack from his elder, one that would surely result in this becoming a big bloody mess, another reason the smile was clear on the young Hyuga's face. As much as he felt bad for the children for their unfair defeat, the main reason for wanting to rip the child apart was simple: he was a human being, and within him was an animalistic urge to break things and hit people, regardless of the consequences, but he was too clever to attack first. He wanted his target, the one right in front of him, to initiate combat, before being crushed.

The boy hoped that Saisei was not lost, to which the young boy just shook his head, it was easy to answer yes or no questions being deaf, since they didn't usually need words to accompany them, and it man that, even now, this man would have no idea that Saisei was deaf, right now he was just a quiet man, a silent and strong man with a calm and kind smile on his face, as he waited for the man to say something more, for their conversation to continue and for the man to slip up doing something, and then the fun would begin, and that was something Saisei could not wait for.



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