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How long had it been? Three months. Three horribly long months. Between helping to care for the twins, Zaylee and Mamoru, and the intensive amount of training that Daremo’s grandmother had been putting her through it wasn’t exactly like the days had dragged by. Yet, in Kaia’s eyes, even a day away from the man who captured her heart and held it so safely was one too many. So three months, slightly over ninety days, it was too much. She couldn’t bare it any longer. She had spent three years constantly by her husband’s side, and three months was just far too long to be apart from one another. So, as her training finished up her plans became clear: she was going to find him, she was going to follow the same path her husband had taken and hunt him down so they could be reunited once more. Her children would be safe with Daremo’s grandparents, well cared for and loved while the couple were gone together - so much safer than trying to bring two young children with her into the unknown: she was a strong mother, but she wasn’t strong enough - not yet, she would be changing that. It was her other reasoning for chasing after her husband: she wanted to continue the training that had started so many years ago - she was ready now, and more than willing. The shy and timid girl she once was had been eradicated almost entirely, and in its place was a woman willing to do anything and everything to protect the ones she loved.

She had packed lightly but smartly, using scrolls to hide her belongings in that could be hidden on her person easily enough. Her outfit was simple enough and hid all but her eyes: a black bodysuit covered the majority of her body, with boots covering her feet, and a tan cowl wrapped around her head and face to hide it from view. Even her money had been sealed away to keep any would be pickpockets at bay from trying: not that she wouldn’t have relished a good fight, but she didn’t want to risk being slowed down. Of course, those would be pickpockets would have other ideas.

Her children had been kissed and hugged goodbye, as were Daremo’s grandparents, before she left with a wave of goodbye and a word to her children to be good while she was gone. It had torn her heart almost in two to leave them, to see the tears running down their little faces as she left, but she knew that what she was about to do was for their future, their betterment, and she used it to motivate her. It allowed her to put one foot in front of the other as she pushed forward and began her journey: leaving Kumogakure for Kirigakure, her husbands first destination on the verbal list he had left her.

As she traveled she kept her wits about her, keeping to the well worn path, sometimes catching rides with the various caravans traveling between the villages, big and small alike, where they’d sell their various goods and wares. Yet, at other times she walked or ran. It was shortly after parting ways with the last caravan she had caught a ride with, having crossed the border into Mizu no Kuni, that trouble finally seemed to find the young Sarutobi: the arrival revealing itself in the form of a redheaded woman dressed in rags yet without an ounce of dirt on her being and without a hair out of place: a sloppy cover if she had ever saw one. Instead of garnering the woman a response like she expected Kaia~Mai just kept moving past her, the soft song she had been singing continue to flow forth from her lips. “Are you, are you, coming to the tree? Where they strung up a man, they say who murdered three. Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be, if we met at midnight in the hanging tree.”

“Hey, lady! Are you blind? I could use some help here…!”, the redhead called out, obviously thrown off of her game as Kaia had failed to fall into her trap.

“Are you, are you, coming to the tree? Where the dead man called out for his love to flee. Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be if we met at midnight in the hanging tree…”, the only response Kaia garnered the woman was to keep singing, each booted step bringing her further past the woman, her piercing blue gaze picking up on the shifting within the shrubbery around her - the redhead wasn’t alone. An ambush for whoever would have stopped to help the woman.

Kaia expected it, she knew it was coming, and it was so simply to reach down and grasp one of the kunai strapped to her thigh, deflecting a rock aimed at her head after unsheathing it. “Are you, are you, coming to the tree? Where I told you to run so we’d both be free. Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be, if we met at midnight in the hanging tree. Are you, are you, coming to the tree? Wear a necklace of hope side by side with me. Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be, if we met at midnight in the hanging tree…”, the song continued to leave her lips as she ducked, dodged, and evaded each attack the trio of bandits launched her way, the redhead screaming and running past as she realized that Kaia wouldn’t fall so easily. The bandits were nothing more than civilian in their skill level, and she dispatched each one quickly and effortlessly, leaving them behind to be found by another as she continued on heading towards her destination.

As she began to walk again, crossing the last of the distance that would separate her from her beloved, the song continued from her lips, “Are you, are you, coming to the tree? Where they strung up a man they say who murdered three….”

-Exit Thread-

Word Count: 1,015 / 600

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