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1Cheating Husband(Private/Mission) Empty Cheating Husband(Private/Mission) Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:45 am



It was early in the morning as Sanosuke walked through the mountain trails of Kumo as he made his way towards the administration building of the Raikage. As he walked, he made sure that he didn't put too much weight on his left leg to cause it from further injury. It'd be a pain in the ass if his injury was stunted because of his own stubbornness of not wanting to rest in to allow his wounds to heal up naturally. But staying cramped up in his cave was too boring, so maybe a simple mission might be up his alley.

When he opened the doors to the tall spire that was the Raikage's administration building, Sanosuke noticed the receptionist of the Raikage filling through paperwork. She looked to be only a couple of years older than Sanosuke, she was actually pretty cute in his opinion. Sanosuke walked up to the receptionist and noticed the name tag that was on her breast, it spelled out 'Amy'. Sanosuke noticed the cleavage she had and attempted his best to look away but in Sanosuke's eyes it looked as though she was deliberately tempting Sanosuke. "You know it's not nice to stare" Amy said coolly with a seductive smile on her lips.

Upon seeing the smile, Sanosuke began to blush and shook his head violently to shake away the redness in his face. "Sorry about that, 'Amy.' I was just here to see if there were any basic simple missions someone like me can take on. My leg is busted and can't handle any combat missions" Sanosuke explained after he composed himself so he was ready to speak. The receptionist seemed to be checking out Sanosuke from her desk because she just moved her eyes up and down Sanosuke's body inspecting him.

"Well the Raikage has a D rank mission" Amy said as she pulled out a piece of paper from the piles that were on her desk and handed it to Sanosuke. "He wants you to get recipe from some people he knows." Sanosuke read the mission specs from the paper he was handed, it said that the couple went by the name of Orwin and Corina Gown. As he read he saw a picture of her and her husband, they both looked to be in their early forties.

"Okay will do" Sanosuke said before making his way towards the doorway of the administration building. Amy looked at Sanosuke and winked at him "Have fun" she said before working. Sanosuke was still blushing as he walked away, that sure was his kind of woman. Maybe he might ask her out once he finished this mission. Sure enough when Sanosuke took another look at the paper Amy gave him and noticed that there was a note on the back of the paper. Come by the bar when you're done ;). This woman really was troublesome.

When Sanosuke was out of the administration building he noticed a woman that was on the paper Amy was given. The conversation was rather short, she was indeed Corina Gown. Ms.Gown was asking if she can find her husband and as a reward of finding her husband, she would give Sanosuke the recipe. Sanosuke accepted this and as she walked, Corina suggested Sanosuke that he looked in the Sky Bar.

It seemed like a good place to look, after all the Sky Bar was the common hang out of many Kumo vilagers. Sanosuke took some time to walk up the mountain trail towards the Sky Bar and opened the door. He was greeted with the common noises and music of the Sky Bar. The song that was playing was actually pleasant and liked it, if he wasn't on a mission Sanosuke would have found some girl on the dance floor to dance with. But now wasn't the time to, it was time to find some drunk.

What he saw was the man that was described as Corina Gown's husband, and he looked as though he was simply talking to a male drinking buddy of his. There didn't seem anything wrong with this, it seemed like an easy job; get the drunk, drag him from his drinking buddy, get paid, and get promoted. Easy! But sadly, nothing in Sanosuke's life is that easy. He witnessed Orwin Gown go in for a deep kiss to the man he was talking to. The two men seemed as though they were enjoying each other, Sanosuke interrupted by clubbing Orwin on the head.

"What the hell do you think you're doing Orwin?!" Sanosuke roared "You're married aren't you?! Here I was going to drag you out of the bar just to get a stupid recipe from your wife and I saw this shit? There are some things a man should never see in his life!". Orwin automatically flipped out and pushed the man he was kissing away from him and began breaking in cold sweat. It looked as though he had just taken a bath with the amount of sweat he was leaking.

"Oh my God, my wife! Please don't tell my wife, I have the recipe and I'll give it to you if you don't tell her!" Orwin begged Sanosuke. Sanosuke thought hard about this, seeing men kissing was something Sanosuke was going to have to wipe clean with mind soap but he then again what he had for his mission was right in front of him. Sanosuke decided just to take the recipe from the cheating husband's hand and try to be done with it.

With the recipe retrieved, Sanosuke slipped it in his pocket and decided he needed a drink. Sanosuke placed the money on he had on the table "Bartender, give me the strongest sake you have" Sanosuke moaned after he rest his head on the bar table.

"Make that two" a voice behind Sanosuke was heard. Sanosuke turned around to see the receptionist Amy right behind him, this time in a skimpy dress that showed off even more cleavage that before. She winked at Sanosuke. Well he did need SOMETHING to get his mind off the homosexual experience he witness and maybe having fun with a sexy assistant might be exactly what the doctor ordered.

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