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Mission name: Learning About the Den
Mission rank: C-Rank
Objective: Gain information on the people going to the Siren's Den and info on the place itself
Location: Siren's Den Kirigakure
Reward: 300
Mission description: The advisors to the Daimyō have been disturbed to see their young master visiting this perverted location. Since it is owned by the Seven Swordsmen they may not take action unless they discover whether the Daimyō is involved or not.

You must enter the strip club under the guise of a visitor, inspector, customer or as one of the strippers in order to gain information on the club, the Daimyō or any other high-profile people using the place.

Mission details: In this mission your difficulties change according to your guise you enter with.

NB! You may not kill anyone during this mission, and during the mission you are unarmed. Due to the guise you will not be allowed to use your stats above C-Rank, if you do your identity will be exposed and you will be marked for criminal actions.



Verdandi wouldn’t naturally call this a normal day or a normal mission at that. She had been here before but her tasks were of simple nature. The Siren’s Den. The irony of being tasked to come here wasn’t lost on her. It was her sensei’s place after all. Last time she had been here was under no other circumstance than meeting the owner of the place. Her teacher, her leader, her drunk makeshift granny. But this time she was here for business not necessarily involving her. Verdandi did wonder what would keep her from simply visiting Gin and asking her to give her VIP access until she would have figured out about her task. The feudal lord frequently came here to indulge himself as it seemed. Why they had to give such task to someone as Verdandi escaped her though.

She paced through the streets in a lazy but calm manner. She liked this district. In fact, she was highly interested in the Siren itself. Last time she went there it wasn’t particularly a fun time but the few dancers she had seen were gorgeous. What worried her more, was the idea of stepping into Gin’s turf. Knowing she wouldn’t be here that night was the only thing that allowed her to somewhat rest a bit. Its not that Gin wouldn’t allow her to play her game it was the simple truth that she would be so amused over the situation to make this task a living torture for Dandi.

Verd got a little sweaty forehead thinking of the chance Gin might suddenly pop up out of surprise anyway. Exhaling softly, she’d concentrate and check the list of suggested secret identities. Most of them seemed to be specifically suited for persons who never had been to the Siren’s Den. Verd wouldn’t wish to rely on this. All she had to do was to figure out what’s going on with the lord and his companions. The answer seemed to come naturally to her as to which way she’d try this but for that she would need a certain kind of equipment.

She wasn’t going to dress as a stripper but also not as a ninja. Verd didn’t want to fully disguise herself as she knew a bunch of potentially useful people in the bar. Going through the beauty district, which wasn’t too far off the track from the Sirens. She decided to treat herself. First, manicure and pedicure followed by a nice long massage. A little bit of sake along the way to slowly get her in the mood of things. Then off to the hairdresser. Her white colour was somewhat returning to the surface and Verd had to dye her hair once more in the dark green she tended to use as cover up since she arrived in Kiri. Several hours would pass and yet it was still not late enough to head towards the Den. Obviously, she was compelled to step up her game one or two steps further.




Verd went shopping, while she was at it she couldn’t particularly be stopped anymore. To actually have a reason to do this all made it only better. She moved from one kimono and sexy hot topic stuff to the next. Eventually she had herself a nice crystal blue dress for the night and about ten bags of… other stuff she’d have to bring home later. Leaving it in her locker room at the mission headquarters, Verd would also slowly produce a little nice combination of make up tools she had picked up. The dress had to be complimented by the proper lipstick and a feint but gentle blush. Adding contacts to even out her usually uneven eye colours and voila. Finished. It went without saying that the shinobi at the headquarters gave her quite the confused looks as she stepped past them on her heels.

She was sixteen, one could eventually argue about the age of consent and about her being allowed to indulge into things sexually or not. Fact was. It wasn’t the plan. She had to blend in. Maybe draw some attention. It’d be all going to play in her favour eventually. Verd passed through the streets until arriving at the Den. She was still early but that only meant she might be able to see the targets entering the location and being able to spy on them from the very start.

What eventually might be a threat for many people doing this mission, would yet phase her not at all. Bob the bouncer. A bully of a person but actually quite nice once you get to know him. Verd made sure to give him the card Gin once gave her Squad members and he immediately recognized Dandi. Verd would put her index finger on her lips as to form a soft “Shhh” for him to keep silent. Bob wouldn’t naturally understand what she meant with that behaviour but he had more clients to check up and just let the well dressed young girl inside. Probably thinking she was out to get lewd looking like this.

Anyhow, one obstacle was easily passed. Verd would be able to glare into the room and scout for potential bodies of interest. Aside the beautiful strippers she could see Gin’s daughter at the bar. Reika would be a useful ally in this if thing would turn nasty. There was a very large woman in one corner attending to the not very much paying visitors and eventually trying to con them into getting their money boxes out. A slimmer and prettier but certainly loud one was not fat from her doing the same on her side of the visitor’s booth.

Verdandi would step forward to the customers area. Moving through the various seats until she reached the bar. Giving Reika a subtle wink as she asked for a plum wine. Reika would quickly become intrigued by Verds getup and by what she was doing in her. Her too, was of course rather suspecting Verd trying to get wasted and molest some of the girls than expecting her to be on a mission of sorts. Dandi kept quiet for now. But worst comes worst, Reika was there for sure.

540 / 1050



Verd would sip on her drink and slowly enter the customer booths. Her suspect wasn’t here just yet. So Verd would sit down into a free booth until at some point. The head stripper Crystal. Gin had warned Verd about this woman before. She was the protector of the girls here. But since they didn’t know each other and Verdandi was but a beautiful young lady in an extremely sexy dress, sitting in the booths and sipping wine. Crystal had no reason to question the young girl’s motives at this point. She’d seat herself into the booth, sitting opposite of Verdandi. Giving her an oddly joy ridden glare. That woman was kinky to the bone and beautiful too. A dangerous combination.

They would softly chat each other up. Crystal wanted to know aaall about Verdandi whom here claimed to work for the city administration and just needed to vent herself once in a while. Most of the information Crystal extorted from Verd was not too much of a lie. Keeping things low profile and simple would make sure she wouldn’t accidentally take a wrong step and reveal to Crystal that there were fake parts in her story.

This wasn’t all too bad. Crystal wasn’t stupid though so Verd had to keep her brain sharp. As she could see the feudal lord entering, with quite a bunch of his rich friends, he too was here in simple clothes to not be recognized. They were quickly moved to the VIP lounge where the dances happened. Verd was aware that she had to get there too if she wanted to snoop out any details. She pulled the Ryo that was given to her from her bra and slid a few over to Crystal. While she wanted to already ask her about which kind of sexy stripper boy was her taste, Verd would intrigue her that she had seen an oriental suna girl last time she came here. Crystals eyes sparkled. She was more intrigued than ever. Knowing exactly which girl Verd meant. But was sad to inform her that the oriental girl was not in today or working. In return, she would offer herself as…. visual entertainment.

They was Verd had presented herself and using her inside knowledge of the club, removed the remaining suspicions from Crystals mind. Especially now that the girl would willingly book her. She was more than willing to take Verd by the palm and lead her slowly to the VIP and Dance section. Once they came inside, Dandi would spot a table that would perfectly allow her to be very close to the lords party. As if it was out of a sheer whim. She let go of Crystals palm and seated herself there. Giving a suggestive glare to her as if to say. “Well let’s see what you got….”

480 / 1530



Crystal was a goddess. She had the experience of one at least. Her mature body and expression was more that of a strict Mistress than a submissive play doll. Verd was certainly amused by the view given to her. Whilst at the same time she could hear every word spoken by the lord and his companions. Most of it was useless chit chatter. They would laugh, drink. Some of the seemingly more expensive girls would quickly fill their booth. A dancer on the table and a girl to sit down next to each of the rich men. The feudal lord was getting greedy enough to have two of them which he held closely to himself. Verd tried to swallow her own disgust over the greed of these men. But at the same time, she had to admit. The way Crystal danced in front of her eyes in such a seductive and playful way. It was…. entertaining.

Sooner than later, Verd would yet be reminded that this wasn’t just a dance club. Crystal would soon show skin and body parts that even the cold-hearted shinobi couldn’t stare at without dropping her chin and slightly loosing part of her composure. She was aware that previous shinobi had tried to infiltrate the place and failed to accomplish their mission and now Verdandi knew exactly why this was the case. The more clothes dropped to the floor, the sweatier Verd would become, uneasy in her task and certainly overwhelmed by what she was seeing there. Still, her ears would try to keep up with the conversation of the men behind her. After a good half an hour. A lot of the Ryo Verd had saved up for this was already cone and sticking to Crystals panties. But at last, the crucial information dropped. One of the rich men was trying to con the lord into giving him a very specific area of land and soil sold. The lord reminded him, as previously mentioned. That he was very happy to be continuously invited to this place but that he just couldn’t oblige to the rich man’s demands.

Verdandi was getting curious. This was juicy. The alcohol kept coming. Even Verd would get her second plum wine. But they were obviously trying to get him severely drunk on alcohol and the girls would turn more gropey, dirty and flirty the longer it took. This man must have spent a fortune on those girls, giving them very specific pointers as to what they had to do to lull him into the state he turned into. By the time Verd’s dance was almost up. She could hear and see how he got conned into signing the contract for giving that plot of land to the rich guy while he was thinking he would sign the bill to pay for all these beautiful ladies and their company. Verd rolled her eyes. What a chomp and hat is supposed to be the great lord of Kiri….

500 / 2030



The dance was over, Verd would have to move from the VIP section but as Crystal dressed herself back up she would ask the young girl how she enjoyed the presentation and dance. Verd could say with an honest smile that it had been the most breath-taking thing she had seen in many many months if not for all her life. Crystal was overjoyed. She couldn’t help but express her… physical interest into Verdandi. Mentioning that she’d make a wonderful dancer. Towards which Verd could honestly continue how she used to be a blade dancer in her home town. Crystal grew more and more intrigued. It was getting harder to block her advances in a way that wouldn’t insult her. They had to take things easy. But luckily things would get distracting from here.

Somehow, the feudal lord got note of what the rich man had conned him into. He got intensely enraged by that prospect. The girls would run from their booth and violence was at their doorstep. It didn’t take long for big bertha and crazy candy to step in on the bunch of rich people punching themselves up. Quickly the lords guards would enter the bar without permission as to come and safe their lord. Crystal would take this behaviour personal and kissed Dandi on her cheek before she moved on to beat the crap out of the soldiers. The whole bar would quickly turn into a fuss and Verdandi had to act quickly if she wanted to get her hands on that contract.

Within a blink of an eye she would move past the VIP entrance, using the transformation technique to turn herself into crystal. Heading towards the mess she’d casually punch the rich men into their faces and kick them off the ground. She had spent enough time with Crystal to be somewhat aware of how she behaves in her bossy way. Using her position now to tell bertha and candy to get those violent freaks out off the club. That being done she would grab the contract from the table and take the lord by his hand. Tugging him along saying “We have to get you out of here”.

As Bertha and Candy kicked the other rich boys out. They would meet the real Crystal outside having her fun with punishing the soldiers that dared to break into the club and hence break the houses rules. They were sort of confused on how Crystal got from VIP section to out here so quickly and basically past them in the process… But by the time they went back inside, Verd had already used her trump card. Moving to Reika to allow her to use the back-entrance trapdoor as a means to escape with the Lord. Once outside, the ruckus inside the bar would slowly calm down. The con-greedy rich boys were tossed into the mud and humiliated like that. The guards were unlucky victims of Crystals demonstrative punishment methods. But they would be alright. Eventually.

500 / 2530



Lucky for her, the lord was still sort of drunk. Verd could slip the contract she had stolen into her dress and tug the lord slowly towards the next guards station. On their way the lord would compliment on the young girls appearance and continuously ask her if she too was working for this wonderful establishment. He was yet confused by the fact that she had returned from disguised as Crystal into a younger and even more beautiful lady for his eyes. “Is that a trick? Magic? I love it…” he’d say all drunky and silly. Verd would make haste to get rid of him. Making sure to explain to the guards that their lord must have gotten… lost on his last bar visit and that he certainly needed to be escorted back to his chambers. He would, be thankful for Verdandi’s very caring actions and slide a ring from his hand onto Verdandi’s. “A little gift.” He’d say and wink after her as she made her way back towards the mission headquarters.

The paper contract did not only show the name and signature of the feudal lord but also the name of the rich guy that had been trying to con him into doing this all. They would thank Verdandi for her outstanding success on the matter at hand and allow her to leave the premises with a ‘Mission fully accomplished’ feel. What an unusual night. Unusual mission… but certainly one of the more fun kinds she had ever had. Verd would have to go back and visit Crystal sometime… Maybe get another dance from that crazy minx.

270 / 2800

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