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1Monolithic Training (InviteOnly,NK) Empty Monolithic Training (InviteOnly,NK) Sun Mar 25, 2018 9:27 pm



The morning in Iwagakure was beginning to wind down at the refugee camps. A section on the outskirts of the village was now set aside for the refugees and displaced families of the Sunagakure events to reside while they awaited to return to their lands or join Iwagakure society. It seemed like an even split with the camps separating themselves from each other. There were only minor squabbles about the subject and they weren't top priority for anyone. First priority was living in the now and accepting the help of the generous Iwagakure population. It was here that Harichimo was doing his part to help in the efforts to help these people. In the center of the tents was a big building that was used as a warehouse by a now shut down factory. The warehouse was now a dull rust colored sheet metal building that did its job to give those inside a break from the elements and the sun overhead. The inside now hollowed out to give more room for the unfortunate visitors. Inside the warehouse on the main floor, a bunch of tables and mobile kitchen pieces were arranged to help feed the refugees. The tables were arranged in no particular order but arranged enough to make it easy to pick up if necessary. Harichimo was standing in the middle of the tables in his black and gold Monolith jacket, black pants and shoes with a ladle and a big pot on a smaller table. His job today was to distribute a warm chicken dumpling soup to each that wanted some. After half an hour the final people would be getting through the line and getting their portions. It made him feel good to be able to bring even a faint smile to the faces of these people. Now with the chunn\in exams being over he felt even better to have played a role in reuniting families and loved ones that had been separated from one and other.

After handing out the last spoonful of soup Harichimo would give a small smile and wave the last person on as they got the rest of their meal. Happy with his morning work, Harichimo would put the ladle into the big pot and take it over to where the washers were cleaning out the first set of bowls and trays that had been returned. With a bow he would leave the pot with them and walk to exit the warehouse. It was now his break time from volunteering as he walked down a big row that had been made through the tents for easier access to the warehouse. He walked by and looked at the few people who had arrived early enough to get their food and were now relaxing by campfires and enjoying lost family time. It made him think about how he had not been around his own family in some time but he had more pressing issues on his plate with the Tsuchikage missing in action. So he would press on in the direction towards the training grounds. Now with the return to daily chores and genin graduating the academy, Harichimo felt he needed to keep himself in top shape to be an example for those who looked forward to joining the special divisions like the Monoliths.

After a while of walking he would reach the training grounds where it seemed only a few others were beginning their training as well. He walked around the perimeter of the grounds to find a suitable spot for his training which had to be a decent sized space. He soon found a patch on the far side that looked like it was clear from the space of what other shinobi were using. Harichimo would take of his Monolith jacket and fold it nicely on a bench looking at his area. There was a single tree in the center of his space with medium sized boulders spaced out at varying distances that would be perfect for him to use in his practices. Once he was happy with the look of his space he would begin stretching to limber up his body and unstiffen his arms after serving so many their food. His legs also feeling grateful to be doing a different activity than standing around.


2Monolithic Training (InviteOnly,NK) Empty Re: Monolithic Training (InviteOnly,NK) Tue Mar 27, 2018 1:06 pm



The mourning air was warm, and the air was thick and sticky from a light fog. Maikeru stood in the Training Fissure. The training ground has become more and more of a home for him. At the moment he was sparring a partner in Taijutsu. Her name was Tsukiya, and she wasn’t much weaker than Maikeru, if weak at all. Rather than raw power, she would focus on skill in her craft, which was skillful kicking and dodging. Maikeru had to get in close to her, but she kept him at bay by adding defensive kicks. They were well timed. “Are we getting serious yet.” She was a taunter. Definitely goding Maikeru into making a mistake. He knew this the instant she did. However, he went for it anyway, rushing toward her, trying to go for a headbutt to her mid section, to grab her leg. He saw that she was using her right leg more often than the left. He had at the very least a fifty-one percent chance of executing a takedown. He saw as her leg rose. He reached out with his right arm, and wrapped it around her knee. He struck his head into her stomach. Using his momentum, he lifted her up with the combined effort of his head into her stomach and his arm around her knee. As quickly as possible, he slammed her down on the ground, his arm still holding her leg. He used this opportunity to spin her on her stomach. He yanked her leg back into a half crab. “OKAY! OKAY I GIVE UP!” Maikeru let go. She got up and limped slightly, until shaking her leg, feeling better. She had little to know injury, while Maikeru himself was left with a black eye, and shoe prints on his clothing and face. “Good spar. I have to say, I thought I had you beat.

Maikeru stepped back, watching her leave. He thought for a second, what exactly he was doing before he was challenged to a spar. His mind clicked, remembering that he was attempting to develop a new technique. A new Bakuton one to be exact. He looked at his hands. He knew very little jutsu to began with. The only Explosion Style Jutsu he knew of was Landmine Fists. And he couldn't use that without fracturing his hands. But he knew enough about it. He went to the Archives to research the makings of Explosion Style. He knew that explosion style needs a conduit. Explosions don't come out of nowhere. It needs to be channeled into either a body or an earthen piece. He recalled Deidara, one of the pioneers of the craft. From what Maikeru has read, he was far too focused on the on the conduit, the clay that would be used for on the conduits for the explosions, being an artist who sculpted. Maikeru was far more focused on efficiency of the Explosion. It didn't have to be fancy. It had to be big and devastating. Maikeru looked on the ground. He focused hard on a small pebble. There was nothing special about it. An average pebble that is destined to be part of a larger rock. However, Maikeru decided to change it's fate. He reached to the ground and picked up the pebble. Bakuton is a combination of Raiton and Doton. The makeup for Raiton was far too sporadic to house an explosion.

Or was it?

Maikeru knew that it would be nearly impossible to use Raiton to explode. But maybe Raiton can house the potential explosive s, and transfer it to a much more preferred conduit. It was a small pebble. It would be a difficult at Maikeru’s current level, but he charged up the Raiton in his body. He looked at his finger. He powered his Raiton, and combined it with Doton. When he added his Doton, Maikeru was shocked. The static that was normally supposed to be blue had turned yellow. The yellow spark bridged his index and thumb. Maikeru placed the pebble between the two appendages. He watched. Nothing. He waited for a good five minutes to be met with no result. In a fit of frustration, he throw the pebble down. “Damned pebble!” he yelled. Just as he did, the pebble popped. It was a small firecracker of an explosion. But it was an explosion nonetheless. The genin was choked by his shock. He looked at his hands. He got it. He smirked. Things were beginning to look up. He looked around to find more pebbles, until his gaze was met on Harichimo. He had seen him around the village often and heard of strength. “Yo, Harichimo-senpai.” He ran over to him, a bit too eagerly. Hey! I'm beginning to master explosion style. And I was wondering if I can see some of your Jutsu in action. I need to learn more about Chakra, since I'm making an explosion Style Jutsu and all.”

834 WC

3Monolithic Training (InviteOnly,NK) Empty Re: Monolithic Training (InviteOnly,NK) Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:22 pm



With a long and slow breath Harichimo would pull him left arm across his chest and lightly pull to loosen up the shoulder joint. He was glad to be back home and breath in the pure mountain air. The cliffs of Kumogakure seemed so cold and overbearing for him with the air rushing throughout their valleys. But in Iwagakure it was a nice steady breeze that graced the training grounds. It was a calming thought to those that had troubled his mind the whole trip back from the chunin exams. The new Raikage seemed to be on a whole new power level then Harichimo had ever experienced. Of course it was his first time being in the presence of such power. He remembered the necrosis cloak of Nanashi and how it ripped the flesh of anyone who was caught in it without hesitation. He had never seen any of his sensei's power first hand other then training his schools of taijutsu. Hastur had shown out right that he wouldn't think twice about erasing anyone who would stand in the way of his and his new toy's vision. It was now a point for Harichimo to train his heart out and reach a level even far beyond what he thought Hastur was even capable of. As he let out the last of his breath he let his arm return to its normal spot and started on his other arm.

Halfway through drawing in his breath he heard someone call out his name. He would turn to see a younger blonde shinobi running his way. Harichimo had seen this young man's picture before as it sat on a file in his potential squads listings. But he wasn't to familiar with what he was capable of without seeing what they could do. He could tell how excited Maikeru was by just the sight of him as he rushed over in a quickened pace. His file described a little bit about the shinobi's taijutsu preferences. Maybe the boy could be molded and pushed to succeed as a future Monolith. But it wasn't time to be recruiting, it was more of a time for teaching and growing. As Maikeru finished speaking and asking his question Harichimo would give a small smile and a short bow. "Well it is nice to finally meet you Maikeru. I may not be the teaching with advanced elements in mind but I think I can help you understand how you can mold and shape your chakra to fit your needs." An explosive set of jutsus would be an easy concept to understand since it was what Harichimo's clan was best at. Studying the use of chakra and the necessary conditions that needed to be met to use it in medical and taijutsu styles. Harichimo would look around and start to walk towards the nearest boulder to them. "Now with your explosion style, looking at it from a execution standpoint, you could start to proactice with the technique my sensei called Iron Body Style - Rage. You focus the chakra into the limb you wish to strike with, create almost like a rubber band effect with it, pull the band back as you wind up and then let it release the kinetic energy through your limb and out into the target. And you may just end up with something like this." Harichimo would place his right hand against the boulder clenched into a fist. He would then get into his muay thai stance to better bring his arm back and release a straight punch to the spot he had kept his fist. Just as he had instructed the genin, he let the chakra pull back and now rush forward through his fist and release into the boulder with a bang. And when the bang occurred the boulder would split out in a bunch of spiderweb shaped cracks as a purple chakra exploded throughout the interior of the boulder. "You think you can replicate that result? I would recommend just using your normal chakra. From what I have heard, using this technique with advanced elements straight away can have undesired results." Harichimo was interested to see if the genin would be able to pull it off and show off their capabilities.


4Monolithic Training (InviteOnly,NK) Empty Re: Monolithic Training (InviteOnly,NK) Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:12 pm



Maikeru stared at the now shattering boulder as purple energy whipped and lashed like lightning. He was impressed. “I think I understand. What you are asking for me is to use kinetic energy like an explosion. It sounds similar to my Landmine Fist. Though I guess this would be a lot more useful, granted it doesn't crack my hand every time I use it.” Maikeru walked over to a boulder that was even bigger. Maikeru was feeling a bit showy and confidante. “So its like pouring my normal chakra into my fist instead of a induced one Bakuton.” Maikeru placed his fist on the boulder. He took a breath. He tightened his grip on nothingness, his knuckles unsheathed as much as possible. He yields his fist back, slowly, his eyebrows knitted in concentration. He inhaled, then exhaled. “Fist, don’t fail me know.” He rushed his fist forward into a right hook, slamming it into the oversized rock with a large thud.

There was a bit of a silence. Maikeru kept his fist on the boulder. And then there was a rush of pain. He pulled his hand back, frantically waving it around. “Ow ow ow ow oh wow, sunuva-….ooowwwwww. Dammit that stings!” He fell on the ground, continuing to wave and blow on his fist. After howling in pain, Maikeru sat looked at the boulder, to see that there was a shape of a fist etched into it, both filled and surrounded by cracks of lined with chakra. “Oh hell yeah! I got it!” He wiped his fist in his other hand one last time. “Not too bad for a beginner if I say so myself. Anyway, the gist of it all is that I am making an explosion style technique, since I uh…I only know one.” Maikeru chuckled a little. “The transfusion chakra seems intriguing. The way I did it to that boulder, for example. And that pebble.” Maikeru stood up from off the ground, and dusted himself off. He looked at his hand. He began to mumble. “I just had a thought. What if I combined the infusion of chakra, charged with the explosive chakra I used earlier, and transferred it by using Landmine Fist. Or more damning, what if added with something that was made of chakra itself. Specifically doton…a bit of a stretch, but this is a science.” He looked at Harichimo. “I have an idea!” Focused, and threw up a large amount of mud to create a single mud wolf. “Now I just need to…”

Maikeru clenched his fist, and charged it with Bakuton chakra in the same manner Harichimo had taught him to charge normal chakra. His fist sputtered with yellow lightning. Maikeru then punched the mud wolf in the face. It flew back some. When it got up, it just stood there. A waiting for an order. Just then, the Wolf exploded in a small, but clearly loud and noticeable explosion. Its muddy remains flew everywhere. Then, all the mud reformed into the mud wolf. “Oh….Did you see that!? I mean it was still to weak, otherwise the wolf wouldn’t have reformed, but did you see it!? It blew up!” Maikeru put a leash on his excitement for a moment. “You know medical Jutsu right? I was actually hoping to learn that too along the way. That requires precise chakra manipulation. Can you teach me a little bit about that as well? I need to learn more about the transportation of chakra.”

586 WC

5Monolithic Training (InviteOnly,NK) Empty Re: Monolithic Training (InviteOnly,NK) Thu Apr 12, 2018 7:12 pm



Harichimo pulled his fist back from the rubble as Maikeru seemed to understand the basis of the technique. The genin stepped up to a rock and had the correct form but execution would need some work as he heard the genin's fist connect with solid stone. With almost a cartoonish reaction Maikeru had pulled back his fist and surprised Harichimo more that he had not just broken all of his knuckles with that strike. Harichimo noticed the small amount of damage that the genin was able to pull off. He definitely was listening when Harichimo was explaining the intricacies of chakra control. Appreciating the first time shot at his sensei's jutsu he heard Maikeru call out to him to show off his own little idea. Harichimo would lean up against the rock he had just tried to attack and watched what was about to come from him. Maikeru's file had come in front of him before but it was a nice chance to finally see what the genin was made of and why the old Tsuchikage had assigned him to Harichimo. The genin wove his chakra into a mud wolf then assumed the same stance as he had before. With a mighty punch Maikeru sent the wolf back a couple of feet. It didn't have the effect Harichimo was thinking of until he saw the creature explode in Maikeru's clan signature style. The explosion sent mud flying a couple feet in every direction and it was a sight to see. Well it is a big step to try and use elemental chakra with that jutsu but he has quite a bit of mastery with his clan's very volitile chakra nature. No need to worry about him blowing his own arm off with his own jutsu if he keep practicing with what he has. Harichimo would give him a small clap to show some appreciation for the show. It was next that Maikeru asked about precise chakra control and medical ninjutsu which seemed like a polar opposite to the wild and explosive style of jutsus that his clan was known for. But his enthusiasm proved more then enough to Harichimo that he could take the time to learn it.

"Yes I know quite a bit about medical ninjutsu. Now it will take some time and practice for you to get exceptionally good at the basics and intricacies of it. I was raised in a clinic so all of this is pretty much second nature to me. Now with regular ninjutsu you just gather up the chakra and release it in out in sporadic and uncontrolled jutsu. But with medical ninjutsu you are focusing it along your chakra network as well as through specific parts of your body such as your hands, so you need to understand the path your chakra takes inside of you in order to retrace it into someone else if you were to work with a patient or a casualty in the field." Hairchimo would hold out his right hand and start to focus his chakra to come forth and within a minute the green healing chakra would come up through the tips of his fingers and along lines that went up into them into his palm. In only a couple seconds his hand would be covered in the green chakra.

"I would first practice with normal chakra to see if you can command it to be more precise. Heck even try it with your elemental chakra. You should be used to punching things with a thin layer of doton chakra to pack some more punch or raiton to give someone a shock. But if you were to accidentally do this with your explosive chakra the results may not be to your desire. It takes a decent amount of study to learn how the human body works and how your chakra can interact to heal it or destroy it from the inside out. It's what can make a taijutsu user very dangerous. To be in close quarters with someone who can shut down your nervous system and turn you into an unresponsive pile of flesh and bone. But I digress go ahead and start to take some steps and bringing out your chakra." Harichimo had to make sure if Maikeru could first bring forth his chakra before explaining how to turn it into the medical chakra rather then throw the genin into an ocean deep pool with an anchor around his ankles.


6Monolithic Training (InviteOnly,NK) Empty Re: Monolithic Training (InviteOnly,NK) Sat Apr 14, 2018 3:15 am



Maikeru cluchtched his chin. The relationship between Medical Ninjutsu and Taijutsu...with Taijutsu I can deliver devastating blows from left to right, and with Medical Ninjutsu, I could destroy someone's body from the inside out. The healing applications would just be icing on the cake." Once again, the genin began to pace back and forth." Precision..." Maikeru lifted his finger, and pointed it into the air. A cracking stream of lightning slowly and gently left the tip of his finger, ascending above. The line of Lightning Chakra was only slightly crackling. Maikeru cut his eyes, focusing heavily on the Chakra. But due to his attention span, the Chakra began to sputter and spat, and burst into a largb crackling of lighting,before finally dismissing. "Woah. So precision isn't exactly my strong point. But I understand completely. If I wanted to stun someone's nervous system, Lightning would be the best course of action. Electricity overcharges the electricity already in one's nervous system." Maikeru faced the wall of the fissure." Normally my fighting style is erratic. I try to overwhelm my enemies with brute force and unwavering strength. However, this is insufficient. My fighting style has to be as precise as the Chakra I use. Luckily, I have learned the Snake long ago." Maikeru didn't use the pure snake style, though rather he was able to use the movements. Maikeru took a deep breath, and began to peck at the wall. As he did so he let the Raiton in his body flo. Not erratically intensify as he always does, but move it like water it. His motions were smooth, precise, and careful. He spoke as he gently striked at the wall. "I know how to do this because of a Hyuga that my mentor knew. He briefly taught me how to move move uluidly with my Taijutsu." Maikeru eventually stopped and stopped away from the rock. Lighting began to poke out of all the places he had striked. He had made a connect the dots of the human body. "I am a little knowledgeable on where Chakra points are. At any rate, I am going to the library to study the human anatomy. Thank you for your time. You have been a great help. Bye, Harichimo." With that Maikeru walked off his hands behind his head, a satisfied look on his face.



7Monolithic Training (InviteOnly,NK) Empty Re: Monolithic Training (InviteOnly,NK) Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:02 pm



Harichimo waved his hand and he green chakra would disappear. He would watch as Maikeru started to focus his chakra. A long line of raiton chakra soon extended from the genins hand. The most sparatic of the chakra natures made him wonder how much control the genin could enforce over it. But it didn't seem to last long as the stream came to a sputtering end with a small crack of thunder as the chakra stopped flowing. The genin had some way to go but Harichimo could tell if this one kept working at it, they would reach the higher ranks of Iwagakure shinobi. It was a shame that this one hadn't come to him sooner to join Harichimo's many failed squads. Maikeru started to talk about his former training with some Hyuga and having fluidity in his fighting. It is quite a skill to have in combat being a strength fighter. Harichimo being a speed fighter was all about getting in close and landing as many strikes to critical points as he could before they opponent could even think. With that Maikeru would excuse himself to go do research on his endeavors. Harichimo would smile and wave to Maikeru as he left. "Keep up the hard work Maikeru and in the future I expect you to be as strong as they come when I see you joining the ranks of the elite. Be sure to read as much as you can. Medical ninjutsu has many interactions with all of the human body's many functions and quirks."

Harichimo would stand and watch as the genin disappeared from view and would return to his training. He looked at the boulder he had crushed compared to the dent that Maikeru had left in the other. He would walk over and put his clenched fist into the boulder. I remember being this way. When I was first learning Akira sensei's techniques. I guess not every clan can expect to be on par with a Hyuga and surprise them. But that's what you are here for Harichimo. You have to lead these genin along and help them recognize their dreams in order for them to be strong enough to help you defend the village and future generations. You will only get stronger and be more of a beacon to them. Harichimo would pull back his fist and us the boulder to get a small leap straight up. He pulled back his chakra into his fist and when he was on top of the boulder the same purple chakra from before slammed straight down and into the inside of the boulder causing a rush of his chakra to exit through the small indent Maikeru had left.

That would be enough training for now. Harichimo would step off the boulder and collect his Monolith robe from the bench. As he swung it over his shoulder he would take a deep breath and smile knowing there were still some shinobi he could teach his teacher's ways to in the future.



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