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Careless Expression [Training/NK/InviteOnly] Stnhng

The Rockhenge is arguably one of the most haunted sites in all of Tsuchi no Kuni. In the middle was a large slab typically used for ritual purposes, surrounded by a circle of upright stones. Tonight a cult was gathering. Normally abandoned, tonight under the new moon the site was lit by several torch emitting a soft purple miasma with countless cloaked men and women, followers she assumed, gathered around the slab in the center of the Rockhenge; chanting in rhythm as if they were in a trance. Only the scream of their latest victim broke the silence. As if plucked out of a typical horror story, tonight's sacrifice was a beautiful young woman with hair as white as pure snow and skin sleek like the finest ebony. If only she had left Tsuchi no Kuni sooner. She kicked and screamed against her restraints towards one of the cloaked man with unbridled fear masked with anger. The tips of her fingers gathered with heat Jet noted curious but it wouldn't work regardless as the priest, or at least Jet assumed, finished painting the last of the seals with left her without strength.

A finely crafted dagger rose in the air before it sunk into her sweet flesh and her blood dribbled down the altar. "Time for work" she whispered underneath her breathed. A match was lit before it fell onto the ground and a ring of fire rose, roaring to the heavens. The limette laughed as she tossed the oil away and hopped off the slab onto the ground in silence, no one finding her presence strange until now as she wore a blank white. Instantly everyone was sent into a panic until one woman noticed she wasn't running or trying to set out the fire. She grabbed Jet's pale wrist, trying to get her out of her 'shock' but screamed as eerie gold eyes, flecked with crimson, bore into her own until her jugular was slice open in a beautiful scene; Jet's mission now began as an angel's trumpet fell from her back pocket.

"Otra virgen maría y otro sacrificio"

Her tongue sizzled in the wake of memories forgotten as she wiped off a spec of blood off her cheek though it was really pointless since she was pretty much caked in blood, or at least her cloak, and she sighed as she shed the blood soaked white cloak off which left her bare to the elements; a white sports bra with her goggles around her neck and skin tight black shinobi pants with matching knee high combat boots which squished from the flesh of her kills. It was unnerving how calm she appeared as she sat upon the scene of a massacre besides her bloodied sword from slaughtering at least 30 or so people though she wasn't sure since she lost count after awhile. Her fangs glistened with her snake bite lip piercings in the moonlight casting a ghostly aura around her.

How long has it been since she had resorted to her father's native language. odd it felt to call him that. At least it was after his betrayal. So many years have passed and yet her heart's still stung from his cold embrace. Yet no matter what could be said, she was still her father's daughter. For a moment she wondered, had she not have been born, what would've happened? She never knew him as a loving man but in her mother's listless tales that was not always the case. Nobody knew but her father was a foreigner and not the average kind, no he was like the romantic devil women dreamt about. Handsome. Dashing. Daredevil. Sensual. Both Jet and her mother agreed the man was far from romantic (though Jet was arguably biased). No her mother knew him as sensual, very sensual. A playboy was what he was.

Her mother hardly mentioned her life past the timeless sands of Kaze no Kuni as if the sand dunes swallowed them up and buried them miles beneath the surface of the earth. Unpleasant she figured. Jet herself now knew the phantom pains of an unpleasant history; but was it as dreadful as her mother's or rather her fathers. Despite her mother being the obvious more frightening of the two, she wasn't a complete enigma like her father was. That man is not the same one that I married her mother quoted. He may have been a playboy but to me, he was the most loyal person in my life. The same could've been said for tonight's lamb. The girl kicked, screamed, and begged for mercy, begged her father for mercy. Questioning and demanding why was he betraying her. Why did he lie to her. Why didn't her love.

"El hombre es la única criatura que se niega a ser lo que es"

People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. Wrong...the only beauty lies in death. Why? Because there is nothing for beautiful than the naked truth. In death you cannot hide. Every lie, every plot, every thought, every secret, will come to lie. Jet smiled fondly at a memory of a story she heard back when she traveled to Spain that one time when she was younger. There were these picture books, comic the adult called them, that had the more enrapturing stories. One villain no wise man once told the readers why he liked knives so much when he killed. 'Do you know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can't savor those little emotions. You see, in their last moments people show you who they really are' Ha how bitterly true. She can remember it perfectly, her father's demise that is. She can never quite thank Shinimi for not killing him outright. The axe was...the perfect tool. In his last moments her father could not lie, not any more. Another lesson was learned that day

"La iluminación es a mirar con los ojos no ofuscada sobre todas las tinieblas"

Trained: PER D3-C [525/525]
END D1-D2 [400/400]
-Another virgin mary and another sacrifice
-Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is
-Enlightenment is to gaze with undimmed eyes on all darkness

Last edited by Yuurei Jet on Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:34 am; edited 1 time in total



Packing up her gear, nobari was headed out for the night. She needed to blow off some steam, and the cults that hung around the Rockhenge seemed like a perfect place to do. it was funny, most people used it as a tourist sight during the day. Taking pictures of it, and some claimed it to be a wonder of nature. However, during the night it turned into something more dark and evil. Nobari figured that tonight would be a good night to let her demons run loose on some of them, and just to catch a breath from the events of late. It didn't take her long to reach the rockhenge, but when she did she noticed a carnage already going on, so she simply sat a top a rock and watched the carnage unfold as she leaned against her scythe. Her black hoodie giving off the impression that she was a reaper coming to take those whom the other was slaughtering.

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