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Kejido had grown rather tired of the lack of response from the administration building regarding a squad. Simply being served return letters of "No squad leaders are available at this time." It was aggravating. How was he expected to have a burst of growth and fortitude if he was limited to chance encounters with others? Hardly worthy of his time the majority of them. That aside if a squad should become available he certainly didn't want to have to carry dead weight. He preferred to have his own say in the matter. Luckily for him that was theoretically an option. He had cousins and such that did some clerical work for the administration building and had files on the other genin. It was hardly something to keep under lock and key and really it was just there for updating and reference. Why they brought their work home was beyond him. Still he also knew when they were scheduled to travel for a mission. So it was a matter of ease for him to sneak into their home. Within the complex of the clan it was hardly guarded. A simple kunai under the latch on the window was plenty to gain him entry.

Still it would take him nearly an hour of shifting through files. Dull nobodies that barely knew how to throw a kunai. Swordsmen that thought themselves potent because they could light a sword on fire. The great majority of what he saw was just dull. In a disheartening way he realized he was likely to end up with one of them or more. It was just a boring idea. He wanted to build an ideal squad. Something with potential that could grow on itself. However two names did catch his eye. One was a young girl who was a genjutsu specialist with medical capabilities and training. More genjutsu was excellent and every squad deserved a med nin. Beyond that she was an Uchiha which typically proved interesting. The second one was also a genjutsu user. A theme he was enjoying sticking to for the time being. However the man also had ninjutsu. Someone who could cover mid and long range combat. Genjutsu stacks for days, healing, and capabilities at all ranges. It was an ideal set up. Kejido couldn't help but to grow excited. But how to execute this plan? How to get them all to adhere to meeting him...

Kejido would grin as a new idea came to him. Sure it was technically illegal buuut he thought a white lie was necessary. Quickly he set about writing two letters. One to a Fujita Ryō and the other to one Aikiko Uchiha. He had their addresses on file so it was a simple thing to deliver. Still he would seal them with the seal of the administration building. A seal kept within his cousins house. After which he would sneak out and quietly leave the complex. Dropping off each letter to the mail boxes in question as he checked the addresses over again in a notepad of his. Quickly making his way to the meeting location. It was still early morning after all. The note reading as follows.

"Dear such and such (Character name obviously)

You have been selected for a squad. Please be within the Koudo Sutajiamu by noon. The rest of your squad has been instructed to wait within the stone arena. Your squad leader is to be announced soon. Please come in your shinobi gear and be prepared to introduce yourself. This is an opportunity for growth. All three members of your squad show great potential."

It wasn't signed but there was the administrations seal on it in blue wax. However Kejido was gone well before anyone could see what he had done. Perhaps he could keep up the illusion that this was the wishes of the Administration. For a time at least. Still he would have plenty of time. He collected a bit of lunch on the way. Just grilled chicken on a stick. Making a calm walk towards the meeting location. Even grabbing a tea from a vending machine and drinking it from the box. Finally he would make his way into the underground stadium and quietly made his way across the empty expanse into a shadow filled corner where he would be more difficult to see. He wanted to view the two of them first and see what they looked like. Perhaps even their personalities. What if they knew each other? He certainly looked forward to it all the same. He was certain he could talk his way though it. To convince the two of them that teaming up with him was ideal. Perhaps the wish of the administration, perhaps not. Either way if they remained their team would be the most ideal one he had ever heard of.




I guess you could say Ryo never expected something like this to happen.

"Dear Fujita Ryo,

You have been selected for a squad. Please be within the Koudo Sutajiamu by noon. The rest of your squad has been instructed to wait within the stone arena. Your squad leader is to be announced soon. Please come in your shinobi gear and be prepared to introduce yourself. This is an opportunity for growth. All three members of your squad show great potential."

He sat in his kitchen earlier in the morning after being woken up by his mother in the midst of her excitement. He stared at the unfolded letter like it was some myth, as if it wasn't true in the slightest. His mother peered over his shoulder, her face filled with happiness. It was the time that her step-son went far and beyond. Ryo's reaction was different in some ways. He couldn't really believe, or maybe it was that he refused to believe it. This letter couldn't have been sent to him, why the hell would the administration choose someone like him for a squad? The only aspect that he had that qualified him for this was the fact that he was a Genin. That was it. He didn't have any unique talents and everything that he could do was below average. The seal on the letter rejected his thoughts, confirming that it was from the administration building without a doubt. It also found its way into his mailbox, the only household in his neighborhood that had a shinobi in it and it was even directed to him. Even though it was unlikely the mail courier made a mistake, Ryo couldn't get the thought out of his mind.

The letter said to be with Koudo Sutajiamu by noon. This place was uncommon for Ryo, with him ultimately dubbing it as a "no-go". Really, why would the local sloth put time out of his day to go to the local stadium to hone his skills? As much as he didn't want to go to someplace he never went before, he definitely didn't want to go to this squad meeting. The instructions on the letter were clear, though, and Ryo eventually got pushed out of his house and dolorously trudged his way underground and to the arena. The letter also instructed him to come in his shinobi gear, which Ryo did... kind of. He didn't exactly have any "gear" that made him suitable for battle, so he decided to wear what he always did. Whoever the squad leader was, they were likely to get a laugh out of his white button-up tucked into his black trousers. The only thing he had that made him resemble a shinobi was his headband, which was sloppily tied around his forehead. He also had a pouch on the back of his belt that held the one kunai and six senbon, which every Genin got at graduation. He also had the letter in his hand, ready to show it to anyone who may ask.

He arrived only about fifteen minutes until it was officially noon and made his way to the center of the stadium. From what he could gather, he seemed to be the only one there. This seemed strange to him, seeing how he managed to beat the squad leader. He didn't really think any more about it, with his attention being caught by his surroundings. Being underground felt strange to him, with the slight smell of dirt and iron hitting you with every breath. The arena was impressive, with everything about it being carved from the earth. His eyes moved to the ceiling, the green gemstones and the light they emitted pulling him in with their unnatural beauty. As he looked at them, his face stayed stagnant but his eyes would seem to light up. It surprised him that he didn't know there was a place in the village that was lit entirely by supernatural minerals. So he stood there in the middle of the arena with his attention locked to the ceiling and his letter in his hand, almost entirely unaware of his surroundings.

Word count: 705 of 705



"Dear Aikiko Uchiha,

You have been selected for a squad. Please be within the Koudo Sutajiamu by noon. The rest of your squad has been instructed to wait within the stone arena. Your squad leader is to be announced soon. Please come in your shinobi gear and be prepared to introduce yourself. This is an opportunity for growth. All three members of your squad show great potential."

“Finally”, huffed Aikiko smugly, turning up her nose at the small breakfast she had been eating for something much more worthy of her time. She had been going leisurely about her morning when the courier brought an envelope of fine quality paper and a notable seal to the Uchiha's door. Though only 13, a girl of her skill ought to have been invited to squad after squad, all begging for her time and talents. Confused by the lack of details, it only intrigued her more. She recognized the official seal pressed into the shiny blue wax, and saw that is was no replica of the real thing. She wondered to herself what the other members might be like, and considered what she might do if they seemed beneath her. She had no desire to be in a squad with some of the rabble that she knew made up some of the lower ranks of ninja. Should she be slighted whomever had assembled the squad, she would give him a piece of her mind and remind him who she was. She took her breakfast dish, made of fine porcelain and scrapped the remaining bits into the trash and dropped it carefully in the sink.

She was still dressed in her silk nightgown and robe, tied around her dainty waist. Neither fell far past her knees, and the glossy fabric was a deep black with vibrant crimson roses dotting the dark expanse. She walked across the hardwood floor of the kitchen to the stairs up to her room, wanting to be able to leisurely prepare for the meeting. She would arrive at noon on the dot, not wanting to appear too eager nor too nonchalant about the proposal of this squad. She tossed her robe and nightgown across the end of her bed and dug through her closet, knowing exactly the outfit she would wear. Another delicate silk item, she procured a finely crafted kimono that she had specially sewn for her. Slipping it on and tying her sash around her waist in a practiced motion, Aikiko spun in front of the mirror to look at herself from all angles. The kimono gracefully outlined her petite form, brushing the ground ever so slightly as she walked. Pitch black, the piece had the easily recognized clan sigil embroidered in vibrantly dyed threads was a giveaway to the great family she belonged to. Her sash, tied tightly, was ivory with blooming cherry branches beautifully sewn into the silk. The same floral print reached from the hem of the wide sleeves that hung from her wrists, back to her elbows.

Aikiko sat gently down onto a velveteen pedestal in front of her solid oak vanity and pulled a soft brush from one of the drawers. She felt the chill of the silver handle in her hand as she pulled the soft bristles through her dark hair, each strand falling flat against her back. Combing her bangs from her face and sweeping them to the side, she looked in the mirror. The face of a young, noble, Uchiha girl who was capable of great things stared back at her. Smiling smugly she checked the time and noted that she should be leaving in just a moment to arrive on time. Smoothing her kimono one last time, she slipped on a pair of red silk slippers and headed down the oaken stairs and through her large home. She strode across the large porch and through the gardens that were meticulously maintained in front of her home. She plucked a cherry blossom from a blooming tree and tucked it behind her ear, letting the sweet scent wash over her as she headed to meet what hopefully would be a satisfactory team.

The Koudo Sutajiamu was a short walk from her home, and Aikiko made her way there with haste. She walked with her head held high and her back perfectly straight, her hands folded in front of her, hidden beneath the silken cloth of her kimono sleeves. She reached the stone stairway leading beneath the earth. It was an odd place to meet in her opinion, but again the mystery intrigued her all the more. Striding down the steep staircase carefully, her slippers making her steps silent other than the soft rustle of her kimono brushing down the stairs. The long downwards sloping ceiling was illuminated by the soft glow of iridescent gems, lending a fantastical feel to her journey downwards. She saw the end of the stairs and an archway that opened up into, at least from what she could tell, a much larger room.

Striding confidently she entered the room, the claustrophobic hallway opening into an immense arena. As she entered she saw a figure with their head tilted all the way back, entranced by the ceiling. Gripped tightly in their hand was a piece of paper; another invitation to the squad she assumed. The man was not dressed in a way that one would expect for a prepared shinobi, a crisp white button up tucked neatly into a pair of black trousers. Aikiko walked closer and caught a better view of the man, no it was a boy she noticed. Looking closer once more at the way the headband was tied into his messy hair Aikiko realized that she knew him. She rolled her eyes, and sighed loudly. “This has GOT to be the worst prank I have ever seen pulled. I was aware that there were few genin that were anywhere near my standards for a squad but this is an embarrassment”, with a hint of venom in her voice.




He would watch from the shadow filled position on the edge of the stands. It allowed him to see rather easily but due to the lighting being between him and those standing in the arena it made him blend in with the rest. A simple trick with the light but one any self respecting genjutsu specialist could use. It was also common to approach in taijutsu with the sun at your back to get an advantage. Still he hardly felt he needed an advantage for this. He just liked being theatrical. After all someone suddenly being somewhere you hadn't been able to notice before they let you was an alarming thing for shinobi. It was also his bread and butter in a fight. At least against anyone relying on their sight. People capable of fighting on par with their other senses were simply pesky. A hurtle for him to overcome later. That wasn't his main track of thought though. Rather his deception that he was pulling. How far could he drag it along? Hell he might even be able to keep the ruse going for a few missions. His gloved hand rose to his chin to tap it idly in thought.

The first to arrive was surprisingly the older of the two. A boy by the name of Fujita Ryo. An interesting individual with more potential than he seemed to realize as of yet. Even from this distance his features were recognizable. However his outfit was strange even to Kejido. A button up shirt with black slacks? If it wasn't for the weapons pouches on his person Kejido might have mistaken him for an office intern. Certainly not what one might expect from a shinobi. Still Kejido had plans for him. If the boy could stick with him he would cover their squads greatest weaknesses. Ninjutsu had a long stretching list of strengths. Sensory, ranged damage dealing, area defense. This young man was going to be walking a tough road keeping them alive. It certainly would be strenuous to say the least on his chakra system. Still even with that in mind it was only a part of the whole. He would only run out of chakra if they were slow at their jobs. Something Kejido didn't intend to be. That aside the boy also excelled in classes pertaining to genjutsu in his record. If that little tid bit could be expanded upon it would make him valuable indeed.

The boy only had a little bit of time to admire the mineral provided light in the room though when another entered the area behind him. A petite girl in a fancy kimono that almost announced who she was. Another valuable member of any team. The medic Uchiha Aikiko. A younger girl by far to the point where Kejido couldn't really tell if she would grow up to be someone pretty. Still she held a valuable trade art that every squad needed. The ability to reverse wounds. Putting anyone injured in the team back into the fight. If their target was strong enough to touch Kejido he would certainly have need of that. Still the Uchiha were known for being unruly and perceptive. It was only natural for them to suspect deception from even their allies. He might have avoided her all together because of her clan if not for one other thing. She too had high marks in genjutsu. Both of them were talented illusion artists. It would make for a confusing battle for anyone facing them. However her words in spite reached even him. An attitude this one. However he would rise from his seat and speak loudly as to be heard before the two could fight. His steps carrying him down each row until he stood in the light before them. In full uniform. Black slacks pressed that morning with a military shirt buttoned over it. Though it was tucked in and pressed for creases as well. On it was a single three section line on his left breast pocket. The shirt was black with red lines on the shoulders, cuffs and neck. Six buttons held it folded closed as the bronze caught the light. His white gloves matched his white belt with the copper belt buckle. As for his headband it was stitched into his left shoulder and the only weapon that could be seen on him was the kunai sheathed on his left hip. Almost ceremoniously. That wasn't to say he didn't have senbon up his sleeves and kunai tucked into each polished military boot.

"Now now, do give us the chance to live up to those standards my dear. At the very least introductions should be given on a first meeting. A matter of remaining civil. It's only polite. Of course I would be delighted to start us off. I am Specialist Heishi Kejido. My specialties are taijutsu and genjutsu. I will be your close range assault member. Young sir would you mind going next? After all it is in the order of arrival." When he finished he would be standing clearly before them with a charming smile. His dark hair framing his face and silver eyes that studied them.




The mineral provided light held his attention for longer than he'd like to admit. His neck started to ache more and more as time went on from holding the unnatural right angle. He wondered, how long has it been since he arrived? To his mind, it felt like only a few seconds, but to his body, it felt like ages. It was rare for something to catch his attention like this and hold on to it for as long as it did. This only happened a number of times before with Waterfall Point or Rockhenge. It made him think about how many beautiful sights were out there for him to discover. He only knew about his own village, and he hasn't even seen all of it with Koudo Sutajiamu being proof of that. It'd be uncommon for him to actually put effort into finding these places, so he chose to look forward to the unintended discovery instead. After all, finding a wonderful place by accident would only enhance the feeling felt from seeing it. He still stood there, entranced by the ceiling with his thoughts simply acting as a distraction. He almost forgot that he was here to attend a squad meeting, and probably wouldn't have been reminded of it if it wasn't for the arrival of his "new best friend".

Her words penetrated his thoughts like venom from a snake's fangs. Her entry went unnoticed by Ryo, but her words hit him hard. The charm of the unnatural lighting of the arena crumbled as his head quickly turned towards the entrance, his body soon following. What he saw hit him harder than the words said, with it seeming like he just took a punch to the gut with how he visibly stumbled backward. A small girl, dressed to impress in her Uchiha covered kimono. To some, it would seem to be a respectable and young Uchiha, proud of her heritage. However, to Ryo, it was a demon. Plain and simple. What was she doing here? With as much as it felt like a prison sentence, Ryo hoped the academy would be the last time he saw this girl. Now, it seemed that she was popping up more and more in Ryo's life. Was he cursed or did she intend for this? Was she stalking him like a lion stalking its prey, waiting to make his life miserable one step at a time? Ryo always took the harassment, never putting in the effort needed to get angry. He always walked away slightly annoyed, hoping that keeping his feelings inside would eventually make it stop. To keep it short, he was rather sick of it. He wanted it to stop. He needed to confront her, that's how you get bullies to stop, right? His eyes twitched with his suppressed anger boiling up and his face would start to turn a slight shade of pink. He opened his mouth, ready to fire back.


He couldn't get a word out. Even though it was unlikely for him to say anything directly hurtful towards Aikiko, him choking wasn't a fault of his. A loud voice came from the stands, just in time to cut Ryo off. The interruption, as unintentional as it might've been, put an end to Ryo's outburst. His eyes went back to normal, and his face would start to go back to its normal shade. The repressed feelings of anger went back into their cage, almost getting a taste of freedom. Ryo would turn away from the entrance and Aikiko to seem the source of the voice. When he managed to find it, he was rather taken aback. He was greeted by a sharp dressed man, dressed in a uniform that screamed military. The man didn't need to say anything to say that he was a top dog. His messy dark hair framed his face, only adding to his appearance. Even when the man was a distance away from him,
he could tell he was rather attractive.

The man began his descent row by row until he was at the end of the stands, allowing them to get a clear view of him. His words were simple, cutting the conflict between Aikiko and Ryo short before introducing himself. Heishi Kejido, or rather "Specialist" Heishi Kejido. Ryo never heard of the rank specialist before, but it seemed to hold some meaning to its holder. It wasn't long until Ryo realized that this man was a member of the squad as well with his use of the word member, confirming the fact the Aikiko and Ryo were truly in a squad together. Next, Kejido invited Ryo to introduce himself next. As much as Ryo wanted to sound impressive in front of him, he also had to say the truth. He hesitated at first, missing his queue to start by quite a bit. His hand went up to his headband, scratching underneath it as if he didn't want it to be there. Eventually, he started his introduction, but not before a slight stumble of words.

"Uh... I'm Fujita Ryo, and that's about it. I guess I can use Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, but I'm not even good at it. In fact, I'm below average. I understand why you picked... her," he said, his arm jutting out while he pointed towards Aikiko, "but are you sure I'm supposed to be here? You got the wrong person, I swear. Can I leave?"

With his eyes on Kejido, his voice was a mix of slight irritation and anger. His voice was slow as usual, but it had a clear underlining. He didn't want to be there. He didn't believe he even deserved to be there. Why him of all people? There were definitely people more fit for this dream squad than he was, so why was he here?

Word count: 993 of 1698



When Aikiko first heard, then saw the man emerge from the darkness, she quieted her verbal berating of Ryo. "Now now, do give us the chance to live up to those standards my dear. At the very least introductions should be given on a first meeting. A matter of remaining civil. It's only polite. Of course I would be delighted to start us off. I am Specialist Heishi Kejido. My specialties are taijutsu and genjutsu. I will be your close range assault member. Young sir would you mind going next? After all it is in the order of arrival.", A strong, formal voice matched the Militarily dressed man who spoke these words. She regretted saying what she did, now that she was aware that there was someone else listening in. She should have been more careful with what she said, now slightly worried that this more suitable member of a squad might think less of her for it. "Uh... I'm Fujita Ryo, and that's about it. I guess I can use Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, but I'm not even good at it. In fact, I'm below average. I understand why you picked... her," Ryo said, his arm jutting out while he pointed towards Aikiko, "but are you sure I'm supposed to be here? You got the wrong person, I swear. Can I leave?" As Ryo expressed his own confusion at his invitation to the squad, Aikiko nodded in agreement. Even from this very first impression, Aikiko felt that she would be a better match with this man in a team than Ryo. Even his introduction spoke volumes as to how unprofessional he was. Though difficult, she refrained from rolling her eyes at how little he thought of himself, even though she thought little of him the lack of confidence make him appear pathetic.

After Ryo's introduction Aikiko stared at the man who identified himself ad Specialist Heishi Kejido, watching for what his reaction might be. She was certain that after that he would be allowed to leave happily, but the man shook his head, he had a reason that he had called these two individuals here. After a moment Aikiko decided it best that she introduce herself as well, I am Aikiko Uchiha, I specialize in genjustu and and medical justu. I do sense a goal in mind for this squad, should it actually be us three, that we all are specialized in genjustu, though likely of different forms.” She was intuitive and was able to gather that, though the reason for it did not fall upon her. She looked between the two, Kejido standing tall and formally, Ryo slouching slightly and a slightly frazzled look upon his face. Studying the face of the new man again, she found she was unable to read him, but was impressed with the impression he had made on her thus far.

“Now that we have met each other, might I inquire as to who our squad leader will be?” Aikiko questioned after looking around to make sure she didn't miss another figure hiding in the shadows. More and more thought put into it, she would not mind working alongside someone such as Kejido, though she had only just met him, though she felt irritated at the other partner, hopefully Kejido's influence might rub off on him should she stay as part of the group. She felt compelled to listen to the suited man, an air of confidence oozing off of him that she found to be a favorable trait in a squad member. Silence fell on the chamber for a period of time as the answer was not immediate, the silence in the cavern almost ringing in her ears. “We... do have a squad leader, correct? Aikiko tentatively asked, certain she had seen no one else lurking around. Her nerves were slightly on edge, the situation a peculiar one. It was an odd group, and now with the lack of a leader she questioned the validity of the letter she had received.




Kejido would smile and look at the two before him. Such untrained children in so many ways at the moment. Or so he would consider them for the time being. Untrained but still shinobi in many ways. He would listen as the first boy spoke though. He sounded doubtful. Well he certainly wouldn't be challenging Kejido for head of the squad. That much was obvious. He followed directions though even if he doubted himself heavily. Not seeing the point of him being there. It brought a frown and a single raised eye brow from Kejido. Little more than that as a reaction though. The boy was free to have his ideals about his own abilities. Perhaps his self assessment held some truth to it but for now that only gave plenty of room for improvement. They all did honestly but Kejido got the impression he was slightly more capable in a fight right that moment than the other two. Though they did say women matured faster than men. Her initial comment though had him questioning that bit of research. He supposed she could just be the exception. However as soon as he arrived and the other boy finished speaking her demeanor seemed to change to one more tentatively observing him. He regarded her as she spoke next follow directions as well. He already knew all of this though. Still he would smile as she seemed to be intuitive about what was the purpose of the squad. Even if he would brush off her question about the sensei by addressing other subjects.

"You are half right young lady." He would say with a grin before moving over and placing a hand on the boys shoulder. His grip was firm and reassuring. His silver eyes seeking out that of the boys. "As for you, what is not strong enough today might find their strength tomorrow when it is needed. You are just as valued in this squad as her or I. Actually I intend to rely on you." He would smile and give the boys shoulder a squeeze before stepping back and folding his hands behind himself. Looking between them a moment before clearing his throat and speaking again. "Now as for being half right. Genjutsu is a tool of the clever shinobi. While at our level it is easily detected with the three of us stacking genjutsu on the enemy their minds will snap like a twig underfoot. Just with a little coordination of course. However our teams potential is more one of balance. She can heal our wounds in combat, and you have the ninjutsu to cover a range that I cannot. While I can hold off and engage a confused enemy in close quarters better than either of you. Functionality wise our team is ideal."

With that said he would smile as he let them take the words in. Still he would consider one more aspect. He was their close range combatant. He hadn't covered the other aspects of medical or Ninjutsu because he wanted them to consider the possibilities for themselves. However there was an opportunity here. He would hold up his right hand and shift his wrist. Into his gloved hand from down his sleeve came a senbon. As if by magic it appeared into his fingers. Holding the senbon there he would speak once more. His eyes looking between them and judging the reactions to the sudden weapon. His voice soft as he continued with his ploy to gain more power towards his fighting style.

"That said, upon graduation you were presented with a pack of senbon. Now while useful my fighting style actually utilizes senbon heavily. If yours does not, might I request you hand them over now?"




From what he could tell, Aikiko seemed to agree with his introduction. Whether or not her nod was directed towards Ryo's opinion of her or his opinion of himself, both were well deserved. After all, Aikiko didn't think much of Ryo, think of him as nothing. Ryo didn't do much to change this either because he didn't think it was worth the effort to get on her good side if it meant changing his attitude towards almost everything he did. He was content with going along with his "avoid at all cost" strategy instead. Ryo's opinion of Aikiko, however, was pretty positive. Ryo was lazy, only doing the minimum all the time. Aikiko was the distinct opposite, going for above and beyond before anything else. Ryo noticed this during their time in the academy together and respected her for doing something that he chose not to. It was important for civilians to respect the shinobi of their village, and Ryo didn't mind to carry that on. Eventually, Aikiko's introduction came along, and that was when Ryo started to connect the dots.

Ryo didn't really care for her introduction in itself because he already knew what she said. The thing that stuck out to him was when she pointed out that they were all specialized in Genjutsu. His eyes seemed to glimmer for a second as his mind towards strategy lit up as he understood how ideal their squad really was. These thoughts were interrupted momentarily when Aikiko inquired about their squad leader. Whoever it was, it'd be the last addition to the success that they had lined up for them. Ryo eventually starting thinking the same thing as Aikiko, though, and realized that whoever it was was either a no-show or didn't exist at all. At first, Ryo believed that Kejido was the head honcho or the squad leader, but he quickly realized how ridiculous that was. You couldn't blame him, though, as Kejido did give on the appearance that he was important. Who's to say he wasn't?

As for Kejido, he didn't seem to care about the squad leader, seemingly brushing it off before carrying on his encouraging speech. He confirmed that what Aikiko said was partially correct, before moving towards Ryo. Kejido placed his hand on his shoulder, and as much as Ryo welcomed this, his instincts made him lean away. He didn't break away, but it was clear that the touching was unwanted. He stated that Ryo could find his strength another day, basically explaining to Ryo that he had potential. He also explained that he intended to rely on the lazy sloth, which was a bit unexpected. Ryo looked towards him with a raised eyebrow above his shocked face. Kejido must've been crazy to even think that. Who in the hell would rely on somebody like himself?

After a squeeze on the shoulder and a step back, Kejido continued his explanation for why they were together. He seemed to have an understanding of their layout and combat plan after just meeting them. This was the first time they met each other, so why did he know everything about them? It made Ryo wonder, but not say anything. He just stood there listening to what the man had to say. He added on the what Aikiko said earlier, explaining that their combination of Genjutsu would cause trouble for any opponent. As for their other specialty, they all only added to their functionality. Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, and Iryoninjutsu. Close ranged, medium ranged, and support. Ryo's mind went to a chess board. All of them were their own piece, and they all had a purpose, even himself. The possibilities for this squad filled Ryo's mind. His thoughts went somewhere else as Kejido offered a pause, but were quickly stopped as he continued.

He asked for the senbon they were presented with after graduation. Part of their official "Genin arsenal". Ryo didn't really see the purpose of these, as he didn't really intend to throw some sewing needles at anyone. Kejido, however, seemed to rely on them quite heavily, so handing them over wasn't really an issue.

"Not a problem."

Ryo's voice seemed to change quite a bit from earlier, seeming quite cheerful as he reached into the pouch on the back of his belt. He pulled out a package containing six senbon, that still seemed to be unopened, which was partially because he didn't really see the point of opening the package if he didn't intend to use the product. He took a step forward towards Kejido, extending his arm to give him the senbon. He didn't really mind losing them, as he was rather glad to clear the space within his pouch. Ryo still didn't understand why he was chosen for this squad, as there were other people more skilled in Ninjutsu than he was. However, he didn't protest and looked forward to riding this hyper squad for as long as he could.

Word count: 852 of 2550

Six Senbon > Kejido

Last edited by Ryo on Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:52 am; edited 1 time in total



This was a well composed squad, their each talents lending to a cohesive strategy. Though she was not impressed by Ryo's talents alone, she did agree, at least based upon Kejido's descriptions of his own abilities, that they all covered a different style of combat that would work effectively under mask of genjutsu. Aikiko's trepidation rose as the immaculately dressed man paid her question of their squad leader no mind, not responding to it in any way. In combination with his request to hand over her senbon's, a slight tingle of fear made its way to her throat. Though she did not rely on the thin needles in combat, they something that any good shinobi would keep on hand, and the request to hand her's over was not something she was keen on, “Though I understand your combat might rely on such a weapon, I am curious as to why you would request mine as well, I'm certain one as you would be properly equipped”. Her arms were crossed in front of her, her hands laying across each other in the drooping sleeves of the kimono. As she spoke, she fingered at the well hidden stitches in the inside of her sleeve in which she had a number of senbon tucked in case of an emergency that called for one. She met the mans silver gaze with her own pale grey one, her face not displaying the slight discomfort she felt remained blank and emotionless, “And I do ask you again, who is the squad leader in charge of this group. It definitely seems as though this squad was put together with a very specific goal in mind that you seem very familiar with, rather than the not always effective random assignment to a squad that is commonplace.”

Her eyes scanned his face, looking for any signs of what he was thinking or what he was planning. She glanced over at Ryo as well, he seemed to be in a much better mood than moments before, after Kejido's words of praise for him. She even heard it in his voice when he had responded to Kejido's request. He had, without question, handed over his senbon to the man. This almost made Aikiko more nervous, that with no more than a few words he had earned the respect and good opinion of someone who moments before was undecided. This man was very charismatic, a trait that was an incredibly effective weapon in the right hands. Combined with his cool demeanor and easy avoidance of questions of importance, he could easily have an unknown goal in mind. “What use do you make of the senbon? I often see them used as a ranged weapon rather than in close combat.” Aikiko inquired curiously, she was interested in this shinobi's fighting style if not for working with him in a squad, for the fear she may have to fight him. She stepped forward slowly, her footfalls silent as she approached the pair more closely. She approached them at a crawl, the ends of her kimono brushing the floor and her hands still twisting inside her sleeves pulling a senbon and wielding one in both hands. She stopped about 3 meters away, trying to give herself enough time to reach should she need to be able to and stopped to continue the conversation. She saw the thin senbon in Kejido's fingers as the glow from the ceiling shimmered off the metal surface, in his other hand the unused and never opened pack of weapons that Ryo had handed over a moment before. Perhaps this was a sort of test, to see if his potential teammates would hand over their own weapons so easily, or a trial of obedience. Her grey eyes stared emotionlessly at him, waiting for his response.

[644 word count]



Exit thread 2308
to be continued
Training strength
D ~> D-1, 325 words and 25 Ryo.
D-1 ~> D-2, 400 words and 50 Ryo.
D-2 ~> D-3, 450 words and 75 Ryo.

Training Perception
D ~> D-1, 325 words and 25 Ryo.
D-1 ~> D-2, 400 words and 50 Ryo.

Training Reaction time
D ~> D-1, 325 words and 25 Ryo.

83 words left over



Exit thread.

2550 words.
Doton D > C: 2550/1500
Endurance E-0 > D-0: 1050/750
Reaction Time E-3 > D-0: 300/300
Extra: 0



Exit Thread

2325 Words total.


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