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Books, Books Everywhere![D-Rank Mission, Completed]

Having just turned in the restaurant mission, Nanashi didn't leave from his spot, instead requesting another mission from the chuunin who were handing them out.

Any particular one, you want?” The dark-haired male asked, not entirely surprised that the shinobi affront of him wanted another mission – seeing how it wasn't exactly unheard of for a ninja to take another mission, if they finished the one they had in a timely manner.

Doesn't matter? Just give me something.” Nanashi stated, before catching the thrown scroll, unraveling it and reading the contents – committing them to memory. A relatively simple mission where the recipient must work at the library – helping the librarian with the duties that involved working there. Seeing how the library was a source of knowledge, Nanashi had no quelled with doing the mission – not like he would have refuse any other. Money is money. Though the prospects of learning new material were fulfilling as well.

Thanks. See you later.” The male said, disappearing amongst the other shinobi who had entered the building to turn in their missions or to get one for themselves.

It would take roughly ten minutes before Nanashi made his way out of the administration building, having been stopped by Sakino Marise pertaining to him potentially working at a night-shift at the hospital. Of course Nanashi agreed, having respect for the woman who had taken him under his wing – learning him all he needed to know about being a medic. Though now he idly wonders how he'll tell this to Akio, seeing how they had plans tonight, but like the old saying 'works before pleasure.”

The chimes of the library door rung out rather loudly, as the former Geisha walked through the doors, taken in the sights of rolls upon rolls of books aligning the shelves. The teenager also notices the amount of kids that were within the place. Normally this wouldn't be a problem but it was an unusual large amount there. Asking a few people he found out that the children were here for a reading program of sorts. Well that explains it.

I'm here because of a mission stated that you needed some assistance around here.” Nanashi stated, having found the head librarian after asking some others, who he presumed were staff. The said librarian was female in her mid to late fifties with long black hair. Though she wasn't much to look at, Nanashi could tell that she was a looker back in her day. Sometimes time is cruel to others.

Ah, yes. As you can see, we are short-handed do to the reading program that will be running for six months. So if you can be kind a dear and put the books back in place, vacuum and the likes. It will surely help us greatly.” Nanashi nodding at the woman's words, before going about doing what he were asked.

Four hours, that's how many passed with Nanashi doing everything that were asked of him. Books were picked up and arranged correctly. Empty tables were wiped down with disinfectants. Windows were cleaned. And the floors vacuum. When time permitted the former Geisha read to some of the children, allowing the staff who were occupied with them, sometime to do other things. After everything were said and done Nanashi were allowed too leave.

Mission accomplished.” Nanashi stated, handing the scroll to the chuunin at the desk, who simply nodded, stamped it and put it into the done pile.

Anything else?”

Nope, see ya later.” Nanashi stated before disappearing behind a bend, heading home.

[Final Word Count: 602 out of 600]

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