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Mission Info:

After being made to be a waitress at a restaurant as a mission, Izumi didn't think there was anything else that could irritate her more.  She was wrong.  A new mission had been assigned to her to help out the Iwagakure no Sato Public Library.  Izumi did not like to spend her time stuffed with books, so she hoped she could get this mission over with fast.  To do so, she sprinted down the streets of the village towards the public library in a frenzy, stirring up dust and papers as she went.

A man carrying a trolley of cabbages was crossing the street ahead of her, blocking her way.  She wanted to stop but she had been moving so fast that she couldn't get control of her feet, and ended up crashing into the man's trolley, breaking the wall and knocking it down.  Cabbages flew everywhere and landed all over the street.  Onlookers gasped and stared in shock.  The man screamed in agony with his hands on his head, "My cabbages!!"  Izumi yelled back at the old man, "Get your damn cabbages out of my way!"  She didn't wait for a response, but bolted again towards the Library, finally arriving at its doors without anymore incidents.


Last edited by Izumi on Mon Aug 12, 2013 3:49 pm; edited 1 time in total



Panting as she entered the main lobby of the library, Izumi struggled to reach the front desk.  "Hi, I'm here to help...around." she said, still taking in some deep breaths from her running.  She probably didn't need to.  In fact, it had made her mission worse as she arrived earlier than expected, increasing the amount of time she would spend there by five more minutes.  The lady at the front desk looked to be in her late forties and was not pleased at all by Izumi's loud entry and her noisy panting.  The lady leaned to peak over Izumi's shoulder at the commotion going on outside with the cabbage trolley.  Shaking her head she got up and waved for Izumi to follow her.  Finishing her panting, Izumi followed.

She was led into a huge room lined with tall bookshelves that went straight to the ceiling.  The room seemed to be 25 meters tall, and the room was so big that Izumi wasn't sure it ended.  In the middle of the big room was a spiral staircase that went up and down.  The librarian led Izumi down the staircase which was blocked for employees only.  Stepping down into the library's basement, Izumi found stacks upon stacks of books. The librarian lady stopped and pointed at the stacks, "Shelve these."  Without another word the librarian headed back up the stairs.  Izumi yelled back after the librarian, "That's it?  You expect me to do all of these in one day??"  This mission was really starting to irritate her, and the incident with the cabbage guy made it worse.

Sorting and shelving was all Izumi did for the rest of the day.  Working from that instant all the way to closing time.  There were several times where Izumi lost her way in the big maze of bookshelves.  Other times she dozed off when she found herself in the Law section.  The librarian always seemed to catch her when she did that and swat her with a meter stick.  Where the librarian found that meter stick, Izumi would never know.  In total, Izumi had sorted and shelved over four hundred books.  When it did come time to close, however, there were still hundreds more stacks still downstairs.  Izumi was glad to be done with the mission, and laughed at the thought of the next chump who got stuck working at the library for a mission.


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