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1Technique Training Day[Training] Empty Technique Training Day[Training] Thu Jan 04, 2018 1:49 pm




WC: 1,525

Through the course of the Chuunin's journey's it was often he'd pick up a new trick or two. This time it appeared a new idea struck his mind, but now he could collaborate a new way to construct it. Much like his prior techniques involving a spherical water attack, and even the superior boost it gives using a Fuuinjutsu.

His excellence didn't stop their because he could manipulate the air around him. It was actually something he naturally could manipulate very well. Today was the day he would discover that. The first step was always the idea and it was easy to do that for Daichi. His day dreaming is what often led him to "go big or go home". As an Uzumaki he held an intense reserve of chakra within' him. Using that he'd be able to press out a new technique, a B-rank Futon technique that hopefully he could master.

The young man headed outside, back-pack full of water, supplies and a lunch. It was going to be a long day, for sure!~

An hour later...

After an hour give or take the Chunin reached his spot. The wide grassy plains outside of the village was perfect. Enough wind flowed around him to get a better feel. The most magnificent thing he found in the elements was their existence. It was something they naturally flowed with when they used their chakra to mold it. The shinobi sat his back pack down, walking a distance away and cracking his knuckles. He'd need to practice the hand seals of his other techniques, find similarities and manipulate the wind instead. Hand seals were an incredible way for constructing techniques, utilizing them and getting them to act the way needed. Despite the lack of fundemental techniques, the Uzumaki was no 'flunkie' and inherited a great gift. His ninjutsu specialization was some of the best people have seen. For his age and rank, it spoke volumes and only one could imagine a few more years.

Today was a milestone to show his fortitude of the basics. Chakra Manipulation and Shape Manipulation. They were essential in the creation of a technique, but he had building blocks. In his past he formed two techniques. One being a windy-stomp, utilizing nearby air and his next was a water sphere. Unlike the wind element, the Uzumaki lacked in water and it was apparent. The only way he could boost it's power was a Fuuinjutsu. Instead of trying to do the same thing, he'd make the forcefulness and natural properties align in his favor.

A single seal was formed as he inhaled sharply. His gut expanding as his lungs needed more room. The wind was formulating far too quickly, almost bursting his lungs but his lips were forced open to spit out a rapid wind. It whipped around violently, even throwing the Chunin and forcing him to roll aimlessly into a slowed flop. All that was left was a boy laying flat on his stomach; defeated.

"D-damnit...I guess I can't take that deep of a breathe...." the boy thought to himself as he pushed himself up. Brushing off his shirt, letting the loose grass float back to the ground below. His mind couldn't get off the fact of what just happened. Perhaps it wasn't the air that was an issue, but how much chakra he was using at one time?

The boy couldn't decide so he'd have to try both. First things first....

He lined himself up again, inhaling but not as sharply. The chakra swirled to life through his system. Being invited into his lungs and making the wind swirl impressively. With a simply opening of his lips, blowing the wind in a whistle he sent out an enormous gust of wind. It was smaller, a solid gust and continuous until he spat out the long breathe. It was improvement but didn't exactly act as he wanted.

He wanted a solid projectile, able to damage an opponent or something in general. The wind naturally did it's job, but he needed to create a new sense of attribute. Instead of using less wind, he'd use his chakra differently. A small infusion as he inhaled, and a larger infusion as he exhaled. His hands clapped together in a more determined stare. His eyes were aimlessly scoping the distance of the grassy plains. "Hmph...there ain't no way in hell..." his mouth let out a angry growl of confidence. His idea was going to flourish and he'd never cease to amaze.

Again he mimicked earlier, but tried his new antic. A moderate inhale with a low infusion to stimulate the oxygen in his lungs. It soon swirled inside his chest as it expanded; tickling. His mouth opened wide, spitting out both the infused wind and an extra boost of chakra. A burst of wind threw the Chuunin back, head first and giving him a slight whip lash. The boy was thrown as a large windy sphere flew forward. It was uncontrolled, frantic and exploded not far away; threatening. If that had been anymore uncontrolled and unpredictable he could have been killed. The sharpness of wind was nothing to toil with, and making it a blunt force of trauma was extremely hard to do.

The idea of a Uzumaki with only C-ranks in his abilities, leaping to an A-rank and aiming to master it was insane. All his experience on the field, with senior warriors and with ninjutsu itself would prove differently. He may fail sometimes but that isn't going to stop him from continuing so he wanted to prove something to himself. The boy picked himself up once more, but this time not brushing himself off. Honestly, the Chunin was starting to like the rugged feeling he got from being beat up. Whether he was beaten, knocked down or kicked...he'd get back up. Uzumaki were known for their relentlessness. Their physique proved to inherit that powerful persistence, and that showed within' their chakra reserves.

"AGAIN!" the Uzumaki bellowed into the open air. The whistling wind blew around him, almost in defiance but the Chunin stood firm. His hands clasped together in the seal of initiation, inhaling sharply, letting a little chakra infusion work it's magic. Soon he exhaled after he let it build in his gullet, exhaling harshly as he sent a burst of chakra to influence it's velocity. A spinning rampaging ball of windy oxygen swirled into existence. The Chunin slid forward from the suction, but he feet were planted. It suctioned everything along with it, or "could" would be the better word. The reason he picked the plains was for the open fields, and the windy weather that followed it. No destruction would come to his home for the sake of his knowledge; ever.

The vacuuming power was something he wanted to utilize. He knew the wind naturally could do it, but if he created a strong solid powerful attack it could enhance it. This way he was disorienting enemies, and also creating a very damaging strike during it. His hands unclasped as he leaned forward, both hands firmly planted onto his knees; leaned over. The boy huffed heavily as he drained a moderate portion of his reserves quickly. The boy walked over to his back pack plopping down, and laying back as he stared into the sky. His mind was lost for a moment, but knowing how to do his technique would mean mastery soon. All that he needed to do now was do it without the seal; it wasn't hard. Once he knew how to fuel the technique properly, it was muscle memory, but chakra wasn't the only fuel. Stamina was an essential part to every ninja's day. Today he packed a big lunch for himself, the boy reached in his bag and started to fish out all his favorite snacks. Nothing was unhealthy inside of it, considering he dedicated his life to fitness or rather...staying healthy. There was no way he'd ever gain enough weight, let alone become a built up man. His metabolism left him like a twig, very skinny and frail. On the plus-side he was given genius. His mind was where true power was held.

The boy sat up as he reached into his back pack once more. Grabbing a sandwich, a good old fashioned ham and cheese. Condiments were unspecified at this time as he gobbled it down. His forgetfulness of his drink left him almost choking, trying to fish it out of his pack and guzzling it down. "Whew...ahhh. That was so good..." he let out a pleasured sigh as he rubbed his stomach. The man's eyes lifted into the air, watching the sky and all the birds that flew gracefully. Today was a beautiful day of peace, enjoyment and growth. Tomorrow could be the complete opposite. So he'd take what he had now, in the moment and hold onto it as tightly as possible. Who knew what was going to happen tomorrow?

Today he accomplished a lot more, gained much and would hold onto it as he looked forward to tomorrow. A step in the right direction for this young Chunin. Gob bless Konohagakure.

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