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Sero had napped until sunrise. Napped as in he had laid in his bed slipping in and out of slumber constantly taking notes on his surroundings in his half slumber for anything out of place. He however was accustomed to this as it had been most of his life. The battle before had left a purple mark covering half his forearm but it was mostly just a bruise. No swelling or anything or pain. Just simple bruising from blocking a heavy kick. If his opponent had taken him seriously as he had he would of lost. He was sure of that. Still seeing the terrified tear stained face of someone looking at him. He had warned him his family where monsters. Still he leaves a missive to Jurou with one of the Konoha Shinobi watching him with a please and thank you. Before slipping off to the place where he had fought the night before. Jurou was the head of his family and the most powerful individual he knew of directly. It was only right to share a technique of his own creation. The missive was a request to meet on the edge of the forest so he could give his report privately and it was sealed with the family crest melted on with Sero’s own small use of the boil release. Sero of course headed there immediately to simply wait. Jurou had a right to learn the technique and he intended to provide it. As usual he stood next to a tree in his grey clothes and boots. No weapons just his clothes and his headband tied as if protecting his throat. His grey eyes watching around him as if calculating all of the terrain.



A notice was given to the newly appointed Mizukage of a meeting with one of his own genin; A Kirigakure ninja by the name of Sero Osada. That name ranged a loud bell in Jurou's ears as he remembered the grey-haired boy from his clan. The authorities said that the notice was of great importance, portraying to a specialized training of some sort. Nonetheless, Jurou decided to attend the matter at hand. Using his Body Flame Technique, his body was quickly engulfed in flames as the flames rose from the feet to Jurou's head, having Jurou disappearing in sight.

He then appeared in the small forest in the south of Konoha, surrounded by trees and grass alike. Konoha was such a peaceful contrary, mostly sunny unlike Kirigakure where it usually rained during the day. Jurou looked around, shifting his gaze to many different directions in order to find Sero. The kid sure knows how to hide well. "I know you are here." He silently spoke, the trees rustling and making little noises in the background. He was proud of his own clan member to win the first round; How did he hear of such talk was beyond him. Nonetheless he did not care.

Body Flame Technique chakra; 5
Total chakra used; 5
Chakra still remaining; 245

Body Flame Technique:

Last edited by Jurou on Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:28 am; edited 2 times in total



Sero moved around a tree at the sound of the voice. Truth be told he had no hint that Jurou had been there till he called out. Not wanting to appear a hopeful assassin he removes his hands from his pockets and bows his head. That plain expression on his face the same as usual. It was cold and calculating. As if his social life was with a thesaurus. Which was fine since another advanced tactics book was hanging from his right hoody pocket. He finally raises his head and speaks in his monotone voice.

"I apologize Mizukage for the interruption. however I seek to repay you the embarrassment of how much I overdid it with the first round. the only member of Suna participating left in tears of terror. in order to make amends I shall teach you my newest technique."

He moves over to a small stream and performs a few hand seals slowly as he speaks in plain view of his elder. Though not an elder by much. Because of how slow the hand signs where the jutsu was forming slowly as well as he spoke. Water rising to take a human like shape but still transparent and then being engulfed in fire boiling rapidly before appearing slowly as a replica of Sero standing there looking bored once he finishes the hand signs. Though the stream at its feet seems to steam alittle as if touching a hot kettle.

"By watching the hand seals of the fire clone and the water clone I found a combination to utilize our boil release within a clone jutsu. We apply the basics of the water first and complete it with the fire. the result is a clone that once harmed or on command can explode and cause up to second degree burns."



A clan Bushin no Jutsu; Clever. And very original with its own abilities matching the clan jutsu. Jurou was entirely impressed with the improvement of the genin's work with the clan jutsu. Jurou would have to do something similar to that one day in Konoha. But for now, it was time to put the clone to testing; To see if the clone would be efficient against one of Jurou's clones. Since it was a clan bushin no jutsu, it would be pretty easy for Jurou to learn it without a doubt, being the initial leader of the Osada clan right now.
"Let's see how well it does against my clone." He said with a pausing tone.

A similar-like clone jumped from the right side above Jurou and a couple inches in front of him. He wanted to test the clone's ability as he called stood very much identical to how Jurou was standing, being a couple inches away from its master. But, Jurou was still thinking: A combination of both Katon bushin no jutsu and Suiton bushin no jutsu to make a Boil Release clone jutsu. Jurou would've probably never thought of that in life.

Katon Bushin no Jutsu chakra; 15
Equal chakra used; 20
Chakra remaining; 225

Katon Bushin no Jutsu:

Last edited by Jurou on Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:50 am; edited 2 times in total



Sero merely nodded and stepped back. He would cross his arms and lean against a tree. He was aware in the level of difference as the clone was only a 10th of his power while Jurou’s clone was a 10th of his if done correctly. That alone would separate them considerably. However his clone was disposable and for now just to give an example of what it was primarily meant for it assumes as fighting defensive stance with one arm high and bent to cover the neck and the left arm low to be able to quickly cover any vitals. The stance widens as it prepares to defend itself.



Jurou's clone went straight into the offensive, unsheathing the same wakizashi directly similar to the original Jurou as the clone quickly zoomed to the clone in defensive. Cutting the air with swift elegance and grace. The sound of the blade slicing the air made an eerie sound; Music to the clone's ears. The clone moved in swift movement, dashing toward the defensive clone with the handle of the sword in a reverse-hand grip just in case if the defensive clone might try a different tactic. The original Jurou stood where he stand to watch the little sparring match between the two clones. He wanted to see what the other clone had in stores for him.



The clone had multiple uses but Sero's preferred use was the sacrifice. when engaging a close combat enemy stronger then you it is best to deal a hidden blow. Sero lets a smile flicker across his features as his clone abandons all defense to fulfill its role. it charges in as if to do a straightforward but powerful kick. ignoring any harm that might come to it. Sero's technique forced close ranged opponents to fight on his level at a range. while being engaged by a fearless opponent. and if they struck back a Nasty surprise was waiting.



He's planning something, otherwise that clone would not switch from defensive to straight suicide... Exactly was Jurou was thinking when he witnessed the clone switch from its defensive stature to, all of a sudden, running toward his clone with the blade in his hand. Sero must be up to something; If it was an attack, Jurou's clone would disappear into flames, leaving part of the clothing to be on fire. Seeing the smile was nothing to Jurou, figuring as if Sero was up to something. He sure gave it away. Although he did want to test the clone's abilities. Jurou's clone took to the ground to slide under the running clone, sticking his left leg out to trip the clone. If the trip was a success, the clone would be airborne, giving Jurou's clone the chance to stop from below, sprang in the air and finish with a clean yet swift slash of his sword.



The clone that Sero had made had charged forward recklessly. to Sero this was just a demonstration of the clone itself so any attempts at concealing what it does while useful where in fact against the demonstration itself. As the clone is tripped it triggers into close range mode and spits out a small fireball at its opponent. the fireball itself just minimal damage however why waste the 1 available jutsu? it was usually a good distraction though. with the sword strike rapidly incoming and the one jutsu used the clone was done and its final purpose was ready. a popping noise like a balloon could be heard in that instant and then a high pitched whistle like a tea kettle as hot Steam burst into the cold air searing everything around the 5 meters of where the clone was a moment ago. the pressure flattening grass and breaking branches. the noise sending birds scattering all around. however Sero watches this moment to see if any improvement could be made himself.



A small fireball. Sero must not know what type of clone Jurou summoned for this type of spar. But nonetheless, he will find out. As the fireball was in close range, the clone swiftly dodged the fireball, but did not anticipate the clone dispersing. The mist covered the fire clone as the fire clone's vision was nullified. He felt a burning sensation on his skin, but to no effect because the clone itself was made out of chakra of fire. The fire clone, being effected by the mist, poofed into normal fire as the fire landed on the grass, the wind blowing it away. "Just as I suspect from a boil user as yourself... I like the jutsu." Praise was given to the genin from the Mizukage; Jurou was impressed.



Sero nods slowly and tilts his head observing how little it did and wondering on the factors there. he approaches the spot and bends his knees to hover over it a finger tracing the burnt grass. So it was only slightly effective against fire. that made sense as it was based on heat itself. though it was still effective enough to disperse a clone stronger then it. He tucks the information that his better used a fire type clone away for now as he stands and nods.

" I am designing many techniques at the moment. some others I feel might benefit you. may I present them as I make them to you? as a gift to keep our clan strong. after all if I fall I wish my techniques to be passed on. and you are the head of the clan."



Jurou listened to the information that was given to him about his own clan and the jutsu that the young genin is performing. Looks like the clan might have a new leader when it is Jurou's time to past. But from then on, Jurou will keep a keen eye on the genin and his ideas, steady informing him of the downfalls of the clan's jutsu. "Remember... the clone's effect has little to no effect on Fire Clones and Water clones. Study your opponent and their elements. Decipher a weakness, then use the clone to your advantage. One hit can make a big difference."



Sero nods slowly at the information. it was best to discover the elements of his opponent before recklessly wasting chakra. that was an excellent bit of information. His forward battle tactic of constant pressure now began to change as he contemplated this. his finger taps his chin as he nods slowly. Before he speaks once more.

"If I am to be able to have time to decipher my opponents elements and weaknesses I should improve my taijutsu and the speed of it. whittle through my opponents moves and strike when they are weakened. I see how that could make a battle less tiresome."



"..." Jurou nodded at what Sero said. The training was now over. It was good to learn a new jutsu from a member younger then you but of the same clan. Better learning from the ones you do know then from no one. It was now time for the mizukage to take his leave. Teaching the technique was done for the day. Hopefully there will be many more days like that but for now; onto more pressing matters. Utilizing Body Flame Technique, flames that resembled chakra rose from Jurou's feet to the top of his hair, his body vanishing in the process. When the flames reached to his last strand of hair, he was no where to be found.

Body Flame Technique chakra; 5
Total chakra used; 25
Chakra still remaining; 220


[Exit Thread.]



Sero watches him disappear in the flames and tilts his head a moment before nodding slowly. before he rolls his shoulders and turns around. heading deeper into the forest for some quiet time. the Animals hushed at his presence. like a predator walking amongst them.

Exit thread

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