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1Jamie's Friend/Leaf List Empty Jamie's Friend/Leaf List Wed Dec 13, 2017 1:49 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

BOLD = Known or met before
UNBOLD = may have seen but does not really know

Anon Brier - A stranger he finds suspicious and dangerous who wields two swords... he avoids this guy based on his instinct. However fate has a funny way of bringing strangers together as he would later learn that Anon Brier was his new Chuunin Squad Leader and a man which he may never understand
Arashi - A wanderer who became his first friend, has lost touch with him
Chi Rippa - Met during a meeting, he found the man to be scary simply from him considering this man the strongest in the world, though the man was rather nice the presence he held was one that seemed a bit overwhelming as he would avoid going to the Hokage again unless he needed to or was needed to be more precise.
Hyuga Hizomi - met during a strange encounter involving two outside wanderers at the time. Jamie can not remember what happened with the rest of that day as he ended up in hospital for some reason.
Hyuga Izayoi - met him during a mission to defeat wild boars, does not know him too well but looked up to his strength and cool looking eyes.
Hyuga Megami - An unknown girl who made a bit of a commotion in the one eat out joint. Jamie later sat near her only to suffer the wrath of the loving hug, as he felt like girls were a threat of some kind.
Hyuga Supaku - Unknown
Inazuka Kenta - Due to his busy schedule of sorts Jamie never got to properly meet him when he was the Hokage, and even within the clan that he now resides with he has never been able to approach this man.
Inazuka Shippo - A boy he met in the hospital, whose mother Inazuka Ashi invited him to stay with them, ever since his become part of their family though not as much with the clan itself due to him being rather weak and not having a companion.
Ito Nanami - Unknown
Kori Hanza - Unknown
Nayoko - A cool shinobi who treated Jamie to free ramen, not seen in a while
Sarutobi Mitsuo - The scariest man Jamie has ever met, scarier then all
Senju Airi - Met her in the forest where she gave him herbal tea and inspired him to gather herbs, has not seen her since then as he thinks about her occasionally when near a river. She is also his squad partner and a close friend who he looks up to a lot.
Senju Kugeki - Unknown
Senju Seicho - A strange guy who sat down with the loud girl, Jamie decided to sneak in along with them to get his order. He seems to like taking notes and may be related to Airi being a fellow Senju
Uchiha Amaya - Unknown
Uchiha Jinx - Unknown
Uchiha Syekren - seen talking with Nayoko and nothing else known as he was under an alias and may have already left the village

Will update when i can and is mostly just for me to keep track of things in a more simple way

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