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Hira sat in his apartment building just staring at the ceailing. He dashed out the door suddenly and ran off in a random direction unsure of his exact destination. He just walked down the street and waved at some of the leaf village people here and there. He decided to check out the administration building. When he walked in he walked around the building at first, flirting with a few of the secretaries. He then made his way over to the mission board and as he stood there none of the normal C-D rank missions looked very appealing. He then hear someone else enter the building behind him. When he turned around he noticed otto, what a perfect oppurtunity for him and otto to do a real mission instead of these low grade ones.



Otto followed his team captain and watched him flirt without finesse just directly approaching them and to his dismay it was working. Kiri women would have laughed at some of his tactics but these ladies were enamored with his shark like friend. Ironically Otto had had some luck in konoha as well but mostly because of his good looks not his smooth speaking. He sighs slightly irritated with his "score" in konoha. Hira looks at him and Otto waves absentmindedly they were supposed to do a B ranked mission, but Otto really didn't care about the rank as much as he cared about his lack of sleep and wreached headache. Actually he wanted to know whether or not Sero was coming and if he wasn't would he get pissed. "So which one do you wanna do?"



Hira turned to face his friend and chuckled a little bit. He then returned to looking back at the mission board, before picking up a note off the floor. He read the title "B-rank mission: Windmill mayhem" Sounded fun, sounded.... not boring to Hira. He read aloud what the mission entailed before turning back to otto and saying "This one seems fun, we get to go after this missing chunin rank ninja thats been attacking the windmills. Looks like we dont have to hold back either because they dont care if we kill him as long as he is dealt with, sound good to you otto?" he then handed the paper to otto so he could read it over, at that moment he noticed that sero was absent. Sero was closer to otto then he was to Hira so he wondered where sero must be, oh well, sero can join the mission later when he is done with whatever he is off doing.



Otto looks at the scroll with a half smile, "well it shouldn't be too hard, adn it will be a good way to test our skills." He then frowns at Hira and says completely seriously,"Try not to destroy all the windmills please." He knew a lot about both of his team members, and hira was obviously the strogest when it came to both pure combat and ninjutsu power if he was ever forced to fight him he would be almost purely defensive, and although he had no doubt of his abilities he knew it would be an extremely hard battle. "Well do you have anything you need to pick up on the way or shall we just go."



Hira was at first bewildered as to why otto had told him not to destroy the windmills, he couldnt be that out of control could he? Well... maybe at certain times but when he took up a mission he got it done and he got it done right. "Uhmmm... i dont think i need anything else, i got my swords and my armor so i think im good. Id there anything you wanna pick up before we head out? Hira was used to traveling light so this mission would not require much besides his weapons and his armor. It was basically an extermination mission after all right?



"Well then let's drown this clown, then chop him down," Otto scoffed at his own miniature poem. He then looks at Hira an says "let's go get this guy before he breaks anything." He then begins to walk forward knowing that Hira would follow they finally had a mission that was suitable for genin of their caliber. they were going to take this guy down hopefully without to much trouble although his ability could be troubling. He was going to need to make some strategies without team one's master strategist.



Hira laughed at otto's little ryme scheme, it was fitting for them to because of them both being water users and swordsmen. he walked right out of the village with otto as they headed for the windmills. He turned to otto as they were walking "So... this guy is a chunin ranked ninja and it seems he uses genjutsu, got any ideas on how we should approach this?" He wanted his teamates opinion on the matter, after all he may end up needing it to formulate his own plan. As he waited for takao to respon he had a million thoughts swirling around in his head. He wondered if they should acually kill this guy, the mission didnt say for a fact they were supposed to kill him but thats what he assumed they should do. Guess they will just have to see what goes down.



Otto smiles, "you're gonna like this" He says with a look that would make most nervous. Otto had been struck with either brilliance or insanity either way he snapped one of his two shackles onto hira's wrist. Then elaborates, "Alright there is no way that we can just stay together so that we can keep pulling each other out of genjutsu, so we are now stuck together; this will force us to pull each other whether we like it or not. This will also increase our teamwork skills as well 2 birds one stone."



Hira slid his hand out of the shackle, and his facial epression turned serious as he looked at otto "Get serious dude, we aint got shit for intel on this guy so we need to be on guard." It was true, all the scroll had said was that he was a chunin ranked ninja with a genjutsu he liked to use quite often, it had a few details on the genjutsu but nothing in depth about it. He cupped his hand over his chin in a thinking posture as they continued on walking. "Alright, so if he gets one of us in a genjutsu, use a kunai to make a minor cut on say... the arm or hand or something to free the other. We could also use his technique to our advantage, coax him into trapping one then let the other flatten him." As he rambled on he was hoping more ideas would pop into his head.



Otto then laughed loudly as if he had forgotton something ." He can't hit us if we can't see. What's that jutsu we're professionals at using???" He strokes his chin with a mock cluelessness painted on his face. Of course he was refering to hiden mist jutsu with the shackles on they could keep up with each other with no problem. This guy was gonna be sushi in no time.



Hira thought to himself for a moment, otto was right if the genjutsu was activated through site then they could defeate it with the hidden mist jutsu, but what if it was sound or some other sense then their hidden mist wouldnt help much against it. "True if the jutsu is activated through sight, but what if it goes off of sound? Then the mist wont help against it." Then again everything has a weakness, they would just need to find it and then they could exploit it however they would like to.



Otto gives him a small smile then pulls the chain really hard this should send quite a bit of pain flowing through the chunin's arm. With practiced speed Otto backs up and raises a finger as if to tell him to wait. "One of the problems with genjutsu is often that it makes you lose control of yourself, so most of the time you can't just stab yourself. Hence the chain I can pull you out you can pull me out.



Hira thought about otto's words, he was right of course. Sometimes theres a lot more to getting out of genjutsu than just pain and kai. he kept walking along with otto thinking about what their real plan of action should be. He had daydreamed off and not realized that they had arived at the windmill place and just in time to because they seem to have gotten here before their oppenent. "It looks like were here otto, might as well find some cover so we can have the element of suprise on our side at least. Any advantage we get the chance to have i say we take." Hira was so on edge because he didnt know much about genjutsu and had never really fought a heavy genjutsu user so he wasnt exactly sure what to expect.

He looked around for some cover when the perfect idea popped in his head, the top of the windmill. He looked at otto nodded his head and wafted his hand over his head as a gesture for otto to follow him. He then headed off towards a tall windmill, focusing chakra to his feet and climbing all the way up to the top. He sat down and looked over the landscape as he waited for their enemy to show his... dead face.



Otto climbed the windmill with Hira without a word,but suddenly a troubling thought crossed his mind he looked at Hira the wispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear. "What if konoha doesn't like killing? In kiri it was always capture or kill they never stated both and when they did they had a preferance. What if Konoha has a no kill preferance and we lose cash for killing him?" It was obvious that Otto was notv woried about the chunin with the two of them they were all but garunteed a win. He had reaseached genjutsu users and this jutsu was almost surely visual. Not to mention he doubted that he would have trouble killing any of his precious people.



As Hira sat atop the windmill and listened to Otto's words he began to think about them. otto had a point this was a different village, and as so they were sure to have different customs than otto and Hira's home village. The mission scroll had not specified what they were to do just that this ninja was to be dealt with. He was about to answer otto's question when out of the corner of his eye, he saw a ninja down below rushing into the windmill plaza, this had to be their target. Hira pointed him out to otto silently before whispering in his ear "Ill go down and confirm thats him, if it is ill fight with him head on and you swoop in with a suprise attack whenever you feel that the perfect time comes." He had been thinking of his strategy since they left and he guessed the best choice of action against a genjutsu using ninja would be to engage him in close quarters combat and allow one of them to catch him off gaurd. If this plan worked then this ninja didnt stand a chance against the combined might of the pair.



Otto nodded then unshackled the ninja; he pulled out two kunai and attached them to the chain at about a 1 foot distance this would cause them to wrap then impale the rouge. Finally, he attached his swords to either end for a last nasty surprise. Before Hira left he whispered to him "lethal or nonlethal? " Honestly Otto had no idea which to choose but lethal was definitely easier than the alternative.



Hira before jumping down turned to otto and smiled saying "Lethal..." He then jumped down to the ground landing with a thud that alerted their supposed enemy to his entrance. The enemy turned to him and and didnt even have the decency to look at him he just looked at Hira's feet it would appear that he was skilled in wathcing an oppenents feet to predict their movements. Hira didnt waste his chance he drew his chanblade and leaped at his enemy. He attempted to slash at the enemies upper-arm but the enemy dodge, this was all in the plan however as Hira clicked a button causing his chainblade to detatch into segments. He whipped the chainblade around the enemies ankle and brought him down hard to the ground. Soon however Hira realized that it wasnt the enemy but a log, he had used the replacement technique and now Hira had no idea where he was. He closed his eyes and waited for him to make a move so he could hear the enemy. Otto said this genjutsu was probably visual so when he resurfaced again he would cut that off with the hidden mist jutsu.



Otto waited for what he assumed was Hira's sign; after his partners assualt Otto waited and watched as the man prformed a substitution. Due to his vantage point he was able to see the ninjas location and attack him before he was able to get close enough to sneak attack Hira. He extended the chain and charged at the ninja silently but with practiced speed. before the ninja had a chance to throw his kunai he heard the slight rattle of the chain and turned just in time to see Otto headed for him. He readjusted and was able to block Ottos first swing. The ninja is about to launch a counter at Otto but before he is able Otto let go of the blade and pulled the chain slightly launching the sword and scratching the rouges cheek. "Hira!" Otto called with a smile, "time to mess up someones day."



“Hira?” he said again. What the hell the guy had bailed on him coward he would pay for this. He looked back at the shinobi then realized why this was a B rank. He suddenly saw it shrouded in light the person he cared for most on the planet. He stared it stared back Otto was almost speechless; unable to move completely taken by the sight. Otto almost fell to the ground and with tears in his eyes. His grandfather a former kage and swordman, the man he had looked up to his entire life was standing before him smiling. The apparition said to Otto, “I’m proud of you” Behind the genjutsu the ninja laughed at how easy it was going to be to defeat him. The genjutsu asked Otto to approach by waving his finger. Otto approach obediently, but before the apparition could react Otto stabbed his sword into the mans chest. Suddenly in a bust of light every form that the ninja had taken flashed across his skin quickly. Otto still holding his blade in the mans chest smiled, and stated “thank you for revealing the person who I most wanted to kill.” The ninja did not know that Otto’s love and respect was selective overall anyone he truly respected he dreamed of killing. As the man began to fade he went back to the face of Otto’s grandfather as if to try and receive pity. Otto frowned and said, “You’re not worthy to wear his face take it off. In a last act of brutality and pure hatred over the way he made his grand father the Reaper of the mist act. Otto took his kunai and began to cut at the slowly dieing ninjas face people walking near the buildings could hear the man’s screams. Eventually the screams died out as the man lost consciousness Otto raised up and walked to the mission room with two bags behind him one small tied at his waist and the other large in a crt that he was pulling behind him. Borat Hozuki The reaper of the mist Otto’s Idol; Otto’s inspiration; the reason Otto became a ninja rather than a shop owner. The sight of his face was enough to reduce Otto to tears it had been years since his grandfather had been killed. He had died with honor like a warrior, he had been attacked by dozens of konoha ninja before their alliance and killed them all single handedly as the in turn weakened him to the point the he died of blood loss. This is the story Otto was told since he was a little boy these were his bed time stories. Stories about bloodshed honor and power these are the things that motivated and created Otto. Otto approached the mission building and dragged his cart to the acceptance area. He told them of the rouge ninja’s demise they listened and as Otto thought they would have prefered getting him back alive but regardless they needed proof of his death. Otto simply smiled and uncovered the corpse in his cart revealing a faceless body the men gasped in disgust and back up slightlyas Otto opened the small pouch and dropped the mans face onto his corpse’s chest.”Enough proof?” Otto said with a rather sadistic smile. The ninja’s threw him his cash and called in a coroner as Otto walked away counting the money.

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