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1Windmill Savior [Keigo/B-Rank Mission] Empty Windmill Savior [Keigo/B-Rank Mission] Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:59 pm

Keigo Uchiha

Keigo Uchiha

Keigo jumped from a tree branch landing on his two feet gauging the scenery of the environment and noticed windmills in the distance. "It's been awhile since i was last assigned a mission guess breaks over." Keigo had received a mission to apprehend a man named Ganjou Kemai. "Why cause so much problems for a village if your leaving it doesn't make sense." Keigo decided to walk the rest of the way toward the area hoping to find who he was assigned to capture. Keigo felt the breeze of the wind, the birds talking to each other and other wild life roaming around. There was a weird ominous feeling moving through Keigo's body which made him stay on guard even though he seemed like nothing was bothering him from an outside point of view. The view of the windmills was getting closer which meant Keigo was making progress through the area. "Something has been bothering me for a while now and the feeling is still there so whats going on." Keigo paused his movements to take a small break from walking. Keigo reached inside of his pocket knowing he had some candy he could snack on. Keigo continued to search his pocket and there was no candy to be found. He placed his right hand on his forehead mumbling to himself, "Daichi your going to pay for that." The sound of a foot step soared through Keigo's ears. Keigo waited a few seconds before moving just to grasp what the situation. "Guess it's time for a battle already hope i'm not to rusty."

Keigo quickly analyzed the area around him but he saw nothing but the natural features of the area. He was a bit surprised that he saw nothing in his sight. Keigo began to walk again assured someone was following him. He was prepared for anything that came to attack him. He knew one possibility was the man he was after is behind it and if true Keigo was ready for anything he threw at him. Keigo looked toward the windmills for a clarification of his location. " Looks like i'm almost there that's good." Keigo knew who ever it was following him would make their move soon. Keigo then heard a voice but could not make out what it was saying. "KEIGO!!!" Keigo quickly looked around wondering what or who was it that screamed his name, then he heard foot steps coming from behind him. He turned to look behind him but nothing was there yet again. Keigo continued to walk again toward the site. "Now i'm hearing my name being called yea something definitely is not right here." Keigo jumped on a near by tree branch to get a higher view of the area looking for anything suspicious. Everything looked normal yet again, but Keigo was still feeling this weird aura through his body and he knows his senses would not lie to him. He took a second look again while still on the branch and nothing had changed from the first time that he looked through the area. Keigo jumped down from the tree branch to continue his walking. Again Keigo looked toward the windmill area thinking to himself that he was getting closer to the site. "Keigo!!!" Keigo quickly began scanning the area again wondering who the hell was that calling his name. He began to feel irritated at the fact that someone was playing games with him. Whoever it was he knew the person had to be close by and Keigo knew it had to be the person he was assigned to capture. Keigo continued to walk knowing that he was being played with like a fool and that really irritated him making him that more determined to get his hand on the guy playing this game. A few minutes had passed without any more sounds that were saying Keigo's name. "I guess he's cooking up something better to annoy me." Keigo stopped for another break to stretch to make sure he wasn't tense. Right after he was done stretching Keigo heard another foot step coming from behind him. Keigo spoke with a calm voice, "Who ever you are no more games face me so we can end this charade." Keigo slowly turned his entire body to face the person who was behind him. What keigo saw was something that he did not expect to see especially during this mission he was on. It was a very special person to him that he saw and he could not believe who he had saw before his very eyes.      

Keigo turned to see his little brother Daichi standing two yards from were he was located. Keigo was confused about what he saw thinking how can his brother have followed him this far not saying a word to him. Keigo knew something was off at that very moment. "Brother why did you leave me alone again every time you leave for a mission i feel so alone why brother why do you do this to me." Daichi looked down at the ground. "I hate you brother i hate you so much i hate you hate you hate you just Die Die Die DIEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Keigo watched with disgust as he watched this copy of his brother say things his brother would never say. Keigo clenched his fist thinking to himself he wants to kill the person who was showing him this disgusting picture before him. "Brother why don't you love me huh brother why do you leave me alone to cry, to hate you, so why dont you just die please just die." Keigo watched as that copy of Daichi pulled out a kunai and looked at him with a very disturbing face that really bothered Keigo. Keigo began breathing hard not because of fear,but out of anger that someone dared to take the form of his brother that he loved and would sacrifice his own life for in a heart beat. "I don't know who the hell you are but i'm going to destroy you" Keigo closed his eyes for a split second and reopened them with his eyes a crimson red color with two black tomes around his pupil. Keigo saw the true form of the person behind his brother's face and it was a disgusting face indeed. "I can see right through you and now i'm going to beat you done for that very disturbing performance." Keigo ran toward the man entering his space in a matter of seconds. The man looked at Keigo's eyes with fear knowing that his end was near. Keigo punched the man between his eyes making him grab his face in pain, then Keigo punched the man in the guts making him bend at an angle causing him to shed tears from his eyes. Keigo hoped the man felt every ounce of anger and rage through his punches. "Say good night you bastard." Keigo grabbed the man by his head and landed a powerful knee to his face breaking his nose then he finished him off with a powerful kick to the side of his head knocking the man out. "Your lucky i'm such a composed person or i would have killed you." After the confrontation Keigo had to sit on the ground to catch his breath. "Fighting someone with anger and rage really tires you out i need to do a better job of not letting my opponent make me enter that sort of state."  Keigo grabbed the unconscious body and dragged it the rest of the way to the windmill site.

Keigo finally arrived to the site noticing construction was still in progress. He looked around seeing people fixing windmills and building up new ones as well. A man approached Keigo asking was that the man causing them problems lately. "Yea this is him i would suggest you get some guys to tie him down and also get something to cover his eye's as well." A few workers had grabbed the man to make sure he was secured and could not cause any more problems for them. After the culprit was taken care of, Keigo watched as the men did their jobs and continued to work on the windmills. He was amazed at their hard work and dedication to their jobs.Seeing that put a smile on his face making him think about everyone in the village who is working hard to protect it anyway that they can. The scenery was very nice and he was happy he could relax for the rest of the mission. "Well this is a good way to end a mission i suppose." Keigo continued to watch over the construction of the windmills and he was happy to see the men had completed there jobs. All were happy and satisfied of their work. Keigo went to congratulate the menn for their hard work, then he walked to grab the still unconscious Ganjou Kemai and through him over his shoulder to head back to the village to report the mission complete.    

Mission Complete:1528/1500

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