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Hideo walked around the village to wait for Sousetsu to come. He was up around 9 a.m but they had to meet around 12 o'clock in the park like last time. Seiza was existed as always, her tail going left to right and poking a stick with her nose. She did it as a gesture to throw it. Hideo couldn't resist the puppy dog eyes and picked the stick up. The Inuzuka threw it in the nearby lake. Then the dog ran after in jumping in the water and swimming to the floating branch.

While Seiza did that Hideo would read the mission again. ' A dangerous Missing-Ninja from Konohagakure has recently been spotted on the outskirts of the Fire Country. This Missing-Ninja is considered to be highly dangerous due to his clan's special Kekkai Genkai and is to be engaged on sight. He is attempting to leave the Fire Country, but has stopped at the Windmill fields in order to cause more chaos and havoc by destroying various windmills and halting the construction of others. After apprehending the criminal, oversee the repairs of any damaged windmills as well as the construction of new ones.' he spoke in his mind. The young man was slightly shocked that they gave them a mission sith a missing-nin. They must have trusted the pair with such a mission like that one.

There also was a person describing under the mission explanations. He would quickly read through it, 'First his looks, Ganjou's true appearance is a young man with short brown hair who appears to be in his early twenties. He stands at a moderate height, of moderate build, and nothing particularly stands out. He wears a black kimono shirt over a fishnet garment, a whit sash around his waist, and a pair of generic black shinobi pants and sandals.' So he had short brown hair and doesn't really stand out.

'Now for his personality, Cocky, confident, arrogant, all incredibly so. Ganjou holds himself and his abilities in high confidence, for good reason as well. Ganjou possesses a talent for acting and often utilizes said talent to his benefit, especially in combination with his Kekkai Genkai. Various mental instabilities stem from his Kekkai Genkai, including an intense case of Multiple Personality Disorder where he believes he is one of a hundred different personalities.' The Inuzuka saw when he stopped reading Seiza was just coming back for another throw. "Where does Sousetsu stay?" Hideo began to get irritated sincecit already was a quarter past twelve.

428 words

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu awoke from his slumber and hastily glanced at the clock he kept on the bedside cabinet. It was eleven o'clock. With panic and haste, Sousetsu jumped from his bed only to fall on his front as his foot was caught within the blanket. He scurried away to the bathroom to wash himself briefly while muttering profanities to himself reminding him that he had just fallen repetitively. After he had sorted out his hygiene he rushed back into his room and began fitting his attire after withdrawing it from the closet. He leaped to the bottom of the stairs and ran into the kitchen grabbing a piece of fruit before fitting his shoes and leaving his home.

He scoffed the banana he had taken from his residence and threw the peel into a trash can down below as he soared through the air, leaping from building to building. When the village gate's were coming to a close Sousetsu returned to ground level and began jogging towards his comrades who were waiting for him on the other side. He took out a scroll and glanced through the mission statement taking mental notes of 'genjutsu', 'windmill' and 'missing-nin'. From the quick gathering of information Sousetsu was already thinking of plans to which he came up with the best solution as he arrived to greet his friends.

Seiza was now barking as he ran towards Sousetsu. With a smile and slight giggle Sousetsu met Seiza halfway and knelt down before him, petting him as the canine placed his front paws on Sousetsu's knee and embraced the show of affection. He then stood and approached Hideo with a fast walking pace. "Walk and talk, Hideo. I'm sorry for my tardiness." Sousetsu exclaimed, not bothering with an excuse. What's done is done, right? He continued to walk past Hideo and leap into the trees to begin they're journey. "We are behind schedule, let's go!" Sousetsu informed the two comrades with a small grin.

As they traveled to the windmill in question, Sousetsu decided to inform his friends of a strategy he planned since reading the mission statement from the scroll. "One of us will be bait, Hideo." Sousetsu said bluntly and forwardly. "I have jutsu that can detain him so you will be the logical choice unless you object? He uses Genjutsu on a high level, we won't be able to beat him if both of us engage him in eye contact." Sousetsu explained. He looked at the land in the distance where the windmill resided.

He added, "We can also fight watching his feet and judging his movements from that if you don't like the idea of being trapped in a genjutsu. Otherwise, I need his gaze to meet yours at some point in order for me to capture him. Sousetsu proclaimed trying to make himself clear for understanding. He looked around to his companions once again a grinned a little more. "Did you think of a plan also, Hideo?" Sousetsu asked, taking his words into account as well.



Hideo looked at his mate while they were walking toward their destination. Sousetsu was explaining a plan of his. "One of us will be bait, Hideo. I have jutsu that can detain him so you will be the logical choice unless you object? He uses Genjutsu on a high level, we won't be able to beat him if both of us engage him in eye contact" He informed Hideo. Hideo though for a moment. He was an Inuzuka, he has a great smell and is used to closing his eyes since he doesn't like showing his emotions. You can say he learned living without seeing. "I'm good with being the bait and also i am used to fishing without eyesight. My instict just does what feels best and of course my nose is as good as a dog's." Hideo stated as he find it okay to be the bait. Seiza barked as if she was agreeing to the dessicion Sousetsu made. Hideo had his eyes slightly open, not visible for anyone to see though. He looked around him making sure no one was following them.

Sousetsu opened his mouth again asking if Hideo also made a plan. Hideo stood still for a moment turning around trying his best to look innocent. He scratched the back of his neck while smiling as if he was an angel and never did something wrong. "Well... About that... No...?" The Chuunin said quite silent, almost as so silent that no one could hear him. Hideo walked a bit behind and picked up the pace a bit the be as fast as Sousetsu.

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

As they arrived to the nearby woodland of their destination Hideo explained that Sousetsu's plan was more beneficial if Hideo was indeed the bait. Seiza also barked to agree with the plan. Silently, Hideo stopped and turned and spoke of not having a plan of his own to compare to Sousetsu's. This was fine by Sousetsu of course as they would proceed with his own. The sun shone brightly as they waited behind the brushes of the area in which their target was noted to reside. Within an hour of their waiting time, a figure appeared and soon enough began to start the havoc that he was renowned for.

Sousetsu witnessed the workmen being pushed around by the missing ninja, throwing punches and kicks every so often to people in no particular order. The sun shone on the various metals that lay waster around the windmill. The target was in sight. "Ganjou Kemai. This is the missing nin we were assigned to apprehend." Sousetsu said as he examined the man within the distance. He seen a young man with short brown hair who appeared to be in his early twenties. He stood at a moderate height, of moderate build, compared to the common folk that surrounded him. He wore a black kimono shirt over a fishnet garment, a white sash around his waist, and a pair of generic black shinobi pants and sandals, matching the description perfectly.

Sousetsu knelt back and nodded to the two companions in order for them to make their move. "Remember. Do not look into his eyes." He said cautiously and silently to the two so that they were not heard. He looked down at Seiza and caressed his fur and smiled at him. "You both will be just fine, just give me an opening and this will all be over quickly. Sousetsu spoke highly of his friends giving them confidence and believing in their abilities followed by the grin that he wore so infamously looking to and fro between Hideo and Seiza. Sousetsu then dashing off to further better himself at his positioning and could be found in a brush not too far away from where he once was with his comrades.



Hideo grinned to his friend when he said not to look in his eyes. Apparently he still didn't understand that the Inuzuka always fights without eye sight. Hideo took in the smell of the working people. The sweaty smell gave him a sour look and he quickly placed his hands in front of his nose. Seize also wasn't to keven about the people who smelled like burned hair and armpits. Hideo let loose of his nose and got used to the terrible smell of the group of skunks. "This scent is awful that it hurts..." The husky eyed male said complaining about the smells. He revealed his husky hued lenses to take a look at the situation. The boy saw the workers getting pushed around by the target. The target was a genjutsu master, he looked quite the tough guy. Hideo his invisible neck hair stood straight knowing this would be dangerous.

Hideo nodded when Sousetsu explained the plan once more before diving in the danger of the fight. Seiza showed her teeth as if she was ready to attack every moment. The hairs on her neck stood straight just like Hideo his hair. The two companions shared the same feeling not because they were scared. They were just pumped to start the action. Hideo looked behind him looking at the skies. It was so beautiful, he couldn't wish for any other place for him to fight. He looked to the ground seeing a little bug crawling on its leg. The bug got picked up my Hideo his hands and flew away, floating in the wind.

The wind - That's right, he had to check the wind direction and power before he would start. The slender fingers of Hideo pulled out a few strings of grass and let them dance away in the wind. The man his eyes followed them until then fell back on the ground. He looked to his partner, Sousetsu. "Ready when you are." The Inuzuka member said with his usual serious tone. The grin on his face loved no more and turned into a frown. He hated that people got bosses around by some jerk. They should stand and fight for themselves even if it would cost their lives. He closed his blue hued eyes and took a deep breath. The adrenaline was pumping though his body, his breath was short and fast, his heartbeat quickened and had shorter pauses. "Seiza, ready for it, girl?" The man asked his dog. Seiza barked response as if she said yes,

1125 words

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

The time was near. This assault had to go to plan in order for this man's capture. The wind was blowing to the South East as the leaves Hideo had just let go of began to dance in the wind as they brushed past his direction. The work men were still being pushed around, punched, stomped on, a sight nowhere close to magnetic to look at. Sosuetsu raised his hand slightly to give the gesture of the order for the two to make their move but wanted to wait until the perfect opportunity. Maybe one of the common men would fight back, causing a small riot among them. Then again, they would only get in the way. He then thought that his best chance was to wait until the man had turned his back from their position, leaving a clear chance at a sneak attack.

Time seemed to drag on as Sousetsu's hand still remained in mid air, raised for the signal that the group longed for. Then target had a lot of stamina to keep up the beatings like this but Sousetsu's eyes remained transfixed for the opening. The sun began to hide behind the trees and the cool breeze was beginning to turn into an autumn chill when the ideal moment presented itself. Sousetsu looked at the comrades to make sure they were ready and back towards the missing nin's positioning. He tossed a man behind him and turned to face the defenseless being giving them the ideal moment to strike.

With his hand dropping, gesturing the signal to move out, Sousetsu also moved further around to stay out of sight. He could not let himself be the hindrance they did not need. He watched as the two of his comrades readied themselves before making their advance and again waited for his ideal moment to join his small team of leaf ninja. All that ran through his mind at this current moment in time was that he could not afford to let his friends succumb to any real danger. If the genjutsu did manage to catch Hideo then this ploy would unfold in a worst case scenario as Sousetsu would have to break the man all on his own. But who is not to guarantee that Sousetsu himself would not get caught in the genjutsu. He just had to remind himself not to look in the mans eyes but this task was easier said than done as fighting without the full sight of your opponent could prove quite difficult.



Sousetsu raised his hand waiting for an opening for the two to sneak up behind the nin. Hideo waited patiently just as Seiza did. The three waited for a perfect moment to attack. Lucky, for them Hideo was a very patient man. He didn't get in a rush often and would always wait as long that is needed.

The blue hued eyes turned to the hand of his mate when he let it down. The sign was a gesture to move, as they did. Hideo would put the information of the target back in order in his head. ' Ganjou possesses the very special ability to place a person under a genjutsu the instant they look at him. The effects of this genjutsu cannot be controlled and the only effect of said genjutsu is that those inflicted by it see their “precious person”, or the person they are most emotionally attached to. In addition to this, Ganjou's knowledge on the shinobi of Konohagakure is vast beyond belief. He knows most shinobi by their names and faces, even if he'd never met them. The effects of the genjutsu are immediately null and void when Ganjou is killed or incapacitated. What a irritating fellow...' Hideo thought while sneaking up to the target. The mission said he couldn't be killed. Hideo found that quite disappointing, he had hoped to kill a person once in a while.

With closed eyes the man sneaked to the missing nin. He crouched behind him and then pushed himself up to be at his normal length. Hideo his face went closer and closer to the man his ear. "Hello..." Hideo whispered in his ear. The man turned around fastere than Hideo thought. The man kicked Hideo down on one knee making him bow.

The man didn't notice Seiza jumping over Hideo in a surprise. Ganjou his eyes widened as the dog jumped on him making, him lose his balance and almost making him fall on the ground. The male was fast enough to push Seiza away from him, getting his balance back. "Staying friendly is no option now, eh? Don't you think Seiza?" Hideo joked when getting back up. Of course the man thought Hideo would look directly in his eyes, but being as surprised as before, Hideo his eyes weren't open. The man frowned and finally took it serious.

The man began to try to hit Hideo in any way possible. Hideo was skilled in taijutsu so he knew the obvious tricks. The grey haired man casually dodged every move. When he saw an opening he would punch in the direction of the smell of the missing nin. Hideo apparently just pushed the target to the side. That was good enough for him. " Wind Release: Spiralling Wind Ball." Hideo said while doing the needed handseals. He slightly opened his eyes to look at the opponent's feet to know which direction to shoot the ball. The wind jutsu shot toward his opponent and hit him in the belly, causing him to fall on the ground in pain. He wasn't able to move for at least four minutes. "Sousetsu? You coming to get this idiot here?" The Inuzuka said casually grinning.


1667 words

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu watched carefully as his comrades had made their way to the rear of the target. Hideo tapped the man's shoulder but was greeted with a swift kick to have him bow before the man. Sousetsu remained still however, this plan had to go accordingly and must not be hindered by any means. Seiza, however, was already behind the target and throwing the missing ninja off balance with her charge. Banter could be heard from Hideo, no doubt some sort of joke that could be taken offensively by the sour type. The man, of course, matched the description and sent a flurry of attacks towards Hideo which were parried away very skillfully on Hideo's part.

A technique was used by Hideo, one that Sousetsu was not familiar with. "Wind Release: Spiralling Wind Ball." was heard as the jutsu shot from Hideo onto the missing ninja's torso, sending him tumbling to the ground in pain. "Sousetsu? You coming to get this idiot here?" Hideo asked him looking towards his location and gesturing towards the target. Sousetsu made haste and reached the same ground as the group of people. "Well, Hideo. I was not expecting knockout this quick. Good job guys!" Sosuetsu grinned towards the pair. He turned to face the missing nin and performed hand seals to match his technique and placed his hands on the earth at his feet. "Mokuton: Shichūrō no Jutsu!" Sosuetsu exclaimed, forming a wooden prison around the unconscious target. Sosuetsu nodded to his comrades and grinned once more as the mission was finally proven to be a success. The people around them cheered, while some others spat on the man within the wooden prison showing off their disrespect towards the now captured criminal.

1600/1500 Words

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