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1Unloading the Ship [D-rank] Empty Unloading the Ship [D-rank] Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:46 am



Upon completing the maintenance she had done earlier she returned to the Hokage’s office sheepishly, her assistant looked oddly surprised to see her there yet again, twice in one day was odd, even for one such as Tenshi. Looking at the assistant she attempted to smile nicely, watching the woman’s hand slide under her desk obviously going for tomorrows mission, interrupting her movements Tenshi sighed softly “May I please have another mission, for today?” She asked shyly. Smiling brightly the nice woman handed her the slip of paper and shooed her off, following her obvious hint she walked out of the building choosing to wait until she was clear of the Hokage’s office area to open the paper and read it, she was slightly amused when she did, it was another rather simple transport mission in a way. Leaving the building she headed to the dock, trying to hurry but not get lost, this was a part of Konoha she had never been, keeping a look out for the captain, keeping watch she finally spotted the ship and captain, upon approaching she waved up at the man, watching him curiously she walked up just to be stared down at suspiciously. Realizing he obviously didn’t trust her she handed him her mission statement. Taking it from her, he finally looked away and read the paper, once, twice and a third time just to make sure it was authentic. Waiting for him to wave her onto the boat she looked around, memorizing the maze like pattern that was between the ramp and the boxes. When he finally did, she carefully stepped over ropes and wound herself away from them, before finally reaching the boxes and lifting one up with little effort she smirked to herself and carefully, slowly, made her way back to the ramp, down it and set the boxes on the ground running back up the ramp, becoming slightly reckless she ran through the maze jumping over ropes and grabbing another set, biting back a laugh at the captain’s horrified face at her antics, setting these boxes down, she checked the splint Shuiro had made to make sure it was holding up well. Upon realizing her reckless antics only loosened the gauze she slowly walked back up the ramp dodging the almost violent motion the captain aimed at her and worked her way around the ropes carefully, grabbing another set of boxes and going through the maze again she nearly tripped and dropped the boxes down on the ship, wincing she caught herself, looking at the man she tried to play it off as a joke and hurried her pace a bit racing down the ramp when she left the boat. Walking back up and past the captain she muttered a shy apology and went to get the last set of boxes off of the boat carefully watching the ground and making sure not to trip or anything, once she reached the ground she looked back up and called out to the captain. “Where do you want these?” Waiting on his response, she rolled her navy blue eyes when he only pointed to a warehouse to close to the area she set them. “Color code them.” His gruff voice called out when she turned her back on him. Confusedly she looked at them realizing the boxes where two different colors, one being red while the other was green. Taking the first set of red she walked the clear, straight shot to the warehouse, thanking the man mentally for leaving the door open, after entering she looked around curiously just to see two areas outlined one in red, the other in green, shaking her head she set down the boxes she was carrying in the red area before walking out and grabbing the next set of red, taking the short walk she back to the warehouse she set it down carefully and returned to grab the green, all the while wondering over how…tedious these activities truly were, setting the green boxes down she went back to grab the last of them. Coming back into the warehouse for hopefully the last time she set them down walked out and looked up at the man, “Is that all you needed?” being greeted with only a nod, she stretched, turned, and walked away happily.

Word Count: 720/600

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