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1When Kings Draw Steel (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty When Kings Draw Steel (Tsuyo/No Kill) Thu Mar 30, 2017 4:29 am



Dark clouds gathered above the forest outside of the Village Hidden in the Leaves deep within the Fire Country. In his many years of life Mitsuo Sarutobi had learned that they often were a bad omen, meaning something was going to happen. That being said, the weather was fickle and couldn't be depended on to tell you anything about how the events of a day would turn out, unless of course there was a rain storm and you were trying to plan a picnic or a campfire. On this day the Sword Saint of Konoha, and the Hell Dragon King of the Aoi Bara, had something completely different on his mind. He sat cross legged on the ground in his room with a sharpening stone, which he was carefully, almost lovingly, running along the blade of his prized weapon, the Sword of the Immortal Blaze. This sword would always be special to him, as he had forged it deep within the Iron Mountains at the instruction of his master in the sword, and it had signified his rebirth into truly becoming Kensei, or the Sword Saint. His other swords had been sharpened and polished, this being the last of his weapons to feel the touch of the sharpening stone, and he was preparing for what the day would bring him, and today would be special for today was the day that brother would fight brother for the first time ever, as Mitsuo and Tsuyo would duel.

It wasn't often that the Head of the Sarutobi Clan thought of fighting the man whom he had looked up to as a young child, the brother of his former lover. There were times, of course, when he was young and rash and wanted to prove himself by defeating him. More times still when he was a member of the ANBU Black Ops and had thought of bringing Tsuyo home to his village, but since leaving Konohagakure no Sato it simply wasn't something he worried himself with. There were always going to be times where he thought of which of the two of them would win a fight, but generally it was something he would simply push to the back of his mind, dismissing as a silly thought to be having about his closest friend and ally. The two of them had always complimented one another perfectly, the fact that they were exact opposites in terms of abilities covering one another holes in their own offensive styles extremely well. There was no opponent who could stand up against the two of them together, but what would happen were the two of them to fight one another?

Mitsuo finished sharpening his blade before resealing it, looking into the mirror as he brought a red headband to pull his hair back and keep the sweat out of his eyes. He wouldn't wear his armour today, as he was sure there would be no need. Neither of these men was going to try to kill the other, though he was fairly sure that should Tsuyo want to, his armour wouldn't be able to save him. He put on a pair of loose pants that would be easy to move in, ideal for duel type situations, and instead of wearing any kind of shirt he elected to forgo that usual adornment, deciding to allow his scared body the chance to take in the fresh forest air and be cooled by the water. Wearing anything in this type of rain would only really slow him down, so he kept his attire very minimal, instead electing to wear the custom forehead protector that he had forged, which had the rose of the Aoi Bara in the middle. He put the forehead protector around his neck, ensuring that no stray attack would be able to cut his throat by accident, and he examined himself one more time before heading out to the area that he had went to train his students many years ago, in the rolling hills of the fire country.

He would sit cross legged in the middle of a clearing of trees, close to a small river where he could hear the water droplets from the rain joining the river, the noise comforting to him. He looked towards the water, rain soaking his hair as it fell down past his shoulders and around his neck. He was aware that this could lead to visibility issues down the line, but didn't allow that to bother him as a swordsman relied equally on instinct as everything else. The stage was set, and half of the players had arrived for this battle of kings, where two of the greatest shinobi to ever walk the earth would clash for the first time ever...




Tsuyo would move along his own room for the time being. His fingers tracing along the window sill as memories flooded his mind. Time spent hiding from the village and all because of someone and their opinions. Politics...He had hated those responsible for so long and now it was so close. However he needed to be sure of one thing. He had never questioned his own ability or that of Mitsuo before. Why he was doing it now was almost beyond him. It was as if he could feel something on the horizon. As if there was something greater than anything he had ever faced. Perhaps it was the truth of it all. Perhaps it was all the anger and pain of losing his brother. Mitsuo and he still hadn't come to terms over it. Both just shoving it to the side as a fading pain. He felt a lump in his throat over it and still he would suppress it. Instead he would take a deep breath and mentally prepare himself. This fight wasn't a simple thing. It was brother against brother and even in a spar he wasn't sure pain wouldn't rise up beyond just physical means. His head shifted as he heard the door to the cabin open and close. Mitsuo was already on his way. He wondered if this was how gladiators felt during training...Someone you broke bread with and felt a connection to training side by side with you to the limit. All for something that could very well end in your death when the true event came.

Tsuyo would sigh and move back to his bed. For now he was in a pair of slacks designed to give plenty of flexibility. His shoes polished a couple times over just thinking about today. He had wondered where Mitsuo had gone off to the day before but for now his mind needed to be centered. He shifted on a white undershirt with a black button up shirt buttoned to the last two buttons and left with room to breath. He undid his cuff links and set them on the dresser. Reaching above them to pick up his belt with both daggers in it. Tightening it around his waist. He didn't bother with the coat for now but instead would simply glance in the mirror. His silver eyes staring back. A slight pitter patter of rain on the window drew him from his thoughts before he would once again take a deep breath and turn from the mirror. Heading out of his room and towards the door. There he would stop a moment and reach down into a bucket by the door. Snagging his hand around and umbrella handle and lifting it up. With that he picked up one of the keys to the cabin since the girl had not yet returned and opened the door. Locking it behind him before opening the umbrella and moving away from the cabin. Heading towards the designated space for this encounter. The rolling hills.

For a time he walked in silence. The rain making a steady sound against the top of the umbrella as he moved along the path. Following recently made foot steps. It was an ever so slight drizzle but still he would keep himself dry for the most part. The breeze was comforting as it brushed across his face and hair. Not exactly cold but moist. Still as he came over a hill he would stop at the top. Below Mitsuo sat shirtless in a clearing next to a river watching it. Allowing the rain to simply run down him freely. How different they were. One might even admire the focus Mitsuo had. Truthfully the umbrella couldn't be in the battle. He was bound to get wet regardless. For a moment he considered going back for the smokes he forgot but for the most part he didn't doubt Mitsuo had already sensed him there. The umbrella was loud enough. Deciding he would just have to wait until he returned Tsuyo shifted and continued walking. Moving down the path to the river and eventually standing to the right of Mitsuo. His silver eyes watching the river. It's speed and mass increased by the rain. Comforting in a way he supposed. Still he would smile before glancing to Mitsuo sitting next to him. A part of him considered pushing him in for a laugh. However boiling the river dry wasn't really a good way to remain low key. Instead he returned to looking to the river too. Water draining off the umbrella as he stood there with his free hand in his pants pocket.

"Hell of a day for this particular picnic. I will tell you one thing though Sword saint. When we are done and we go home. I'm not making you soup if you catch yourself a cold."




The rain was calming, soothing, almost so much so that he wasn't paying attention when he heard the man walking towards him through the falling water...but not quite. Mitsuo was far too attentive to miss such a thing, and the sound rain made when it fell off of an umbrella was noticeably different than when it was hitting most other things. He continued to watch the river, Tsuyo's presence not bothering him as he calmed himself in preparation for what was to come. The Hell Dragon King was a man who was bad for losing his temper and that was something that could be dangerous to his opponents, and he had no interest in doing such a thing this time around. He didn't want to injure his sparring partner today, something he had already done in the past and felt terrible about. This would be a friendly engagement, and he wanted to ensure the two of them walked out of it relatively unscathed.

When Tsuyo moved to sit by him, Mitsuo would simply nod to acknowledge his arrival, the Sword Saint not moving or flinching. When Tsuyo spoke, no laugh escaped the head of the Sarutobi clan, for his focus was absolute. His quip about making soup was clearly pointed at the fact that Mitsuo had chosen to come out here sans jacket, which of course seemed to be begging to catch cold, but he had managed to avoid doing so for the most part in his life and he didn't imagine that today's activities would lead to such a thing, so it wasn't something he was worried about. "What's the matter brother, afraid of a bit of rain? I welcome anything that can actually cool down the fire that always burns beneath my skin, as it is something that I carry with me at all times, and it's nice sometimes to not always be one small moment away from a blaze." His voice was strong and yet calm as he spoke, giving no indication that he was feeling any form of discomfort, anger, or even happiness. His plan was to simply exude pure calm, something that he was working on still.

He would look up from the river, closing his eyes briefly as he allowed the rain to fall on his face before looking over towards Tsuyo Hyuga, the man who's journey had been entangled with his for so long. Their paths had been interlaced ever since Mitsuo was but a young boy, falling unknown to him for this man's brother. That simple thing would bind the two of them together for the rest of their lives, as they would become brothers to one another, having both lost their brothers to the same tyrant. That tyrant, of course, was the reason that the two of them were here on this day, preparing to meet each other in combat for the first time ever. Neither of them had ever felt a need to fight one another, but it seemed that the time had come for the two brothers to test each other's resolve and skill. Each man was tremendously powerful, both of them having lead entire villages in the past, and the two of them together could likely topple any village were they to put their minds to it, but it was not something they would do unless absolutely necessary. They were simply looking to expunge the black mark on each of their pasts, and find a place that they could call their own.

"My old friend, are you sure you want to do this? I am a man of the blade, and as such I am not one to take such duels lightly. If my blade meets flesh it will not be pleasant..." His voice trailed off as he looked towards the shoulder of Tsuyo, the one that had been severed by one of his swords. While he had vowed never to use that blade again, and had given it back to the Village Hidden in the Leaves, it wasn't simply the one blade that was the issue. Mitsuo was a walking armoury, decked to the nines with all types of bladed weapons. He was quite proud of this fact, and he would likely bring each blade to bare against his brother in arms. He didn't much know the Hyuga clan to be fond of bladed weapons, and he knew that in such a war, it would be a dangerous game to play with such weapons. Mitsuo would look back towards the river, one of the blades sitting in his hand as he did so. He looked over his Sword of the Immortal Blaze and smiled softly, remembering the forging of that blade and looking forward to the opportunity to test its steel against one of the people he respected most in the entire world, for of course, that was what being a swordsman was all about...




"What's the matter brother, afraid of a bit of rain? I welcome anything that can actually cool down the fire that always burns beneath my skin, as it is something that I carry with me at all times, and it's nice sometimes to not always be one small moment away from a blaze."

Tsuyo would smile at the mention of him being afraid of a little rain. Perhaps Mitsuo even had a point about the rain being soothing. Tsuyo had never understood clans so in touch with an element that it modifies them. Chakra control had always come so naturally to him. It bent to his will easier than his body did. Though perhaps that had more to do with his close connection to it since birth. Studying it just as much as he did martial arts and medical. Each movement an obsession and each thought a growing thing. He had been a prodigy as a child as so many in his clan had been through out history and yet even now he wondered if he stood at the height of what his clan could achieve. Still he had never viewed Mitsuo to be on the verge of spontaneous combustion. He knew of the flames the man held within himself. He had both seen them and felt them and the memory stuck with him. Oh what hell it had been that kept him awake at nights for a month in pain. His medical knowledge doing little for it if not for Guanyin Nanashi. The man who restored his sight and mobility. Still he had not responded until Mitsuo spoke again. Simply looking at the flowing river as he listened.

"My old friend, are you sure you want to do this? I am a man of the blade, and as such I am not one to take such duels lightly. If my blade meets flesh it will not be pleasant..."

Tsuyo would catch the man looking at his shoulder with some sort of guilt in his eyes and as he did Tsuyo would roll his shoulder uncomfortably. His own memory of reaching out for an arm that was simply gone still remained. A fools lesson to be learned with a great cost. Regardless of having recovered given his resources Tsuyo found himself regretting that day often. Not what Mitsuo had done as Tsuyo considered that a rescue. However he had felt a deep distrust of Senju ever since. Capable of leaving even him unable to move for a duration. He saw the spores just a little too late. A woman no where near physically his match had dealt him enough of a blow before he even reached her so that he was little more than a helpless infant. Of course he had his own methods around that now but he still remembered his own foolish haste. He knew however there was to be pain involved in the lesson of the day. Mitsuo was not someone he could be sure could not touch him. A master of the blade was one of the first things Hyuga learned to be wary of. Still Tsuyo let out a sigh and spoke in return. His silver eyes glancing down at Mitsuo. Attempting to make eye contact as he spoke.

"My dear man I am not foolish enough to get into a spar with the master of blades and expect not to bleed. I have not yet imagined I was invincible. I am fully aware of what I risk with this and have no intentions of turning back. I say this because I know you are master enough over your steel to only cut so deep. After all I have but to clap my hands and all wounds shall heal. With that said though, perhaps we agree to limit ourselves to jutsu generally reserved for genin?"


5When Kings Draw Steel (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: When Kings Draw Steel (Tsuyo/No Kill) Sun Apr 09, 2017 12:11 am



Mitsuo saw as Tsuyo would move his shoulder, another wave of guilt sweeping through his body. He had lost an eye once, and physically it had been one of the most terrible things that he had ever experienced. He couldn't even begin to imagine the pain that Tsuyo had felt when he had lost not only both of his eyes, but his arm and his leg too. Mitsuo had stopped the bleeding with his Sword of the Immortal Blaze, but he didn't imagine that had helped at all with the pain, as it was more likely to have simply made it that much worse. Tsuyo tried to comfort him, something that Mitsuo could appreciate if nothing else. He had mentioned that he knew what he would be getting into, and that he still wanted to go through with the spar between brothers. He told Mitsuo That he knew that he was a master of the blade and he trusted him not to seriously harm Tsuyo, which of course was true. There was no way he would allow himself to injure Tsuyo in any terrible way, though of course sometimes these things happened and he knew that it was good to expect that. He mentioned that he was a medical ninja, which of course Mitsuo knew as well, but to be able to clap his hands and heal all wounds was an impressive feat. Mitsuo had never seen anyone who was able to do that, but if Tsuyo said that he could, Mitsuo believed him. When he mentioned limiting to Jutsu reserved for Genin, Mitsuo would nod before an idea would strike him. He would place his hands together and form a pair of chakra seals, one on each hand. The one of his left hand he would press to his own chest, and the one on the right would be pressed to Tsuyos.

"My friend, when two shinobi such as us clash, even were we not to expend any chakra at all, we would be easy to pick up by pretty much any sensory around. I have taken measures to ensure that cannot happen. This seal on your chest will make it so that the two of us will appear to have no chakra, making it so that we are absolutely impossible to detect. It, of course, does have the drawback that we will not be able to go all out with our more powerful jutsus, but I don't think that is something we would want to do anyway. I issue a challenge, however, that instead of jutsu reserved for genin, let us forgo chakra, save perhaps for the walking practice that is known by all. When I was travelling the majority of the world didn't understand what chakra was, and all combat was settled without it. I was given a rare opportunity to cross steel with amazing people who had learned without any access to such chakra or the abilities that it conveys."

The Sword Saint would stand up and crack his fingers, summoning the harnesses that would carry his swords onto his body from seals that he had burned into his skin. The harnesses were fitted with each of his blades, and having their weight on him once more felt absolutely right. He had been waiting for the opportunity to test his skills against a worthy opponent for quite a while, and today he was finally getting the chance to do just that. He took a deep breath and let it out, pulling out one of his twin blades, Justice, and his chain whip, Penance, which had steam rising from it as the water would hit the steel and instantly evaporate. It had been long since he had been presented a true challenge, and he was going to savor every single second of it. He moved a little away from the river, not necessarily wanting to fall in as they fought, though he did know a trick for that in the supernatural walking practice that was taught to young academy students. It was the absolute minimum chakra that one could output while performing a technique, and Mitsuo had grown quite fond of it. As he took a stand on the clearing, the sword in his left hand and the whip in his right, he smiled. He would put his left foot slightly ahead of his right, bending both of his legs at the knees, and extend his elbow slightly, the tip of the blade pointed towards Tsuyo's face, wherever he would end up standing. The right elbow was cocked down at his waist, and his hand was forward, wrist relaxed ready to crack his whip when the time was right.

"Tsuyo, I have not fought against a taijutsu user since I was a young boy. It will be a pleasure and an honour to have you be the first such fighter to test himself against the blades of the Sword Saint of Konoha."


Chakra 395/400:



Tsuyo would watch as Mitsuo would frown as he glanced at him. He could almost smell the guilt still washing over him. He truly wished Mitsuo would move passed the injury that Tsuyo had long since forgiven him for. After all he understood why it had been done and did not blame Mitsuo for his own mistake and ending up in that situation. His own pride and vanity landing him in that hellish pain. Still he would watch the man nod and was glad they were in agreement. None of their more powerful techniques being used meant not having huge amounts of chakra flashing about and ripping hills and tree's to shreds. No one within a mile of them would have a chance of missing that happening of even genin rank. Two kings fighting even if they were using only basic attacks would be sure to draw attention. Still the man would rise to his feet and in each of his hands a seal would form. First he would place a seal on himself upon his chest before reaching out to do the same to Tsuyo. However Tsuyo's hand would rise up rapidly as it dropped the umbrella and catch his wrist holding it a mere couple inches from touching. Obviously wishing for an explanation first.

"My friend, when two shinobi such as us clash, even were we not to expend any chakra at all, we would be easy to pick up by pretty much any sensory around. I have taken measures to ensure that cannot happen. This seal on your chest will make it so that the two of us will appear to have no chakra, making it so that we are absolutely impossible to detect. It, of course, does have the drawback that we will not be able to go all out with our more powerful jutsus, but I don't think that is something we would want to do anyway. I issue a challenge, however, that instead of jutsu reserved for genin, let us forgo chakra, save perhaps for the walking practice that is known by all. When I was travelling the majority of the world didn't understand what chakra was, and all combat was settled without it. I was given a rare opportunity to cross steel with amazing people who had learned without any access to such chakra or the abilities that it conveys."

Tsuyo would grin in return. It had been such a short amount of time since they arrived home and he had already succeeded in making the one thing Tsuyo had asked of him. A way to block their chakra from others sensing it. Such an impressive feet deserved recognition. However it was good that he had stopped Mitsuo from applying the seal right away. Still holding it away from touching his own chest with his right hand. Tsuyo would speak with a smile, Slowly forming the signs for tiger, dragon and wolf as he spoke. All with just his left hand. This would likely be the first time Mitsuo would have seen such a thing as Tsuyo using hand seals. He had never seemed to need them before, this had to be something new of Tsuyo's jutsu arsenal.

"Before you limit me I have something to offer as well. A simple genjutsu, one that creates a humming sound emitting from us that to anyone outside of the genjutsu no sense of theirs can detect us. No smell, no hearing, Not even seeing us. My friend with our abilities combined there are few in this world who can detect us. At best anyone that comes to the sounds of battle will only see what happens to the terrain around us. What confusion that could create hmm?"

With that he would let his left hand fall and his right hand would channel the jutsu along his arm. A golden chakra flowing from his left hand along his body and coating him in gold before he faded from sight. It was as if he was simply gone. But that golden chakra would flow up Mitsuo's arm and over him coating him before suddenly he could see Tsuyo again. The world around them barely distorted. As if looking through a thin window. When Tsuyo smiled though he appeared to be within that window. With complete clarity. With that done Tsuyo pulled Mitsuo to touch his chest and place the seal. With that done he released the man and the two of them no longer existed on this plain for all intents and purposes of detection. With that Mitsuo would crack his fingers. A small amount of white smoke popping out as now his weapons were summoned along with a harness. With that he pulled out two weapons. A chain whip which hissed against the cold air and evaporated any water that touched it and a much more peaceful sword. Mitsuo stepped away from the Rivers edge and took up his stance. It appeared to be a mixed stance for offense and defense. Still Mitsuo spoke up again. A smile in his words. Excitement in the air.

"Tsuyo, I have not fought against a taijutsu user since I was a young boy. It will be a pleasure and an honour to have you be the first such fighter to test himself against the blades of the Sword Saint of Konoha."

It was a flattering thought. That he would be the first taijutsu user for the man to fight as the sword saint. He wondered if the man Mitsuo had claimed his eye from, the Karisuma boy had been considered in that thought. He knew enough to know that boy died with his clan leaders. Hopefully Tsuyo wouldn't share the same fate. Still that stance was highly suggestive of danger. If he rushed it a whip would quickly snap out at him at mid range and however he avoided it the sword would be there to meet him just as quickly. Without jutsu dealing with a Bukijutsu specialist was going to be a chore. Not that he had the power to simply deal with the sword saint. No man was rumored to match the mans prowess and skill with a blade. Still Tsuyo knew no man was capable of matching him with taijutsu. For the moment he simple drew forth from his belt his pair of dragon fang curved daggers. The dark metal glinting in the dim light before he spun the one in his right hand. Gripping the dagger upside down with the blade facing out. In his left hand he held the dagger properly upright and agains with the blade facing out. He held his back straight and his knee's barely bent as the dagger in his right he kept low and near his chest. A grand spot for defensive movement as from the center it could get to any body part at the same speed as the rest. His left hand holding the dagger straight out ahead of him at chin level. No bend in that arm. Was it some sort of taunt? Suggesting to the man to feel free to take that arm? Silver eyes looked over the blade at him and Tsuyo spoke again. This time with a smile of his own.

"An honor for me, How we were destined for this though, heaven and hell to fight eventually, Don't hold back for fear of damaging my pretty face though, No man can topple this king from his throne."





The Sword Saint of Konoha looked across the field of battle, the rain the only thing standing between the two of them. Mitsuo himself was never bothered by the rain, as his chakra generally had a tendency to remove it before it got near to him. This time, however, with his chakra sealed off, he wasn’t having his usual effect on the weather and he could feel the water running down his skin and through his hair. It was an odd feeling to say the least, the weather beginning to chill him. Maybe Tsuyo had a point, perhaps he would end up catching a cold, but he hoped that wouldn’t be the case. His headband would do a mixture of whipping around in the wind and slapping the wet fabric against his body, creating an odd noise when doing so. It wasn’t generally Mitsuo’s personal preference to fight in the rain, as in his experience only bad things happened when you were in the rain, but he didn’t allow that to bother him on this day. He looked across towards his best friend as he took his stance, pulling out a pair of daggers, and speaking to Mitsuo one last time before they would clash. One more bit of praise from his closest ally, the man whom he considered his brother. Another piece of imagery of the divine clash between Heaven and Hell, and then one more quip about his face before one last challenge. Mitsuo, of course, never backed down from any challenge, and that crooked half smile snaked its way across his lips once again. The time for words was over, it was time for action.

Mitsuo examined his opponent’s stance, noting quickly the obvious issue in it off the bat. He wondered if Tsuyo had fought against a chain whip before, as Mitsuo couldn’t help but notice the arm that was extended forward. It was clearly doing one of two things, the first of which was baiting him. This was the more obvious of the choices, as anyone staring down a whip with the weight of Penance would instantly recognize the danger of having that weapon wrap around one of your limbs. This weapon was designed for that purpose, and in order to remove said limb with a pull from the Hell Dragon King. There was another option, though with no bend in the elbow there was no way it was for a strike. It could potentially be used as a defense, but again with no bend to the elbow it would be ineffective as such a thing. Mitsuo was actually curious to see what Tsuyo had intended to do if Mitsuo were to attempt to take him arm, though he imagined that if it was with his whip, he would use the dagger to trap it and then potentially try to remove it from the grip of the sword saint. Two weapon fighting, after all, was more a game of chess than any other style.

In Tsuyo’s current stance, Mitsuo had options, though the most obvious one was to ignore the fully extended arm with the unbent elbow and work at something else. There were many different attacks that could be sent towards different areas of the body, and with a five foot long whip he could get to the majority of them. Were this a fight to the death he would go for the quick payoff gamble of striking the whip at the man’s throat, a move that he had won many fights with in the past. It was simple and shockingly effective, but it wouldn’t be something that he would go for here. That was a dangerous move no matter how you threw it, and he would avoid doing so. He could crack the whip into his opponent’s shoulder, sending the blade at the end into it and likely disabling that arm, but a whip crack with a bulky whip like this wasn’t quite as quick as with the average whip, and it was more likely to be countered. He searched through his different options and decided that he knew what he was going to do.

When he moved, it was as though the fight was happening in slow motion, the experience of the Sword Saint in fighting and training for twenty eight years of his life having caused him to be able to easily read the ebb and flow of the battle. He would step forward with his left foot, keeping the same footing and shuffling to close the gap so that his stance wasn’t compromised. As he would take this step, his left elbow would extend, Mitsuo’s hand moving in the direction of Tsuyo’s face. Instead of thrusting the tipo at his face, however, he would twist his wrist, slightly adjusting the grip on his arm so that the blade would drop down towards his extended arm. He was going to take Tsuyo’s bait, but at the same time bait him as well. While throwing this strike, Mitsuo’s right hand and arm would snap quickly to the right, the whip snapping forward so that it would aim a strike at Tsuyo’s leading leg. The attempt was to distract Tsuyo’s eyes with the sword and wrap the whip around his leg to trip him up. Were the attack at the leg to miss, Mitsuo would snap his wrist back, bring the whip back to his side, and step back, twisting the sword over his head and shoulder into a hanging guard, protecting his exposed shoulder as the rest of him would be behind the sword. The chess game had started, and the Saint had laid his groundwork, it was time to see the opponent’s move...




The rain had begun its pitter patter onto his hair. Tsuyo resisted the urge to glance up as the truth was he hadn't felt rain in some time. He always had the chakra pressure to keep it off him since he was a chunnin. His mastery of his chakra altering the course of rain passively to never fall upon him directly. How odd it felt to be like a genin again without the ability to push his chakra out even slightly to keep the rain off himself. His silver eyes watched Mitsuo as he waited for the opportunity. His hair matting down as they stood looking each other over. Mitsuo was no fool when it came to swords. Politics were not his strong suit, He would rather prove his superiority than bow to someone he didn't see as honorable. That was where they differed. Tsuyo strongly preferred diplomacy over battle. In such though this was a risk he was taking. His clan was not known to be grand combatants against the blade. Against a master of it even less. Tsuyo never doubted his own strength but against such an opponent he wouldn't dare assume himself on another level. Mitsuo was simply too skilled to be taken lightly.

The shift of everything happened in that moment though. The rain seemed to slow to a wall of droplets. Around them the world seemed to stand nearly still. The droplets still fell but it was as if at a crawl. As Mitsuo moved towards him each droplet he passed crashed against him and shattered. He was quick. First the sword would lash out at his arm as the perfect blade sliced through droplets cleanly. His attention however was split between the sword aimed at his arm and the whip lashing out at his leg. The length of it shifting even as Tsuyo moved his left hand with the blade in it. Measuring the time it took for the whip to extend out towards him. His right leg already shifting as his left hand with the dagger in it smashed against the sword blade. The concussion of it sending out a wave in every direction that sent all the rain in the area flying away and for a moment they were dry. Tsuyo however was still shifting. His balance seemed to shift in that moment as his right hand lowered to where his leg used to be.

Tsuyo had shifted side ways and seemed to hover there ever so slowly. The whip was retreating from where it had reached out to him but Tsuyo was slightly faster with less weapon to handle. Even as it snapped back at alarming speeds and uncoil Tsuyo would slam down the right dagger. Digging it into the earth just within the last coil of it to try and nail the weapon down for a moment. In all this time the rain had not yet made it back from the concussion of their conflict. That one parry had rendered the rain shielded from them. Now as Tsuyo moved it came back though heavier than before. Still slowly falling to their rapid movement. Tsuyo would use his left boot to kick the side of the guarding blade hard enough to knock apart boulders. It was unlikely it would get through the guard but again the water would be forced away as the grass flattened from the impact. The sound like thunder booming over the area. However Mitsuo and he both used feints. The strike to his guard was simply to prevent him from immediately slicing at Tsuyo. The true purpose was for Tsuyo's right leg to bend in and extend out. A powerful kick aimed at the hand holding the handle to the whip. He wanted that weapon gone. His balance held on the right hand with the dagger dug into the ground and his left holding the other blade in a crooked elbow near his head. Ready to defend with it.


9When Kings Draw Steel (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: When Kings Draw Steel (Tsuyo/No Kill) Mon May 29, 2017 12:11 am



There was an interesting aspect to fighting against someone who didn't have sword experience when you were a sword master. It was odd to see certain reactions and how they think they would work out, such as the full extension of a limb, which was not something you would ever see a weapon master do as they would know the potential harm that it could cause. The Sword Saint of Konoha was standing across from a man whom he had mostly ever seen as more of a statesman than anything, though that wasn't necessarily a fair assessment. Mitsuo himself had sat in the chair of the Hokage once, dawning the hat and cloak and running the village, all be it for a short amount of time. He had only seen Tsuyo actually fight maybe once in the past, but he didn't remember him doing much in the way of striking, more the terrible torture aspect of being a medical ninja that Mitsuo was unfortunate enough to behold after. While he knew that Tsuyo would have to be proficient with Taijutsu, being a member of the legendary Hyuga clan, he didn't know his true ability. He wondered if it would be wise to push that or if it would be better to just keep a slower pace of fight and allow him to play defensive a little bit more. It was interesting to think of how a fight like this would normally go if it was more serious, knowing that a bladed weapon such as the many that he carried gave somewhat of an advantage, along with the advantage of reach which was so important in a fight. He refused to allow himself to hurt Tsuyo, and that extended arm moving to block his sword was going to be an issue. With the momentum of his downward slash with his left hand, he would roll his thumb and fingers to have the blade turn backwards, along his forearm, and take a lunge step forward with his left hand moving down now, instead of into Tsuyo's elbow area, into the top of his shoulder. This would be a much sturdier target and far less likely to break, though there was still a chance of a fracture when fighting a man like Mitsuo.

As he was doing this, he wouldn't notice the whip being trapped by a dagger, as moving forward would cause the tension to slack, making it harder to notice, but it would also lead to a safer feeling before Mitsuo would feel a pain that he couldn't remember having ever felt in his life. He felt as though the impact on the point of his elbow had driven his testicles into his throat, and each and every inch of his body began screaming, the bile in his stomach wishing to purge itself into the face of the opponent in front of him. Had he not steeled himself over the thirty plus years of his life that he had been fighting and training, he would have projectile vomited all over Tsuyo in a grand display of pain. This strike would easily cause him to drop his whip, a bit of comfort being lost from the man revered for his ability with that weapon. He gritted his teeth and tried to simply work through the pain, bringing his right arm close to his body defensively and grabbing the second of his twin blades, Retribution, by the handle, preparing to draw it in a defensive counter strike. His body instinctively recoiled slightly, going back into a defensive stance, his left hand would recoil back towards his chest and prepare to counter any other strike that would be sent at him.

It was an interesting thing fighting such an opponent, one who seemingly didn't know how to deal with someone like Mitsuo on the cover, but when it came down to it it was clear that he knew a thing or two about how to deal with such an opponent. His mind was trying not to be overridden by the pain, his anger flaring up as he could feel heat beginning to radiate from him once more. He had to keep this under control in order to not pop the suppression seal that he had implanted on himself. Were his chakra to get the better of him it would surely be a terrible situation for the two of them, as the power of the chakra of Mitsuo Sarutobi would be felt for miles in any direction, and there was no way they would be able to continue to go unnoticed. He would work on calming himself, focusing not on the pain but on the battle, and prepare for the next move in the chess game...


10When Kings Draw Steel (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: When Kings Draw Steel (Tsuyo/No Kill) Wed Jun 14, 2017 1:29 pm



Tsuyo would smile as the fight blurred on to just the two of them. The rain falling down to the ground around them and yet to Tsuyo it was like little droplets slowly moving downwards while them moved among them. An endless sheet that broke as they moved. To Tsuyo this was enjoyable as not often was he tested. To be tested by the strongest in the way of the blade when his clan so feared them. He had risen to heights beyond any other member he knew of. For a Hyuga to fight a swords master was unheard of and yet here he was, charging in and taking on the sword saint himself. Each of them drawing closer to being like legends within their own clans. The Sarutobi and the Hyuga were already famous but the two of them, brothers not by blood but by bonds, had grown to a point they believed surpassed all but the great ancestors of their history. Tsuyo was happy that this spar could happen without anyone trying to stop them. Without any troubling meddling from the outside. To him this was like playing with a younger brother.

That thought though pinged a sadness within him that he had not addressed yet with Mitsuo. A cold feeling that stung at the bond between them and left welts. If he ignored it much longer it would cost them more than their bonds. They might one day lose their love for one another. However he had avoided it so long because some part of him burned with a lack of understanding. He had always known Mitsuo to be so palpable. His chakra was that overwhelming and potent. How could he have allowed what happened to happen? How could his blade not stop it? These thoughts however were to distracting. His own attack had succeeded in disarming what he considered the most dangerous weapon to him. It's flexibility too unpredictable. It had cost him a dagger of his own but in that moment of thought a strike shot out at him. One he could only shift to lessen the damage of as instead of going for his arm the man sent a pommel strike up into his shoulder.

The blow split the water falling behind Tsuyo in a ten meter wave. Even though he had shifted his shoulder and hips to turn with the blow it had landed with some solid measure. However something was off. Tsuyo didn't seem even moderately fazed by it. As if the blow was little more than a shove. Already Mitsuo was widening his stance in a back step to prepare to draw his next blade and bringing his other blade up in defense. However he had made a simple mistake this close to Tsuyo. His stance was too wide and unbalanced. In a moment Tsuyo released his grip on his dagger and let it fall. Joining the other one on the ground as he launched forward. His expression calm as silver eyes looked to Mitsuo and observed everything about him. His Speed was intense. Nearly matching Ayakashi in that regard (SS-2) as he moved directly into Mitsuo's space. His hands launching out like vice grips to try and grip both Mitsuo's wrists and hold his blades while his left leg planted itself behind Mitsuo's right. Pushing forward with all his might and momentum to try and force Mitsuo to the ground. If it succeeded they would fall to the ground with a crash hard enough to send all the water in puddles on the ground shooting up into the air as a small crater would form around Mitsuo from the intense power of the slam. Tsuyo would attempt to pin his oppenents right arm under his left knee at the end of the fall while holding onto his other hand with his own. Raising up a fist and holding it there. Shaking slightly.

"I want to ask you why....why couldn't you save him? The village forced me out. I couldn't protect him but I thought you could. How could he die with your sword at his side?"

11When Kings Draw Steel (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: When Kings Draw Steel (Tsuyo/No Kill) Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:06 pm



There was something wrong with what was happening here. When Mitsuo struck Tsuyo in the shoulder, which should have probably shattered the bone or at least dislocated it, nothing happened. He could see the wave of the impact out behind the man for quite a distance, the water being completely pushed back and an impressive splash happening behind the older Hyuga, but none of the impact seemed to have done anything to Tsuyo himself. He gritted his teeth as he realized that there was some kind of deception afoot. Was it that he was using some form of defensive jutsu? Mitsuo couldn't tell as he was wearing that robe over the seal that he had placed on his chest, the one that matched Mitsuo's. It was possible that this was the case, or that he was wearing some form of protective gear under the clothing, or even that when he had been injured in the past he had come back more machine than man. Mitsuo was irked by this, as he had come here bare and completely opened to any attacks that the man might throw at him, but he clinched his teeth and let it slide, something that would end up costing him.

That second's hesitation caused him to miss judge the width of his stance, and the confusion gave Tsuyo the perfect opportunity to step in and stop him in his tracks, stopping the pommels of his blades so that he couldn't strike and driving him to the ground, a place that was extremely uncomfortable for a swordsman to be. He felt the impact of the ground and could feel rage building inside of him. After that first underhanded trick this happened, it was as though he was trying to infuriate the Sword Saint, or at least that was what it looked like to him. That, of course, wasn't actually the case, but when you were like Mitsuo, a man always on the edge of exploding at anything, it was easy to draw such conclusions. As Tsuyo pinned him to the ground and raised a fist, he dropped that final straw that broke the camels back.

"I want to ask you why....why couldn't you save him? The village forced me out. I couldn't protect him but I thought you could. How could he die with your sword at his side?"

Water fell to the ground beside him as Tsuyo spoke, reminiscent of that night. Mitsuo couldn't help but be thrown back to that horrible time, so many years ago now. He tried to drive this particular memory away, instead focusing on all the good times that he and Kimaru had when he was still alive, but it was impossible to do right now. He was right there again; the rain poring down on the two of them as they sought out Satoshi Hatake, a former guard of the village and a man whom they had discovered to be some kind of killer, an assassin Mitsuo would learn years later. He was strong, but he shouldn't have been a match for the two of them, or even likely one of them. Mitsuo even back then was still quite proficent with the blade and should have easily been able to defeat his foe. He couldn't sense him, however, the man being smart enough to move out of the village limits where their ANBU sensory wouldn't work. Mitsuo still couldn't remember if the rain was natural or if it was heavier than usual because of some technique, but he liked to think it was the second, to give him something to hold onto in the thought that he had done everything he could. The rain also did a number on his Wings of the Saint sensory ability, and there was no way he could have ever seen what had happened coming.

The two of them stood back to back, Mitsuo felt a push behind him as he stumbled forward slightly, and then felt the blade that had pierced through the hide of his lover. He remembered that moment vividly, as it was the last he would ever spend with Kimaru Hyuga. The boy looked into Mitsuo's eyes so that he was able to see the light vanish from them. He screamed out, watching him slump to the ground, and then, in a cruel sort of irony, he performed the last rights of an anbu agent, using the body destruction jutsu to erase every shred of his lover from the face of the earth, save for his mask. Mitsuo could remember throwing up after that, the world spinning around him as he tried to look for clues but ended up falling unconscious instead. That night had haunted him for a long time, but it had been a while since it was this vivid. He remembered waking up as Ukiyo Senju took care of him, making sure that he was okay...Ukiyo...Mitsuo's ex best friend...

He didn't have to look down at his chest to know that the seal had been destroyed, he could feel the surge of chakra rushing through him, the heat of his body rising rapidly as all of the water in a bubble around the two of them evaporated. "You don't get to ask me that..." He opened his eyes, yelling through a clenched jaw. "YOU WEREN'T THERE! WE WERE LOOKING FOR YOU!" He would use his considerable strength to break a hand free, running it along the blade of his free sword and activating one of the seals on his body, unlocking the summoning scroll from inside of another seal. He put his hand to the scroll, the tears on his face evaporating away as well so that, were it not for the fact that his eyes were bloodshot, it would be impossible to know how upset he truly was. "AND WHAT DID FINDING YOU GET ME? YEARS OF GUILT? YEARS OF HIDING? HAVING TO KILL MY BEST FRIEND? HOLD HER SEVERED BODY IN MY ARMS AND FEEL HER BLOOD ON MY FACE AND HANDS? I STILL FEEL IT TSUYO! KUCHIYOSE NO JUTSU!"

He activated the summoning circle on the scroll beneath his hand, the scroll disappearing and from that position a concussive force erupting forth as the Monkey King Eizo made his descent from the heavens, dropping on top of Tsuyo with his Cloud Somersault technique, one used for knocking an opponent unconscious, and one that could easily destroy bones or at least cause an enemy to be pinned beneath its force. He knew Tsuyo was strong, but he used this as his opportunity to get away from the man, putting enough distance between the two of them that he wouldn't be tempted to slice through him and end him once and for all. It was Mitsuo's curse to be so angry, something that he had no control over. When his rage took over, friend and foe didn't look so different. It was likely due to the fact that he had been so much in his life, so much pain and suffering and loss. He had learned to suppress it, but that came with a cost, and that cost seemed to be the loss of control that Mitsuo would occasionally feel. Eizo would get off of Tsuyo as quickly as he had fallen from the sky, only meaning to cause that temporary distraction. Normally he would make a quip about Mitsuo summoning him, but he could feel his anger and knew that this wasn't the time for such things. Mitsuo sheathed his swords, kneeling on the ground away from the two of them with his eyes closed as he worked to steady his breathing and tune out the outside world, a feat that was quite difficult at this time.

Eizo would position himself between Tsuyo and Mitsuo, the Adamantine Staff in his right hand, which was held behind his back, hand in the center, and his left hand touching the ground, his legs parted in a wide stance. He looked up towards Tsuyo, a smile across his face. "So you are Tsuyo Hyuga, eh? I can tell just by looking at you, and seeing the anger that you have inflicted on poor little Mitsu over there. He speaks highly of you...I've looked forward to getting to test you for a long time." the smile would change to a more serious look. "But as it stands, you are not worthy to fight beside Mitsuo Sarutobi, of the line of the God of Shinobi, and a close friend of my own ancestral line. And you certainly have no right to anger him so...that is my job."


Chakra 355/400:

12When Kings Draw Steel (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: When Kings Draw Steel (Tsuyo/No Kill) Wed Jun 14, 2017 9:38 pm



Tsuyo would watch as his attack landed rather successfully. Normally he would of struck out right then. Landing blow after blow across his opponents head and face to disorient or if he was aiming to take a life he would have voided their head of liquids or just crushed their skull in a single blow. Mitsuo however he hesitated to truly hit. He didn't doubt the man could take it. He didn't doubt that he could resist a blow or two or even use it somehow to get out of his troubled position. Something else within him held back his hand. He had no desire to punish the man. A part of him wanted answers but he knew within himself that Mitsuo was never who he blamed. The whole reason they were in konoha was to find the one responsible together. To bring down to hell and torment him there. Tsuyo typically had a hand of mercy until pressed. The one they were here for had pressed too hard and now they were coming.

However the words he spoke sparked something else within Mitsuo beyond that reason. A part of Mitsuo that was filled with far more rage than Tsuyo. A rage that everyone in the Aoi Bara seemed to fall victim to besides Tsuyo himself. He understood it though. His own anger building so frequently. The difference was that he practiced monitoring himself as part of his martial arts. The heat though dried all the rain off of both of them. Even as the seal burned away and Tsuyo watched it happen steam rose off of both of them. As Mitsuo fought a hand free and bellowed his piece out at Tsuyo he knew what was coming, an attack. Of what kind he wasn't sure. Either way Tsuyo acted quickly and dashed backwards. Sliding to a stop as the storm clouds above split apart. The heat of Mitsuo's chakra unleashing eliminating the rain directly around them and smoldering the grass where he walked. Where Tsuyo had been a moment before a crash sounded across the plains.

There between the two of them stood a gorilla of sorts. More lankey though. Standing like a man and holding a staff. However Tsuyo was looking passed him at Mitsuo. Ukiyo had lost herself and that was something that fell heavily on Mitsuo's shoulders. However it was something that could not be ignored. She was a murderer hunting down people born into a clan. Tormenting Uchiha during a war in Kiri. Had they done nothing her kill count would have risen. Mitsuo might not be happy that he had been the one that did it but it had been a thing that needed happening. Still as the monkey king spoke Tsuyo glanced up as sunlight spilled over the area. A huge beam seeming to highlight them. The fact that the monkey could see him was surprising. His active genjutsu must have failed at some point and made him easier to spot. Irregardless now with Mitsuo's chakra broken free they were basically visible now. So Tsuyo dropped the chakra feed to his own genjutsu. He would slide his shirt to the side and touch the now visible seal before breaking it to. Though his own chakra did not rage out as Mitsuo's had. It was there but held back and reserved. Still he turned his silver eyes to the monkey king as he finished speaking. Frowing with a narrowed gaze.

"It's funny how I keep hearing these things. You don't have the strength, You can't beat me, You lack power, You are not worthy. Every time I hear it I feed those words right back. Line of God shinobi or no I am not to be underestimated. I warn you once. If you test me with that lack of respect, you will feel regret."

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