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Ramen! It was the most glorious thing probably ever thought up. All of those delicious flavours lovingly placed together in one bowl, creating the perfect miasma of savoury and spicy. Sayuri had not had ramen before from a stand. At least not when she could pay for it herself, and she was positively glowing with excitement as she waited for her bowl to be presented to her. She would smile at anyone who caught her eye, in a better mood than she had been in a while.

Adventuring with Mitsuo, the Sword Saint of Konoha and Tsuyo, the Golden Dragon Wielding Shinobi Healer I really have to ask him about whether or not he has an actual title at some point had been so far relatively pleasant. She had been horribly injured during her first encounter with her childhood hero Mitsuo, but really that had been her own fault. Stabbing him in the first place had been a horrible mistake, but at least it had been a mistake. When she decided that she would try to kill him, as opposed to accepting his answer to not train her, she had quickly learned why he was legend. Sayuri would rub at her left leg, where not too long ago she had been certain that she would never walk again, thanks to a certain flaming whip made of chains. It ached a little thinking on it, but she was grateful that Tsuyo had fixed it so easily, or that he had even bothered really. She didn’t know these people from a hole in the head and they were some of the nicest people she had ever met. Even if one of them was a tiny volcano with teeth.

She would smile again, happily drumming her fingers on the counter in front of her attempting some sort of cacophonous beat, swaying and bouncing a bit to the music she was creating in her own mind. Yes, today was an excellent day. She looked down at her pale blue and white pants and tunic still dancing happily, New clothing? Check! Food I don’t have to steal or beg for? Check! Sun shining? Check!

When the young woman finally brought over her bowl of delicious soup, Sayuri had to resist the urge to jump for joy. It was the little things that made her happy, and happily this bowl was far from little. She held out her hand to the woman and gave her some coins. Probably it was the right amount, she could not be certain but she was trying to learn. She would spend a few moments just looking at the beautiful floating pieces of food. The way the eggs and onions sat together with the noodles made her hesitate to eat it. It wasn’t just food, it was art.

She would look up shyly at the woman who had served her and speak with a voice full of wonder and happiness, “Thank you so much. This looks amazing, I’ve never had. . .” Her words were choked off by tears of appreciation that were welling in her eyes and threatened to roll down her pale cheeks. She would quickly wipe at her odd coloured eyes with her sleeve before clearing her throat and mumbling a quick, “Thank you” as she returned to staring at her delectable looking meal. The aroma was incredible, she could see why the stall was so busy.

As she carefully took the bowl in both her hands and sipped at it like an oversized mug, she would look around at the other patrons. These people look so happy, maybe living in a village isn’t so bad. Even with the reassuring thought though she would place her bowl down and check that her grandfather’s tanto was tucked securely into her belt, feeling the worn cloth wrapping on the handle she would relax visibly and would hoist the large bowl of broth and noodles into her tiny hands again.




"Thank you." He thanked the server as they gave him his bowl of ramen. A cheerful tone with a calm cold voice and no one felt him there. Pale cold white skin and snow white hair. A silver colored eye coupled with a red colored eye. Handsome features beneath white eyelashes white hair and white eyebrows. Despite his appearance, he did not stand out. He was as though a ghost. One would feel no power no force, no strength from the man. As though he was empty, however, his calm yet cheerful attitude remained. Despite his attitude, he had this damaged look despite being fully healthy and woundless. He picked his chopsticks, picked them apart, clasped his hands together, and spoke: "Thank you for the food."

He began eating his noodles and calmly so he had begun speaking to the young lady as she blushed whilst speaking to him from happiness alongside the old man. She spoke, "Do I know you? I feel like we've met before." The young man's memory was fuzzy, he spoke concerned "I'm sorry, I remember almost nothing. All I remember is.." Few flashes of scenes from the back of his head memories tucked away for no reason. He knew nothing, remembered nothing, and not even his own name was in mind. "Sorry, I cannot even remember my name." Spoke the young lad in a white shirt, and pure white pants as he sat there quietly. The lady blushed as her eyes sparkled "Father! We get to name him!!" Tsuneo let out a worried chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head. 

Tsuneo's calm demeanor remained none the less, and quite frankly he enjoyed the cheerful exchange and had a pleasant expression on his face. The weather was as beautiful as ever in Konohagakure, the children laughing and playing around, the people greeting each other speaking of their daily lives. It all granted Tsuneo some strange kind of relief. Memory-less he was clueless of this sensation of relief, but in truth, he was relieved that their sacrifice five years ago was not in vain and that the village could greet another sunshine, this happily. Tsuneo and his comrades were sacrificed for the greater good, Tsuneo understood the harshness of such a decision. His two comrades died, and he wore the cloak of a traitor and abandoned the village.

However, the young man knew nothing of this. All he knew was he was dressed fully in white from head to toe, he was known as the centipede, however, he never understood a thing of those. He ignored titles or any of the things given to him and often spoke of them jokingly. He actually remembered nothing and went along with whatever was said. 

Spoke the lady interrupting his thoughts as he looked to her having finished another bowl and placed it on the rest of the pile of bowls. He smiled as he asked: "W-What?" She replied, "What do you think?! Isn't it an awesome name?" He spoke in reply hesitantly not knowing what to say "W-Well..." It was then that a cheerful young lady of the same age as him. She was of beautiful white skin, and beautiful white hair, and like him two different eyes. However, while his were silver and red, hers were bright blue and green. Tsuneo continued his food as he thanked her in his mind for saving him from being treated like some lost cat. He handed the lady the bowl as he spoke "Seconds." The lady smiled and then was startled as she noticed the tower he made with bowls he finished. He was quite hungry and he let loose this time.

He smiled at the young lady beside him as they looked as though siblings from how similar they were. He then fixed his attention to his new bowl as he separated his chopsticks once again and spoke: "Thank you for the food." He then started munching down on his ramen

Word Count: 672
Total: 672

Last edited by Tsuneo on Sun Apr 30, 2017 7:52 am; edited 2 times in total



Sayuri sat beside an enormous tower of empty ramen bowls. Also there was a young man who appeared to be the culprit in the mystery of the missing ramen. She would giggle quietly at her own joke before turning on her stool to look at the man unabashedly. He looked ordinary enough, but the amount of food he seemed to be consuming was both alarming and fascinating to her. She would watch him while drinking her own soup, and once the rumbling in her belly had subsided somewhat she would place her bowl down on the counter in front of her and taking a deep breath. The young man was striking to look at, white hair and pale skin like hers, and two different coloured eyes. His eyes were. . . mesmerizing. Yes, I think that’s the word for them. Mesmerizing, or hypnotic maybe? They looked more akin to precious jewels than to eyes, and she lost herself for a time imagining what jeweled eyes must look like.

Assuming he hadn’t already asked she would extend her hand to the white haired man in a gesture of friendliness before speaking in an excited tone, “Hi! I’m Sayuri, I, um, wanted to meet you. You look like me, did you know? I mean, not the exact same, but pretty close. And I just thought that. . .” Her voice would trail off a bit as she got to the part where she had to reveal her intentions. Thought what exactly?  That because you look the same you should be friends? Or that just maybe, if he looks so much like you, he might be many times removed family? It doesn’t matter anyway silly duck, you can’t make friends as easily with people as you can with animals. People are complicated, animals you just have to feed. Her last thought would redraw her attention to the bowls and the man consuming their contents. Who by all rights did not look like he should be able to consume that much food and live to tell about it. Maybe he was an animal of some sort, surely stranger things had happened. She would look him over, checking carefully for signs of a tail or fuzzy ears, seeing none however she let the thought slide away, back into the strangeness it had come from.

It was her hope that he shook her hand, she was trying to reach out to people since being in Konoha, both figuratively, and in this case literally. So reach out I must, and that means I have to say what I want. Not just hope he read my mind. Oh no, what if he can read my mind? Then he knows about the stupid things I’ve been thinking since I got here. She would blush a tiny bit as she remembered the awkward song she had been singing in her head just a few minutes before. “I’m new to Konoha, and I don’t know many people, or well anyone really, from inside the village. Do you have family near here? Do they look like you? Because if they do then maybe, sorry I don’t mean to be rude. I’m just excited is all.”

She would falter once more, pulling her hand back and fumbling awkwardly with her ramen bowl. So far, she had made exactly two human friends. And she was not entirely sure that they both considered her to be a friend. Mitsuo probably didn’t, he had brought her here to Konohagakure no Sato under duress. With her voice less sure this time she decided she would try one more time, “It didn’t occur to me until I saw you, that maybe I have other family. That’s all I was trying to say.” She felt a single tear slip down her cheek as she spoke, talking about family was not something she usually ever did. And so she was not the least bit surprised to discover that it had a melancholic effect on her. Still she waited with hopeful anticipation that the man would at least humour her and try to answer her question.  




She beautifully sat there, a graceful posture, bewitching white hair coupled with her pale skin.  Indeed they looked alike. However, what the current Tsuneo never knew, was this paper-white skin, this snow-white hair, pitch black nails, and this cold and painful aura of his. It was all thanks to the torture he had recieved, the blood he wallowed in, and the states of mind he shifted from one to the other. The young man would see the young lady approaching him as she spoke her words with her voice and friendly tone directed towards him as the winds gracefully blew on another nice day where the sun shone brightly and ever so vibrantly. She spoke introducing herself and greeting him. This was the akward part, he knew he had a title, the centipede, but he thought it would be wise not to claim such a title as the centipede was known to be a monstrosity, a terror, a demon that haunted all criminals.

He was confused as to what he could introduce himself as, for he knew no name nor appropriate title of his to give the young lady. The young lady continued talking speaking of how the two did look alike and he did agree with what she said, in fact, he's been thinking of it, their resemblance. He smiled a vibrant gentle smile as he shook her hand with a slight nod "I'm... Someone, it's nice to meet you.... Sorry I kind of don't remember who I a-" As he shook the young lady''s hand and spoke he was interrupted by the lady behind the stall "See?! that's why I believe Shiro would be a great name!" Tsuneo smile and expression slightly were worried he's being named like some pet but he knew she meant no harm and thus scratched the back of his head as he kept a warry smile. 

The beautiful young lady of white spoke continuing, she spoke of herself being new around Konoha and if he was the same as her. She wondered if he had a family and if they did look like him. A slight pain in his head electrified his reaction as he heald his head a bit before the pain was completely gone in a mere second. He replied with a slight chuckle "N-No, not really. Or rather, I don't remember but I didn't meet anyone that recognized me." He spoke with his quiet voice as gentle as could be.

The young lady had then continued saying she thought they may be of same blood, relatives. Maybe she was his family, he never knew. He spoke warrily "I'm sorry, I don't know much to say if I am your family, nor do I know enough to tell you I am not a part of your family." He smiled as he continued "Still, it's nice to meet you." He then noticed as three men entered the stall and began yelling.

"OI, old man, I hope you have the payment ready, if you don't want us to put this whole stand under the ground." He spoke with a disgusting laugh as the three men laughed along side him. The old man with a worried and fearful look "P-Please f-forgive me just this once, I-I don't have enough money to pay you right n-now." The bandit seemed to be quiet satisfied with the old man's answer and it was clear why as he soon spoke "Then I guess your daughter has to pay with her body Bahahaha." An ugly laugh indeed still the daughter spoke nothing and left the stand as the man dirtily placed his hand around her. "It's okay father." The daughter begged for her father's silence as he begged the men to not touch his daughter. Tsuneo simply sat on the stall not turning, looking into the bowl, Tsuneo's eyes sharpened as the glare of a murderer. His eyes robbed of their kindness and merely death and destruction were present in his glare. As though a second voice was forced out of him he spoke "Here, take this money." Money more than enough to settle the old man's debt was thrown on the ground as the bandits took it they spoke "Still we'll need the daughter to compensate for the trouble he put us through." The old man's tears fell as he begged more and more. Tsuneo sat still. In a flash the money pouch was removed from their hands and placed beside Tsuneo as he sat on the stall.

The bandits, the girl, the old man, nor the daughter would have seen anything. For a second Tsuneo's darkness resurfaced as an aura so thick with darkness and blood covered the area almost choking everyone appeared for a mere second the mere pressure knocked one of the men to their knees as the other two struggled to stand. Tsuneo left the stand his hair hiding his eyes, that is untily he rose his head to face them. "I guess it can't be helped." He spoke before dissappearing. Only to reappear where he stood earlier ago this time his back facing the bandits as he headed to his stall. Behind him the three were on the ground painfully so as well as he shattered three ribs in each of the three men. He did so through the simple flick of his finger. Tsuneo moved at a speed fit for an A-ranked Ninja, however, used strength farther stronger than that with his finger. The three men were knocked out on the ground. Tsuneo would sit down as he spoke ever so cheerfully "Old man! Sake please!" He smiled as he sat down. However, the customers and the old man looked at him in shock for a second before it was all laugh and praise for the man clad in white. He chuckled as he was thanked by the old man and his daughter. He cheerfully sipped sake for the boy as he informed him it was on the house. Tsuneo thanked the old man as he took a sip.

"Sorry about that... I just don't know since when did I have it, but I hate unfairness and cruelty." He would never change even though he had lost his memory. He directed his words at the lady similar to him sitting beside him. He had not used one hundredth of his strength, but he still never knew how to properly tone it to the normal level. He chuckled worrily as he tried to change the subject "I-it's a nice weather today.... R-Right?" He spoke with his cheerful tone. One thing the bewildered him was the source of this power within him, where did it come from? He never knew how to locate the source of his power ever since he came to in this world.

Tsuneo had a dark past. Was he happier now? Now that he had forgotten all that he ever was?

Word Count: 1186
Total: 1858



Sayuri watched as the handsome man in front of her struggled to answer her questions. It broke her heart as she realized that he was struggling because he didn’t know the answer. How could you not know who you are? What a terrible thing to have to go through. She turned in horror as the ramen stand woman interjected with her own idea for a name. Sayuri would unthinkingly reach out a comforting hand to the man seated beside her, placing it on his arm as a show of support in a clearly uncomfortable situation. As soon as her hand actually touched his arm though,  she froze, and muttered a quick “I'm sorry” before pulling her hand awkwardly back to her lap. Idiot, you can't just go around touching people. People are not animals,  and probably don't like being petted.

With a sigh she resigned herself to yet another failed social encounter,  when she heard a brutish voice from behind her. “OI, old man, I hope you have the payment ready, if you don't want us to put this whole stand under the ground.” Her head would snap up and look towards the newcomers,  her eyes narrowing to slits. She knew that tone, knew it all too well. While she had been unwilling to stand up for herself in the past,  these people had done nothing wrong and she was not about to stand idly by and let them be bullied.

Her hand slid to the tattered handle of her well loved tanto as she would stand and move towards the three very large men who at this point had the food vendors daughter in their disgusting hands. Sayuri was not entirely sure what they intended on doing with her,  but from the look on everyone's faces it was not going to be pleasant. At least not for her. She didn't have a hope of taking all three of them,  and if she was honest with herself,  possibly not even one of them without sustaining some serious injury. She concentrated her chakra into the blade of her tanto as she drew it, letting the white raiton crackle along the length of the metal. And with an angry growl at the lead man, “Let her go now.” she advanced to dispatch the closest man. And next thing she knew the three ruffians were lying on the ground,  clearly broken.

Sayuri stood still,  stunned. What on earth? I didn't do this,  so who? She would turn around looking for the source of the damage and it took her an but a moment to realize what had occurred. What she could not understand though was how. She walked over to the battered men and knelt by the one who had done the most talking. Talking in a low voice she spoke more to herself than to him, “I expect you've learned now why you should not intimidate people.  You never know who you're dealing with. I still don't. You should probably leave.”

She would release the white raiton from her weapon as she stood, and brushed the dust from her knees with her free hand. She was still concerned with the exceptional speed and skill with which these men were taken down. She hadn't met many people that she thought would be capable of that. Even though she,  in truth,  hadn't met many people. She walked warily up to the stand again, replacing her tanto in its sheath and sitting herself gingerly on the stool beside the white haired man. She would smile at his comment about unfairness,  it put her at ease somewhat,  at least she knew his heart was in the right place. “Yes, the weather is nice I think?  It's warm at least, I came from Kumo and it was very cold there. The sun is quite lovely.” She smiled at him as she picked up her soup again,  lifting a piece of meat out of the bowl with her fingers. “Thank you by the way. That was very brave, and kind.”


”Chakra 130/150”:



As she approached him and touched him a sincere gentle smile appeared on his face. He was not unhappy with her gesture. And spoke as she touched him with a gentle voice "Thank you..." He rubbed the back of his head from nervousness. However, it was not displeasure he felt towards her gesture. In fact, he was extremely pleased that someone out here understood how frustrating it was. Not even knowing what to introduce yourself as. It almost felt as though he was a nobody. The young man spoke sincerely but in a joking way "I suppose Shiro is a good name!" A slight chuckle escaped his lips as he enjoyed the conversation they all had.

It occurred, Tsuneo, or rather, Shiro, dealt with the problem and rather quickly without being noticed or so he thought. However, the one that was truly brave was her. She stood up to B-ranked bandits or so their postures and weapons suggested. It was truly brave of her and reassuring to know that there were still people like her around. He smiled as she sat beside him after the incident. She answered his statement about the weather after giving the broken bandits a piece of her mind. She then thanked Tsuneo and stated how that was brave of him to do. Tsuneo simply smiled and nodded. Before he was alerted. More people came, the rest of the bandit group covered the area. Tsuneo sighed as he paid for his food and spoke to the lady of beautiful eyes similar to his "It was lovely meeting you but I have to go now!" He smiled a gentle smile before jumping out the way. What seemed to have been the bandits' leader spoke in the isolated are they cornered him in "Forget the stupid ramen shop. White hair, black nails, and two different eyes, with pale white skin. I'm glad I came here Mr. Centipede. One-eyed King. Whatever your title is now. Don't remember me? I'm the one that escaped during that time you slaughtered all my men and devoured them." Tsuneo expression sharpened as he had no memories of doing so. Tsuneo chuckled and with a bewildered expression. "I am the proud survivor of the Centipede's onslaught. I shall slay you and enslave all of Konoha." A disgusting laugh escaped the man's mouth as he continued "I'll make sure to rape each and every woman and piss on the graves of this village's pathetic heroes." Tsuneo angrily told him "You shouldn't say things like that" Tsuneo currently was not fond of killing but if necessary he would do it. The boy nicknamed the one-eyed king stood there surrounded by men armed and ready to hack away at the man's head. A man rushed from behind Tsuneo only to smash a chair on his head. Tsuneo stood still as he said, "Please let's resolve this without violence...."

"Without violence? YOU KILLED MY MEN. Had you not interfered. The women of Kirigakure the children, we would have pleasured ourselves in these sexy women. Selling the children would've made our fortunes, and now that we're in Konohagakure you want to stop us again? You must be dreaming. Plus, it's personal since you interrupted us while we were raping those sexy women of Kirigakure"

Tsuneo cracked his neck and cracked his index finger as he glared at the man with anger in his eyes "You're done." Was the one thing he spoke to the man as he was surrounded by the leader's twenty B-ranked soldiers. Tsuneo would arm himself in a battle stance. He'd glare at the men before him and fight them. Will the king remember his true power? Or will he die here?

Word Count: 637
Total: 2495



Sayuri looked up in horror as more angry looking men approached the ramen stand. She glanced at Shiro, for he seemed to have accepted the name that the women had bestowed upon him, and watched as the man walked casually up to the bandits. “Wait, don’t just…” she sighed in frustration as he paid for his food and with an amiable smile and valediction jumped away from the ramen stand.  She followed of course, he probably didn’t need her help, but there was no way in hell that she was going to let this man get jumped by this many people. She knew little of him, save for what she’d seen in the past few minutes. And those actions had warmed her to him considerably, she never held it against anyone to not stick their nose into anyone’s business. But when they did, it gave her hope that the world was destined for something greater than what existed now. For what she imagined it could be, a place where a person could live without fear of anyone hurting them, telling them how they could live, stealing from them, or taking their lives.

Her thoughts firmly planted on a vision of a better future, she stood close to the white haired man, drawing herself up as tall as her small five foot four frame would allow and stared down the leader of the large group of bandits.  She listened as the large disgusting man said a lot of things that frankly she didn’t understand, mainly he was calling Shiro more than a few interesting names. Mr. Centipede? One-Eyed King? What the heck? Those are pretty much the worst insults I’ve ever heard. I mean, I guess if he was feeling insecure about his eyes then maybe, but then why add the King part? Isn’t it good to be King? She would look at Shiro out of the corner of her eye, trying to surreptitiously gauge his reaction and saw his gaze sharpen as he chuckled at the bandit. As the bandit leader continued his taunting, a low growl escaped her throat unbidden. “You will do no such thing.” She would speak quietly, her thoughts filling with the memory of her fallen family and her village long gone. She would flinch as from behind them one of the bandits smashed something wooden A chair? over Shiro’s head and splinters of wood bounced off of her head and arm.

She was shocked, both at the violence of it, and at the calmness with which Shiro handled the assault. He didn’t seem bothered at all. Sayuri had never been hit by a chair, but she imagined that it hurt at least a little, but if it did he didn’t let on. Who am I dealing with here exactly? I seem to be out of my depth. Again. Big surprise. Ah well, like grandfather said, if you don’t pick a side they’ll just tear you in half.

With that in mind Sayuri chose.

As the bandit leader continued his tirade she felt her the familiar pricking of tears in her eyes, and her muscles tensed as his voice raised, threatening violence on this village that she had come to love. She would look around at the men surrounding her and Shiro, she counted twenty one of them including the leader, more than she had ever seen threatening anyone before, let alone against her. She would turn her attention back to the leader, taking in his anger, his smugness and violence, and she hated him. “How dare you.” Her voice shook with fear and rage as she let eleven years of pent up sorrow and hatred come pouring out on this one man. “You think just because you can take something that you have a right to it? You’re nothing but a bully! A worthless fucking bandit!” Tears were streaming down her face at this point and she allowed them to, more concerned with shining truth on the situation than any sort of social propriety. “You ever burn any villages? Did you burn mine? Everything I ever loved was taken from me by someone just like you, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you take it from someone else.”




Meeting New People To Eat (With) (Tsuneo/NK) 2814012acb1b58ce80b00adf9b6a3652

“Everything I ever loved was taken from me.”


The god of death had awoken. As his hair turned pitch black, pitch black horns protruded from his skull as his left red eye's sclera became pitch black and his pupil became a vertical slit. Black rings formed around his eyes. His skin froze as it became colder, fangs grew as black blood dripped where he stood or walked. Both hands became blood red as black piercing marks appeared all over his body. A wicked dark, evil, violent, and destructive chakra emitted from the man. The air shook as though death had filled the air. The atmosphere choke the incapable as it felt as though all was simply dead. The person would feel as if they're a melting corpse. Tsuneo took one, two, three steps. He turned to face the man that struck him as the wicked god looked with his accursed eye. The man's whole being shaken as death stared him in the face, even worse. It was worse than death, it was a darkness that devoured all. The dark king would show them true despair, the dark king would teach them the pain the innocent have felt, and he would do so brutally. When all innocence is lost, when the last drop of faith had dried up, when the world desired a darkness that devours darkness. “We are not justice, we're the evil that haunts evil itself, the darkness that feeds on darkness itself delving into the depths of hell we dragged the scum with us as we burned to death. Redemption? Salvation? It is all beyond you. Only. Death. Awaits.” The leader terrified as he fell only to yell and command as he laughs with fear cracking his heart “ATTACK HIM. HAH, YOU ARE JUST A MONSTER WE WILL KILL YOU-”
Meeting New People To Eat (With) (Tsuneo/NK) Tumblr_nyebcrYdVe1sfq9mqo1_500
Tsuneo was luckily not in the centipede mode, however, he was angry. That never bode well, he rushed to the man behind him as he grabbed hold of his hands while pushing down on his chest as he plucked out his two arms. He moved to the armless man as he lifted him up by the neck as he crushed it painfully in front of them all. Twenty remained. He wasted no time, he diminished his deathly aura and made sure no one but the girl was around before bursting off at full speed towards the next victim. He rushed towards five people as he dodged a front punch by ducking and striking the man directly in his stomach damaging him severely internally only to rush furthermore grab his head and continuously smash it to the ground till it was smothered. As another rushed at the black king with a sword aiming down his head a vertical slash that Tsuneo back stepped grabbing the man's hands holding the sword and with his leg pinning them to the ground as he crushed both hands with his legs. The third came rushing with a spear, and Tsuneo did nothing but move to the side grabbing the spear and launching it from behind at the neck of another coming from behind him. The man rendered spear-less was held aghast as with deathly speed Tsuneo rushed grabbing his head running while pushing the head down at the ground with insane speed as the head was smothered in Tsuneo's hand. Tsuneo rushed back to the man whose hands he crushed only to pin him down by putting his knee on his back and pushing downwards as with his other hand he pulled the man from his eyes sockets as he shoved his fingers into his eyes sockets.  Tearing the man's head from his neck Tsuneo wiped the blood off of himself. A black coat that was due to his Senjutsu was visible. Tsuneo dusted off his coat as he spoke “Weak.”

Tsuneo was calm, angry, but calm. He would terrorize their very being. The leader yelled ever so pathetically, "JUTSU SQUAD LAUNCH YOUR ATTACKS." As he heard those words Tsuneo moved not an inch and the man laughed at that response thinking Tsuneo was cornered as three men surrounded him launching three B-ranked Justus. A fireball, a wind roar, and a lightning blast. Tsuneo in the middle of all the attacks stood still not moving an inch as he an explosion caused created a screen of smoke covering the king. Silence filled the air, however, the leader knew it would take much more than that and launched two A-ranked blasts of flame towards the man. Nothing could be seen and as the blasts ensued, more smoke rose across the air and covered the place. The men celebrated and yelled and laughed until a clap could be heard from amongst the smoke. As the smoke dissipated one man stood black hair and devilish horns protruding from his head. Not a single inch away from where he stood. Tsuneo clapped and clapped and as he stood there with an unamused expression as he asked a question: “Is this all? Is that the power that brought so much agony? The blue rose sheds its tears along with its petals in sacrifice. A thousand petals, a thousand tears, and for each.... A corpse.”

Swallowing seal, Tsuneo's first advanced seal. Tsuneo explained nothing and spoke not a single word more. Jutsu were useless against him. Clad in black the destroyer spoke with a tone colder than ice, a tone sharp enough to shatter their hearts. "Against me, you have no Jutsu." He spoke his words as he dissappeared. This sage mode boosted his speed. To them, he could no longer be seen. Bursting at maximum speed. Twenty-nine meters a second. He shot like a bullet headed for the three that launched Jutsu at him. He rushed to the first swept him off his feet as one rushed with a kick aimed downwards at Tsuneo's head.  With his sensory Tsuneo grabbed hold of the man by the back of his foot only to slam him on top of the other downwards with mad strength. The third came with a knife Tsuneo rotated his upper body dodging the knife as he smashed the man's jaw with a punch landing him on the two on top of each other. Tsuneo moved to place his foot on the three crushing them together. He would wait for them to get up as he dissappeared with unreal speed, reappearing behind the three one by one twisting their heads upside down in insane speed.

Nine Down

As twelve remained the leader panicked.  “YOU ARE ALL SCUM USELESS! ALL OF YOU ATTACK HIM AND YOU GUARD ME” Tsuneo smirked as he spoke, "Come."



As Sayuri screamed at the leader of the group surrounding her and Shiro the world faded away and all that was left was two things. The memory of her grandfather, and the man she now was projecting the source of her grief onto. She would grit her teeth and with an anguished sob reach for her tanto, fully intent on charging straight at the large arrogant man and plunging it deep into his evil heart.

“We are not justice, we're the evil that haunts evil itself, the darkness that feeds on darkness itself delving into the depths of hell we dragged the scum with us as we burned to death. Redemption? Salvation? It is all beyond you. Only. Death. Awaits.”

The world came quickly back into focus as she heard the promise of death uttered from the quiet and unassuming man beside her. Now though, where once had been calm and alabaster and benevolence stood the likes of which Sayuri had not even dreamt up. Waves of fury washed over her, and she struggled to hold onto her sanity. It felt as though someone had reached into her chest and taken, not her heart, but the thing that made it alive and it left her feeling hollow and without breath. It had not been long ago that she had felt pain enough that she thought she might die, or wished she would, but this was different. This was death. With considerable effort she would turn to look at the dark man beside her, tears still flowing freely down her face as she tried to interpret this unfamiliar occurrence. We? Does he mean me? What on earth is going on, did I do this? I’m sorry Shiro, I didn’t mean for this to happen. I don't want to be evil! Her thoughts were a jumbled mess as she attempted to breathe, she felt as though she were responsible for this change in the man standing next to her, as she had been the one screaming like an idiot just now. She saw his form, onyx coloured horns, black hair and blood and rage that burned with the fury of a thousand suns and what was left of the strength of her heart steeled itself. She would turn on the balls of her feet just slightly, moving her body so that her back was more in line with his. “I’m here.” She spoke as loud as her strained voice would allow her to. Despite the outward shell that was his macabre beauty, her decision had not changed. Seconds later her defensive position became laughably unnecessary as she watched Shiro expertly disarm, both literally and figuratively, the man who had just previously attacked him with a chair. With a rush the oppressive emptiness in her being was filled again with life and she breathed deep, adrenaline surging through her and giving her renewed energy.

He was fast. Terrifyingly fast. It was mesmerizing to behold and thankfully he had ensured that she was left with no one in her immediate vicinity so that her standing slack jawed for a few seconds was not lethal. It was the most brutal thing Sayuri had ever witnessed, and it came as no surprise at all when the leader began screaming for his men to attack Shiro using Jutsu’s. Until that moment the true gravity of the situation had not hit her, but as the elements crashed their way towards him she would press off the ground, running towards him hoping desperately to get to him. Before what? Before a lightning strike? No one is that fast Sayuri. As the ground exploded around Shiro and smoke filled the air, she would stop, her heart both sinking and hopeful at the same time. But when more fire rained down and still more smoke rose, she would spin quickly towards the leader a tremor in her voice. “We. Are. Not. Done.” She was beyond reasonable thought as far as her own safety was concerned. She didn’t know what else this man had done, but today she had seen him threaten an entire village and then use a ridiculous amount of people to obliterate someone who was trying to defend it. It was too much for her to bear, and she would let out a heartbroken wail, taking her blade in hand, preparing again to rush headlong against whomever stood between her and the source of her suffering. She knew full well that this was most likely to end in failure and loss, but she also knew she had no choice. Not in the way real choices are made,  these men weren't going to let her just leave,  not that she would regardless.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

A distressed smile would form on Sayuri’s face as she twisted her head around to seek out the origin of the clapping. She was elated to see that Shiro stood there, very much not dead, and she would narrow her eyes as he spoke his riddles. Later, silly duck. Right now you might actually die. Think about the blue roses later. Right now, you need to kill that man. Having just seen Shiro get actually exploded and live, Sayuri felt confident moving towards her chosen target. And the fact that most of the man’s apparently useless scum men were moving to attack Tsuneo made it all the easier for her, twelve people she had no hope against. But she could manage a couple. Probably. She would nod once to Shiro before flashing him a near manic smile and gesturing with her blade at the bandit leader.




The king had stood there as he gazed at the hoard of ten criminals rushing at him.  Tsuneo's feet moved not an inch from where he stood. He would notice ten encircle him. However, only few approached him four each time that attacked and launched their punches and kicks as Tsuneo danced across their attacks. Their efforts meaningless. A man approached with a piercing strike with his sword, another woman aimed at Tsuneo with her bow, and a third idiot launched a sickle attached to a chain at Tsuneo. The centipede sage simply intercepted the sword as he ducked with a hand placed on the ground as the arrow missed Tsuneo's head, at the same time Tsuneo launched a kick from below striking the man's elbow breaking it only to break his hold on his sword. Tsuneo still had one pesky sickle to deal with and as the sickle rushed at Tsuneo, Tsuneo jumped slightly with speed reappearing above the sickle only to step on the chain as he landed.  Tsuneo pulled by his two hands the man holding the sickle as the woman holding the bow launched three arrows above one another. Tsuneo sighed as he burst off towards the man holding the sickle chain grabbing his head and landing on his chest as he used him to boost his jump towards the woman as he dodged her arrows. The woman had been protected by five men. Tsuneo would be faced by the five holding their swords aimed at the rushing Tsuneo. The centipede lad, however, tricked them as he landed earlier than their location jumped away to land behind them. Tsuneo would sweep two of their feet dropping them as one intercepted with a sword aimed at Tsuneo's shoulder. Tsuneo would extend his arm grabbing the woman and pulling her towards him as the man slashed down his sword stopping halfway as he injured the woman's eye. As the man backed off Tsuneo rushed at him gripping the blade by the man's hand holding the blade. The man aimed with a second blade, a dagger, at Tsuneo's eye. Tsuneo gripped the other hand as he twisted it, and as the man was stricken with pain Tsuneo turned the blade upside down in his hands and planting the man's own sword in his thigh. 

Two remained and both rushed at Tsuneo full speed with spears. Tsuneo smirked, and with his smirk came few words “You think you can do shit against me?” The two men got up as the one man was healed at the same time. Regaining their positions each with their blades and their spears and daggers aimed at Tsuneo. Five men would aim to murder the living hell out of the Centipede. Tsuneo was in the middle and as the bow woman retreated by the side of the healer female she watched as five men covered Tsuneo. Would this be Tsuneo's end? Tsuneo was not that an easy target. The bandits were wrong to assume they could restrain the man that killed thousands of criminals alone. Tsuneo? Murdered by a bunch of twenty or thirty thugs? If Mitsuo or Gin were here they'd have criticized him for going easy on the criminals. However, the young man was no simple Ninja. He was a predator and rules be damned he loved toying with his victims. As they inflict pain upon others he'd inflict pain to them. Tsuneo was no fool. As if a simple five B-ranked chumps are going to get the murderer drowning in the blood of thousands. Tsuneo wondered if the girl of white hair and different eyes similar to him was shocked or scared. He loved surprising people, mostly criminals, but it remains a hobby.

He grinned as he rose his head asking the criminals “What's wrong? Kill me.” He spoke as the five men were stricken with fear incapable of moving an inch. Tsuneo's smirk remained normally there before fading. These insolent fools. Thinking they ever stood a chance. Tsuneo would speak one word before continuing his brutalization session. “Bow.” As he spoke that one word all five men bowed before him. It was not truly them that bowed before him, but it was something else that forced them to their knees. As he was surrounded Tsuneo released five chains betraying the Uzumaki tradition those chains were pure black unlike the normally pure white Chakra chains. Tsuneo moved out away from the middle of the five standing a meter away from them. Tsuneo acted as though casting a technique by doing a bunch of hand signs. The whole group of ten bandits was terrorized by his hand signs. Tsuneo stopped as he chuckled speaking “Did I scare you? If you want to save these five the rest of you better come.” Tsuneo let a soft smile appear as even the woman holding the bow received an Axe from a comrade they would all charge their weapons with Jutsu A-rank empowering Bukijutsu techniques. Tsuneo simply clapped as he awaited the five punks and before long the five bastards rushed at him. As they were all within ten meters Tsuneo snapped his fingers dissipating the chakra chains and unleashing a godlike terrifying Jutsu. The aura of that Jutsu would engulf the area in an even greater darkness. The air was no longer simply choking whoever was around. It was murdering them over and over. Not a sound to be heard, but all the terror to be witnessed. Tsuneo darkness extended as he unleashed a Jutsu like none other. The destructive jutsu  expanded int he shape of a skull as it ripped their bones, their flesh, their blood from one another. Their screams echoed across the area as he enjoyed their terror. Tsuneo would show them true terror. 


The young man stood there as the blood he bathed in was sealed away. Walking slowly and slowly towards the bandit leader and his guard and as one aimed to strike at Sayuri's neck. The young man would walk slowly towards them and as the man had launched his attack at Sayuri aiming for her neck Tsuneo rushed to grab the man's hand as kicking him from below at his elbows shattering them, stealing the sword, and planting it in the man's neck killing him. Tsuneo would simply stand in front of the bandit leader silent. Watching the man Tsuneo awaited his response.



Sayuri had never killed anyone. As she looked across towards the leader of the group the idea that she had never, in fact, killed anything did pass through her mind. She had only very recently even used her weapon to hurt anyone, and that had been an instinctual reaction while she’d been half asleep. She was grateful for Shiro’s presence, and martial prowess. She was not certain of the cause of this battle, but it seemed that for the most part everyone had taken little interest in her. Small as she was at just barely past five feet tall, most people rarely did. But this was different, these people wouldn’t just yell or look at her with annoyance if she got in the way. They would actually, flat out, murder her. Not today they won’t. She needed some sort of plan, or her words of encouragement would count for naught soon.

Summoning her courage she channeled her chakra through her, feeling the all too familiar prick and tingle of emotion this time translated as glowing white Raiton flowing along the length of her blade, extending it to a wicked edge. The gentle pulse of the electricity along her tanto strengthened her resolve as she willed her chakra to perform her bidding yet again, remembering an old trick she had learned. A grin would form on all six of Sayuri’s faces as she and her five clones would begin moving in earnest through the assembled throng of thugs and killers. She had first learned to do this while quite young, and quite hungry. It was not something she was very proud of, but there were times when even she could see that something like stealing was not tantamount to an act of evil. She managed to weave her way through the mess and carnage, oblivious for the most part to the very real danger she was in, lost in singular focus on her target; the man who threatened to burn a village to the ground.

So while flitting past screaming men and women, sword strikes and broken bones may have appeared competent and adept to the casual and unlearned observer, Sayuri was merely utilizing her best practiced skill; staying out from under foot. In reality it was not any exceptional dexterity or finesse that was saving her from harm, but rather the impressive flurry of combat currently being performed by Shiro as though it were an expertly choreographed dance. For the most part her ruse worked perfectly well, due more in part to the fact that the bandits were more interested in Shiro than her, but it was enough losing only three as she ran. As she rushed at the leader there was only one man with a sword guarding him, annoyingly standing directly in her way. Undeterred she would have her clones trade positions with her as they all kept pace, to help disguise her movements as she attempted to slip past him and straight to the man’s charge. Without Shiro there, she would have been dead, no question. When the guard’s sword had come down to strike at her neck she’d noticed only as it was being drawn away by Shiro’s hand. She heard the sickening crack as the man’s elbows broke under the force of Shiro’s kick and the strangled cry as the man died to his own sword, tiny specks of blood splashing across Sayuri’s white hair as the blade pierced the man’s neck.

With only two of her clones left she moved one to engage him directly, hoping it would draw the leader’s sword attack while she could attack from a safer position, letting the other one circle behind Shiro. Without a word she slid rapidly down on his right coming up under his sword arm with her tanto, feeling the blade connect deeply with the flesh along his side and scrape across his ribs. The man howled as his blade swung through her clone causing it to dissipate, and he brought the pommel of his sword down towards her head. His blow was stopped short by Shiro’s casual intervention however, knocking the man’s strike aside easily, without any notice from Sayuri. She was both thrilled and horrified as she struck her mark and smelled the burning flesh, and a low growl built in her chest as flashes of fire danced in her mind’s eye and she screamed at him in woeful fury. “Who did you take? Whose lives did you ruin?” Tears streamed down her face as she moved smoothly forward and up slightly, angling her tanto to stab down into the larger man’s shoulder, thrusting it with all her might as more blood splashed onto her and she continued screaming. “I was happy and safe! I had a home! I had a family!”

The man grunted and howled again as the steel from her weapon found purchase in the meat of his shoulder as he swung full force at her face with his other hand, again stymied by Shiro knocking aside his attack easily. As she withdrew her blade from the man’s she quickly pushed it up to the man’s throat pressing it in until she saw a line of blood start to form, her left hand holding tight to his wounded shoulder, half climbing the man to do so. He made to attack her again, to claw her off of him, but every move he made was swiped effortlessly aside by Shiro standing still, watching. All she could think about was her own village and family. About the last night she’d ever seen them, the fire and smoke everywhere, and the screaming. Her heart was breaking as she struggled with her moral dilemma. She knew this man was not to blame for the death of her family and village, and yet she also knew by his own admission that he had destroyed many other families. “How could you? You need to pay for what you did.” Her voice shook with sobs and rage and fear. And she hesitated. This didn’t feel right right to her. Sayuri had never killed anyone.


“Chakra 105/150”:



She spilled her heart out, she showed the man no mercy in her strikes and Tsuneo did his part by blocking each strike each muscle twitch he could muster in the face of her strikes. Tsuneo would let the man suffer the consequences of his actions at the hands of one of his victims. Tsuneo was sad, she had lost her loved ones as Tsuneo once did.  As she pinned him to the ground he  looked at her before clapping and speaking his words "That's enough." Tsuneo spoke as he stood in front of her as she pinned the man her blade at his. Slowly he extended his arm in front of her as he made sure her eyes were locked on him. He held her collar making sure she could see his hand's coldness. The darkness that he bathed in was far grimmer than the darkness gripping her hand. Tsuneo threw her to the side as he grabbed the man's head and smashed it to pieces.

He wouldn't let her kill. The loneliness, the darkness, and the weight of murder. He would not let her suffer those emotions. Tsuneo would lecture her, a contradicting speech from a murderer.

“You'll remember their eyes forever, their final breaths, their blood will soak your heart. They'll haunt you in your sleep. You'll abandon your dreams and become a monster. Never. Kill. Leave purging the murderers to me. When the time comes, I'll take my life, killing the last murderer. Until then leave the despair of killing to me, and live a happy life full of dreams.” 

Tsuneo was not one good with words, however, he wished the despair of murder on no one. He would suffer alone and carry the burden on his back. Till his bones were crushed he would carry the burden. He turned his back on the woman as he dragged the man and threw him into the rest of the corpses as he stood there with his back facing the girl. He remembered his first kill. His best friend, the person whom he had killed in cold blood. As Tsuneo stole the blade and pierced his friend's heart, Tsuneo was entrusted with the life of his friend's sister. To this day Tsuneo searches for her and the murderer of his family. Tsuneo wonders all the time, would he have been a different person had his family remained by his side.

Tsuneo was almost sick of who he is. He wished to be a normal shinobi returning to a loving family after a mission or a training session. However, it was a life beyond Tsuneo. Not while murderers existed. Not while he existed. He would die and carry those lives of the murderers with him. He would become the greatest sinner. He wished he had not become this murderer that he is now. If he kills himself he will never be the murderer he is now. He would find peace in death. But he still had a duty to complete.

His back facing the well trained young lady as she sported grace and skill in her combat, he spoke few words “You would make a great hero, so never kill.”



Hearing Shiro’s command she stayed her hand and looked in the direction of his voice. She felt very confused as the dark haired man slowly reached for her and she narrowed her eyes at him trying to puzzle out his intentions. So far he had done nothing to her but be kind and defend her, and yet. . . the old familiar twisting knot in her stomach returned. As though she were observing the events occur from a third perspective she watched his cold hand reach for her collar. She tried to flinch away but her surreal state of mind left her sluggish and before she could react properly she was tossed by the collar to the side and onto the ground. She would hit with a graceless thud her tanto skittering out her hand, and a shudder running through her as she hit, left over from her fear and anxiety a moment before. She barely had time to register the fact that she had been thrown when she would shake her head to be sure what she was seeing was real.

Shiro was finishing off the bandit leader. She had done much the same thing before herself, when she was younger during a harvest festival. She had been very hungry and the frost had come early that year and killed most of the food in the forest and fields that she had grown accustomed to eating. But there had been gourds that were being used as decorations. She hadn’t had the heart to use her tanto to open one up, so she’d found a large rock and smashed the gourd on it. Over and over again until she could get at the fruit inside. She remembered thinking at the time how easy it was, and how delicious the gourd had been. But now. . .

Sayuri would turn to her side and retch, her stomach heaving up memories of gourds and bandits and fire and grandfathers. Tears burned her eyes as sobs racked her body, and she would slowly drag herself up onto her knees so that she was facing Shiro, wiping her mouth on the back of her sleeve as she struggled to regain her composure. She would look around in a daze at the felled bandits, bodies strewn about in pools of blood, shattered beyond repair. And then she would slowly turn her attention to her own person, carefully examining herself for wounds, but there were none to find. Still she would keep looking until a question formed in her mind, persistent and forceful. Who are you? Just as she would rise shakily to her feet to ask, Shiro spoke. She bit down hard on her lip as he addressed her, the broken body of the bandit leader still in his hands, she could taste blood in her mouth as she struggled not to interrupt him. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Not all of it. Never killing, she was perfectly accepting of, she hadn’t been willing to do that, that much had been clear when she hesitated. It had been a relief to be thrown out of the way, as undignified as it was. But the rest. . . This man had saved her, saved the people at the ramen stand, saved the the village. There was no way in hell she was letting him die, not if she had anything to say about it.

She went to step towards Shiro and panicked as her hand reflexively went to her belt and did not feel her tanto where it should be. Remembering her landing she would turn quickly on her heel and breathe a sigh of relief at seeing it there on the ground, still glowing white with Raiton Chakra. She bent down and picked it up reverently releasing the chakra from its blade “You’re such an idiot sometimes Sayuri.” she said quietly to herself as she would look mournfully at the bloodied blade. She knew she shouldn’t put the blade away dirty, but she also didn’t know what to do about the blood. She’d never had to deal with this before and was far outside of her realm of experience, so she did what anyone with her limited knowledge would; she would wipe the blood on her pant leg before replacing the blade in its sheath.

Sayuri would pick her way over to Shiro, dispelling her clone as she went. She would halt for the space of a breath, her eyebrows raising at his words and then continue until she stood face to face with him. She looked at him closely, his one silver eye and one red; though now that she was only about a foot away, she could see clearly is was a mostly black coloured eye with a slitted pupil. She looked at his jet horns and raven hair and pale skin, and face twisted with grief. She would lean in quickly to embrace him, holding him close as she poured out her heart's gratitude and plea.

“Thank you Shiro. A million times thank you. You saved that woman, all those people, me. . . “ She would sob quietly as she clung to the man, she didn’t have the proper words to express what she felt. She wasn’t well educated, and she felt horribly inadequate as she spoke. “Please don’t die. You can’t kill yourself, not ever. I couldn’t bear it. You were kind to me, you didn’t know me and you were kind, you’re not a monster. Please, I’ll never kill, I won’t, just please, please don’t die.”

She would hold him as long as he would let her, crying quietly, and hoping that by simply saying it out loud her wish would become reality. She could not bear the thought of Shiro dying, not by his hand or any other. Perhaps it was selfish or deluded, but he was the only person who had ever fought for her and lived. The thought of one more person dying because of her was too much. This man was so much more than a murderer, he had to know that. He had nothing at all to gain by dealing with those bandits. He could have sat quietly and ignored it, or scurried quickly away to the safety of his home. But he didn’t. And just like that the question burned bright in her mind again. And as questions are wont to do, it tumbled its way out of her mouth unbidden. “Shiro, who are you?”




As she realizes the massacre that revolved around her at the hands of Tsuneo, she would feel disgusted, fearful, and nothing but hatred to the brutal murderer. Tsuneo had come to terms with how people viewed him. It still never chipped away at his resolve. He knew she would hate him and leave him and run away from his monstrous side. Who would want to associate with such a madman? Tsuneo had to return to the seal and finish his training and tame his inner darkness. The darkness everyone is disgusted by, and the darkness that would put his loved ones in danger. It was a pleasant day, however, all pleasant things end. Tsuneo had no more words for the white-haired lady. He smiled knowing and understanding the consequences of his actions. He would most likely never see her again, however, as long as she treads the right path, Tsuneo had no qualms.

Or so he thought.

His eyes never flinched but looked at her as she stood in front of him. His eyes stern and cold as he hid his smile. He showed no emotions or anything but a dark sharp gaze with no mercy within his eyes. His accursed form had remained the same, had she wanted to eye him one more time and aim for his head for his brutality? Had she needed to confirm her disgust with him? Tsuneo never the less stood calmly and darkly in his place awaiting her to move or speak her piece. Tsuneo glared into her eyes, his dark eye as grim as ever. Most were terrified of his eye and this form of his, however, she stood gallantly there and it was an impressive feat. However, it was time for the Centipede to leave. Tsuneo spoke his few words hoping she would not think of something foolish as attacking him or arresting him. He spoke a small word only to be interrupted by the beauty before him “Mov-”

“Thank you Shiro. A million times thank you. You saved that woman, all those people, me. . . “

Shaken by her actions his eyes widened as she hugged him, embracing him, and for a simple moment, the weight on his back. The darkness he's drowning in and the blood of his enemies, people he had killed, acts he had committed. All faded for the moment she embraced him. His eyes opened wide his pale cold cheeks blushed as he didn't know what to do with his hand as he squirmed in her arms not knowing what to do, flustered. He tried to speak as she cried furthermore continuing her sentence.

 “Please don’t die. You can’t kill yourself, not ever. I couldn’t bear it. You were kind to me, you didn’t know me and you were kind, you’re not a monster. Please, I’ll never kill, I won’t, just please, please don’t die.” 

His eyes calmed down as his transformation faded, his hair slowly turning white as he his consciousness faded, he spoke but one word to the young girl. A sad smile he gave off as he hugged her back and patted her. He spoke from the bottom of his heart thanking the Kunoichi for her actions. For accepting him, she had become a dear loved one. She was a weird one indeed. Never flinched but understood the young man and accepted him for what he is. He spoke his words only to be interrupted by his Chakra.

“Thank you, Sayu-”
His eye went out of control as he looked into her eyes, he spoke angrily “Damn it-” His Chakra left his body rushing into her eyes as it exposed his past. His memories, the days of his agony. The thirty-two days of suffering he lived through. What turned him into a monster. Konoha's sacrificing him to protect itself. The moment he took his first kill, his best friend. However, nothing would rival the agony of his thirty-two days of torture that he lived. The horror that turned the young boy known as Uzumaki Tsuneo, into the murderous centipede that killed all that stood before him. The one eyed king, the king of the purgatory dragon gate.

My dream is to become Hokage~

Tsuneo once dreamed of becoming Hokage. He once dreamt of being the leader of Konohagakure and protect the innocent people of Konohagakure, end hunger, and create an everlasting peace in a horrid world and follow in the steps of his parents that died along with his sister before his eyes. Tsuneo was ordered by the hidden branch that dealt with Konohagakure darkness, in the dark. Having no relatives or loved ones, Tsuneo was tasked with two others to eliminate a whole clan that is loved by all other clans and regarded dearly, while the three assume the role of traitors. The clan was, in fact, a dirty clan of criminals that dealt with rape, illegal Jutsu, human trafficking, slavery, and murder. Exposing them would create distrust and a civil war in which Konohagakure would be weak to resist its many enemies, which eventually would lead to its downfall. His comrades died, and Tsuneo dream was shattered as he was rendered a traitor.

The seven bells' war erupted and Tsuneo fought gallantly aiding the soldiers and saving many. Many comrades of his died because of his weaknesses. He met Gin, who shredded him back to bed in the hospital after already being worn out from fighting ten B-ranks alone. The young man fought and fought. He saved many people, and fought along side Strafe of the Aisu, and Sanosuke of Kumogakure demolishing a beast and saving Oomi, a Kunoichi.

My fingers t-to the bench...

He joined the Aoi Bara and was captured by the seven bells' remnants later on. He was crushed, destroyed, murdered over and over. His eyes plucked out, his hair plucked our, his fingers and toes cut over and over, his arms and legs removed, skinned alive over and over, burned alive, boiled alive, centipedes sent crawling into his ears as families and lovers were thrown at his feet forced to pick who lives and kill the rest with his decision, forced to and if he didn't pick, they all die. They slid blades under his nails, cut his tongue over and over, and injected him with a serum forcing him to regenerate everything he loses. Blades were shoved into his eyes and every segment in his body. He died a million deaths, animals were thrown to eat his guts and insides. He suffered Hell.

Those memories and those connecting him to the sword saint and Kajiya, otherwise known as Tsuyo. Such memories escaped his chakra and rushed into her eyes revealing everything as he had his eyes wide open before he fell to his knees and dropped on the ground his white hair fully back and his eye fully back to what it was before his transformation only to cheerfully get up “Huh? What happened? Hello, Sayuri! How are you? Eh my head hurts what happened to the band-” As he looked around “Whoa what a scary place who did that?” He wondered.

He was back to his memory-less self. Shiro. 



She was sure that her sorrow would swallow her whole. Her heart was breaking, she could fairly feel it within her, the cracks of it causing wracking sobs to shake her being as she clung to the man who she had named hero. All around her she could smell the death and blood, the savagery of what had just occurred, which only caused her to cling all the tighter to Shiro as she begged him to stay, not in this moment, but at all. In her mind she was screaming the word over and over again, STAY! And when he did not push her away she quieted, the pain in her heart subsided a minuscule amount and her shuddering cries were reduced to gentle weeping. Despite the agony of it, she wanted to stretch this moment out forever. She felt safe as Shiro returned her embrace and the sounds and smells and horrors from around them both faded away. Standing there was a comfortable pause in the reality of time, nothing was there but the knowledge that she was alive, and he was alive. No one was dying, no one was telling her to hide or run, no one was chasing her out of yet another barn. She wasn’t being punished for stealing a handful of mouldy rice, or asking where her parents were. There wasn’t any fire or bandits.

She let her breathing slow as she listed to the sound of Shiro’s heart, her head pressed against his chest. The sound was soothing, it grounded her and kept her from floating away down a dark river of despair, down to a place that would only bring her more burning tears to overflow that very same river. Sayuri had spent a long time down that river, or so in her limited knowledge of grief did she believe, and she was not eager to revisit it. It was such a short time in the larger scale of things that were world changing, but in her world it had been the better part of her whole life. Still though, this peaceful space held back the raging torrent of grief that pressed against the walls of their shared compassion and as Shiro tenderly patted her she would raise her head to look at him and was surprised to see his darkness fading away.  She probably shouldn’t have been so surprised, it had arrived just as suddenly, why should it have departed any differently after all? Regardless she watched mesmerized as his coal black hair faded back to pure white and his eye transformed back to silver, a slight blush on his otherwise pale alabaster skin.

As he smiled down at her she saw the sadness in it and her brow would furrow ever so slightly. Why was there sadness behind that smile? She opened her mouth to voice her thought and the only word that came out was “Please. . .” She meant to finish her sentence with stay. She could still hear his words in her mind, “When the time comes, I'll take my life, killing the last murderer.” They tugged at her heart, the thought that Shiro believed he was irredeemable was unsettling at best and soul crushing at worst.  So in that eternal expanse of time she resolved to change his mind, however the chance never came.

“Thank you, Sayu-”

She glowed at his words, the dimming spark deep within her, the one that had been growing faint surrounded on all sides by blood and death was rekindled by those simple words. She felt light again, recharged and prepared to face the world with new energy and hope. She looked deep into Shiro’s eyes with confidence, her one green eye and one blue eye to his one red eye and one silver eye. She was strong, just as her grandfather had always told her she was. Today she was stron-

“Damn it-”

Her smile faded as a rush of chakra overtook her and something shifted. The world around her melted away and became something else entirely, something that wasn’t right, wasn’t hers. She would let out a gasp, whether out loud or in her mind she wasn’t sure, the world didn’t make sense to her anymore. These were memories, Shiro’s. . . no, not Shiro. In her mind’s eye images and emotions were overwhelming her, she felt stretched beyond her limits, a piece of thread pulled taut to fraying and still being pulled. She clenched her mouth tight, tasting blood, but not her own blood, it was the blood of her - no his best friend.

“Why… why, did I.. did he?”

She couldn’t imagine a reason important enough to warrant killing a friend. Let alone one that she, or he rather, held so dear. She had not had any friends when she was young. Not any that she could recall, save for her family of course. Her grandfather had always been her friend, and her mother and father. And there was Daisy, the cow. And now Mitsuo and Tsuyo, she would never kill them, not for anything. It was beyond imagining, something that had not once before now even crossed her mind. She gasped as she heard the whisper quiet cracks of her heart again as the stress from the uninvited memories pushed their way into her psyche.  

“Stop, please. Please Shiro, make it stop.”

She begged over and over as memories of Shiro flashed through her mind as brilliant as the sun and as painful as fire. She didn’t want these, she didn’t understand what she was seeing, or why it was happening. Was she wrong, did he do this to her? She could hardly tell anymore whether she was feeling physical or emotional pain, she just knew she wanted it to stop. She was frightened, of course, but less so of dying and more so that she may have misplaced her trust. Until she saw the young man’s dreams of being Hokage, bright eyed full of hope and wonder. She saw those dreams come crashing down around him as his family died before his very eyes. Then she knew, it was not misplaced, she wasn’t wrong before. When she’d first seen him and thought how very similar they were, she was not wrong. But oh how she wished she was. This was not right, no one was supposed to feel this.

“Grandfather no!”

But it wasn’t her grandfather, it wasn’t her family, it was his. His chakra burned inside her as she stood choking on it and the despair it carried, and another crack formed in her rapidly breaking heart. She could feel its frailty, sense with her spirit,  more than physically feel with her hands the white haired man in front of her. How had he lived for so long with this? She couldn’t stand it and it had only been seconds. She watched a war, she had heard tales of war, this war actually and she was immediately horrified. The stories she had heard sneaking in to eavesdrop around campfires had not prepared her to see, and what's more feel war. She could hear the screams and smell the sea. She clutched at the darkness as the heat of battle roiled over her like a tempest and dragged her further into Shiro’s memories. So much, too much. Another crack formed and with it the pain grew deeper still and she cried out in anguish. She pleaded with the storm to let her go, but it was not to be for storms are finished when they are.

He was brave, there was no denying it. She was him, and yet she knew she wasn’t. And still he was brave, he fought to save his comrades, his friends and their families and loved ones. She admired him all the more for it but now she understood what he had said earlier.

“You'll remember their eyes forever, their final breaths, their blood will soak your heart. They'll haunt you in your sleep. You'll abandon your dreams and become a monster…”

She watched it happen, with every kill he made it felt easier to her, more natural. To him. She hadn’t known, she’d felt it when she had held her tanto to the bandit leader’s throat. That moment when she held his life in her hands. She got to choose in that moment, a very permanent choice. And she had hesitated. Now she was supremely glad that she had. It felt awful, making that choice, she wasn’t he was, but all the same she felt it, saw it, tasted it. And it burned her to the core. Pain seared through her as another crack splintered its way across her now crystalline heart.

“My fingers t-to the bench…”

She hadn’t realized how loud everything had been until suddenly it wasn’t. It was silent inside as she watched with growing horror the scene unfold in front of her. Sayuri had never seen torture, never really even heard of it. That one person could do that to another person was all the trauma required to force the final keystone fissure into her heart. Her heart shattered as she saw Shiro tortured, over and over and over.  And where once was perfect silence, now sounded as though a thousand shards of glass had fallen all at once in a dazzling melodious explosion. She thought she should die. He should die. They both should be dead. Him a thousand times over and her with a heart, powerless to do anything to stop it. Nothing to do but watch and cry and scream. The sound came rushing back, her, his screams, then theirs. Its was terrifying and she wanted to look away, close her eyes, anything. But there was nowhere to look, her eyes were closed, the memories were everywhere.

She saw so many people and things some she recognized, others she didn’t. The things she didn’t though, that gave her strength. She held onto that idea, as though her life depended on it, for as far as she knew it did. Her mind was a spinning vortex of blood and pain and misery. None of it her own.

“None of this is mine”

The pain was spreading everywhere, the initial panic gone as her determination to be released set in. This was not it, these were not her pains, not her burdens, she wouldn’t die from them. She was struggling to keep hold of her own mind as Shiro’s chakra overwhelmed her. So she thought of the lesson Tsuyo had taught her just recently and she tried to focus on her own chakra. It was nearly impossible, the barest whispers of storm clouds with striking lightning and flower petals tossed by wind began interlacing themselves with the terrifying anamneses flowing through her consciousness. She focused as hard as she could on the image of a whole and healthy Shiro, on fields of flowers, Tsuyo and Mitsuo, the cabin, Daisy, her grandfather.  Some of those thoughts she saw overlapped, they were also his.

With a sudden rush, like cresting the surface of the water Sayuri was released from Shiro’s chakra. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she stared into Shiro’s eyes, one red and one silver, her hands still clasped around him in an embrace. Had she been expecting any of this perhaps she could have caught him, but as it was she was entirely off guard, and she felt as though she were a spectator still inside her own mind as he slid from her grasp and crumpled to the ground at her feet. Sayuri was in shock at the events that had just unfolded, both in the market and in her mind and it would take her a few second to register the change in his position. Such that she would lean down catch him just as he was already springing cheerfully to his feet again. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. How could he not know who did this?

Hearing that his head was hurt she felt a protective twinge and would instinctively move towards him to tentatively reach out to examine his head. If he let her she would carefully examine him for injuries trying to place the source of his confusion. His head hurts? Did he hit his head, is that why he doesn’t remember? I’ve heard of that happening, but… not like this. This wasn’t right, none of this was. She felt as though she had said that to herself a good many times in the past  few weeks, but that didn’t make it less true. She could feel tears beginning to slip down her cheeks as she tried to puzzle out what to do. She had to figure out what was going on, and if that was the case they were all in trouble. Because figuring things out was not what she was good at. “Shiro, you don’t remem-” Thinking better of having the conversation where they weren’t protected on any sides, she stopped mid sentence. She would offer her hand to Shiro, palm up,  if he took it she would walk them both to the edge of the carnage away from prying eyes, where they could have a private discussion without anyone overhearing too much. Otherwise she would merely ask that he accompany her to small alleyway entrance that she had spied.




Shiro, you don't remember?


Her words spoke at a terrified tone, yet, he knew not what was there for him to remember. His memory lapses, his head is ringing and although he remembers nothing as he saw the massacred bandits he knew. It was him. Those that kill are the ones prepared to be killed. Those that kill, should be killed. Those ideas were stuck in his head. Tsuneo would dig deeper within his mind but to no avail, he could find nothing. However, the reason he knew he is the cause is simple. Something within drives him to go above and beyond to kill criminals.

A couple of days ago...
One by one they fell, those who stood before the kings, those who opposed the absolute power of kings, and there'd be no salvation for those that faced them. Tsuneo never stopped walking, not once did the young man halt his own progress. Always seeking new power to protect his loved ones, his one, and only family; the Aoi Bara. They were outcasts. Never doubt one's family, always believe in them, and never give them up. The Aoi Bara was his family. Tsuyo, Gin, and Mitsuo. Those three were his only family. Tsuneo attained more and more power to seek revenge, however, ever since joined the Aoi Bara he's fought and trained to attain new powers simply to protect them and fight for them. Death arrogantly knocked on the palaces of kings as it did the huts of poor, equally. However, they were no kings hiding behind palaces, nor did they hide behind huts. The four kings walked barefooted pacing the steps of their destinies embraced death, faced it head-on, and made it bow before them. Tsuneo had walked forward not stopping for a second, never faltering, arrogantly daring whatever stood before him, and smashing it to the ground. The young boy of paper pale white skin and snow-white hair coupled with a silver and red pair of eyes never led his gaze astray. He looked forward ever so arrogantly, rebelling, and challenging all that ever hoped to stand in his path digging his pitch black tortured nails and his gleaming white fangs into his prey. Drowning in the blood of the wretched, the King of the Purgatory Dragon Gate, walked.
However, that very same king now walked the lands of the village hidden behind the leaves memoryless. He had left this dimension to sink into another, to fight and train for a greater power that would aid him in the challenges to come. However, as he left a damage of crossing the seals of dimensions reached his brain sealing the memories into his Sage mode. The young king was called Shiro for the time being, the young lad once known as the centipede, the one-eyed king, and the harbinger of destruction was now a harmless white haired boy. Or so the wretched would hope. The young lad still had the heart of the tragic hero he once was. He had tracked down an illegal weapon's deal. However, the young man's information sources include reports of human trafficking, slavery, and drug sale. The young man's head was void of any memories of his duties, but the heart resists not the pangs of responsibility. Tsuneo moved, clad in white as though an angel. This angel would bathe in blood.
The young lad paced his steps from the net cafe he slept in as he headed towards the location of the meeting. Tsuneo would attract the eyes of the citizens around him as he vibrantly gleamed behind him the rising sun of the village he once called home, but his current self never knew that this used to be his home. A white shirt, a pair of white pants, and white sandals. Pale paper-white skin, snow-white hair, a silver and red pair of eyes, blood red lips, and jet-black nails that spoke volumes of the torture he had undertaken. The young man paced his steps regardless of people he attracted, people he creeped out, people he shocked, or people he mesmerized with his appearance. Unearthly, that was one way to describe the young boy. It wasn't to his comfort nor his liking that he attracted so much attention and thus he burst off running at half full speed. He would dart off and jump on top of a house as he began jumping from house to another till he was exactly below his destination, the Hokage mountain.
Looking up at the mountain as he saw the faces of the many great Kages, the kings that reigned over the village, and it was there, he could identify many of these faces if only the man had his memories. Tsuneo never the less, felt a burning sensation across each cell in his body as though basking in shattered glass. The stinging sensation brought out a voice from within whispering into his ears as though a devil consuming him like mist consuming vision. Tsuneo silenced his thoughts as he listened to the voice ringing from within the depths of his mind.
"Am I broken? Am I finally choking?"
Tsuneo shook his head as he focused on the task before him. He darted across the mountain climbing to the top of it with finesse and grace non-stoppingly. Tsuneo reached the top and as he hovered in the air from his jump, he looked down at the groups standing before him. Their greetings were simple kunai, shuriken, and shadow windmills. Tsuneo quickly gripped one Kunai as it headed towards him watching the bloodied shuriken launched at him with the bunch of kunai remaining headed towards him. Tsuneo with quick movement reflected each projectile launched at him with his one kunai, and as the shadow windmill approached, Tsuneo mid-air simply rose a leg upward as he awaited the right moment  till it was fifty centimeters in front of him and exactly below his leg he would launch his leg downward full strength only to break the shadow windmill to pieces. As he landed on the ground standing tall with two legs unharmed from the array of attacks he spoke one sentence and one only.
"Ladies, let's get this party started."
A mocking devilish grin from the albino boy made a mockery of the existence of the men before him. He launched himself between the hoard of men, twelve to be exact. Judging from their postures they were somewhere A-rank and B-rank, but it was all an assumption. As three men with swords launched themselves towards Tsuneo. The young boy would duck as launched his leg in a rotating manner sweeping the man of his feet before striking him with his pale white palm in the stomach as the man rested on his hand hanging in the air for less than a second before Tsuneo pushed him towards the one behind him as the third approached Tsuneo side-stepped letting the blade's piercing attack pierce through nothing but air. Tsuneo would quickly launch his grip at the man's wrist as he launched his other hand at the man's elbow crushing it only to pull the man across him by the rest simply to land a direct kick at the man's stomach damaging him severely as the second one that had the first thrown on him decided to interfere and slash vertically as he jumped above Tsuneo. Tsuneo with his leg planted in the third's stomach carried the man above him shielding himself from the second's blade, however, in that moment Tsuneo had faded from vision only to appear airborne behind the second mid-air as Tsuneo gripped the man by his head pulling it backwards only for his other free hand to punch the man's neck through the nape breaking his neck. Tsuneo used the man as an object to launch himself back to the ground in a back flip from which he rushed toward four more. Tsuneo intercepted to punches coming from both left and right as he gripped both men by the wrist and forced their punches with force to hit the two men's faces, only for Tsuneo to do a split as he knocked both men off balance, and punched the ground as he relaxed his body to reposition himself slightly above them he would rotate and let both legs smash their heads to the ground. Tsuneo rushed to the remaining two dodging the kick the one before him shot by bending backward only to find out one was behind him aiming down a downwards kick to Tsuneo's head. Tsuneo grinned as he spoke, "It's time to use one percent of my power I guess?" He would be hit and struck down by the man's foot only for it to hit a wooden plank. Away from his former position and as he reappeared for a second above them he launched his foot at the man's foot planting it in the ground as he gripped the man with the horizontal kick by the ankle crushing it in his hands.
Tsuneo pushed the horizontal kick aside as he launched a jab with his elbow to the man whose foot he planted in the ground only to strike the man's head with the back of his fist as he half rotated his body launching a powerful kick to the man with the crushed ankle. The kick struck the man's head launching him away for three meters and Tsuneo wasted no time. He turned to the man behind him gripping his neck Tsuneo launched ten punches in less than half a second knocking him out, and leaping with insane speed, Tsuneo attacked the man he kicked gripping his head and crushing the ground as he rushed with the man's head planted in the ground crushing the ground as Tsuneo ran only to intercept another shadow windmill.  Tsuneo rose the man in front of him as a meat shield as the shadow windmill cut through the man Tsuneo by then had disappeared and with a crazy speed appeared on top of the man that attacked him with said shadow windmill. Tsuneo landed on the man with a punch planting the man's head into the ground crushing the ground from force.
Backup arrived and instead of their numbers going down, they were now fifteen men. This time they all rushed towards Tsuneo surrounding him with insane speed and as all were within ten meters, all Tsuneo did was stand there and before long a disastrous feeling washed over an area of thirty diameters. In a single second a demonic god-like pitch black skull appeared as it sucked their existences into oblivion. Blood, flesh, and bones torn from the men as they were slowly sucked into the oblivion of Tsuneo's hellish nightmare world.
"Judgement Day, Devouring Apocalypse."
Tsuneo's body covered in blood was cleansed of the blood bathing his whole body as he stood there alone. The devouring apocalypse appeared for a second. Eliminating all fifteen men in a flash and disappearing as it devoured all. Tsuneo's monstrously destructive ability. It left no trace of the victim, all that occurs is mass-destruction, and all that remains is nothingness. Tsuneo had destroyed another group of scum. The sensation was not foreign, there was no regret. Tsuneo had gotten on one knee as a child that was hiding below the mountain made his way up and as he reached Tsuneo he hugged him crying. Tsuneo patted his back as he caressed his hair with one hand. Tsuneo was awe-struck as the boy cried out loud: "Thank you." Constantly not stopping. Tsuneo rubbed his hair as he smiled and spoke.
"It's okay, mommy is in heaven now, she rests in peace thanks to your courage."
Tsuneo had been tasked by this little child to take revenge. A child of his age talking of revenge. What had these bastards done to the child's mother that he had cursed them and offered to sell his tiny soul for revenge? He wouldn't let another one walk his path.... His path? Why did Tsuneo call it his path? Tsuneo's thoughts jumbled as he wondered what the heck was he in the past. Tsuneo had investigated them man by man. Made sure that not a single one of them was innocent as he traced the organization's members' pasts, he found nothing but a horrid past full of blood of innocent. He was never surprised by the backup arriving for one reason. Tsuneo was as professional as he ever was. He researched every single member and if the rest didn't arrive here as a backup he would've targeted them one by one and ended them. However, thankfully, they all came to him like moths to flames. The boy would ask where they went. Tsuneo lied...
"I summoned a big angel, and the angel deemed them guilty. The angel then took them to hell."
He smiled as he patted the boy's head "I'm joking I took them all to prison so they can pay for their crimes." No, Tsuneo never regretted sending them to hell. However, he didn't want the boy to think murder was the way to go. The act of murder is filthy. Tsuneo wanted to plant hope and erase filth. Somehow this desire remained even with his memories gone. Tsuneo had executed these criminals. He smiled as he looked at the rising sun. It was a beautiful day. Those scum from earlier ago? They were nothing but trash, and its Tsuneo's job to take out the trash. That's all there was to it. The white haired boy simply stood there holding the boy's hand as he looked at the boy with a big smile the boy looked up at Tsuneo with another big smile. The two laughed childishly out loud. It was a fine day. The king upheld his duty. He erased the filth and that which puts in danger the safety and peace of the innocent.
They took the steps going down as they aimed to leave the area, it was empty, not a trace of a single life was left at the top of the mountain. Tsuneo made sure no innocent person was caught in the action. The fake construction sign worked effectively. Tsuneo would take the child by the hand and deliver him to his home. On their way a poster on a board that was beside them was planted there. Tsuneo stopped to look at it for a second before rolling a Kunai with his finger, holding it firmly, and launching it towards the middle of the poster. The poster read: Wanted group responsible for abduction, human trafficking, slavery, rape, and murder. The group was called the black snake. Members are identified by the logo of a black snake. Tsuneo had already dealt with the group of scum. Rather than a group of snakes, they were mere roaches. However, Tsuneo cheerfully walked and even took the child to the ramen stand where he treated him.
“Why’d you help me mister”
As Tsuneo chuckled he spoke gently “Because, helping people is a good thing!”
“Mister, do you think I could help people? I am not strong like you…”
“Strong?” Tsuneo chuckled “You don’t have to be strong to help, you just have to be willing.”
The child smiled as Tsuneo’s words reassured the little boy. Tsuneo right now truly believed that power was not necessary. Or was Tsuneo no longer his name even? Right now he was merely Shiro? The name given to him by the gentle lady at the Ramen shop. Tsuneo’s continuous tragedy and broken self completely faded. He was as though a newly born baby. One would wonder if Tsuneo would like that. The young man would keep talking with the child. A flashback would stroke his mind as he did. He would see a vision of the past. A boy of dark blue hair appeared. The boy held a warm gentle hand. It was the hand of a blue haired father. A red haired woman held his other hand gently and firmly. A tingling happy feeling filled his chest as the boy chuckled, laughed, and smiled. The boy looked ever so happy. A girl slightly above his age appeared she was red haired as the woman that held the little boy’s hand. The girl rushed to the little boy hugged him and kissed his cheek as she ruffled his hair. The boy complained cutely with his small arms waving everywhere. The girl patted him as she walked together with them.

Flashing back to reality the boy whose hand Tsuneo held began pulling on Tsuneo’s white shirt. “Mister are you okay?” Tsuneo’s eyes were wide open as tears fell as though waterfalls from his eyes. The world was blank for a second. A piercing pain struck his chest as though he had been stabbed through the chest with a sword. The young man’s eyes were wide open crying without blinking for a slight second. His tears rolled down his cheeks, falling off his face, and hitting the ground. Tsuneo regained consciousness, as his eyes calmed down realizing there were tears on his face the boy chuckled as he spoke “Eh? Where’d this come from.” Tsuneo would wipe his eyes as he rubbed the back of his head troubled. Tsuneo would continue walking the boy and as he reached the orphanage Tsuneo bid him farewell. The young man called the centipede left the area and went back. Those memories…. Whose were they? Why was he crying? He wondered as Shiro, but if it was his old self Tsuneo, he’d know the answer quite well. It was memories of him as a child, with his mother, father, and older sister. The happy family of four walked pleasantly together. Revenge? Yes, revenge… Tsuneo’s goal was revenge. Shiro realized that there was a connection between his old self, the memories, and revenge. Tsuneo the memoryless, or Shiro, decided to leave the area and head back to the Kage mountain. As he took the stairs looking down at each step. Bitterness covered his eyes as he dragged himself leaning on the rocky wall as he felt a sinister desire dwell within him. He was sad but could not know why he was sad. Tsuneo eventually reaches the top of the mountain. He stood at the edge as he gazed upon the vast village before him as the sun set before his eyes. People lived and did so lively. Tsuneo couldn’t help but be pleased with the liveliness of Konohagakure. The wind felt wonderful as it blew gently in the village. Tsuneo would eye the sunset gently with his different eyes. He had the chance to see this scenery again. He was pleased.

Back today...

Sayuri examined his injuries and Shiro found that to be nice of her, he chuckled an innocent smile as he took her hand and with a cheerful loving innocent smile he patted her head. “You're a very sweet person Sayuri.” He smiled sheepishly, free of pain, of suffering, and completely cheerful. Would this be his truth if his life was not messed with and if fate never tortured his innocent soul? He would see flashbacks that would make his heartache as sad eyes took over, what were those?

Tsuneo was stabbing a person, a guy with purple hair, however, Tsuneo's face was bleeding with sadness. However, he was crying his soul out as he was facing a video of what seemed to be a boy with black hair and eyes similar to Tsuneo's. The boy was with two women, one his sister and the other his mother, and a man, his father, all walking together heading home. It was Tsuneo. As Tsuneo watched the video he cried speaking nothing but a heart tearing sentence.
Meeting New People To Eat (With) (Tsuneo/NK) 2203ee17452116956989b7bb0691fd51

“Sayuri? Are you alright?” He spoke so cheerfully with a soft voice as he pulled gently on her cheek “Haha, hurry silly, I'm still hungry let's go back to the ramen shop I'm hungry!”


Last edited by Tsuneo on Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:37 am; edited 1 time in total



Sayuri was pleased when Shiro took her hand, not only did it mean that she didn’t have to try to convince him to move somewhere quieter where they were less vulnerable, but also she was not feeling safe yet, and this man was this first person in sometime that had made her feel safe. It was for a few moments but it was a safety she hadn’t felt in many, many years, and not one that she wanted to give up just yet. Her heart skipped a beat as he patted her head and called her a “very sweet person”. She would bite down hard on her bottom lip, both to keep it from trembling and to keep herself from crying. She could not handle this right at this moment, she needed to get away from this, not think about it or just sleep or anything. Not have one of the kindest people she’d ever met continue to be kind to her after everything she’d just witnessed. His smile was so beautiful and innocent, so unlike the cold and hard glare that had been there when he’d been. . . something else. She sighed as she pulled Shiro along gently by the hand to the entrance of the alleyway and positioned herself against a corner, giving herself a decent view of both the alley and the direction they’d just come from.

It wasn’t great she would rather just leave, but she didn’t know what else to do. She needed someone else to be in charge, she was not a ‘take charge’ person, not when it came to other adults, children perhaps because their needs were simple; food or sleep or play or more food. But adults were so much more difficult to figure out, and as her eyes swept the ground around them, taking in the blood and bodies she would feel a shudder go through her and she would close her eyes to try to block out the sight. It was a futile effort though as closing them only meant that she had a blank canvas for her mind to replay the horrific visions that Shiro’s chakra had gifted her with only moments before. A tear would burn its way down her cheek as she stood trembling, Get a grip silly duck, now is not the time. You can cry if you want but now is not the time to just stand here.

“Sayuri? Are you alright?”

She would force her eyes open and look at Shiro and as he moved his hand to her cheek her eyelashes would flutter and she would pull back ever so slightly in the barest of flinches. She knew she had nothing to fear from this man, but it would take more than that knowledge to erase years of fear.

“No Shiro, I’m not alright.”

She would murmur the words quietly as he pulled his hand away from her face. She was far from alright, the furthest she had ever been. And what she couldn’t understand was why he seemed to be fine. She only had his memories, and they weren’t complete at that, he had lived those things, how on earth was he smiling and happy?

“Haha, hurry silly, I'm still hungry let's go back to the ramen shop I'm hungry!”

And thinking about food?! She would take his other hand in hers, bringing both of his hands close to her face as she broke down into tears.

“Shiro, I don’t know what’s going on, I’m scared. I just came for lunch, and then all those people. . . I was going to kill him. I thought about it, I really did. But in the end. . . I just couldn’t. I don’t know what’s worse, that I wanted to, or that I wouldn’t. And then you. . . Shiro. Forgive me.”

She would drop to her knees in front of the white haired, innocent faced man, still holding his hands. The man that had just cheerfully asked to go back to the ramen shop after handily dispatching a sizeable group of people intent on destroying Konoha and it’s inhabitants. The man that in her mind she had failed, now that she knew what he had been through. How could she think that there was something wrong with him for thinking about food after all he’d been through, as though she had any right to judge.

“I’m so sorry Shiro. . . I just didn’t know.”

As she knelt there and wept her heart burned again with the word ‘STAY!’, the same word that still burned its way through all of her nightmares. The word that she wished she could have heard from her grandfather instead of the word ‘RUN!’. He was the last person to ever fight for her, and he had not survived. That night was etched enduringly onto her soul and into every choice she made, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she had to hear that word screamed over and over again in her nightmares but this time for someone else.

“Shiro stay, please. Don’t leave me.”




The white haired boy was bewildered, what had she experienced that was so terrifying, or what is it that almost broke her. She started speaking after murmuring few words he hadn't heard quite well. She spoke attempting to explain to him what happened despite him having not the slightest idea of what happened. He was simply there and as she had finished speaking she dropped slowly to her kneels still holding onto his cold white hands and he smiled to her, the most gentle smile to ever be seen. He held her hand as with his other hand he held her cheek as he wiped her tears with his thumb. He smiled an innocent smile as he spoke "Well, I don't exactly know what happened but.... If someone did you wrong so much and caused you so much agony so much that you wanted to kill them, that means your spirit is alive right? You didn't kill them and hesitated? That's great, meaning the person that caused you so much suffering had you filled with darkness and you just beat that darkness by not killing them. Hesitating to take a life. The life of someone that hurt you, that is true strength. If you hated someone so badly that's all fine it just means you're still human. Not killing meant only one thing though, that you're a strong human!" He cheerfully spoke as he patted her  as he stood up and offered his hand for her to take.

The girl was extremely saddened and it made him sad. He replied to her request of him to stay in a cheerful manner "Haha, silly, I am not going anywhere! I'm right here" He patted her head as he kept a cheerful smile at his face. He wondered what she had been through but his stomach would handle his hunger no more as it made a small funny sound that embarrassed him and made him laugh sheepishly. He spoke "Hurry!! We need to get back." He wasn't aware that it was him that killed all those men, he was better off knowing nothing of what he did. 

The Violence

The two of them were vastly different, his two selves. One was a battle-hardened demon that was named king of the purgatory dragon gate. A destructive phenomena raging wherever the wretched lurked. The body count he has acclaimed with his actions far exceeds the thousands. In all his years he had murdered and massacred all of those that caused unhappiness upon others crime dropped insanely thanks to his efforts but fear rampaged the lands as the world knew of a centipede that plucks out criminals with extreme ease and its venom was no more than the pain it would inflict and  some would say the pain the centipede would inflict was far far far more worse than death. 

The other was an angel capable of not even hurting a fly. He could fight and defend himself but never kill. He would do no such thing as torture, nor did he have hatred in his heart. He would smile at whatever fortune or misfortune hit him with. He would care for others in his own different way. A much less cold and much less intimidating version of his past self. Not even fully accessing his own full power.

One's dark bloodlust would burn an angel's wing to dust
One's kindness would birth light at the end of the tunnel

Within the boy of white hair the two sides struggled but it almost feels as though the dark one simply wants to fade, to rest. Letting go of his grip on his own body as though giving up. The sadness and pain would fade, but so would the happy times spent with many loved ones... Perhaps even those loved ones were sick of his madness, no. It was never a matter of debate even within the Aoi Bara his actions were deemed troublesome and all he ever was is a burden for the three to carry. He was not needed for the three were far more than capable. He would simply sink into nothingness and for once, be happy.

He got Sayuri to stand up as he offered to hold her hand on their way to wherever the hell the road would take them, preferably a restaurant, or so thought Shiro the young innocent boy. He smiled as he began walking. He enjoyed her company despite not remembering most of their time together thanks to his iffy memory. He turned to her sweating a little as he had a ridiculously funny but worried expression on his face "Could my white hair and white eyelashes from....." She should know the answer, torture, but he knew nothing of that "OLD AGE?!?!? I mean even my memory is not working properly!?!?! HOW OLD AM I" He would yell comically and funnily as he intended to make her laugh for she was incredibly cute while smiling or so the innocent boy thought.

Total: 10743 words


Reaction Time s->s3

Words left: 4743

Perception s->s2


(exit thread)

Last edited by Tsuneo on Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:54 am; edited 2 times in total



Sayuri couldn’t help but to laugh as Shiro yelled about being old. Of course he wasn’t old, that was silly but the way he spoke about it now helped to ease some of the horror that had settled itself neatly into her heart. She noticed that although he was laughing and yelling, there was a sheen of sweat across his brow, and she wondered just what sort of toll this entire event had taken on the white haired man. She saw he was trying to make her laugh, and although she wasn’t keen to do so would take his offered hand and would walk with him away from the massacre that had just taken place, trying desperately to put it out of her mind. She marveled at the softness and strength of his hand, and briefly pulled it closer to her face to examine the spots where she knew his fingers had been severed over and over again. His hand was perfect, or at least as far as her eyes could see it was. It occurred to her then that while there were many wonderful things that were possible through the use of chakra, there were many more horrible atrocities that had been committed. It disturbed her greatly to think of all the ways that someone could twist such a beautiful gift into something so abominable. Herself she had the ability to channel raiton and while it was glorious, it was also something she could see being used cruelly. Not by her, never by her. But by someone.  

She would walk hand in hand with Shiro towards the smell of food, leaving the stench of blood and death behind her. For the moment she allowed the memories of the last while to fade into the back of her mind, focusing on the deceptively happy walk that the two of them shared. The sun was bright even though covered briefly by wisps of silk looking clouds and it helped to warm her skin a bit as they strolled. She had never felt quite this cold before; even when she was hiding in the forests and mountainous regions of Kumogakure. She remembered nights spent shivering and crying, cold and frozen amidst a raging blizzard begging her grandfather to come take her away from her then current misery. But even that in all of its suffering and hardship did not compare to the cold that seemed to have sunk into her very bones. She would pull herself closer to Shiro, hoping that he didn’t mind the sudden invasion of his personal space, in an effort to selfishly leech some of his warmth into her own body. She felt surprisingly comfortable and safe with him, despite her usual fear of being close to people, and if he would allow her she would lean her head onto his shoulder as they walked.

Looking around she spied what appeared to be a small restaurant tucked away along the street. She would lift her head up and slow her pace as she tugged lightly on Shiro’s sleeve, pointing excitedly in the direction of the promise of food and a tiny physical space to hide away in. There was a sign above the door on the outside of the building with writing on it, which she couldn’t read. There was always a sign with writing on it that she couldn’t read, it sobered her excitement somewhat and she would let out a tiny sigh of defeat as her arm lowered from pointing at the building. Stopping just outside of the worn, yet cared for building, Sayuri would turn her body to face in Shiro’s direction before speaking to him timidly.

“If it’s food you’re looking for, then maybe this will do? I’m not even sure that it’s a restaurant to be perfectly honest as I can’t read the sign. But it smells like food, which is close enough for me. Assuming that’s alright with you of course. . . what I mean is, we can go wherever you want. I don’t know my way around Konoha yet anyway, since I’m new here, so maybe you know of somewhere better?”

She would wait nervously for Shiro’s answer, though in truth she was more anticipating his judgement of her revelation that she could not read the sign. In this was she was terribly unsure of herself, in a way that she was not in almost every other aspect of her life. Save for being near people of course, that was a well ingrained fear and probably not one that she could merely ‘try harder’ to learn. Though as she stood there she realized that despite her near crippling fear of having people touch her, she was quite easily touching Shiro, without a hint of fear. She couldn’t be certain if this new turn of events would stay the same if he touched her without her knowing it was him, but it was a small comfort to know that she wasn’t afraid of everyone. Or more specifically, not everyone was scary. As her mind reeled with thoughts she would use her free hand to tug shyly at her own long white hair, a gentle smile on her face, and for once no tears in her eyes.

If he agreed with her choice of venues Sayuri would go inside with him, happy to be able to place her attention on choosing food. She would spend the meal telling him stories of her travels and adventures. About Daisy the cow, that was her only friend for so very long, about climbing the tallest mountain she had ever seen and about how she had finally met some people she could trust in Konoha. She was very careful to leave out both Mitsuo’s and Tsuyo’s names, as that need for secrecy had been made quite clear to her. At least as far as their names were concerned. As she continued telling her stories, she felt herself finally relax, all thoughts of murder and bandits gone from her head. And she would talk with Shiro long into the evening until finally she realized that it must be late and that Tsuyo and Mitsuo might be wondering at her whereabouts. As she got up to head back to the cabin she would turn to Shiro and let out a wistful sigh, embracing him once more. “I’m so glad to have met you Shiro, you’re a wonderful person. I hope I can see you again. And if you ever need me I’ll help you. I hope you remember me, as I will remember you fondly.” She would reach up to kiss him gently on the cheek before turning to go, tears sparkling once again in her eyes. This time however they were not sad tears, she was happy to have made a friend. A friend who fought for her and lived.

{Exit Thread}


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