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1Training Alone (P, NK, IO) Empty Training Alone (P, NK, IO) Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:10 pm

Mori Moriko

Mori Moriko

Moriko looked around her little training area, a small smile sketching across her face as the slight chill in the morning air. The wooded area she occupied had little sound, but she could hear the nearby water splashing along the banks. Tuning that out she decided it was time to focus on her training. She had just become a Genin and that meant she needed to take her training seriously. She needed to focus, her first goal was to simply get faster. She needed speed on her side to make sure she could out maneuver any opponent that was attempting to take her on. The best way to do that was first to focus on making herself faster. All the things that she had read indicated that the best way to do was a mixture of long distance running, sprinting, and conducting something similar to an obstacle course.

With this knowledge in hand Moriko knew what she needed to do, and by god she would do it and honor the teachings of her deceased father, even if it killed her to do so. She decided that the best way to start off this training was to simply run for as long as she could, at a decently sedate pace. Before she could do that however, she needed to properly stretch out her muscles and ensure that she was ready for the work out before her. It would be bad if she stretched a muscle and took herself away from training any longer than necessary. Even if it would give her a good reason to waste away in the library, it would strike of failure and weakness. Two things that were decidedly unacceptable. So she focused and began stretching starting from the top and working her way down until she had finished stretching her hamstrings and calves.

With that simple task completed she set off running, her legs and arms pumping as she moved through the forest. Her calm breathing from the stretching quickening and her heart began to pound in her chest. It seemed as though she had started out a bit too fast to maintain for any long period of time and as such she found herself slowing down after a mere ten minutes of running. She gave a slightly annoyed huff as she kept pushing herself to keep moving. She did however relent when she found herself gasping for air. Had she not suffered from her physical defect of not being able to feel pain, she would have probably felt a sharp stabbing feeling in her side, commonly known as a stitch.

After a short thrity minutes of running she pulled a Kunai from her pocket marking a tree as she passed it with a quick ‘X’, before she turned around and began running backwards. If she maintained this type of training everyday she should be able to get fast enough to pass that ‘X’ the next time she ran for thirty minutes straight. She also hoped that these long distance runs would increase her stamina so that she would be able to last longer and longer. It was, after all, something of great importance. If she tired out in a fight then she would be considered weak and likely lose the fight. She needed to have the stamina to outlast her opponents, and currently she little better than the academy student she had been a short while ago.

She needed to be better, she needed to be improved. She had not received word of who she would be working with or training under, but when she was told, she wanted to show up ready to train and not waste her teammates or instructors times. All these were the thoughts running through her head on the thirty minute run back. Unfortunately for Moriko, it didn’t take her thirty minutes to run back. She wasn’t quite that great of a runner yet, and so she had slowed down her stamina flagging from the long run she had thus far conducted. It took her almost fifty minutes to make it back to her little training area and as she arrived back she almost collapsed gasping for breath. She couldn’t feel any pain from her limbs but she didn’t need to, to know that she had pushed herself incredibly hard.

Due to the lack of pain she was able to start stretching immediately, despite her clear exhaustion. She focused on slowing her breathing down as she stretched out. It was important that she always remembered to stretch because she could never tell when she was close to tearing or pulling a muscle due to the lack of feeling in her limbs. After a short fifteen minutes Moriko finished her stretching, checking the sun for the time. Seeing that it was shortly after eight now she decided to head back to the village and grab some breakfast before conducting more training. She’d go back at a sedate pace to ensure she was well rested for her next bout of intense training that she had planned.

WC: 848

Not Completed Yet

2Training Alone (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Training Alone (P, NK, IO) Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:13 pm

Mori Moriko

Mori Moriko

Once Moriko had returned from her simple breakfast run, she had decided to take a break from her speed and stamina training and instead focus on increasing her endurance. Her father had always hated how weak and frail she was. Her short stature, and never eating meat, had resulted in her not building the muscle her father wanted, and so he viewed her as weak. While she knew that her strange physical defect of feeling no pain benefitted her quite well she also knew that she was still susceptible to injury, she just simply couldn’t feel when she was injured. Which while it was beneficial, also meant that she tended to greatly exacerbate any injury she had because she didn’t know when it was okay to push and when she needed to really stop.

With these thoughts in mind she approached one of the trees squaring off against it was a stubborn look in her eyes. She would build up her body’s ability to handle pain, by inflicting pain on it. That seemed really like the best thing to do. So she began, starting slowly with weak jabs, elbow strikes, knee strikes, and kicks at the tree in front of her. It was clear to her as she held herself back, since she was intent on building up her body’s resistance and that meant she couldn’t go all out immediately, that her physical strength was severely lacking. Even holding back she felt that she needed to be able to cause damage to the tree and was disappointed that she did not.

But she would not let such thoughts bring her down, this only showed her that she needed to work hard and improve herself. Something that she was fine with doing as it kept her busy, and away from the library. She could only cringe at what her father would have said and done to punish her for wasting time in the library when she should instead be training herself to be a loyal servant of Kirigakure. She wondered briefly if her father would be proud of her for earning her headband. Sure she was only a simple new Genin, and brand newly promoted at that, and he had been a war tested Chuunin, but still she was on the right path. Or so she thought. It wasn’t like she could ask him any more after all.

She continued to strike out at the tree for several minutes before she began to speed up her strikes. The first level of her training had been weak and slow strikes. Now it was on to the second level which consisted of the same weak strikes, but instead now she was moving at her best speed. The tree still showed no damage but she could see small blood spots starting to appear on it from where she had been striking it. It was good that she was so observant enough to see the blood against the grain of the wood, or she wouldn’t even be aware that she was bleeding. After a dozen or so more minutes had passed she slowly began to up the strength of her strikes focusing now on not only trying to cause damage to the tree, but then to also cause some damage to herself.

It was only through taking a bit of damage that she would be able to increase her body’s ability to take the damage. So that one day she wouldn’t cause herself any cuts or bruises when she struck a tree at full speed and full strength. Instead it would be as though her body was made of steel and everything would just fall before it. Well at least that was how she envisioned it being. The fantastical whims of an academy student couldn’t be helped after all. She would learn in time, hopefully. She continued to strike the tree, now with every ounce of speed and strength she had in her small, compact body. She growled lowly in annoyance as she saw the blood flying off her hands and staining the tree before her.

She was also sure that her legs, knees, and elbows were bleeding from their strikes as well but she couldn’t be so sure yet. She finally stopped striking the tree looking down at her bloody and mangled fingers. At least her gloves had semi protected her hands but she could see the blood slowly soaking through the material as it dripped off her hands. Looking at her legs she couldn’t see any blood stains, but it certainly seemed as though the material was wet. Sighing she sat down leaning against the tree and pulled out some bandages. Best to wrap this up for now, she’d probably need to stop by the hospital to ensure that she had not broken anything. For now though she could take a short break before focusing on her next training activity.

WC: 830
TWC: 1,678

Not Completed Yet

3Training Alone (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Training Alone (P, NK, IO) Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:15 pm

Mori Moriko

Mori Moriko


It had not taken Moriko very long to finish bandaging up her legs, hands, and elbow’s. She had been mildly dismayed and severely disappointed in herself when she saw the deep purple bruises already beginning to form and the blood running down her rather white skin. She had certainly been hoping that she was tougher than that, but it seemed like she would really need to train harder in the future in order to prevent herself from being considered weak. She did not want her teammates and eventual sensei to think they had to look out for her. Especially since, even though the Mizukage was female, those dreadful Gender stereo types still existed in the world and she knew as a female she would be viewed as physically weaker than her male counter parts.

Her father had certainly allows believed so, belittling her for not being born male and waxing eloquently on how if she had been male he could have maybe, just possibly felt some small feeling of pride that he had, had a son that could assist him in his dreams. It had really driven it home for her that she needed to work hard to be a good shinobi, a good daughter, and most importantly of all a good servant for Kirigakure. She sighed as she pushed herself up, it was enough of thoughts and she had rested long enough from her training anyways. She was just wasting time now, and that was unacceptable and punishment worthy. With that in mind she started to perform a set of squats.

She clearly needed to increase her strength and the best way to do that was to work ones body to the breaking point. Actually now that she thought about it, it would be best if she did not actually break her body. Maybe just get very close and then try to stop in time so that she did not overly injure herself. Best not to show up to her first team meeting all broken and unable to do anything. That would certainly be a bad first impression. Once she had reached fifty squats she completed fifty lunges. By this point her legs were screaming at her and she decided to give them a slight break instead throwing herself into the grass and starting to knock out push-ups.

This time she forced herself to get to a hundred push-ups before rolling over. Her breaths were coming in short quick gasps, which no doubt would have been painful for anyone else. She starting into the sit ups going until she could not bring her body up any more. Maybe if she could actually feel the pain and strain her muscles were under she would stop before she hit muscle failure, but alas she couldn’t and thus the best she could do right now was this. She took a brief break to let her muscles heal, focusing on stretching them thoroughly before she began again. Now when she started after her fifteen minute break she threw herself into the plank position, focusing on holding herself aloft with abdominal muscles alone.

A short two minutes passed before she collapsed her body giving out and smacking into the ground with a light huff from her as the air was knocked from her lungs. The little that remained that was for she was already sweating heavily and gasping for breath as it was. She quickly pushed herself up looking above her she jumped just barely managing to reach up and grab the lowest hanging branch. Once she had secured her grip she began to pull herself up until her chin was well above the branch. She could not complete many of this exercise but the small amount that she did, let her abs rest so that when she lost her grip and fell to the ground she could immediately move back into working her abs.

Now she was doing what was known as the flutter kick. Her body was laid out flat on the ground with her legs being held up six inches in the air. She would then move them up eighteen inches, and then back down alternating legs. She was moving slowly due to how hard she was breathing but her legs kicked repeatedly through the air. She managed to go for several minutes before her legs refused to be lifted any longer. She spent several minutes gasping for air and feeling the sweat stick her clothes to her skin in what would be an uncomfortable feeling if she could physically feel at all. She gave herself a good ten minute respite before pushing herself up and beginning to stretch out slowly. She could not risk tearing or pulling any of her muscles no matter what.

WC: 798
TWC: 2476

Not Completed Yet

4Training Alone (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Training Alone (P, NK, IO) Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:17 pm

Mori Moriko

Mori Moriko

Moriko decided that a longer break was in order so that she could better continue her training, plus she did not want to risk pushing herself too hard and then pulling a muscle or something terrible like that. Oh how she hated her little genetic defect, but then the grass is always greener on the other side and she likely would have hated feeling pain to the extent that her father would have inflicted it on her. Not to mention endurance training would likely not be enjoyable at all, and she would probably avoid it at all costs if it hurt. Such was life though that none of those thoughts would go through the young woman’s mind since she more focused on a woe is me aspect, and how much having her genetic defect was a problem.

Maybe one day she would come to the realization of the benefits that it bestowed upon her. Maybe. With this in mind however, she decided to train her perception for a bit. She needed to get better at noticing the things around her despite how good she was at noticing little things about people or well things. One could never have a good enough perception skill, at least which was how she thought it out. Being able to notice her father’s moods, read his body language, was probably the only reason she was still alive no after all. When one couldn’t feel pain it became hard for an abuser to know when to stop his physical punishments after all.

So instead she sat herself down into the Seiza position finding it comfortable after the long amount of hours her mother and father had jointly made her hold the position. It was how her mother used to force her to sit when she was teaching her and giving her lectures on life. One of the few things that her parents had agreed on. She slowly closed her eyes feeling her body begin to relax as she focused on the area around her. She could feel the wind blowing lightly through her hair moving it around. She could smell the slightly damn grass from the morning dew. She slowly allowed her eyes to flutter open looking across her small training field and taking in what she could.

The grass seemed magnificently greener than before, but she could see slight yellow and brown splotches standing out in it from where it was dying or had died from the previous winter. She slowly tracked her eyes around noticing a slight movement in the grass. She wondered what it was and focused in on it, watching patiently for whatever it was to emerge. Slowly a small lizards had popped up, and she watched as it flit its tongue out several times before dipping back down and scurrying off to handle, well whatever it was that little lizards did. Her attention was quickly drawn over to a bug, a small dragon fly that was flying low, just barely above the grass.

She smiled lightly as she watched it fly, it was zig zagging back and forth as it did so, causing some of the small pieces of grass the move underneath it as its belly skimmed the tips of the grass. She suddenly gasped in horror as the Lizard from before popped its head out, flitting its tongue forth before jumping and snatching the dragonfly out of the hair, claiming it’s what seemed to be toothless jaws around it. She could not hear the crunch its body must have made, but she could imagine it. And the imagination of it horrified her. She hated to see anything killed and she closed her eyes tightly fighting back the tears that were building. Her father would be so ashamed of her. With a light growl she shoved herself up out of the seiza position until she was standing and turned her back to the lizard. She was done with perception training, it was time to work on her reaction time instead.

WC: 674
TWC: 3150

Not Completed Yet

5Training Alone (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Training Alone (P, NK, IO) Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:20 pm

Mori Moriko

Mori Moriko


She reached out her fist and held it lightly against the bark of the tree she had been striking earlier. She had a plan for how to begin training her reaction time, and quite the plan it was. She would strike the tree hard enough that the branch would quake and some leaves would fall. As the leaves fell she would need to determine the amount that were coming down and then strike each of them with a kick or a punch. If she could learn to do that, then she knew that she was progressing in her skills. The harder she managed to shake the tree, then the more leaves that would fall thus making the exercise that much harder.

With the light wind that was out they would be moving relatively slowly so she knew that this would make it one of the most perfect beginning exercises that she could have possibly decided on. With this in mind, she knew it was time to get started. She drew her fist back and as she let it out explosively she threw her fist forwards her hips shifting as she threw her entire body weight behind the punch just as her father had been teaching her. She struck the tree with only half the strength she had in her body watching as suddenly four leaves began to float down from the light amount of shaking she had caused in the limbs.

Her legs tensed and he knees bent slightly before she jumped, attempting to time it so that she could strike all the leaves just as they fell within her jumping range. She lashed out as quickly as she could trying to strike the slow floating leaves. As she landed back on the ground she sighed in disappointment as two leaves floated to the ground, as though mocking her. The breeze had picked up slightly just as she jumped, and she had mistimed the jump resulting in her failing her first attempt. But she would not allow that thought to get her down instead she reached out placing her fist on the tree again. She would just have to try until she could get it right, that was the entire point of all this training right now.

She repeated the same strike as before, ensuring to move her hips into the blow and focused on only striking the tree with half her strength. This time the breeze mixed with her strength knocking loose six leaves. She frowned at the sudden increase in difficulty but refused to shy away from it. Bending at the knees slightly she watched and waited patiently before launching from the ground into the air. It suddenly seemed as if everything was moving in slight slow motion. Her arms and legs lashed out as she was in the air. She could see the leaves floating slowly to the ground and could feel the wind beginning to slow. So she changed her speed to compensate for the sudden change. He could see the leaves as her arms and legs impacted upon them and sent them flying away from her. As she landed, one leaf floated lazily to the ground resting peacefully among the grass and fierce smile was elicited on her face. She had managed to hit five of the six leaves that had floated down showing a marked improvement in her reaction time and ability to time things out.

As she grinned she noticed that the sun was beginning to reach its zenith in the sky, marking the time as near or exactly noon. With a slight frown she decided that now was the best time to end her training and she could head into the village to get some lunch, and then maybe head to the mission office. She needed to make some money so that she could continue to buy herself food and pay her rent after all. Just because she was a shinobi didn’t mean that people gave her free things. Not to mention she knew she was going to need money in order to afford more weapons and even some armor eventually. Her father had often let her practice with his sword and she intended on buying her own sword once she could save up the money and continue her training. With all this in mind she began a light job back to the village proper intent on getting in a nutritious lunch. Once she had eaten it would be time to see what missions she was allowed to do now that she was a Genin of the village.

WC: 767
TWC: 3917

Thread Ended

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