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Biting down hard against the soft pale pink flesh of her bottom lip, the expression of strain tugged her brow into a furrow, slowly going red in the face. A huff of air would vacate her lungs sharply through her nose, closing her eyes as she struggled to keep her grip on the rope wrapped tightly around her hands. Her miss matches orbs would snap open as she felt the friction burn of the rope slipping remove the first few layers of her somewhat callous, worn hands. Locking her gaze on the small child in the basket that were supported by the rope a small "mmnnn" would leave her throat, as her breathing quickly became quite stertorous matching her heart rate, feeling it thud within her chest. The small child would simply raise his arm's opening and closing his hands just once. Tightening her grip as much as she could, she would inhale deeply before tugging the rope upwards whilst trying to keep her balance on the elevated bar. Each inch the basket rose the rope around her waist would drag on her forcing the rope to dig in deeper into the soft flesh of her sides even through her t-shirt. The contraption the elder brother of the orphanage have created at first didn’t seem to make sense, though now she knew all too well what it's purpose were. When first drawing the basket up from the ground nothing had happened it were only when the basket were a considerable length from the ground did the device kick in rather suddenly causing Taeru to loose her balance on the pole ending with her bent over the post. Finding her center Taeru would slowly draw her legs up as though crouching in the air before arching her body over to the left slowly outstretching her leg until her foot pressed against the supporting post of the pole. Pressing hard against the pole her right leg would go slack dropping with speed before forcing her muscles to tense, launching her right foot against the post displaying an odd form of flexibility.   Taking a short moment her gaze would remain fixed on the child, she would inch the basket further and further up aiming to draw the basket up just high enough to place it on the safety ledge. Each and every movement forced the rope to dig deeper into her waist. Pushing through the pain, the basket would finally touchdown against the safety ledge causing her body to shiver sending a spasm of pain through her once the weight suddenly disappeared. She would slump over she bar allowing her legs to go slack, dangling in the air as she attempted to recuperate. Feeling a light tug on the loose pastel lilac hair, that usually framed her face would draw her back into the moment, forcing her attention back to the child. Her shaking hand would raise to softly take his delicate hand stroking her thumb over the back of his hand briefly before reaching for the bar. Pausing there she would wait for the little lad to let go of her hair and step back before drawing her other hand up to the bar, slowly she would peel her midsection away, flinching with the movement before quickly swinging her body just enough to land on her feet on the ledge almost instantly slipping to her knees and rump. Such an ache setting in at her hips, waist, shoulders and hands causing her body to again shiver.  The little lad would step up beside her gripping part of her front fringe before raising it to look her dead in her striking yellow orb. Her other eye would fall closed as she arched the brow of her right eye watching as he attempted to do the same, both bursting into a fit of giggles. The short laughter would come to an end as he heard the back door open.  

Looking over she would watch the elder brother approach, her gaze shifting to the walking aid. She would push up finding her balance though shaky before taking the child's hand to meet the elder brother halfway. As they approached the elder brother would stop before holding up a slip of paper, the last time he had done something similar she had been pit against another in a spar. The distaste evident on her features a smile would crack along the elder brother usually stern set face as he spoke "It's just a few things we need picking up." She would step closer releasing the child's hand to reach up for the slip of paper attempting to hide the wince as she did so, taking the paper. The elder brother would take the child's hand turning back to go inside as she stood reading through the list. Pausing the elder brother would speak up "You can take your time" before continuing back inside.  

Still gazing at the list she would wonder to the porch retrieving her jacket, opting to post her kuni and bottom pouch through the window hearing them drop to the ground inside, she would slip into the jacket before stepping around the house not wanting to disturb the others. She would straighten her jacket over the pouch at the base of her back before slipping her slightly damaged hands into her trouser pockets as she headed through the living quarters to the bazzar. The trip only taking a short time as she slipped through the small alleyways, taking the shortest route there. Stepping into the hustle and bustle of the place she would dart from one stall and shop to the next collecting up a few items here and there, mentally ticking off each household item from the list.  Coming to a halt as she caught a rich creamy scent, almost enough to make the mouth water she would turn to face the little tea shop. It would take her a moment to think only to remember the elder brother did say to take her time. Nipping down slightly on the corner of her bottom lip she would sigh before stepping into the shop. It had been quite some time since she had taken the time to sit and enjoy a drink in-between missions and meeting the squad she had been assigned. Stepping over to the counter her head would tilt back to look up at the menu above the counter, scanning through the assortment of hot and cold drink's the establishment had to offer. Her attention would briefly shift to the cashier as he shouted over to her "Just a minute son." She would simply nod  seeking as she lent down to place her bag between her feet trapping the bag there "Take your time sir." It wasn't the first time she had been mistaken for a boy, more often than not due to her height of five foot five and flat voice not to mention the her tightly bound chest, it were common for her to be mistaken. Dressed in an assortment of male clothing people often pit her somewhere between her early to mid teens, overall she didn't really seem like a ten year old girl, only her features and the new way she had her hair tugged into a bun might have given away her true gender.  

Placing her hands onto the counter she would look around the calm, somewhat quiet shop seeking out a place to sit as she waited to order, taking the time to enjoy what little time she had.

(Word count: 1254.)

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai had started off the day early. It had been dark out still when he awoke to his alarm ringing. It was a weekday which indicated training. Still he could feel the relentless need for more sleep tugging at him endlessly. As if rising from his bed was a travesty against his body. Perhaps it was because inwardly he knew it was going to be uncomfortable what he would soon be putting it through. However he refused to give up his physical training. It was almost everything left of him. Of course the weekends were not wasted either. They were set aside for meditation, body recovery and chakra practice. Still this morning was a week day. slowly he sat up from his bed mat and sighed. Running an arm across his eyes to rub away anything in his eye lashes. Allowing his arm to lower before crimson eyes opened and he glanced at the calendar. The ringing almost distant in his ears. Cardio day. What a pain that was. His hand snapped back and carefully hit the switch turning his obnoxious alarm off. He was up now so the ringing was simply a nuisance. Instead it switched over to some rock music and he rose up to get started on the day.

Quietly he would go about moving to the kitchen. A single bowl, a cup and a fork sat in a dish rack. Cleaned after each use per meal times. He eyed them a moment as he considered maybe upping his luxury levels a little. Maybe breaking from the basics and getting himself a whole set of dishes. However he had been raised on patterns and schedules. Day in and day out. Breaking from that just felt abnormal at that point. Still he soaked a wash cloth and used it to wipe at his face. The cold water stinging at first but waking him up all the same. Once finished he would pour himself some water and drink that before going about getting ready. Slipping out of his sleeping clothes and into a pair of jogging pants and a black tank top. He slipped on a pair of running shoes and tightened the laces before collecting his golden hoody. Up its sleeve he tucked the tanto into his left sleeve and three senbon up his right. His Iwa headband he tied around his neck. A glance in the mirror saw his reflection and his teeth clicked against his tongue. A soldier without the strength to prove his worth. So he would continue to seek that strength.

Kokai exited his apartment and pocket his keys and his wallet. Making sure the door was locked. From that point forward he spent the entire morning well into sunrise running his paths. Trading back and forth between full pace and a jog to catch his breath. His cold aura barely around long enough to cause a shiver. Every hour that passed was a burning agony in his muscles. A deep breath feeling like he was gasping for even the slightest amount of air and sweat soaking through the cloth of the headband and shining off his face. Soaking through the front of his shirt. It wasn't until several hours of intense cardio later that he stumbled into a tea shop. Leaning against the doorway and catching his breath. To those within a man with crimson eyes burning red would glance around and take in every detail. But the air would grow freezing cold as he entered like the dead of winter. He glanced to the man serving people who noted him. He knew what Kokai wanted as this was the day for cardio again. It was common place. Still Kokai would move over to his table away from others and the cold would seem to fade with him. Quietly he placed some coins on the table and waited for his water.




Waiting she would turn her hands over to rest her wrists against the edge of the counter, only now taking the time to look over the damage that felt like fire raging from within her skin. Thick red lines lingered along her palms and fingers where a few layers of skin had been removed, though pattened like the woven rope itself. In truth there were more rope burned area's than unaffected flesh and even then it were still a tad red as it too felt the sting for the rest of her hand. 'at least their warm...' An  odd thought but not without reason, her usually cold flesh often seeked the warmth of the sun and rock, looking for the warmth it had lost just a few short years ago. She would graze the damaged pad of her thumb over her torn palm as her thoughts wondered, only snapping from them as the cashier stepped over, in the process of draping a sloth over his shoulder as he spoke "So, what can I get for ya' son?" Looking up at the male, her miss matched hues of red and yellow would take in the features of the male, as her pale pink lips parted to speak "Nettle tea please, sir" she would somewhat quickly retract her hands from the counter and out of sight retrieving a few coins from her pocket. After a moment of taking in the oddity of her the cashier would simply nod before turning to make the drink, such only taking a few moments. Exchanging the coins for the drink the male placed on the counter she would smile just enough to slightly distort the angle of her face painted dots under her eyes "Thank you sir." Nodding with a light grunt the male would shift to assist the other customers.  

Taeru would reach for the hot cup only to retract her hand as the grazed flesh stung in the contact with the hot cup. Biting down on her soft pale bottom lip again as she bit back a light hiss before sighing lightly. Dipping her hand into her pocket she would pull out a small old looking rag, folding it neatly before wrapping it around the cup to use only her fingertips and the pad of her thumb to pick the beverage up only to pause as a eerily cold sensation sent a shiver up along her spine. The steam from her cup would raise dancing with the drop in temperature. Her gaze would shift to her hand as the rope burn tingled almost soothed by the sudden winter like cold, only for her attention to be drew to the door as she caught sight of someone stumbling in, from the corner of her eye.
Her upper body would twist only for her to wince pausing as she held back a small whimper, having forgotten about the fresh rope burn on her side's. Silently cursing herself she would turn a little more allowing her missed matched hues gaze to the newcomer in the doorway. A shinobi, like herself yet like most, older.  His physique far broader than her own, almost bulky though what stood out most were easily the contrast of his bright golden jacket against the darker colour's the male wore. Feeling that should could easily be classed as staring, her gaze would flicker back to the cashier slowly turning her frame back to the counter a tad, just enough to hover her side close to it, far more conscious of the irritation around her waist that she didn't dare to look at just yet. Swapping the cloth into her other she would tentatively take the hot cup returning to her drink, just in time to see the cashier note the males arrival. Drawing the cup up to her lip's, she would place the fingertips of her middle and index fingers again the bottom of the cup taking a sip. A light relaxed hum would raise in her throat as the warmth of the liquid slithered down her throat, only to find the warmth of the shop flood back as they male made his way over to a far table. She would tilt her head up just a touch  inhaling deeply in an attempt to catch the scents within the room, filling her lungs with their offer. Oddly enough even though the evidence of the males training clung to him, his steps fell silent, 'did the cold follow him?' She would stare down into her cup as she pondered. She didn’t recall having seen the male around, yet the village were quite big and having had only three years within its wall's, such couldn’t be surprising. Her gaze would however follow the cashier as he moved to take a glass of water to the shinobi. Leaning down she would retrieve her bags carefully raising them before shifting over to a table just off from the shinobi. Taking a seat she would place her cup down before unzipping her jacket allowing her headband, still attached to the shirt right in the center of her tightly bound chest, to fall into view tapping lightly against the table as she lent forwards, arching her back over to blow lightly at the tea in an attempt to cool it so that she wouldn't have to take such small sips.

(Word count: 891.)

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai would ease back into his chair and concentrate on leveling out his breathing. Closing his eyes as he did so and relaxing his burning muscles. He knew he had reached his limit again but that was the point of pressing himself. He couldn't grow in strength if he didn't burn away the weakness. His lungs slowly began to burn less and his breathing became more regular. His lips felt parched but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. He had arrived here to re-hydrate so his muscles screaming at him could simply wait. He had never pushed himself this much in the clan compound and he doubted that many shinobi did. It was beyond reason to do so and yet his honor forced him to try and overcome his current self. The honor ripped from him when he was removed from the clan compound and forbidden from taking their name. Such a clan, one based on a profession of assassination could not harbor a failure that could not control their bloodline. Even as he had gained more control it seemed they did not care to reply to his requests to speak with them. If nothing else he would overcome his failure and once more regain his clans name.

The sounds of someone approaching snapped his red eyes open. Blood red orbs shifting to look to the sound as the server brought him his water and collected the coins. He had given the man a bit of a start with the sudden glance and he shivered at the cold. Still it was common ground for them, this day was repeated every week for Kokai. The water was there now though he showed restraint as he refrained from drinking it until the man was gone. Once he turned to tend to others Kokai would pick up the glass with patience and only drink about half of it. The cool liquid already frosting on the edges from his touch. It amused him sometimes how so many of his jutsu were heat based and yet his aura was so cold. Probably something to do with the nature of his clan breeding these features in to instill fear. No shadows to hide them, no sound to conceal their approach and a cold air to intimidate their enemies moments before death. If only it was something he could control. It hardly mattered to him though. People disliked the cold so he learned to dislike them. More of a loner than ever.

However that was unlikely to remain the case. His hand shifted and set the glass down. His stomach rumbling a moment as he sighed and considered what to eat. Grabbing the paper menu and looking over it. Almost all of it fried foods of some sort. A frown creased his lips but he would find some cold sandwich options which would do well enough. However something else caught his attention. His eyes shifted over the top of the menu as a little a young girl moved closer to him. This was an odd occurrence since his aura frightened most. Still he watched her without blinking as she sat near him. The tender glanced up with an anxious look wondering if Kokai might start a fight. Still Kokai would simply lower the menu to the table and lean forward onto both elbows. She showed her headband then and blew on her drink. His eyes noting the metal as he wondered if she thought herself an comrade of his. He was about to tell her off when he noticed her hands. He could tell what a rope burn was when he saw it. He had many of them growing up. Still he would sigh and address her finally. His hands folding in front of him with his fingers intertwined.

"So; why didn't you heal up after that? Too proud to ask a med nin for help?" A bit rude in tone for first impressions but hey, he figured he was talking to a fresh academy graduate. Perhaps she even pushed herself like he did. Too far too fast.




Her right foot would raise up as she lent her body carefully over to the side, still conscious of the irritation at her waist, as she tucked her foot under her thigh and rump slightly before relaxing back down against it, as her body sort out any form of comfort in the position. Keeping her body arched over  with her head tilted down to her cup still lightly blowing at the liquid. Her hands would rest as neutral as possible, keeping them an inch or so away from her cup leaving her bags to rest against the inside of her left leg. Her miss matches orbs would close as she concentrated on the unusual temperature of the room finding her right side cool enough for the rope burn of her hand to tingle as her left rested in the warmth, to the point that her left hands damage throbbed slightly. 'Odd'. She would slide over just a little more into the cooler side before opening her eyes having a quick glance around at the window's in search of a crack or something that could give an explanation to the temperature, instead of the wild insinuation that at passed through her mind when she stood beside the counter.  

As she listened to the quiet chatter of the room, an unexpected voice would draw her attention away from her cup. Drawing her head up  and away from the cup causing her pastel lilac bangs to bounce, returning to frame her features as she straightened off her back. Drawing her miss matched hues to the male her mind swam as she searched out his words before she could answer leaving her pale pink lips to part silently. Shocked more than anything, that the male had spoke to her. It would take a second of gawping. 'He's talking to me?' She snapped out of the shock not wanting to be rude as she spoke, her words coming out in an oddly fluid yet fast pace, like the running water of a river "ouh, um it's fresh." Her eyes would flicker down to her hands as her fingers curled to her palms, shifting her hands away from the cup and a little closer to her torso before returning her gaze to the male as she continued to speak. "I had a few errands to run and haven't had the chance yet..." Her light accent would cling to the naturally dull tone of her voice as she spoke.  

As the gallimaufry of her of thoughts in her mind passed she were left to freely break down the use of his words, stumped at the 'too proud.' She would bite down on the soft pale pink flesh of her bottom lip, discolouring it slightly. A simple bad habit. Her mind would race along  as she pondered his words, why would someone be too proud to be healed by a medical ninja, that’s what they are primarily for... right? Her finger tips would graze against the torn flesh of palm passed her thought's to weather she actually needed them healing, 'it's only rope burn, does it need healing?' Her miss matched orbs would drop back down to look at her hands stretching out her fingers a bit, keeping them slightly curled out of comfort. In truth she had seen far, far worse. 'something so small, I might be in the way if I went to get something like this healed...'

She would return her gaze to the male, her lip would peel from the grasp of her teeth, for her to speak "honestly, I didn’t think it were bad enough to need healing. I wouldn’t want to be in the way." A light dusty pink hue would grace the surface of her skin along the bridge of her nose briefly, only to fade as quickly as it came, casting her gaze back down.

(Word count: 647.)

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai would listen to her as she seemed to pick up on his words a little late. His crimson eyes watching her without any sense of comfort within them. They were cold in their gaze void of all approval and interest and yet his words did not reflect his eyes. Even as they seemed to study her as one would a possible opponent he spoke and inquired as to the condition she was in and why she had not handled it. Her reply at first was less than satisfying. Some glanced over at the young girl talking to the man who looked wholly aggressive in nature. Yet there was something they didn't understand in that interaction. She was just a little thing but he had seen marks like it before. He had dealt with the pain of becoming stronger. Baring the brunt of what was dealt him if simply in order to rise again. He had little respect from those raised within the village and the academy but someone who could physically push themselves, that he could respect. It was pain to grow yourself passed your limits and she had that in spades. Whatever task had left those marks she did it with a rare level of dedication he had not yet seen outside of the clan training compound.

Still she would bite her own lip and he would raise an eyebrow. Shy perhaps? Or irritated. It was difficult to tell at this point. He had only met her so his only assessment was she had not visibly armed herself. If she were there to attack him it had come and passed that she had an opening. Though his training taught him to remain wary he was still considering that she was simply this close purely due to curiosity. His own hand lifted his glass and to his dismay the glass had partially frozen. The liquid meeting his lips was ice cold and ever so slightly thicker than it had been. Almost a slushie in nature. With out any flavor the texture was simply strange and unwanted. He would sigh and set his glass down as the sides of the clear glass would finish frosting up. He would signal the bartender for another. Intent on drinking it faster this time. Her second response though drew his attention. The bartender would need to be inquired of again later or he would simply walk home from here. Instead he turned to her and spoke his mind. Cold in tone and yet his eyes met hers when he spoke.

"Leaving even the smallest wound to fester is a dangerous action. However unlikely it may be, having the sudden need to grip a weapon a certain way when in such a state is a downfall. I'll not hurt you kid but if you allow it, Indicate where you have these wounds to me and I can remove the issue. You just have to ask yourself, will you trust a stranger in a shop?"

With that Kokai would raise his right hand. His palm towards himself as the back of his hand rose over his right eye. Blocking her view of it as it hovered there about a foot away from his face. Only partially blocking his view of her. As he held it there from the wrist up his hand a green glow would slowly envelope his right hand entirely. His left having much the same effect but it did not move as of yet. Instead he looked to her with his left eye and watched her reaction. He would not deny his arts to another shinobi if there was no present need to do so. His clan may be assassins but they were also medical professionals. His lips or rather the half of his face she could see would smile ever so slightly. Speaking once more. That eye as cold as ever.

"Well? Can you trust another shinobi you do not know? If the bravery I think rests within you is indeed there. Settle yourself in the seat next to mine. I shall only begin when you are ready."




She didn’t pay no never mind to those around them, save for keeping just enough of her attention so that she could at least react if something unforeseen were to happen. Her miss matches hues would flicker from his face to his frosted glass as he rose it to his lips the liquid now resembling a slushie. Her eyes would widen a touch as her eyes flickered back to the male, as an odd sense of victory followed by a touch of excitement twisted through her chest, 'the cold's not following him, it's coming from him... why... how?'  She would continue to watch the male, following his movement's as he placed the cup back down. Her interest well peaked as the once clear glass became frosted, an almost childlike interest, well backed by a curiosity about the different clan's each land had to offer. Her fingers would curl a little more towards her palm as she drew her hands a tad closer, attempting to stop herself from reaching to touch the males frosted glass.

This time it were the male's voice that snapped her from her thought trail flickering her miss matched gaze back up to him tilting her head up a touch in the process, such an action she had seen the children often do to her due to the difference in height, even whilst sitting. The male was, at the very least a fair few inches taller in her estimation. Her miss matched hues would rest on his. The cold tone of voice was something she had become accustomed to, as many took to using it with her, especially during her time alone as she traveled to Iwagakure itself. Her chest would rise and fall in a half breath as his words dawned on her, she did indeed need her hand's at the very least one of them, would she be of any use the way she were now? 'how could I have missed that?' Silently upbraiding herself pausing midway as he continued without missing a beat. Her mind would mentally picture where she knew she had rope burn from her hands to her waist. Slowly tilting her head a touch to one side her pastel lilac bangs that framed her face would cup her cheek and jawline as the other side fanned out slightly, her fringe simply brushing the bridge of her nose briefly, exposing the brow above her striking yellow eye. Could she trust a stranger?

Her gaze would follow his movements carefully as his hand rose to block the full view of his eyes. Her eyes would glaze over as she watched the subtle green glow envelop his hand, drawing her mind back to a set of shaking hands that held the same glow, the sound of whimpers and coughing filling her ears. His voice once more drawing her back into the present time, drawing her gaze away from his hand to his visible facial features watching his lips curl into a small smile.

Taking a deep breath, her foot would shift from under her frame only further onto the seat before spreading her legs enough to press her knee against the back of the long seat. The muscle of her thigh throbbed in protest at the unwanted action before feeling relief, as she twisted her body shifting her bags along in the same movement using her other leg. Her right leg's knee would raise up, leaning her body straight she would move her foot ahead of her, taking a step along the seat drawing them closer. Her frame would lean down scooping the bags up with her fingers before placing them back down beside the seat as her left leg drew up onto the seat, gritting her teeth at the movement as she felt her open jacket and loose shirt brush against her waist. Settling her rump on her feet, each of her movements being careful not only because of her wounded waist but simply out of being cautious of the male, keeping her gaze on him the entire time. She would inhale deeply filling her lungs with his scent before slowly raising her left hand. Concentrating on keeping her breathing level, her heart would pound like a drum trapped within her ribcage, her hand would hesitate curling her fingers a little more to her palm before outstretching; the damage clearly visible now, as she spoke "Why would you help a shinobi you do not know?" She had no rights to ask as helping another were the only reason she were in this village now, yet she still wanted to know what reason he would give, even if only to give a snippet into his mind. Her hand would continue it's path slowly, coming to a halt just an inch from his right. Feeling a calm set within herself with the conviction of her decision.

(Word count: 811.)

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai would wait and watch the girl. His coy smile never faltering as his crimson eye observed her movements. How slow she seemed to move as the light wounds caused her irritation with each shift. His attention was drawn to the small burn on her waist just barely visible through the open coat. How tightly she must have held that rope. Some level of desperation within her keeping her from letting loose on it. How she trained though had little to nothing to do with him. He assumed it was training because little else caused one to push to those limits. The need to grow stronger in shinobi was as present as breathing. Even the lazy wished for power to accomplish something. She had some powerful will within her but he did not compare her to himself anymore. She was fragile and cautious. Something she readily revealed. A useful distraction if it was fake but her pain had him convinced it was no ruse. The seconds seemed to stretch on as she moved into the seat next to his. Two shinobi so close to each other and yet he merely stared at her. That red eye never blinking. Never wavering from its sentinel of her.

He would only and finally shift his gaze as she slowly outstretched one of her burnt hands. Her waist was too personal of a touch for a place like this and what he intended to do would draw enough attention. After all what fun was there if he didn't toy with her a little. The little village shinobi so proud to wear her headband. What did he care of what others saw? What they thought. He knew she was too young for his interest. A child soldier from the village meeting a member of his clan likely for the first time. He wondered oh how he wondered if he could leave an impression on her. He would remain still as a statue as she reached out. A hand slow to extend as if towards a snake. An assessment that wasn't inaccurate and so he would prove the caution warranted. As soon as she stopped so close to him his body would rapidly shift in sudden movement. Attempting to grab both her hands, one in each of his in a firm grasp rapidly enough to frighten. His hands like ice on her skin and her wounds and yet, something was different. Beneath his arms was no shadow. She could feel him touching her hands and yet he cast no shadow as if he was not truly there. When he spoke he held her tightly. looking into her eyes.

"The village asks much of me but I am my own person. I go where I want and help who i want. I need no reason to heal you beyond that head band. Allies though we may be I do this simply because I choose to."

As he spoke his hands would glow a darker green and pulse and she would feel a strange sensation. The feel of something prickling her skin around her burns as ever so slowly the pain numbed. Fading away entirely after a moment to little more than two tender spots. However the room had gone silent then. Many eyes watched him now as fists clenched. They knew nothing of his medical intentions. However a glance from him was enough to lower eyes. Even if for now they cowered though he knew they had an itch to scratch. If he appeared to be hurting a little girl someone might react. And poorly. With a sigh and a click of his tongue against his teeth he would release her and rise up. Moving out of the place like a cold breeze with no noise or shadow. Her hands healed even if her waist was not. No name spoken before he was simply gone.

Exit thread
Name: Diagnostic Jutsu 750/750 trained
Name: Tempest Style - Whirlwind 750/750 trained
Name: Tempest Style - Jet Strike 750/750 trained

426 wc tossed out



Her miss matched hues of bloody red and striking yellow would never leave the males features taking in each detail, his cold composure and aura with an equally cold stare, yet his action so far from such. A face she would remember burning the mental image before her into her mind's eye.  Snapping immediately from her calm, almost like a flinching mechanism as the male shifted so suddenly, without warning that most often let slip. Her extended hand would move forwards almost like a sacrifice into his grip, allowing her upper frame to follow in the movement, only using what speed and strength he place in his movement, raising her rump from her feet enough for her to draw her left foot forwards twisting it off to the side, automatically raising her knee in the process. As her leg shifted her right hand would move back away from his grasp to the small of her back grasping for the contents of her hidden pouch.  

Pausing in her odd little stance as his ice cold touch registered against the burn sending an odd mix of a stinging pain met smoothly by a soothing sensation simply due to the cold, yet her undamaged flesh would almost match in temperature to that of his own yet simply less chilled, a deformity due of trauma year's passed. Listening as he spoke up, carefully removing her hand from her pouch, her hand empty as her position relaxed feeling the tingle settle the throb that rested in her hand, letting his words sink in. The truth, a want and choice to help not out of feeling an obligation. Such actions so far from the cold exterior of the male. Just an odd sensation invaded her system as he wound healed under his touch leaving behind a mere tender patch.

Her knee would lower relaxing her hand enough her fingers to curl slightly over his as her other hand carefully brushed past his, both simple feather light touches. "Thank you Sir" Her accent would lay thick in her voice, the only proof of her origin's away from the village, As she spoke the tingling sensation she had felt as he healed her wound, would reflect the touch disrupting his chakra giving his own flesh the same sensation allowing it to travel up along his arms to his chest, the tingling sensation followed by a soft flow of warmth. Though the implanted sensation would slowly fade as the male released her, yet not quite gone until he exited the shop.  Her head would tilt up as he stood to shift away allowing her hand to slowly drift down into her lap watching him leave, feeling the usual warmth flood back into the room as he left the shop.

Her mind swamped in a gillafumry of thoughts, her head would tilt back drawing her face up to the ceiling as a smile cracked along her lips, attempting to stifle the chuckle that had intended to follow. She would pause there a moment before turning to place both of her feet onto the ground flinching in the movement as the adrenaline passed. Her hand would move to hover over the wound of her waist, yet not quite touching it before pinching her clothing tugging it carefully away before giving it a light shake, allowing the draft to cool it. The one statement popping into her mind and remain even as the others faded to the background of her mind, still trundling along, 'He didn’t have a shadow...'

Her composure fully restored she would slowly make her way through her thoughts from beginning to end, compiling the interaction in her mind, the information being of possible use at a later date maybe. Shifting back down the long seat to sit before her drink, she would stuff the cloth into her pocket still lost in thought as she gripped her cup drawing it to her lips. The liquid, Cold.

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(Word count: 656.)
(Total word count: 4259.)

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