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Karumo sat at his desk, twirling a pen through his fingers, stopping every few moment to bite the cap. Lost in his thoughts at the desk in his room, leaned back in his chair, and feet kicked up onto the desk as he looked through the small window above his desk. Light filtered into the dark from there, a bit lonely for the evening, left alone to his thoughts and burning the rest of the remaining daylight with himself. A bird passed by breaking the stream of light with its shadow, to which Karumo responded by kicking off the desk, standing up and setting the pen down. Stretching and extending his arms out with a hefty yawn, he looked out to the quickly sinking sun and decided upon not wasting his evening away.

His first night off in a long time, he had been at the university less and less and was getting more involved in the ANBU than he imagined. But now, his weekend he was off and he had nothing planned but relaxing, maybe a bit of training but he hadn't exactly cared for that thought beyond the initial premise. For now, he ventured lightly through the village, shorts and a t-shirt on as he explored through the streets, seeing all the shops and everything else that there was. He pulled a cigar from his shirt pocket and a lighter from his pocket, burning the end of it and inhaling heavily on it. A few steps later he let the smoke out in a thick exhale, a relaxing feeling washed over him, or what he understood to be relaxing, there wasn't much for someone who was numb.

Still he had a choice to make as he puffed away on the cigar, whether he should go for dinner, find somewhere relaxing, or maybe the hot springs? That would be a nice combination, some heated water to open up the pores and clear up his sinuses while he relaxed with the smoke. It was decided then, he headed for the nearby hotsprings, a local attraction of the village, he honestly wasn't sure he had ever been there but that didn't matter. He checked in and grabbed a small locker area, changing into his shorts and grabbing a towel, draping it over his shoulder. Lighter in hand and cigar still in his mouth, but he wasn't puffing on it, not indoors, he had a bit more respect than that.

But it wouldn't last, he headed from the changing room and down the hall, exiting through the wooden swinging door out to the actual hot springs area. A large pool with steam rising up from the surface of the water, it looked very calm with a few others already there. An older man in the corner, he looked asleep as he was sunk into the water, and to the side some younger women and guys, probably a few years younger than Karumo and probably genin looking to hang out and relax as a group. Karumo walked off to an empty section of the wall and set his towel down near it and lighter on top of it.

Then with a quick motion he began to sink into the water, letting it run over his skin, he had no feel for the temperature but kept up the facade of being able to feel it by twisting his face and then relieving it. Drifting into the water and letting his arms spread out across the stones behind him as he relax and sunk into the springs. Now puffing away at his cigar again, he wondered, was he even allowed to smoke in here? Oh well, if someone had a problem then they could say something about it. For now, he was just gonna sink and relax away while puffing on his cigar.

[645 words]

Inuzuka Makoto

Inuzuka Makoto

Lost. Makoto was lost yet again. In what appeared to be Iwa no less. Well, no use being so down about it. Make the most of what you have right? Her ninken was out like a light, so she didn't have to be so worried about her. But could rest exactly? She was much too tired to fight off any thugs and/or perverts by herself with no one around to help. Makoto walked with the little fluff ball in her arms, trying to find somewhere to spend some time in before she'd have to hit the hay and sleep like a baby. Or, at least an exhausted genin.

Soon after walking for what felt like several hours, she reached a building that had the appearance of a hot spring. It didn't take her long to notice the 'no pets' sign located near the entrance. Well, crap. How was she going to get in without leaving her dog outside alone? Without thinking about the negative situations that may occur, she put Gina into her orange halterneck. It looked awkward. But she couldn't exactly hide her anywhere else now, could she? She put her hands around the awkward bump and approached the registry. Hoping to pass off as a pregnant woman, even if it would be only a few seconds.

"Hello, I'd like an hour at the hot spring?" Makoto squeaked, her face in a slight blush. "No worries about time. You can relax as long as you want. We do expect more money per hour, however," the lady at the reception said, breaking into a small smile, seeming to hold back her true expressions. "Ah, fine." The woman waved Makoto off before breaking into a slight laughter as soon as she had officially entered the building. "What kind of stomach is that?!" Makoto groaned at the laughter, but couldn't help snickering a bit. She had made a fool of herself after all.

Makoto took off her clothing and placed Gina into a small cubby before she covered the dog in said clothes. With an amount of hesitation, Makoto took off her towel and hopped into the water from one edge of the spring. A sudden realization came over her at the worst moment. This was a mixed bath. Men and Women were talking, likely flirting, in one corner while an older man was sleeping. Hopefully, he was.

But one man stood out. He was tall, maybe six feet at most. Purple eyes, what an extremely rare trait. Makoto couldn't help but growl as she saw the cigar in the male's mouth. He had the nerve to smoke in a public area?! She ducked most of her body underneath the water before trudging through it, mostly due to her energy being depleted, the other half having to do with her hope of catching him somewhat off guard. Public area, damn it the stench was becoming more and more unbearable as she drew closer. She only about 5 meters away, because she was slightly nervous. She growled, lowly at first as she began to get closer it grew louder however when she closed into 4 meters. And then she stopped, before she would finally bark, "Who the hell do you think you are smoking around here!?"

She would stay, merely  sinking her eyes into the strangers, despite anyone possibly watching her. She was pissed, and she showed it more than clearly.


Out of Character: Oh my, this took a while didn't it? I'm extremly sorry, excuse me.



Karumo leaned back into the wall of the bath and exhaled heavily, letting himself sink into the water. It was probably the most enjoyable part of it all, the slight feeling of weightlessness from the water, it was really the only pleasure he could get out of it since he couldn't feel it rushing over him and the warmth only provided comfort in clearing up his pores and sinuses. But his sense of taste was beyond reproach as a result, along with other facets of his perception, but the taste of the smoke rolled across his tongue as he pushed another cloud of smoke high into the air.

His eyes would close briefly as he sunk even further in and let his legs lay out in front of him, sinking to the point that the top of his shoulders would be covered but holding his cigar above the water with his right hand. His brief moment of zen interrupted as a voice cried out against the white noise of the background. "Who the hell do you think you are smoking around here!?" Karumo hadn't opened his eyes immediately, he lazily brought his head forward and his eyes rolling in response. He immediately knew the voice was calling out to him, and his realizations come true as he realized that she was indeed yelling at him. Her eyes locked into hers as Karumo would blink in confusion, she was a few meters away still, he wondered if she was trying to cause a scene or not. Still though, while he wondered on the situation for that brief moment he made mental notes of her, light brown hair and a young face, a few years his younger no doubt. And certainly no embarrassment or discretion in causing a scene in a public place, even if Karumo were the one more in the wrong here.

Karumo would bring his legs under himself and stand up a bit more in the water, bringing his shoulders out of the water and exhaling a bit, no smoke this time though, only disappointment as he looked onto the clearly pissed off woman's face. She should consider herself a bit lucky, normally Karumo wouldn't take such attempts at drama so lightly, but he was in a very relaxed state right now. He leaned back without saying a word, and pressed the end of the cigar into a nearby rock to put it out. The black ash smeared across it and smoke rose from it as the flame was extinguished, giving it a second before he would turn back to her.

"Sorry, hadn't meant to cause any trouble by it... especially not worth causing a scene over either..." he led on a bit sarcastically as he slid back into the water and let his legs slide forwards again. Letting his left arm sink into the water at his side and using his right hand to prop up the back of his head against the rock, he sat there a bit smugly and waited to see how the girl would respond.

[516 words, 1161 words total]

Inuzuka Makoto

Inuzuka Makoto

Makoto felt her body shudder as the strange man ever so calmly put out the cigarette, letting his words go through her ears and out the other side of her head. She gritted her teeth silently as he went back to relaxing, his face almost mocking her. The growl that had gotten louder and louder turned into a sudden bark that few could hear if they weren't within 6 meters of Makoto. She felt pissed, but yet the calm demeandor of the man was rubbing off on her, almost like a high she got from various drugs.

Her eyelids felt a bit heavy, her body almost reminding Makoto that she hadn't slept in hours, not even fitting a nap somewhere between that period of time. She growled a bit, trying to show she still had her defenses up. But a loud and sudden yawn forced it's way through her mouth, proving her wrong. She began mumbling to herself as she looked at him, her voice trailing off so to give off her exhaustion. Every minute of travelling kicked in, and instead of going away from him, Makoto merely swam closer, resting with her front towards the side of hot spring.

She stayed quiet, before giving a weak glance to the strange man with purple eyes, who looked all too much like a pillow at that moment. A low groan escaped from her peach lips as she approached  Karumo slowly, before she would soon attempt to press her head against his chest, trying to slip into a sound slumber, something she desperately needed at the moment. She prayed for many things. She prayed Gina wouldn't wake up and try to bring down half the building. That Makoto would find Yui, and soon. And most hopeful of all, that she could just rest somewhere, particularly in the arms of the stranger or even a soft bed. But all she needed now was a long sleep, and food. Then she'd be set for the night, and she could set out as soon as the sun set the next morning.




Karumo watched the girl grit her teeth and growl at him as he leaned back against the edge, his head would tilt as curious eyes glanced onward. He wondered, if of all things, she was actually growling at him? It wasn't exactly a normal response to anything... yeah, anything at all. His eyes would calmly watch the growing growl from the girl, her anger a bit too... intense for Karumo's liking, especially over something small like smoking his cigar at that.

A short pause in her stance, Karumo saw something in her eyes, like fatigue or maybe the warmth of the water setting in and relaxing her body some, but it didn't last long. She growled again quickly to break that pause, not able to cause any more of a scene in Karumo's eyes. He should probably wave to the others and keep them to themselves, but he didn't for the moment. It was during his short musing on what to do next that he watched her yawn widely in front of him, Karumo cracked a smile and a small chuckle as he watched. Thinking she was like a young puppy, too eccentric and random in her actions and emotions to contain herself.

Karumo watched her start to sway closer to him, swimming... or rather floating closer to him. His eyes followed her with a peculiar glance, wondering just what in the world she thinks she was doing. Karumo kept a steady eye, sitting up a bit as she approached, her gaze met his eyes as he was a bit shocked and unsure of what to do in the situation. Nothing in his mind and forward thinking would have prepared him for a situation where, while he was relaxing, a girl several years his younger would be very angry at him and then try to cozy up to him. He heard the groan quietly leave her mouth, his eyes widened as she got even closer, he wasn't about to be rude to the girl but as she got closer and closer he wondered about the appropriateness of this situation.

Karumo kept delaying, so unsure of what to do or why it was happening that she got as far as being able to rest her head on his right pectoral muscle. Karumo kept his arms behind him for the moment, blinking as he thought about what to do here and what wouldn't... well, cause more of a scene. Only one thought was really crossing his mind at the moment, leaving his right arm behind him and wrapped around the edge of the pool, he would use his left arm to lightly tap on the shoulder of the slumbering girl to get her attention. Once he had it, he would speak calmly and barely at a conversational level, aiming to keep the words between the two of them, "Hey... little girl, you uh..." he would gulp for a second before continuing on, "aren't wearing any clothes, are you?" he would ask plainly, keeping his eyes focused on her face and trying to meet her gaze. Doing his best to be polite and chivalrous in a situation he hadn't imagined himself being in, in a hundred years nor having any idea on how to properly react to such.

[554 words, 1715 words total]

Inuzuka Makoto

Inuzuka Makoto

What was that? She really didn't catch that. Was she wearing any clothes?! And did he call her a little girl?! She tried to growl as she rested on him, but it ended with her making a more relaxed noise than anything else. She didn't know what really triggered her like this, but she didn't mind it much, she was happy; content. She felt like playing around with her words, try to make him feel confused or like a pervert. She was trained like that for the last year by Sho. The bastard. But after a while, she just didn't feel like arguing anymore, she enjoyed dancing, making the occasional flirt, and it was always somewhat fulfilling to her. She felt like she was serving a purpose, because her life felt a bit useless, and her only goal was finding Yui.

"I'm not a little girl, I'm 17. Aaaaaand I'm not wearing clothes. Less you wanna look?" Makoto purred, her voice coming out low and soft. She wondered, would the stranger be mad? Because if he would, she'd at least get away with messing with him and making herself a bit happier. She got herself a bit closer, not minding a few people who were staring at the pair, trying to understand how Makoto had suddenly become so submissive and sexual.

She didn't really mind being in his arms, he was soft and felt a bit muscular. She let out another purr, this time long and more relaxed than before. At least he wasn't being a total pervert. But Makoto was going to change that, now. She gave a soft gaze to his eyes, blinking them somewhat innocently. Then she would push her head into his chest again, not leaving his eyes. "I can do a lot of things involving said naked body. . .now my name's Makoto. What's yours?" she would muttered with just enough volume for him to hear her, body as close to him as she could muster. Her voice would still make a purring noise, awaiting an answer.

She was curious, could she land a night in bed with the stranger? It'd be odd, but she'd done worse with much older men. He seemed friendly enough to take up the offer should she ask, but also too friendly to really bed a girl her age. She could try and prove she was older than it, and she was doing it with her free will. Some girls her age had pimps, but Makoto was free as a bird. She could do whatever she wanted. And maybe Yui would be proud? She was doing something pretty big, on a complete and total stranger.

She was attractive, she was flirty, she was willing to do it. What guy could turn down the offer if she would bring it up? Perhaps someone who was homosexual. That would be embarrassing, trying to seduce a homosexual male to have sex with her. As she waited, she really prayed he wasn't homosexual in general. Or everything would go downhill.




She seemed to relax further into him at his question, though he did seem to get her attention to at least some degree, even if she was partially ignoring him while he sat there not wanting to move and completely unsure of what to do. "I'm not a little girl, I'm 17. Aaaaaand I'm not wearing clothes. Less you wanna look?" his face would straighten out immediately at her comment, was she serious? That wasn't what he meant by that at all, his subtle attempt to get her to recognize how imposingly awkward she was making this was turned around in a further attempt to flirt with him.

He held his rigid stature as he sat up further and kept his eyes away from her, she continued her purring and holding onto him. It wasn't that he had any problem with her presence or anything at a hot spring, he was more than welcome to company, but this was a bit much for what were his incredibly low expectations for his plans this evening. She continued her purring, like she were trying to sleep, but awake at the same time, it was certainly an interesting enough of an instinct. Her eyes casually glanced up towards his, looking softly towards his, Karumo's face was stiff with uncomfort and unwavering as he returned his own gaze for that brief moment as she started talking. "I can do a lot of things involving said naked body. . .now my name's Makoto. What's yours?

He would pause for a brief second, she was still purring, perhaps she was comfortable in that place laying onto his chest in the warm water. Karumo's eyes would widen a bit as he thought about her words, it seemed none of his message was getting through for the moment. With a slight tilt of his head, ever so briefly he would begin to respond, "Makoto, huh?" a slight pause. "Tell me, did you come to a hot spring to just hit on strangers? Or to swim and relax?" he would pause briefly. In doing so, he would really give her no time to respond as he brought his right hand over to her face, grabbing hold of it with just his right hand, encompassing nearly all of it. With some force behind the tips of his fingers, so as not to push against her nose or cause too much discomfort, he would call out as he would push her down and into the water, "Let me help you with the second part!" his tone was a bit louder but serious. He would dunk her under with his hand for a little under 2 seconds before releasing her and letting her float back up to the surface of the water. Just long enough to give her a scare, but not enough that he would do any real harm to her.

When all was said and done, and she returned to the surface to breath and such, Karumo would chime in again snidly, "See if that splash of water doesn't wake you up and get you to behaving..." he would laugh to himself a bit. Thinking himself the funniest person in the world. Though, in hindsight of the moment, it perhaps might have been a bit easier to just tell her to cut that whole thing out rather than splashing her, otherwise this might lead to her causing another scene like over the cigar too. Well, at least there weren't many others still there, the couple and the older man keeping to himself in the corner were the only ones who decided to stick around. And it seems that the dunking her under the water was beginning to be enough to scare them off as well.

[635 words, 2350 words total]

Inuzuka Makoto

Inuzuka Makoto

She watched his face grow straight, a small smirk forming onto her face, his movements of avoidance causing her to lose eye contact. Damn he was a bit fidgety, perhaps a virgin? Or maybe a much older male than she had expected? She didn't really care, she'd have fun if he accepted. She didn't mind too much when he completely turned away, likely trying to hide away some sort of perverted thought away from her.

When he said her name, she merely wanted to purr into him even louder, because he seemed to have a confused charm to it, and it was calming, like a drug. Damn it, she hadn't had anything by accident right? She turned her eyes away, thinking of a time she could have possibly drunk or eaten something that would cause her to be so unnaturally relaxed.

She had almost ignore the entire first part of his next sentence, only catching him when he said "...hit on strangers?" Her face turned a bright red as she heard the next part but it soon shone brightly when he mentioned relaxing. "Yeah, I came to relax. But relaxing is better when you're all pressed up naked on another person." She was expecting the stranger to at least say his name, not grab her face, and not even in a passionate or lustful way.

As her face was dunked into the water, Makoto let out a little delayed squeal, thrashing a small amount when he let her head go. He heard him scream something odd, something a bit unexpected for Makoto to really understand. This was his idea of help?! She took a moment to plan her own revenge, going up for air before forcing her head down again.

She bite him, she'd have to. She'd catch him off guard and bite something, anything! She put her head up and put on an upset face gasping for air as he made his inappropriate comment. A low growl developed in her throat, where was the best place to bite him? Maybe the neck? Oh perhaps the thigh? No, she could flirt harder than before, she could do it, she was more than capable. She pouted with a childish face. "You know, if you are a virgin, you don't have to be so desperate for me to get on my knees for you. You could at least kiss me or buy me dinner first. Unless you're into biting? On the neck with some hickeys? Or better yet, the thigh?" Makoto would tease in response. "I am an Inuzuka, and I'm fucking you, one way or another." She would keep up the cheerful farce, grinning from ear to ear, hoping it make him either angrier or more confused to her endless attempts at flirting.

"Be it easily, or the hard way. Either way, someone's gonna be hard. I mean, what's not to like about a nice little Inuzuka like me! I'm sexy and I can be sweet if you don't be rude to me. Then again, virgins might want to save themselves for marriage. But what's the point of that?" She'd finally purr out after he'd react in whatever way possible, she had to try again, she couldn't lose to him. She had a chance to actually win a battle with men.




Karumo ignored her quip to dunk her in, surprised she tried to respond at all as his hand came up to meet her face. She of course screamed a bit and struggled like any reasonable person would do in a situation like this, she came up gasping for air for a moment and then growled at him again. He really had no idea what to do with that, she didn't seem to have any shame at all and on top of that, the eccentric personality was beginning to become a bit much... making his comparison to a puppy all the more appropriate.

It was what came next in a barrage of vulgarity and not even innuendo, more insult than he would imagine. He would just outright ignore her bit about being a virgin, not worth the time to even respond to, he would blink at her, his face even turning a bit red as she spoke with such outlandish and brash confidence. She would continue ranting on, this time shifting the focus from (and including a bit more insult along the way) onto how great his opportunity was before him. It was safe to say at this point that everyone from the pool was either in the process of leaving as he mused to himself or had left long ago. This was certainly a situation he would never expect to get himself into, not to mention his numbness really nullified a lot of the pleasure and affect of sex, it wouldn't ever really live up to its hype in his eyes. He understood its need for others and the emotional connection but that physical desire and tenacity never struck him, that urge was all but dead as his sense of touch was also.

But did he have the time to sit here and explain all that? Not to mention telling some stranger about himself, and especially one with such an imaginative mind and foul mouth, who knows where she would carry on if he told her. But perhaps the verbal beratement would beat having to spend his evening off entertaining some strange and sexually crazed girl. Karumo would sigh and scratch his head, completely at a loss for words on where to go in the midst of her purring, if that's indeed what that sound was...

"You know, if you want me to take you seriously and not be rude, you really shouldn't talk like that, it's awfully unbecoming. Unless you're trying to be an escort or something, there are definitely better approaches to this whole thing..." he looked on with a blank face, his tone as serious to match. If she wouldn't get his point that way, perhaps a more direct and commanding approach to letting her know she needed to bring it down about 100 notches in a very general sense. Not even beginning to approach the idea of what she had planned yet.

[493 words, 2843 words total]

Inuzuka Makoto

Inuzuka Makoto

An escort?! Okay, she had to give him that one. She was an escort at one point of her life until she escaped, and even then, some of her habits weren't exactly canceled out. But he gave her another opportunity to basically redeem herself, so she had to try. His blank stare fueled her on. She put on a more confident look, getting a bit closer to the man. "Well, you still owe me a name, and if you want to throw it in there, a nice place to stay for the night," Makoto purred, winking at him, before realization hit her. "Wait you aren't gay, are you? Married? Asexual? Demi? Fuck."

She hadn't factored in all the possible situations. He could be a figure who'd try and arrest her for prostitution, even though it wasn't. He could be a married man with a child! Or worse, completely uninterested in her entire existence. The light from her eyes slowly drained and her skin turned a bit pale. Was she screwed or was she going to be given a chance to run away? Or did she still have that slim shot at getting laid? "Look, I need a place for me and ninken to crash for the night, maybe even looking for some fun. Don't need to pay me, I don't need to pay you. Simple as that," Makoto muttered, feeling defeated in every shape and form. "And I promise she's a good pup too!...if you don't steal her food and step on her...but still!"

She put on the cutest face she could muster, knowing it left her vulnerable to attack and insults. She couldn't help it, though, she was tired and it used to get her extra tips when she danced for other people. She'd only wait, keeping her face the same way. "Please?" She'd whimpered, always attempting to get closer to him.




His comment didn't seem to set in, she immediately started with a request for his name... and a place to stay for the night. He would blink a second as she continued on with her line of questioning. This time, turning at seeming random, to his sexuality of all things... showing that none of his words had really set into her mind. Suddenly her mood and temperment shifted suddenly again, becoming far more genuine as far as he could tell, but she had to mention paying him, or her? He would sigh a bit as she went on about her pup, it certainly sounded like a headache to say the least, but she really wasn't that bad. If he couldn't put up with a bit of vulgarity from a teenager he wouldn't deserve to be a Jounin or anything.

He watched her twist her face in a desperate plea, it was kinda adorable, he had to admit, he'd always had a soft spot and couldn't really say no to a call for help. Her whimpering and moving close he'd kinda ignored, allowing that much as he sunk into the water a bit more, his arms and back leaning up against the wall now. She'd managed to find his one soft spot and weak point, and that was that he couldn't refuse a request of that nature. To deny the girl and her pet a place to stay... a rather scummy behavior to say the least... He only hoped that this wouldn't get him into anymore trouble than he had to be in. His head fell back dramatically and an exaggerated sigh came out as he reluctantly gave in, "Alright... fine..." he paused and turned towards her, "But do you have to be so vulgar about everything though?" He carried on as he waited for her response to his bit. He imagined it would be met either with excitement or with more... well, subjects of a more lewd nature.

Still, Karumo sat back up some, "The name's Karumo btw... just in case you were still curious. Or rather, not curious" he would continue on after the fact. In some attempt to track the conversation to a more typical subject before Makoto could ruin his attempt at that. But so far, he wouldn't put it past her to do so anyways...

[401 words, 3244 words total]

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