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Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

The sun shined down, hardly a cloud in the sky. And the light crunching of dirt beneath feet was perhaps the first indication of the size of the behemoth that currently walked towards the nearest outpost in the wilderness of Tsuchi no Kuni. A long, white coat jacket covering his arms and back, flowing down to the backs of his ankles, held the symbol of the Kuma clan. A chain hung loosely around his neck and shoulders, while black shorts did little to cover the muscled, hair covered form of his legs. Long, claw like nails, tapped at the weapon pouch at his side as the man hummed quietly. His hair was sharp, black, and in a slicked back way that looked like he was shocked with static recently. The same large hands that had tapped his weapon pouch then went into the pockets of his jacket, a wide, toothy grin on his face, just above a pointed goatee. The symbol of Iwagakure hung at his neck, like a collar, and to his side was a caramel brown bear with a similar application of a forehead protector, wearing the same symbol. Oki Kuma and Debu Kuma, the bear duo of Iwagakure.

Stepping across the barren stretch of wasteland, the two went to the outpost, standing at the entrance and leaning against the wall of the wooden construction. A piece of paper was in his hand, and he stood there, reading through it repeatedly. According to the report he was given, the group he was supposed to handle, the mission, was named the infinity gang. A somewhat large group of pests that had been harassing those in Iwagakure for some time. From the information given, they were armed, with at least 30 members, and Oki’s mission was to kill the leader. Oki wasn’t a fan of killing, however as a shinobi knew it wasn’t something he could avoid. Still, given the Intel he had, Oki knew he would struggle if it was just him and Oki – it was a large amount of enemies to fight and keep an eye on at once. So, the bear man, who was now a chuunin from his escapades, went through a list of those with which he could take on this mission. On one hand, Yusuke had proven trustworthy, and reliable. However, the tiny genin had also been missing recently, likely resting, or working at that restaurant with the angry pan wielding lady. There was the possibility of asking that Kuni lady he met in the Rock Pit, however, he had no idea of her skills as a shinobi, and so, that was a wild card. And then there was his other squad mate, the only person in Iwa with more anger issues than Oki – Kokai Tsumi.

For once planning ahead, the Kuma had sent a letter to request him to meet Oki at this outpost, that was located just outside the wild west of Tsuchi no Kuni, in five minutes from now. While not the most trustworthy of people, especially not in Oki’s mind, he had shown that he was a reliable fighter, plus there was at least some good in him. He’d prepared to take a blow intended for a child, after all. So, Oki would wait, stroking Debu, and looking out over the expanse of wasteland.


Kokai Tsumi

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai walked the long road to one of the further outposts. He couldn't exactly afford a horse to get there nor did he intend to rush. He had become rather numb to most people and simply moved about life existing. All there was from day to day was physical training and a vain ignorance of his lack of chakra control. He had convinced himself he could make it with just his hands. In a world where his enemies could launch lightning from their hands and breath fire at will he was confident he could step up and decimate his opponents without that advantage. It was easier than facing his chakra and the chance that he could kill someone he hadn't intended to. Outwardly he seemed strong but inwardly, even he was beginning to see his weakness. So training had become an obsession. The only answer for his lack of power. Which is why he was walking this road now alone. He was too stubborn not to show up when summoned and yet he wasn't going to get there early. Not for a man he very much considered his rival and could not help but to accept his strength. The bear of Iwagakure had sent for him and he would answer.


Kokai had been hanging upside down from a pair of leather ties in his doorway. The door to his apartment had been open to let in some cool air from the hallway since his downstairs neighbor was a baker and his place ran hot. Kokai was straining at this point just to shift his weight upwards in a sit up as he had been training all morning. Under him his sweat had pooled and he was still not sure he was done. His bones ached and his muscles burned but his crimson eyes held determination in them. Or at least that was the impression the messenger had when she popped into his doorway and set down a letter. Kokai strained to climb up his own legs to grab the bar between his ankles and hold on long enough to undo the straps. Dropping as soon as the second one was undone and landing with a thud. Coughing as he dragged in air before rising to his feet and grabbing a bottle of water. Drinking it as he read a summons. What caught his eye the most however was the rank next to the name. It made his teeth grit that Oki had been promoted so soon. So he had barely showered and changed before rushing out the door. Exhaustion forgotten with a new sense of unease. He couldn't let his rival get too far from him.


Kokai approached the outpost with his eyes open and looking around. Waiting for Oki to jump out at him from every rock. Their last time meeting he had done some damage to the man. While Oki seemed to have been pleasant about it he was never trusting of people to simply let things go. His hand resting on a simple weapons pouch on his thigh. A kunai strapped to the outside and a set of Senbon within. It was strapped over his black shinobi pants. Tucked into black boots with the shoe strings tied twice around the ankles. He was wearing a black tank top and a golden hoody. His hood pulled up with just enough of his face revealed to show the bottom of an Iwagakure headband and crimson eyes shadowed within. Oki would feel the drop in temperature even with a slight snow falling around the area and would know Kokai was close. Even before Kokai rounded the corner of a tower and caught sight of the man. His bear next to him this time. Kokai rolled his jaw and prepared himself inwardly before moving closer. Stopping within easy speaking distance and shoving his hands into the front pocket of his hoody. Choosing to speak casually for once instead of aggressively. Well....tone wise anyway.

"Yo, fur ball, you wanted me?"


Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

Time passed, and Oki really didn’t care to keep a proper track of such a passing, so, it just kind of went and happened. Birds soared overhead, doing bird things, and Debu just kind of laid down. The only way to tell the time was to watch the inevitable shifting of the sun, and as it moved, one thing became apparent – Kokai was late. Given what little he knew about his mysterious, grumpy team mate, Oki wasn’t surprised by this, and expected he’d show up at his own pace. Like a rebel, except not going out of his way to rebel. So, kind of not like a rebel in that regard. Regardless, Debu began sniffing at the air, and the behemoth of a chuunin stopped leaning against the wall of the outpost, straightening himself and his coat out. The air grew colder, almost familiarly so, and he nodded to himself – his partner had arrived.

As if on cue, the tense shouldered form of the kicking, close quarters fighter showed up, turning the corner and walking to an appropriate distance. When he spoke up, Oki let out a hearty chuckle, Debu simply getting up and stretching out as he arrived. Fur ball was a new one, and the idea that the person that tried to break his knee was now giving him a nickname was amusing to him. Still, he’d nod at the somewhat rhetorical question, gesturing towards the expanse of wilderness in the distance, where the earth was more cracked than Oki’s leg in his fight. “We can walk and talk. We’ve got a mission to do, and, something I’m sure you’ll enjoy, people to fight.

With that, he turned and began walking towards the cracked earth, stroking his goatee in thought and humming quietly, Debu plodding alongside him. The earthy soil crunched beneath his heavy footsteps, but the big guy didn’t care, continuing to walk, talking now without looking behind him. “Well, comrade, long story short, a group of thugs that go by the name of the Infinity Gang have been causing major trouble, and are speculated to be around this area. Rather unpleasant business, but, we have to break them up, and kill the leader as a message. I’d like as few casualties as possible, but, I’m not getting my hopes up that it’ll be a clean fight. From the reports, there’s a fair few… So! I asked you here specifically, because, I feel it’s about time we did some squad bonding, no? And as sensei Kazako is out of the country right now, well, we might as well make ourselves look good, right? So! Shall we get out there and crack some heads, and show this gang what it means to be in Iwagakure?” he laughed, shaking his head. He sounded way too excited, but, perhaps it was just the thrill of getting to work as a team with someone, especially someone that he already knew had combat experience.

With a jolly chuckle once more, he stretched his arm out, cracking the knuckles of his left hand, before rolling his shoulders, seemingly getting himself limbered up. Debu meanwhile, just slogged along, looking as lazy as possible, and as disinterested as it had when Kokai and Oki had first tried to beat each other down over a song about ice lollies. Almost as a second thought, Oki turned to look at Kokai, humming quietly before, not so quietly, speaking up. “So, any suggestions for how we get them to show up?

583 + 554 = 1137

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai would glance at the indicated wild west as it was called passed the opposing gate from the direction he came. His eyes scanning the harsh environment with disdain as he considered that they might have to cross it. There were roads for safe passage but it had warning signs up warning to stick to the roads. The plains were shifting and cracked. Dry earth that not many could traverse safely. Merchants avoided this road unless they had a strict time limit. Get caught in a shifting crack in the earth and risk getting crushed to death or worse, trapped down there to die of heat exhaustion and dehydration. Not a good death for anyone. Some where out there his clan had dumped bodies before. No one would find anything out there not meant to be found. Still Oki spoke of walking and talking. They had a mission to do and there would be people to fight ahead. At least Kokai would be of use to someone for once. Not that he would show any appreciation. Instead he mad a tch noise and fell in behind Oki to his right out of the way of the mans bear companion. Keeping pace and listening with his hands still shoved in his pockets.

He would allow himself to listen as information was a game any assassin knew to play. The more one knew the better one could plan to act. His eyes kept to the horizon as they walked and Oki talked. Occasional glances stolen between the large man and his bear from behind. Oki wasn't looking back at him anyway. Had Oki been a target at some point there would be plenty of opportunity with those openings. However Oki was his...squad mate. Almost a friend if Kokai could have those. At the very least Oki treated him as an ally. More than he could say for his own clan. Still he paid attention to every word spoken to him. “Well, comrade, long story short, a group of thugs that go by the name of the Infinity Gang have been causing major trouble, and are speculated to be around this area. Rather unpleasant business, but, we have to break them up, and kill the leader as a message. I’d like as few casualties as possible, but, I’m not getting my hopes up that it’ll be a clean fight. From the reports, there’s a fair few… So! I asked you here specifically, because, I feel it’s about time we did some squad bonding, no? And as sensei Kazako is out of the country right now, well, we might as well make ourselves look good, right? So! Shall we get out there and crack some heads, and show this gang what it means to be in Iwagakure?”

He would sneer and roll his neck at the concept of a gang starting trouble. He didn't mind cracking some heads against people Iwa wanted eliminated. Sparring was a problem with self control but with people like this...he could allow himself a little loss of control and let out this pent up chakra. He smiled for once as it felt like some pressure was being lifted for once. Oki wouldn't likely know of his reluctance to use jutsu but if they ever did grow closer as a team he would have to divulge it. That said it would be interesting to see Oki let loose as well. The man had been his equal in their fight and no matter how much he damaged the leg...targeted his pressure points the man had not gone down. He was a walking tank and even Kokai could respect that. He would watch him roll his massive shoulders as his bear simply lumbered on before they had gone a fair distance from the fort. It was then that Oki inquired of him how to lure out their prey. With a moments thought Kokai would sigh and take a deep breath before mid stride he would shift in clothes and appearance. Taking on the appearance of a well dressed noble with fair skin and light hair. Careful to make it a lower class noble house by appearance so that walking with a single guard wasn't unusual. The transformation technique complete he would continue walking along side his companions.

"As assassins we are trained to use the proper bait for our prey. If this is a gang they want treasure and adventure. To rebel against the village and show their hand as mighty. We offer the appearance of a possible hostage for ransom with out an entourage to defeat. They will seek us out I assure you."


Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

Oki nodded, listening to Kokai’s plan as the brawler shifted in form and attire into one that… Really didn’t suit his personality, not that Oki would say anything about that. Instead he’d simply form the hand seal for the transformation technique, and in a poof of smoke, would change form, the large, tall form now being replaced with a hunched over, hooded figure, with the chain that was around his neck now wrapped around one of his hands. Of course, it wouldn’t do to have Debu’s collar be apparent, so, the chuunin quickly took it off the bear, stuffing it in his weapon pouch, and telling Debu to hide around the corner as he took out a kunai, holding it as if it were a normal knife, continuing to walk as Debu just began growling, arching its back and attempting to look more feral than normal.

Following the rough, but safer, path, Oki kept his knife in hand, hand clutched, and after a couple of minutes of nothing, decided it’d be a good idea to attempt to draw out the hostiles, providing tempting and yet hopefully convincing bait. The disguised Oki pointed the weapon at Kokai, not too closely, and raised his voice, in a way that seemed a lot less bellowy than Oki’s normal, and more… In tune with the more gangly figure he was now. “Hey, ya pansy silver spooned bastard! Get to walking quicker ya posh Iwa’n wanka’! I don’ wanna be out ‘ere all day! Or lil’ pudsy ‘ere will be eatin’ you up before ya get sold off fa’ ransom!

Debu stopped growling for a brief second, surprised by the sudden acting of the moron, but regardless, resumed growling quickly. Oki’s voice hadn’t exactly been quiet, and it was while not the most loud he’d ever been, still fairly loud and angry sounding. He waved the knife around, allowing himself to look weak, but violent. He sniffed the air, and aside from the almost dead scent of Kokai, a foreign smell was in the air, emanating from the direction they were coming. However, still, he pretended to be unaware, Debu taking the hint and following the idea as it kept growling at the disguised Kokai.

At first, five figures, each clad in… Unique, attire, began walking behind and following the trio. Then ten. Soon, twenty one people were following behind, each of different shapes, sizes, and if he had to guess, ages. He kept walking forward though, muttering quietly under his breath, still sniffing at the air. “I think we have company.” He was simple and brief in his assessment, flexing one of the fingers holding the knife as he kept walking, waiting for the moment to turn and strike, or anything as such that Kokai might suggest through action. His shoulders tensed, and he prepared himself for the inevitable fight that was about to begin. It would be his first time letting loose in a while, so, perhaps it would be a good chance.

500 + 1137 = 1637

Chakra: 195/200 (-5 for transformation technique)

Jutsu used:

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai would walk for a time with Oki with both of them disguised. The persona that Oki had chosen for his disguise made Kokai almost sigh audibly as his eyebrow twitched. He had to go with the most annoying and difficult to understand accent he could think of. Luckily the transformation jutsu softened his features to something more timid so Kokai looked less irritable and more confused and scared. Perhaps even alarmed at the knife being wielded so close to him. A growl from Debu brought his attention to looking over his shoulder at the bear. Honestly that was going to be the difficult selling point. Even with the two of them looking less than a tenth as threatening as they actually were a bear was still a bear. He wondered idly if the thing didn't have a transformation technique as doubt whittled its way into his plan. Even seeming more Feral Debu was no joke. Oki was challenging on his own but even Kokai wasn't sure how he would handle a bear of all things. His gaze was still crimson as he glanced the bear over and returned to acting timid but regal. They were far from the fort now and fair game. If something was going to go down it would happen soon.

A sniff to the air from both the man and the bear next to him caught his attention even as they played it off. His eyes narrowed for a moment as he lowered his head. His hands folded in the wide sleeves by appearances as they gripped a kunai he had slipped up there at some point from the pouch. Sleight of hand being just another talent of his. He dared not look behind them less he scare off who ever was approaching but he needn't worry about that. Ahead of them stood a group of nine men all armed and awaiting their arrival. They likely had some impressive scout system or mobility here if they could predict when anyone was coming and set a trap barring retreat or continued travels. His eyes shifted to Oki as he noted the man tensing and felt him preparing for anything. Kokai wasn't a fan at the lack of cover but Oki knew the mission. If anything it would be Oki's job to go straight for the head of the snake. Kokai on the other hand would have crowd control. A simple job but one that was uneasy with so many numbers.

They stopped in their tracks as they were barred movement several meters from the roadblock. The group behind them stopping ten meters back. Kokai Let his breathing regulate as he slipped into a state of calm. The obvious leader of the group stepping forward and smiling as he spoke with a voice like gravel. Addressing Oki as weapons were held but not drawn. "Now now this isn't a good spot for you ta do this Mr. hostage taker. Ya need to know how to treat a hostage right...and how to get the villages attention. Hand him over quiet and you will only get a little beating for conducting business in our turf and not cutting us in on it. Collect him boys." With that three men stepped forward. As they did so did Kokai. Looking meek as he moved a meter in front of Oki looking unsure for the moment. As if afraid Oki might cut him from behind and feed him to the bear. The three men approached Kokai and reached out for him to snag him by the arms. However much to their own disdainful fall they had expected no resistance from him and were overconfident. A poof of white smoke cut off their vision as Kokai stepped through it and dropped the transformation. A right hook dropping the first one as Kokai sped forward. Kunai in left hand as he jabbed it twice into the neck of the other man closest to him. The third was fast to begin drawing his blade but a well placed front kick from Kokai slammed his blade back into scabbard as Kokai yanked his kunai from the neck of his last victim. His blade now slamming into the gut of the third opponent three times in rapid succession before he too dropped. Lastly he spun and dropped his heal on the throat of the first person he dropped. Smoke blowing away from the three as they lay bleeding in the dirt and sand. With that Kokai looked up. Blood dripping from his hand that held the kunai. Looking to see if Oki had gone for the leader during the distraction.


Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

Nine stood in front of them. Oki could only estimate there were more behind, but, the fact that nine were in front meant that despite the inherent flaw of the plan with Debu, it still worked. Perhaps it was simply due to the fact that Debu wasn’t a fully grown bear, or perhaps that they had such a superior numbers advantage that to them, the bear was a non-factor. Still, in an attempt at a feint, Oki put the kunai knife back away, raising his hands and turning around to face the group behind them, assuming hopefully that Kokai could deal with the ones that showed up to block their path. They were seeming to take offense to business being done in their ‘turf’ without payment, or knowledge prior. Still, as he counted the mass of a group that had been following them, he felt somewhat discouraged, not so much from fear, but simply the high risk of needless casualties, ones that Oki would rather avoid. He sighed, not breaking his transformation quite yet as he stepped forwards, arms raised towards the nearest of the enemies, a rather meek looking fellow with a kunai in hand. His hand brushed Debu’s fur lightly as he walked past the bear, who turned to face the masses along with Oki.

One of the members stepped forward to strike Oki, who remained passive until the sound of an ended transformation sounded behind him, followed by the sound of conflict beginning. Only a couple of feet now between the two, Oki sprang into action at a remarkable speed for one of his size. In a poof of smoke, the transformation ended as a large, hairy fist grabbed the scrawny offender by the scruff of his shirt, turning and dragging him to gain momentum before throwing the thug at the nearest of the crowd, knocking the two to the floor as the other mass prepared themselves for a fight, arming themselves with their minor weaponry, although some had less pleasant looking weapons – swords, and even a single person wielding a halberd, a type of weapon that was far more serious than Oki had expected. Furthermore, the guy with the halberd was about Oki sized… He sighed, nodding to himself as he rushed forward with Debu into the crowd – that was likely the leader, the snake to cut the head off.

That was, when and if he could get there. Two of the foes were down, but many more lie in the way. He grabbed his bear by the hind legs, spinning around quickly as a few more, with swords, approached, before launching Debu point blank into three of them, knocking them over, but getting the bear cut along its leg in the process. Upon landing atop the foremost man, the bear in a rage batted a claw viciously at his chest, Oki simply running to move between himself and his bear as more of the hostiles approached. Five more of the gang stepped forward to strike him at once, and, in anger at his pet being hurt, Oki struck the nearest first, punching him with the weight behind his mass, causing an audible crack in the air as a sword fell and clattered to the dirt, followed swiftly by the flump of a body, however, the next member made a mark, stabbing Oki right in the side with a kunai, causing an almost primal roar of pain to escape his lips, his face in a bloodrage of a snarl as he swung his arm around suddenly to bat off the attacker, focusing chakra throughout his body and crouching low now, the next sword swing bouncing off his arm as his skin temporarily became hard as stone. Furious, the bear ninja grabbed the hand holding the sword, cracking the wrist before punching him twice in the face. Another one down, as Debu finished getting up from its anger, and roared. The fight had started proper.

658 + 1637 = 2292

Chakra: 180/200 (-5 for preparing companion safety sub, -10 for D rank jutsu)

Jutsu used:

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai would take note of Oki going for the other sides forces. He almost clicked his own teeth at the concept. Tactically it would of been best to clear one direction first and give themselves room to retreat. He had forgotten that his training was different from the typical shinobi schools and other clans. From a young age tactics were taught instead of poetry, war a profession many assassins understood. They lived and breathed in classes were failure meant pain. He had the art of war taught to him instead of lessons of turning from battle. A kunai before a hug and blood letting before love. It was the way of his clan and he held no regards against them for it. In his mind the only thing that held him back was his failure and dishonor. Still as Oki went to take on the larger group Kokai knew what his goal must be. He knew it was upon his head that taking down the retreat marker and removing their flanked side. He would sigh inwardly and flip his kunai. Holding it now in a reverse grip as crimson eyes scanned the enemy line. Sounds of Oki transforming and wreaking havoc were apparent. A pity for those who would challenge him.

Still Kokai only had a moment to shift his stance when the six in front of him took pride and charged. With honor in his heart he stood his ground and spread his stance. Six men were not to be taken lightly. He would take in a breath to steady himself as he counted their paces nearing him. To himself he counted their steps. Ten steps made them dangerous at a range of jutsu. Nine steps brought forth the danger of thrown weapons. Eight steps and they were merely a moment from being upon him. Seven steps and no weapons with reach such as the spear were a danger. Six steps and sword techniques could not be ignored. Five steps and he knew them to be simple men with clubs. At four steps he finally acted. Within that moment Kokai stepped forward and launched up. His feet lifting to kick two men in the chest and flip backwards knocking them to the ground and the air out of them. Flying back as their comrades passed them he landed immediately going into a crouch with the momentum. At the end of his crouch his chakra sprouted and he spun with a low leg sweep. His chakra was black in nature as it swarmed his leg and dust kicked up from it. Catching the front runner by the heel and sending him spinning two meters away and landing with a thud next to his comrades.

It was then that the next three were upon him. A club coming up and smashing down to be knocked to the side by the kunai guard. However another club caught him in the shoulder and knocked Kokai to his side. Boots and fists began to lay into him as his mind shifted. A memory of a class with his mentor. The one to train him in the art of martial arts. A blind man in robes with prayer beads around his neck and wrists. He remembered the old man speaking of allowing ones self to embrace the demon within. The oni part of the soul was a powerful tool. However if a man delved too deep within the darkest corners of his soul it would begin to infect the rest. He would need to be careful to wrestle control always less he fall to the darkness and embrace Oni entirely. That was the warning spoken to him. So it was that in the moment of pain and conquest that Kokai let himself slip into the darkness of his soul. Let himself touch the Oni and survive this.

Oki would be the first to know shit just hit the fan. His companion Debu soon after. Even in the heat of battle they would smell the scent of rotting flesh like a week old battlefield. The scent would hit them just before the screaming. The cries of men in pain and fear crying out across the cracked earth and echoing back. Some of the men further from Oki and Debu would hesitate as they had from Debu's first flight into their ranks and Oki's charge. Eyes would turn to shift to the sight of five more men laying on the crimson stained earth and one man being dragged as he moaned faintly in a death throes of a weak cry. His skin spreading and turning grey as Kokai dragged him by his fingers imbedded into the mans eye sockets and burning hands holding him. No smoke rose but the flesh turned and bubbled as it rotted. Slowly the man died but Kokai continued to drag him towards the forces around Oki. Men hesitating as they looked into his eyes and felt the chill in the air. Ground icing over as any moisture froze and his eyes were crimson from one end to the other. Mist forming from his mouth as he breathed. His cold breath misting the air as he approached. Death was coming.


Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

In Oki’s mind, there was no fleeing from this fight – they were given a mission to complete, where the goal was to eliminate the threats. He wasn’t out for blood, although perhaps sending someone with anger issues on this type of mission was a lack of foresight on behalf of the mission assignment team. Still, Oki had one goal – beat up as many of the enemies until the boss shows, kill the boss, and finish any that still wish to fight. Not that he was thinking about this as the next person ran up to shank him, Oki grabbing one arm around the neck, one around the legs, and tossing them at the crowd like one would imagine a certain monkey in a famous branded game, involving barrels and a plumber. Such a clumsy and obvious attack was easy for the crowd to dodge, but it at the very least meant there was one less hostile, and gave the idea of intimidation – what Oki was trying for.

Yet what Oki would never have predicted, was the smell that soon permeated the air, causing his nostrils to twitch, and making the crowd shuffle backwards away from him slowly. Something putrid weighted down the atmosphere, and both Oki and Debu were showing a disgusted expression as something they were unfamiliar with hung in the air – the scent of rotting flesh, peeling apart. The screaming that followed broke Oki out of his rampage of combat, and he instinctively turned to look at the source of the sound. Was Kokai in trouble? Debu kept looking ahead, trusting Oki’s judgement and thus guarding him in case any still wished to attack. Yet what Oki saw was not something he imagined seeing. Five of the hostiles lay on the ground, crimson seeping from their prone bodies, dead. And towards the large group, dragging a near death corpse from the eyes, Kokai walked, looking almost mindless in rage, blood staining his hands, the flesh of the body burnt and flaked, rotten and destroyed. It was obvious to even Oki that he had to end this shit, now. So, he turned back around, with Debu, nodding to the bear before concluding that he had to finish the mission fast, and if need be, subdue Kokai before he caused even more needless casualties. Understanding the situation, Debu curled up.

Hoisting his bear into his hands, Oki roared, throwing the curled up bear at the largest person he could see – the one with the halberd. Distracted by the gruesome, bloody, and almost psychopathic acts of the hooded man, who was covered in a black, deathly aura that seemed to freeze the air itself from sheer hatred, the bear hit its mark, the curled up form of Debu like a boulder as it connected with the man’s head, knocking him backwards. That wasn’t where Oki and Debu stopped though, in an instant Oki swapping places with Debu and smashing a fist directly into the face of the falling enemy, driving all of his strength and weight behind the attack as he drove the man to the ground in a single blow, the nose breaking audibly from the impact. Oki didn’t stop there however, smashing his hand brutally down once more to ensure the enemy was stunned, before lifting them up, and snapping his neck. Swift and simple. Yet gruesome nonetheless. He sighed, frowning as he turned around, to survey the area. Debu shifted from where it now was, moving away from Kokai and his vile stench and rage. The men that had resolve to fight and rob lost all morale – their leader dead, and many of their comrades little more than rotting or beaten cadavers. This left one problem left before Oki could gather the bodies, count the casualties, and prepare to finish the mission… His team and squad mate, Kokai Tsumi.

Rolling his shoulder, Oki stepped forward, expression stern as he flexed his muscles somewhat, making sure he was refreshed and rejuvenated in case things went sour. He gestured his hand to Debu as the bandits were soon nowhere in sight, and the trio were the last ones left alive in the area. A low rumble of a growl escaped his lips as he looked at Kokai, clenching his fist. He had not expected his comrade would have such an ability, not that he would have the capability for such malice. Oki had specifically instructed him to deal as few casualties as possible, where did Kokai get the idea that Oki had demanded otherwise?! To Oki, there was every opportunity to take a bad path, and killing more than a mission required certainly struck him as a bad path. Practically roaring in a shout, he looked at Kokai as he spoke. “Kokai! I thought I told you to kill as little as possible! This mission is over, so stand down!” he crouched, half expecting this to not end in a peaceful agreement. Still, he could hope his comrade would see reason and calm down. But as he looked to the rotting, gouged eyed corpse, and the blood that stained his hands, the idea seemed more unlikely to the chuunin, who for now watched and waited, not having paid mind to whether or not more bodies had turned up in the time he was finishing the fight. To him, there were too many bodies to tell if it had changed in the scuffle.

902 + 2292 = 3194

Chakra: 170/ 200 (-10 for activating Companion Safety Sub)
Debu's Chakra: 25/40 (-15 for a C rank jutsu)

Jutsu used:

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai Tsumi

It was as if Kokai were locked within a dream. Fields stretched out before him as he stood amongst the grain. Sun falling from a deep blue sky and nothing but fields as far as the eye could see. He felt light as if he barely touched the ground and yet something was wrong. The fields did not smell of grain but instead of steel. Quietly he outstretched his hand to touch the top of one stock and felt a stinging pain. Where he had touched it as his hand yanked away his blood stained the tip black. Soon the black spread and began to shift across the entire stalk. Consuming it and spreading further like oil. Dark flames sprouting from it and smelling of death. Even as he stood there he knew if he remained he would die. To himself he wished to be elsewhere. Someplace safe from the grain and fires. Slowly he would blink and when his eyes opened he would be standing within a pond. Crystal clear waters cool to the touch. Smoke from the fires lost in the distance but still towering into the sky. He breathed in safety and knelt in the cool waters to sooth his heated skin. Watching as the waters slowly washed away the ashes off him and filled with grey before turning crimson. As he looked up he sat in a pond of blood and the black flames surrounded the shore. The destiny of anyone on his path. The destiny of those consumed with darkness.

A shout caught him from his mind and snapped him back. Crimson fading to the pupils of his eyes as the cold fluttered and returned to normal around him. His bones ached and yet he stood. His arm heavy as he looked down. A man whimpered weakly under his hand with his fingers in the mans eyes. With a jolt of realization he released the man and let him drop before looking at his blood stained hands. Oki was looking at him while men ran. Several bodies on the ground near him as well but some still moving. A confused look shifted from him back the way he came. None of the men from behind him stood. Only the blind man still even shifted weakly. He would swallow before a drip of blood fell off his fingertips into the dirt. He looked down at it before it all played back in his mind. A violent beast tearing into men with kunai and Senbon. Fires ripping into them and the black flames doing their foul deed. Even now the flames had died down he could still smell them. He doubted the blind man laying next to him sobbing would survive. Still he needed to move on. He needed to get clean of this. A sickness in his stomach died down and his eyes shifted to Oki. Glaring at the man before moving to walk passed him. Speaking in a growl of his own. A mark on the side of his face from where a club had struck him. Not bothering to note Oki's wounds beyond a comment.

"I killed those who would see me dead. Survival is all this is. Since the missions over I am heading home. If you can't make it with those wounds you best tell me before I get too far ahead of you. I ain't coming back to heal you two."


Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

Oki glared as Kokai stopped what he was doing, the screaming man dropped and sliding off of Kokai’s fingers. The bear man barely paid any heed to what the man did, watching him squirm off as much as he could out of the corner of his eye, but otherwise staying focused on Kokai. It took a lot for Oki to control himself, clenching his fist as his squad mate simply began walking past him, blatantly commenting that he did what had to be done, and was leaving for home. Oki said nothing, simply standing there and letting him walk past, not glancing back once as the bloody assassin went on his way. After a brief pause, Oki walked over to the crawling form of the man, sighing and shaking his head. “I am sorry, stranger. May you find peace in the pure land.” And with that, Oki leant down, snapping the man’s neck. He frowned, looking down at his hands. He hadn’t touched the man long, but he had blood on his hands. And it was this moment that allowed Oki to truly realise how brutal the whole mess was. Bodies scattered, some unconscious, but most of them dead. Crimson stained the ground, leaking through the cracks in the earth and leaving a foul, metallic taste in the air. Shaking his head, Oki sighed and walked back the way he’d come, Debu walking alongside. This was a grim situation that he didn’t look forward to reporting on.

Later that day.

Having washed his hands of the blood from the eyeless man, Oki now sat in the lobby of the administration building, writing down his report of the mission. While the mission was successful, it was not in a way that Oki was pleased with. Today his squad mate had revealed himself to be a dangerous person, violent, and reckless. Oki had thought to take him on this mission for his skills and for their being in the same squad. But had he known the lives it would have cost… He furrowed his brow, scrawling down in messy handwriting the details and happenings of the day, as well as the total body count, and the injuries sustained. He had a bandage over his wound, beneath the clothes and jacket he was wearing. Frowning, he signed the piece of paper, folding it up, putting it in an envelope, before sending it off for approval. Getting up, Oki stretched out, petting Debu on the head before walking home to have a bath, then go to bed.

423 + 3194 = 3617



Kokai Tsumi

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai walked himself home. His thoughts on the recent battle pestering and pulling at his mind. What had come over him? Had he delved too deep just in order to survive. The power had awakened again and he had no control over it. He had been awakened to that power and delved deep within it to the point that he had dominated his enemies. Even Oki, his rival, was not pleased with him. As the adrenaline faded and he walked the long road he would feel the ache and pain of all those blunt hits against his ribs. A glance over his shoulder told him that Oki was not close behind him. Still he didn't want to see the man right now. He didn't want to see yet another person afraid of him. They were never friends but that look he had seen on her face....he couldn't bare to see it again. Not from Oki and not right that moment. People feared him and that was a natural thing.

Still as he passed the garrison he would focus an orb of medical chakra over his own bruises and wounds. Focusing the green chakra into healing the aches and soon his breathing became more simple. In a matter of minutes the healing was done well enough that he could move freely. Now out of sight of the garrison Kokai shifted his pace and broke out into a sprinting leap from rock to rock on a shortcut up the mountain back to his apartment. Avoiding the main gate and hopping over the wall between guard shifts. His chakra was known by the village so no one bothered pursuing him. Instead he made it quietly back into his apartment and stripped out of his clothes. Stepping into the shower and allowing the hot water to gradually wash the blood off of him. Hanging his head under the stream and watching the blood go swirling into the drain. Tomorrow would be a new day...

Exit thread

1500/1500 mission complete


Taijutsu C-B 2000/2000

516 abandoned

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