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1Jutsu Training [Closed] Empty Jutsu Training [Closed] Fri Dec 21, 2012 7:25 pm



Kenny had been wandering around Konohagakure for a while now, wandering what to have for dinner, what winter clothing he would have to buy for himself once Christmas kicked in. (Seeing as though it wasn't long till a shit ton of people ran around, singing jolly songs. Fucking preachers.) It might have been time to learn a brand new jutsu? Nah...that would involve work to do and Kenny wasn't one for having it anytime soon. He just wanted to sit back and relax for a change and not have to worry about being K.O'd by his clones. Yeah, a little bit of peace would do him some good...

He was sat near the front gates, just outside a dumpling shop to be exact while watching the two jounin which were always positioned at the front gate fighting over a...plushie of...a blue hedgehog? Meh. He gritted his teeth as a small piece of him knew that he wanted to train...wanted to better himself while the majority of him fought with all it's might but...lets face it...the side that wanted to train always won this battle...god damn it; why couldn't he just have a day where he's not being harassed by the Kage's cousin, her ex and be shot into the air by himself and his raiton...fuck this shit. Getting up from the cold oak bench, he scratched the back of neck in frustration before releasing a small sigh of exasperation.

"Better get this out of the way then, shall I?" He said to himself as his golden gaze found their way to the sky, a frosty hue was spread out across the clouds like a sheet. Yep, winter was definitely finding it's way to Konohagakure. Brilliant. He turned from his spot and slowly but surely walked into the village to find a nice small and secluded spot from everyone else to avoid having any incidents seeing as though this jutsu had a blinding effect...last thing he wants is a lawsuit on him for flashing a child...wait no...that never came out right....scratch that!

After about half an hour of avoiding his fellow ninja and the courier which handed out missions to those that failed to get to the Kage household to pick up, (which he has a bad habit of doing and will sooner or later hear about it...joys.) He decided to pick a nice little spot in between a small cluster of buildings where only construction workers seemed to be. Thankfully it was their day off from work so this training day will be easy enough to do. No interruptions or nothing. Fantastic.
"Right...might aswell start this now before I get caught doing this...I don't think I should be doing this here though...Oh well. Not hurting anybody now am I?" He joked, cracking his knuckles and shivering as he felt his warm blood soar through his fists as he clenched the tightly together before placing his index and thumb together with his right hand; unsure if he was doing it right...which he was not. Idiot. He shook his hands and grunted since the attempt was a failure, the cold sting of the wind hitting his hands like a knife through butter. OH dear god...

Shaking his hands, the coldness dispersing for a brief moment as the blood continued to make it's way through his hands, he shook his body from side to side, loosening him up as he braced himself once more to attempt the jutsu which was at hand. he was to place his fingers on his temples and release his chakra into a light form? Seemed easy enough then...Kenny cracked both his thumbs and narrowed his eyes as he began to concentrate and force his chakra through his body. He just needed to do this right and that was him, having learned a new jutsu. Even though he basically already had a jutsu which did the exact same effect as this one but you'll never know when you might need to double tap.

Placing his fingers in the right place that was required to do the jutsu, Keny's golden eyes scanned the environment, making sure that there were no civilians that may be caught in the radius of the jutsu. Nope. Not a single person was in sight so the jutsu should be safe to activate and have no problems in doing so. Forcing his chakra through his body, Kenny shot out a large wall of light fro his sight, the searing light enough to blind those caught in the radius.

word count: 773/750

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