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"You take care Mizuki! I'd love to visit you sometime." She bowed her head a bit, and as Mizuki left, she watched as Maigo misjudged the distance between her and his arm, and fell against the counter. She giggled and facepalmed a bit. It was good to have goofy friends, and even funnier and a bit more enjoyable when they were interested in you. She offered him a hand up, and if he accepted it, she would smile.

"Alright, but I'm having you sleep on the couch, I don't want you dying of alcohol poisoning in your sleep on me, or something stupid like that." She grinned to him, hoisted his arm over her shoulder, and carried him to her home. She would watch him through the night, after getting his boots and socks off and covering him in a blanket. Yes, it was a bit of a bad situation to meet Mizuki in, but it wasn't like she was her student or anything. So no harm done. Right?

WC: 3223

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