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1Extending his grasp [Training] Empty Extending his grasp [Training] Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:22 pm


Day One

Trilby fiddled with the binding on his headband, tightening it's grasp on his neck. Special Jounin. It seemed like it had been a century since he first joined the academy, a scared child who wanted the power to grasp the world in his hands and protect what he loved. ”Your form is weak! You lack discipline!” Tanzo bellowed out, a clear undertone of frustration. ”AGAIN!” Tanzo formed the boar seal, and six small stone balls shot out of the ground at his feet, flying into the air. Trilby raised his hands, quickly performing a string of hand seals. Dog, Boar, Bird. The rock at Trilby's feet shot up in six solid shafts of stone, rocketing for the stone balls, which were now beginning to fall. The sound crack of stone piercing stone rang out as three of the spears pierced the balls, while the rest shattered against the ground. Trilby swore silently under his breath. They had been doing this for hours now, and while he had improved to a degree, his form and control over his ninjutsu was still incredibly sloppy. ”Pathetic... We're done.” His sensei said with a sigh. Tanzo's disappointment was clear. Trilby could weave seals with ease, yet his ninjutsu control was sloppy at best, he lacked the pinpoint accuracy he needed to maser the more advanced techniques.

The moon was hung high in the air over the Tsumi Training grounds. Trilby sat there in frustration. No amount of penetrating rocks or apples with spears would make him any more accurate, this was an issue of his control rather than of his accuracy. Until he improved his ability to manipulate and convert chakra, he would never get anywhere. Spread out before him, Trilby had a several of, well, training materials, shall we say. A phone book and a stack of parchment paper. Taking up a strip of parchment paper, Trilby pressed it between the palms of his hands. Trilby focused intently, the charkra channels in his fingers pulsing with energy as he focused his chakra into an infinitely fine edge. Trilby could always perform wind based techniques, but his execution was sloppy at best. During his genin days, he would practice cutting leaves in half, but he could never get a perfect split, only jagged tears through the centre, an imperfect cut unworthy of the power of wind. The paper let out a loud splitting noise, as a jagged zig-zag pattern tore it's way through the side of the paper, stopping halfway. A slight pink tint seeped through the paper he was grasping. Tossing it aide, he saw the wind he was channelling had overshot slightly, carving a slight imprint of a zig-zag pattern into the surface of his hand. Trilby grasped a new piece of parchment, pinning it between his hands. The rip of paper sounded once more, and the paper he was holding split in two, a large zig-zag gash through the narrow end. Trilby jumped a bit as he cut deeper into his hand. Leaves were simple targets, tiny, required a small amount of fine wind to cut, whereas the paper required a larger wave, it was harder to keep it focused. Trilby wiped the blood from his hand, putting pressure on the wound as he gathered his things. Tomorrow would be a better day. It had to be.

Day Two

Trilby sat in the sand, dumping his flak-jacket at his side. The sun had just risen and it was a fantastic day for training. Drawing the stack of paper from the sack at his feet, he peeled off a single sheet of parchment from the stack. The gash on his hand from the previous night had already begun to heal over. The issue was clear, he had overreached. Trying to do it in one swing was excessive and stupid. He would have to start small, light cuts in the paper to get the depth right, then increase the length. Placing his hands over the surface of the paper, he focused, sending small bursts of fine air chakra from the tips of his fingers. The paper curled in his hand, crinkling. The wind had been too weak, instead of slicing, it simply deformed the surface of the paper. Again, a new parchment was selected. The sound of paper being separated rung out, a familiar tune. A small gash, spanning only a few inches carved it's way through the paper. It was straight, and unlike the others it didn't leave his palms bleeding. Progress was progress, he figured. His following attempts were consistent, increasing in length compared to the previous cut by roughly an inch or two per cut, until eventually the page tore in two.

Mid-day, it was time for lunch. Trilby was worn out from his morning training. Reaching into his ruck sack, he produced a small rectangle packet, covered in silver plastic. Tearing through the top of the packet, he revealed a sort of paste, with chunks of meat in it. Rations. They weren't appealing, but they were effective. Tossing aside the now empty container of rations, Trilby turned his focus back to his training. He had split one piece of paper in half, cleaning down the centre. Now, he had to increase the thickness, by using multiple sheets at once. Taking five pieces of parchment into his hand, Trilby grasped the stack of paper tightly, focusing his chakra into a thin blade which he quickly dragged across the surface of the paper. The blade tore through the paper, digging through the first three pages entirely and leaving a slash on the fourth. Replacing the cut pieces, Trilby focused his chakra. Another slash. All five pieces were cut, but the line was less perfect than the others, a slight ripple in it's edge. Ten pages, eight cut, still a slight wobble in the edge. Ten pages, eight cut, straight edge. Ten pages, ten cut, straight edge. Paper had outlived it's usefulness.

The sun set in the distance, and Trilby's work for the day was done. He had no chakra left to use, and he was starving for some good food. Stashing his equipment, he went off to town. Tomorrow would be just as fit for training, given some rest.

Word Count: 1036

2Extending his grasp [Training] Empty Re: Extending his grasp [Training] Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:26 pm


Day Three

Rows of skeletal straw dummies stood scattered throughout the area. Thick strands of straw compacted together formed a density similar to that of bone. Though the concept was originally used to test the quality of swords, Trilby figured he could adapt the idea, use it as a target for his wind chakra. Approaching one of the dummies, Trilby rested his hands on it's arm. He breathed deeply. Start with the basics, he thought. Combine physical energy and spiritual energy. Swirl them together and compress them tighter and tighter. Drain off a section of the chakra, convert it to wind energy, transfer it to the hands. Take the wind chakra and grind it together into a fine point, then release it in a burst into the arm.

The crack of straw tearing sounded, as the dummies arm blew off. Inspecting the stump, Trilby saw the cut, while penetrating through the straw completely, was more of an explosion than a slash. He needed a fine cut, not an explosion. Refining his chakra more, he tried again with the other arm, taking his time to focus on grinding down the chakra to a fine edge, and slashing the chakra across the arm rather than just releasing it in a burst. The arm fell off, the cut was jagged and unruly, but it was a start. Trilby made his way through every bit of the dummy he could, arms, legs, neck, torso. Every slice got a tiny bit less jagged. Hours of grinding away beyond sunset and finally, he came to the last dummy. Placing his hands on it's chest, he expelled a thin, razor sharp blade of air, slicing the dummy in half, and even taking the arms with it. A perfect, smooth cut. He had done it. A precision, powerful, well controlled burst of chakra. Turning around to celebrate, his vision went blurry and he collapsed.

Day Four

Trilby woke up on the Tsumi training grounds where he had collapsed, surrounded by academy students who were there for morning lessons. A chuunin headed over, patting Trilby on the shoulder as he slowly came to. ”Judging by the mutilated dummies everywhere, I’d say you overused your chakra mate. Be a bit careful” He said with a smile, helping him to his feet. ”Don't worry, I'm fine.” Trilby said with a grin, grabbing his things and heading off to grab some much needed food. Trilby slammed down his bowl of ramen, thanking the store clerk before heading off down the street. He began to make his way to Tanzo's home, but noticed something on his way there; a crate of bright, shiny red apples. Purchasing the crate, he changed direction and returned to the training grounds. Three handsome visages of Trilby stood around the crate of apples, staring at their original. ”On your mark.” they said in unison, an apple in each hand. ”Ready!” Six crimson red spheres shot through the air, soaring up a few feet before plummeting down towards the earth. Dog, Boar, Bird. Six shafts of stone rose from the ground at Trilby's feet, lunging towards the apples. Four apples impaled onto the spikes, while the other two shattered on impact. Trilby repeated this process multiple times, always catching four or five every time. But it felt wrong. He needed pressure. Even if it wasn't hazardous, he needed some reason to act, not just because he disliked the taste of apples. The clones readied their apples, but instead of throwing them into the air, they threw them directly at Trilby, catching him surprised. Acting fast, he strung together his hand seals, shooting six stone spears towards the apples, piercing them all dead centre. ”Let's up the pressure..." Six stone Trilby's stood around the apple crate, raising twelve apples in their hands before hurling them towards the original. Twelve stone spikes shot from Trilby's feet, apples landing on eleven spikes. Trilby thought he had missed one, but looking up, saw that one spear had caught two apples on it's tip. He was done.

Tanzo swung his fist into the old oak door of Tanzo's house, quickly being responded to by the groan of bolts unhinging. ”What do you want?” he grunted with a scowl, he was clearly still frustrated about their last training session. As gifted a shinobi as he was, he had no patience for teaching whatsoever. Still, some of his brilliance had rubbed off on Trilby, helping push him past his peers. ”I want another chance.” ”Another chance to prove your incompetence huh? Fine. One try. But not six, twelve. If you can't do that you're not worth my effort.” he said with a grunt, marching off to his back yard.

Tanzo slammed his hands into the ground, causing a stone platform to rise out of the grass at their feet and rise a few feet into the air. Out of this circular stage, a further two circular platforms rose a foot out of the platform, one on either end. Tanzo stood on one, and gestured Trilby towards the other. Once the two men took their positions, Tanzo formed the boar seal. Ten small stone spheres shot out of the ground at Tanzo's feet, flying high into the air. Trilby breathed deep, shutting his eyes. Dog, Boar, Bird. Twelve razor sharp rock spears shot out of the ground at trilby's feet, rocketing towards tanzo's spheres, which were now beginning to plummet. The grating noise of stone piercing stone rang out, as the twelve stone spheres were penetrated by Trilby's spheres, every single one dead centre onto the sphere. ”I'll be damned...” Tanzo said, placing his hands on his head and allowed a smile to break through his typically grim visage. Trilby dropped to his knees, sighing as the exhaustion began to overtake him. He had been training non stop for the better part of a week, with less than adequate food and drink consumption. Time for a hard earned break.

Word Count: 2025/2000

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