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A yawn and a stretch later and Ashi was awake. She sat up in bed, glaring momentarily at the light shining through her open window before she gazed around the room with sleep filled eyes. She'd worn herself down recently and she was about to do even more of that with her training today. Reaching up she rubbed her eyes and then reached over to Akai, who had stolen over half of her bed in the night, and gave her a slight shake. "Wake up, sleepy head. We've got stuff to do today." Akai lifted her head, shaking it a bit in an attempt to wake herself up. A big toothy yawn and stretch later and Akai jumped herself off of the bed and wandered over to Ashi's door, nudging it open with her paw.
Ashi groaned as she stretched once more, hating the idea of having to climb out of her nice warm bed. But, this jutsu wasn't going to teach itself, and she figured she was going to need most of the day to get it done. "Mmm... breakfast time.", she muttered, throwing the covers off of herself just as her stomach began to roar to life. A grumble later over the floor being cold and she was on her way to the kitchen.
It took all of twenty or so minutes for her to cook up enough bacon, eggs, and sausage for herself and Akai, and another ten for them to devour it all. Ashi leaned back in her chair for a moment, rubbing her now full feeling stomach before with yet another stretch she stood up and out of her chair. "Lemme get dressed Akai and we can head off." She gave her loyal companion a nice scratch behind the ears before wandering her way back into her bedroom. A trip to her closet later and she was dressed: long sleeved mesh armor undershirt covered by a black top with sleeves that went down to her elbows, black mesh armor down her legs as well that went just below her knees with black Capri length shorts, and finally black open toed sandals on her feet. Her multi colored hair was brushed out quickly and then thrown into a messy bun, only bothering to do so to keep it out of her way.
Finished with getting ready she walked out of her room and gave a soft whistle as she walked towards the door to call Akai over. The large dog ran over and then out as she opened the door. Closing it behind her she paused long enough to lock the door before looking up at the sky, this time without the nasty glare towards the brightness. "Where do you think we should go train today, Akai?", she asked while looking toward the ninken. She'd picked the last few places they'd gone, so this time it was Akai's turn. A series of short growls and barks later and they were on their way, headed today to the dense forest.
Ashi pondered over how Akai had picked the perfect place while the two ran side by side, reaching the line of the forest in a matter of minutes. They didn't pause, however, knowing that they were going to have to head pretty deep in to ensure that no harm came to any passersby. Ashi was not looking forward to being told off because they accidentally caused harm to someone who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. So another fifteen or so minutes of running and they'd reached the clearing the pair had been aiming for.
Ashi came to a dead stop in the center of the clearing while Akai continued to run around it, obviously hyper already and ready to get started. 'I'm glad I got the information yesterday and already went over it with Akai, else we'd be getting no where fast with how hyper she is.', Ashi mused mentally, smiling outwardly as she watched her ninken try and eat a butterfly. "Come on, Akai. Lets get started, we're burning daylight. I'll make you a giant meal when we're done with this, how's that? Besides, I'm sure that butterfly isn't going to taste very good." Akai paused, seeming to ponder between eating the butterfly now or waiting for a giant feast later. Akai's decision was quickly made and without bothering the butterfly again she wandered herself back over to Ashi where she sat, completely still now, and entirely focused.
Now that she was glad she had Akai's full and undivided attention she paused long enough to complete a series of stretches; loosening her shoulders, stretching out her back and chest, followed by her legs and arms, even a good bit of neck rolling to ensure she didn't do something stupid like give herself a healthy dose of whip lash. Akai followed suite with one great big stretch followed by a shake of her tremendous body.
"Alright, now, you remember the idea of it right? Like a saw. It'll be just like our Piercing Fang, only a different shape, kay?" Akai barked an afirmitive, standing her form back up.
Ashi grinned at the eagerness of Akai's. "Alright, now I've read that the only way to complete this is by using the Four Legs technique, because it's going to take a hell of a lot of speed to pull off, just like our other ones, got it?" Another bark to confirm that Akai understood and Ashi felt they were well on their way already.
"Lets get started, then!", Ashi spoke enthusiastically.
Now it was time to get serious, they both understood the basic idea of it, now it was time to put it into play. Without further adue Ashi's body lowered in a more crouched stance, canine's elongated slightly, nails turning claw like, pupils becoming slits. Ah yes, Four Legs Technique. Akai followed suit, her own body lowering into a more attack like position, teeth bared in both excitement and determination to get this done right. Ashi gave a nod towards the tree across the clearing, one with a series of cut marks in it that had been left from someone who had used the spot in the past for training.
Ashi began running towards the target, Akai following suit. The two combined not long afterwards, body's beginning to spin in a violent saw like shape. A mass if spinning teeth and claws prepared to rip whatever it came into contact apart. Yeaaaaah, no. The pair smashed into the tree, which was completely unharmed, despite how violent their attempt looked.
Ashi laid there on the cold hard ground, rubbing her head which had hit first before the rest of her body. Akai gave a whine, standing up to all fours again and giving a shake of her head. "Okay, that didn't go as planned... lets try again, faster this time." With a groan Ashi climbed back to her feet before moving back to their starting position. Akai followed behind her, giving another shake of her head. 'I'm going to be sporting a goose egg by the time this is over,' Ashi paused to muse mentally before moving back into the Four Legs technique position again.
The pair took off running again, combining earlier and building up more speed as their forms began the saw like spin once more. Another massive ball of sharpened teeth and claws. Straight towards the tree they moved, the ground beneath them showing the signs of the jutsu now as they left a ragged slice in it in their traveling. The pair smashed into the tree, this time leaving the thing with a series of gouges. Ashi went flying this time with the force of the impact, landing just short from smashing head first into another tree. Akai landed off to the side about five feet.
Ashi rolled onto her back, this time rubbing her shoulder which had been what had taken the brunt of her fall. She glanced over to Akai, who seemed far less worse for wear as she was already on her feet, mouth opened in another toothy grin. Ashi couldn't help but smile at the enthusiasm her ninken was showing. "Yeah, that was better wasn't it? Third time's a charm, right?" Akai barked in agreement. "Alright, lets try a new tree though, that other one with the marks on it. I want to see what damage we can do, and it's cheating to use an already weakened tree."
With another groan she got back to her feet, the pair walking back to the start position, only this time facing another tree with much the same markings; their new target. Back into position the pair took off running for the third time, combining even earlier. As they moved at a very fast pace across the ground they left a clean cut in it, far cleaner then the last one they'd made. Their forms blurred together, leaving nothing but the saw like look to see with the blur of colors the pair created. Their spinning speed even picked up, giving them a far cleaner cut. SMASH! Into the tree and through it?! Yes! They'd broken right through the tree, which was evident as the thing began to list to the side before falling with a tremendous crash that shook the ground nearby. The pair broke apart, rolling forward until they stood on their feet.
Ashi turned just in time to witness the tree falling, a very delighted grin on her face. Akai trotted over, matching grin in place. "I'd say that's a success!", Ashi said, straightening herself up, and losing the more feral appearance she'd taken on. She lightly scratched Akai behind the ears. "That was fun! We're going to have to practice that one more often, eh?" Akai barked in agreement, tail wagging happily.
"Think we should give it one more try just to make sure we've got it down to a perfection?", Ashi asked, giving Akai a little playful nudge. Akai was, of course, on board with that plan as she barked happily in an agreement. "Alright, that tree with the red bird in it will be our target, kay?" Another bark of agreement had Ashi crouching back into the Four Legs technique once more, body taking on the more feral position again. Akai followed suite before the pair took off running once more. Bodies combined, and got to spinning in the same saw like shape as before. Another clean cut into the ground marking their path of destruction. The tree didn't stand a chance as the pair ripped cleaning through it, destroying the entire base and causing it to instantly topple over. Ashi and Akai broke apart as the tree began to fall, both darting out of the way and running back over to their starting position before skidding to a stop. They watched the tree finish falling with a thud, Ashi straightening up fully and rubbing the shoulder she'd hit earlier. "I'd definitely say we've got that one down, eh?"
Akai jumped up on her back legs momentarily, licking Ashis' face before her front paws hit the ground again. Akai was happy with it, so Ashi was happy with it.
Ashi chuckled a bit and scratched behind Akai's ears once more as her ninken came to a stand still beside her. "Alright, that wasn't too hard. Lets go get something to eat, eh? Maybe we can go pester our favorite cousin afterwords!"
Akai took off running with further waiting, heading in the direction of home. Laughing wildly Ashi took off behind her ninken, forcing herself faster to catch up with the fast moving dog. "WOOOHOOO!", she exclaimed in her happiness, feeling the wind ripping through her long hair which had fallen loose from its bun during their last practice run.


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