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1Training day? [Squad 3 Only] [Closed] Empty Training day? [Squad 3 Only] [Closed] Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:33 pm



Training day? Training day!

Now that Amaya had a lot more time on her hands since the exams were over, she felt it was high time to meet up with her squad again. The urgency to that had grown slightly since she was informed of a few changes, including a new member. She'd thought long and hard on how she wanted to handle all of this, given that she knew others more than some, and had decided that the perfect way to do this meet and greet was with a training exercise of sorts. Of course, she figured there might be questions about it first, especially given her rank at the age of only fourteen, though she had chosen for today to at least dress in appropriate Jounin attire.

The whole course for the training was already set, including what could only be described as an almost underwater bridge of sorts that had been built overnight. She's even double checked that the message had got around to everyone on her squad that they were to be at the river at exactly noon.

Of course, she had more then expected some early arrivals and some late ones. Therefore, she'd spent the remaining of the night and day at the exact spot after she had finished setting everything up. She had positioned herself up high, nearby, where she had a good enough view to be able to see anyone coming or going from the designated spot right near by. Hell, from how close she was she'd hear them easy enough, too.

So, all that was left to do was to wait for them to arrive. No better way to do that then to read; and so she had one of her well worn medical books propped up on her knees in front of her from the spot she was sitting, fingers idly twirling in a single strand of white hair that had escaped from her braided bun.

Last edited by Amaya Uchiha on Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:31 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Closed the thread.)



'Hmm... so not a single one of them showed, eh...', Amaya mentally mused before shaking her head with a soft sigh. She'd all but finished her book in her waiting. She closed it before looking around for a moment. She tapped her chin then in pondering, glancing at her book and then at an old tree stump that was almost directly in the center of the clearing she'd chosen. 'I think I'll leave a part of myself behind, just to let them know, if any decide to show, that I was here, and I was waiting...', she thought to herself as she slipped off of the tree branch she'd perched herself on.

Landing in a crouch she stood fully and took a moment to stretch skyward, going so far as to stand on the tips of her toes. 'Pity, I really hoped at least one of them showed enough interest to show. Their loss, i'm not going to hunt them down nor am I going to baby them.', came more mental musings. Finishing her long over due stretching she wandered herself over to the tree stump and looked down at her well worn book. It even had her name inside of it, so it's not like it'd be hard to figure out who the medical book belonged to. She paused long enough to debate on if she minded losing the book, and deciding she could always buy another she placed it down on the tree stump, allowing it to sit in plain view. "There, now if any of them bother to finally show up they'll know I was here, and just gave up waiting."

Another glance around and a stomach growl later she chuckled. "Maybe I should go find Ashi and grab something to eat...", she muttered before taking off at a dead run back in the direction of the village.


.oO(I'm closing the thread due to inactivity. If anyone wishes to give a squad thread another chance then just grab my attention in the chat box and let me know.)

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