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It always felt darker when his father was around, even though they lived in a village that was known for having the sun beating down on them at all times of the day. Living in the Village Hidden in the Sands you never really went without sun, and it even became exhausting at times, though Ryuto Uchiha never seemed to mind, and he was often considered to be quite overdressed for the weather. He had a habit for wearing extremely nice clothing, his fashion sense quite a bit more impressive than most shinobi he had met. He liked to be well dressed, as it was a fairly easy way to get people to like you, and as his father had taught him, if someone liked you they were more likely to do things for you. If you were well dressed that also seemed to be the case, and Ryuto had certainly noticed that over the years. He had used his looks to his advantage on many occasions, the advantage to also being rather attractive even while not in a suit helping him quite a bit. He had beautiful white hair and stunning silver eyes that seemed to pierce into people's souls, something that he had been told several times by girls who seemed to want to get into his pants. He had no issues with leading them on, even though he had no interest in females. His eyes had been set on a young man named Misaki, and he would do anything for him, a stark contrast to how he felt about literally everyone else alive.

When he awoke from his slumber he could already hear his father berating his mother, telling her that things she had done were stupid and that she was forgetful and not good for anything. He never really liked the way that he treated her, but he would never say anything to his father as he didn’t want to suffer his wrath. He had dealt with it once before, and it had left him with quite the scar that he carried to this day. He knew that he himself was sometimes a little cruel to his mother, but he tried not to be nearly as bad as his father was, and he hoped that if he ever was going to cross that line he would catch himself, as his mother certainly didn’t deserve the abuse that she got from him. He could feel himself tensing up as he made his way down the stairs, quietly trying to slip past his father and mother, who were in the sitting room, and make his way into the kitchen. He could smell burnt toast and he assumed that was what his father had been going off about this morning, looking at the eggs on the table that had been put out in his own spot. He would sit down and quickly eat them, trying not to bring the attention of his father to bare. He, of course, would be unsuccessful in this task, as it was pretty hard to slip anything past an Uchiha, his father coming into the kitchen and staring at him.

“Isn’t this unacceptable, Ryuto? The eggs taste like rubber and the toast is so burnt it could be Kirigakure after Hao attacked.” The reference wasn’t lost on him, Hao Uchiha being a man whom his father had once looked up to, and who he had told Ryuto represented true strength. He shook his head, continuing to eat his breakfast and trying to do so in peace, looking towards his mother who looked quite upset from what his father had been saying. The eggs weren’t that bad, and if you put butter on the toast you could barely notice that it was burnt. Ryuto wouldn’t say these things out loud, as if he was to speak out against his father things would only get worse for both of them, and he certainly didn’t want that. His father, however, wasn’t happy that he wasn’t backing him up and walked over to him, picking up his plate and dumping its contents into the trash can near the sink, Ryuto’s face turning into a frown as he was trying to enjoy that. “That shit is where it belongs now, in the garbage, right Ryuto?” His expression was a lot more serious now, even frightening, and Ryuto swallowed hard, knowing that if he didn’t answer he might be in trouble.

“R-right father, of course…” His voice trailed off. He felt bad about hurting his mother for no reason, her face sinking a little bit as he backed up his father. Ryuto’s father walked over to his mother and he grabbed her by the chin, walking her into the kitchen and holding her there.

“There is no reason for this, and yet it’s the same shit day after day! How are you so absolutely worthless? How is it that after so many years you haven’t even been able to figure out how to make toast? You aren’t even worth calling yourself a person with how bloody useless you are, you may as well just be a piece of furniture, dressed up to look nice but completely pointless. You’re like a decorative pillow, no actual usefulness. You-” He wouldn’t be able to finish that sentence, his wife finally snapping after years and years of mental and physical abuse. She would pull out a knife from the counter and stab him in the leg with it, causing him to scream out in pain. “YOU FUCKING BITCH! HOW DARE YOU!” Ryuto’s father grabbed his mother by the hair and smashed her head into the wall, Ryuto running to take cover behind the door. His father continued screaming at her, his voice terrifying to hear as he heard her head smash into the wall a few more times, and then a distinctly worse sound.

He could hear the clanking of pans and his mother begging his father to please not do this, and to think of Ryuto and how she loved the two of them. His father would tell her that she was useless and he was going to make sure she never fucked up the way she had again, the next sound Ryuto would hear, and the sounds he would hear for the next five minutes, being that of the cast iron pan smashing into what he assumed was the face of his mother. He could hear the sickening cracking sounds of bone and his mother’s screams and cries, which eventually stopped and turned into gurgling as the smashing sounds would start to sound like metal hitting hamburger. Ryuto would wrap his arms around his legs, sobbing into his knees at the sounds of his father murdering his mother. He could feel a sharp pain in his eyes, blood flowing into his tears as the burning sensation continued. He didn’t know what was happening, and he honestly didn’t want to know, wishing he would just faint so that this entire situation could be over.

When the sounds finally stopped, and his father stopped yelling, Ryuto heard him call him into the room. He didn’t want to go, his body petrified and unable to move from its resting place at all, but his father would walk into the room, the bloody pain still in his hands and dripping blood, flesh and what Ryuto thought must be gray matter from his mother’s brain onto the ground. He would grab Ryuto by the back of his shirt and drag him into the kitchen, telling him he had to help him clean this mess up. Ryuto’s eyes would open and the first thing that would happen was he would throw up at the sight, his mother’s head no longer seeming to exist, and nothing but a bloody pulp sitting above her neck. His father would turn his chin so that he could see him, a wicked grin appearing on his face as he looked into the red eyes of the Uchiha’s Sharingan, the one tomio spinning around his pupil.

“Haha, that’s perfect, I get rid of that dead weight piece of shit, and you unlock your sharingan at the same time. Her life was worth something after all.” His laugh would continue, Ryuto continuing to purge his stomach over the garbage can and then, after much protesting and through much sobbing, he would assist his father in moving her body to the fire place, where his father would proceed to cut her into pieces and burn them, saving her heart for some reason that Ryuto would never know. When he was finished what he was doing, he would come and place his hand on Ryuto’s white hair, staining it red with the blood of his mother. “You know kiddo, this is why you can’t grow attached to anyone. If they step out of line you need to be able to deal with them. If I had loved her and she had stabbed me I might have not thought as rationally as I did, but she tried to kill me and I had to punish her for it.” His father’s peptalk simply made him feel even more sick, and he retreated up to his room, seeing his reflection in the mirror, his entirety covered in his mother’s blood, and the red eyes staring back at him being something that he would never want to see again...

{End Thread}

Sharingan Training 1600/1500 words complete!

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