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1Drug Runner (Mission) Empty Drug Runner (Mission) Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:44 am



Drug Runner:

It was a dark day indeed that would see the young Ryuto Uchiha resorting to doing "jobs" and "missions" to make money, but ever since what his father had done to his mother he hadn't talked to his father, and for the most part was trying to avoid him. He was trying to save up ryo so that he would be able to afford to get an apartment away from his father, but it was proving to be a difficult task. He wasn't used to doing work on his own, and he certainly didn't like it. He generally had people do things for him. He had been told, however, that there was someone trying to run drugs in their village, and that there was an informant that told whoever had given him the mission of three different houses that he would be visiting. Ryuto's eyes rolled at the thought of having to deal with soemthing that was so obviously beneath him, but he would do whatever he had to do to get away from his father, lest he suffer his wrath.

The places that the drug dealer was going to were not the most savoury places, and Ryuto decided that to draw less attention to himself he wouldn't be his regularly well suited self, and instead would be wearing a simple top coat over a set of travelling clothes. He still looked quite sharp, and much better than the people in this area, but he was certainly a few notches down from where he was used to being as far as how he looked. He kept an eye on one of the places that he had been told that the man would be going, spotting him eventually as he was the only person who seemed to visit the house, and he looked around nervously while doing it. Ryuto chuckled softly at the man, his eyes flashing red as he activated his Sharingan and walked towards the man. "Pardon me, sir," his voice would cause the man to turn towards him, his eyes flashing as the man's met his. The man had no chance to resist as he would be trapped in one of Ryuto's genjutsu, causing him to see the person of his dreams approaching him. It clearly threw him off, the sight of whatever man or woman who he wanted would be stripping their clothes off in front of him. He could see blood flowing from the drug dealer's nose. Typical.

He would walk up to him and pick up a heavy rock, smashing the man in the head with it and causing him to fall unconscious as he had no way to avoid the attack at this point. Ryuto chuckled softly and had a couple of the people in the area that he knew pick the man up and drag him back to the man who had called them about the mission, who would look him up and down and get a medical ninja to tend to the head wound. He would tell Ryuto that he was lucky that the man wasn't injured, and that he should be more careful in the future, to which the young Uchiha responded that he was simply using what he had available to him in order to secure the man, and that he hadn't hit him hard enough to kill him. He had no interest in causing the man any true harm, which the man seemed fine with. He would hand Ryuto the money, and tell him that he might need to call on his aid again once the man awoke and started to talk, to which Ryuto smiled and told him that he could certainly call on him again, walking away with a scowl on his face. He hated work, but at least this was fairly easy money...

{Exit Thread}

640/600 Mission Complete!~

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