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1Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Empty Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Wed Jan 02, 2019 11:02 pm



Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening 66c3043726d37439d955a91b70215458a4d7f2cb_hq

The Mission:

Ayakahsi found herself standing over the village, she had heard the explosion long before the alarm was raised, calling to the twins she would send out an alert to bring whichever experienced ninja was in the area to heart of the market district in the center of the city and rendezvous with her en route. Ayakashi didn't have time to collect anything other than the gloves and armoured leggings that was always on her person, the rope dart hidden in the glove, wedding band in her boot and the hilt of Kusanagi as she flew out the window of her mother's house. Leaving many of her more other advanced weapons behind as she would hope to bring in other emergency scenarios. Though time seemed to be of the essence. Cries of pain echoed across the horizon as beams of pure nature chakra could be seen across the village ripping trenches into the village in three separate locations as the alarms finally seemed to sound... To the untrained eye, it seemed to be a veritable Armageddon, though Ayakashi knew the village would live on. But the combined energy of the fury that would follow in the wake of this disaster would be palpable.

As soon as Ayakashi laid eyes on the monster before her she couldn't believe her eyes, activating her advanced sage mode red energy would cascade through her body, pushing her to her utmost extreme as she would wait for backup. It seemed that Kirigakure ninja who were fighting the creature at the moment weren't having a lot of luck... Jutsu that were fired at the creatures seemed to lose potency within close range, while their thick armour plating that seemed to be crafted from glowing crystal formations was thick enough to not be broken by the standard weapons of the country. It would likely take something exceptional to penetrate them... though there seemed to be a heart in the chests of the creature. A shard of something that radiated a deeper and more vibrant colour... the only question was, was this a weakness? Or a source of strength? It was a gamble, and Ayakashi would rather avoid it if possible. But the nature chakra the creatures seemed to emit was almost endless. All of their strength was on display for the world to see, but she could not feel the reserves of the beasts depleting...

"What the hell is this creature!?"

Exasperated, shocked, but slowly spurning into action, the Mizukage would look to her sides, awaiting what amount of backup that she had in this endeavor. it was time to eliminate this beast. Curling her fists into tight balls, Ayakashi would allow herself to fall, she would take the head of the spear in the attack that was to come. She was the strongest ninja in the nation, and maybe even more, so as she allowed herself to fall from the rooftop in a grand display, landing as the shroud of the Mizukage flowed around her like a wreath of black cloth billowing in the wind of the flaming destruction surrounding her. She would, with a single bound, curl her fist and speed for the beast who would turn in kind throwing a collossal punch to intercept the Mizukage in slow motion. As Ayakashi met it fist to fist, The Mizukage's eyes would widen in surprise. The force from the two blows would create a small hurricane between them, the ground would split under the weight of the blows in every direction under the conglomerate concrete roads. Splintering in every direction like a spiders web. While the crystals that surrounded its fist would begin to fracture, the creature itself seemed to be undaunted by the Mizukage's strength... as it opened its fist just enough to grab her by the hand, and with its sheer size and leverage it had against her, hurl ayakashi down the street as if she were a baseball.

Routing in the air and righting herself, Ayakashi would flip, reaching out above her to touch the ground, clawing against the earth to pull her feet back down to it as she would spin to land feet first, grinding backward and frankly astounded by the strength the beast seemed to command... It was time to change tact. Drawing Kusanagi and attaching the wedding band to its base, the ice blue chakra blade would extend to 1.5m in length, humming hungrily at her side as she prepared herself for the next attack. Whatever this creature was, it wasn't about to get the best of herself and the best the nation had to offer!

2Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Empty Re: Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:58 am



Fuyuko had just finished her routinely return to the hidden mist village and was preparing some rations for her journey back towards the hidden leaf once more. She had unfinished business to attend to there, further she also wanted to continue being together with Takao. With her head in the clouds the commotion that was going on outside of the house went unheard. That was until someone started to pound onto the door and took her out of her trance. Within seconds another set of knocks were heard. “Alright alright, I’m coming!” she shouted. “Jeez… they have no patience do they.” She thought to herself.

She opened the door and answered the masked person that was standing in front of it. The ANBU person told her to get ready and head towards the Mizukage, an attack had happened within the city walls. Fuyuko rushed back into her house, past the kitchen and into her room. Putting on her shoes, grabbing a hair tie, and her pouch with ninja tools. With her most mandatory things at hand she flew through the house again towards the front door, pulling it shut as she passed by.

Hastily she ran across the rooftops of the village towards the location she was told to go. Using the hair tie she grabbed to put her hair in a ponytail. If the Mizukage was involved the threat must be very significant she had figured, so it was best to make sure her hair wouldn’t get in the way of any of her fighting.

After running and jumping for a bit across the skyline of the village she saw the figure of the Mizukage surrounded by a couple more of the mists’ shinobi. Fuyuko lined up with the rest, her head turned towards the center of the line looking at the Mizukage. She noticed that everyone was fixated on whatever was in front of them. Her head slowly turned towards whatever they were all gazing at. The closer her own vision got towards the thing the larger the chill on her bones grew. An incredibly, almost foul, presence ran through her. How could she not have noticed such a being faster? She felt like if she was capable of mastering her nature chakra better she would’ve noticed it sooner and that there wouldn’t have been a need for the ANBU to show up at her door to call for her aid. It mattered little at this point in time, nor was thinking about it a wise plan. It would distract her from the battle that was about to happen.

The Mizukage jumped off of the roof and headed towards the ground. Fuyuko swallowed as she set her mind to the task at hand and she too jumped, just like the rest, after the Mizukage. After weaving a single sign she created a singular clone of herself just behind her. She had grown incredibly fond of the shadow clone jutsu. The sheer versatility the clone allowed was something that was invaluable to her and was something that had become a vital part of her fighting.

Once upon the ground the leader of the village had already dashed towards the enemy at a speed few could match and follow. Fuyuko was no exception, only really being able to spot her again when the Mizukage’s fist had collided with that of the monster. The ground caved underneath the pressure the two of them exerted and it made her jaw drop a little bit. It made her realize how big the gap in their powers still were. Fuyuko had become a lot stronger since her conversation with Ayakashi, but it looked like that the gap between their powers was still as big as back then. She gritted her teeth and watched as Ayakashi fought the monster.

Much to her surprise despite the monstrous strength the longest recent reigning kage has, it didn’t seem to faze the monster all that much. If anything it appeared to have the upper hand in raw physical strength. Grabbing onto the kage as if it was nothing and tossing them to the side. The ease at which the leader was thrown away made Fuyuko swallow again, they were up for a real challenge.

As much as Fuyuko wanted to help out with the fight, she wasn’t suited for large scale fights. That statement wasn’t entirely true, she does fine against a lot of opponents, however not when she has a lot of allies on her side. Tag-teaming was more of her thing, which is why she has always only created one clone with the shadow clone technique. To top that of, the monster seemed to outclass her in every way. She needed more time to figure out a strategy in which she could help. But just as a precaution both herself and the clone put up a barrier that should at the very least protect herself from the basic strikes. Fuyuko covered in a layer of lightning and the clone covered in a layer of water.

wc 848

Chakra: 155/195
Chakra clone: 155/175

Jutsu used:

3Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Empty Re: Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Sat Jan 19, 2019 5:20 pm

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

It was chance that Chigetsu happened to be within Kirigakure when the emergency alarms began to ring. He had been spending a large amount of time in the Land of Snow, and prior to that he had been in Konoha for the Chuunin Exams. He had been spending too much time away. All the travel had made him dreadfully homesick, especially as it seemed that he was leaving on long journeys now one after another with no time to rest. Even though his time in the Land of Snow was supposed to be in part a vacation he came away from it feeling strangely exhausted. Even with how intimate his stay had been there was always that bugging itch in the back of his mind thinking ‘I want to go home’. He had never communicated these desires, but they stayed nagging at him nonetheless. Being homesick was a new feeling, and one that was greatly relieved once he was able to return. The little apartment that he had began renting all those years ago felt like just a tiny portion of his life now. All the memories he had of his childhood would rush back now whenever he returned. It was more of a momento than something he lived in regularly now. Even though he made sure to send the rent money back on time he wasn’t sure how the landlord allowed him to keep this place when he barely ever spent any time in it anymore. Maybe there were some laws protecting shinobi and their lifestyle that Chigetsu wasn’t aware of?

He pondered on the idea for a few moments, his mind attached to the idea as he hung up his coat jacket. It had been a few minutes since he arrived now, and he had spent the entirety of it in the doorway. The sheer force of nostalgia seemed to almost prevent a barrier for him. The memories felt alive here, almost like if he stepped into the wrong room he might find himself as a child. He laughed at the thought. He was now an intruder in his own home. It was this incredibly odd feeling that somehow ended up being pleasant, if a bit lonely. The memories that he had formed here had entirely been by himself. Never once had he invited Verdandi or Haka into his home, or anyone else. It had likely been over a decade since this apartment had seen anyone other than him. It was entirely a place where he was allowed to be himself, alone in his head without anyone else to interfere or taint his thought. As much as he loved the others, his dear friends, he had began to learn that he was easily influenced. Around Haka and her father, Lord Osada, he became became a darker version of himself. Scared and anxious under their animalistic gaze. Around Verdandi he was more uneasy and awkward, but quick to follow whatever order she gave him. He allowed her to guide the flow of their actions, of their relationship. She was the princess, and so she fit perfectly in the commanding role. He just slot himself where it felt natural then, filling any roll.

Like water into a container. That’s what was natural for him. He was usually what other people wanted from him. Here though, there wasn’t anyone else. Just him, and the voices in his head. They rarely made a peep anymore, and when they did it was quiet. Whispers. So subtle he could barely feel it or hear it, not even in his bones. They had been so loud before. He remembered a long time ago talking to them in here, laying each of his weapons down onto the carpet and discussing personal matters with them. What sort of things to eat for dinner, the pretty looking girl he had seen on the way to the academy, the next mission he was going to take. It was all very comfortable.

The alarms woke him up from his dream-like reminiscing. All the thoughts hanging above him popped like a gumball bubble, leaving strewn and mismatched fragments of ideas scattering in every direction. It all happened very quickly after that. Ringing of bells struck into his home. Crashes followed, barely perceptible but still noticeable to be picked up by his ears. The scent of smoke, mixing together into a disgusting slurry with the sea-side mist that hung over the city. He turned around, still standing on his apartment’s welcome mat. He would be off again, leaving his home just as quickly as he had entered.

It wasn’t hard to find why the alarms were ringing. The smoke served as a fantastic signal. It wasn’t often that fires started in Kirigakure. Even accidental ones from appliances were dulled quickly by the massive amount of moisture in the air. Everything was damp all the time, and that combined with the typically concrete infrastructure it was difficult to imagine the burning coming from anything less than sabotage. Quickly he would reach a point of vantage over where the destruction seemed to originate, and look down for whatever danger may be lurking about.

It was a monster. He had expected sabotage, but from a bandit or enemy ninja instead of… Whatever this was. It would have made more sense that some angry remnant from Sunagakure tried something funny after sneaking through the Kiri borders, but this result wasn’t something Chigetsu could wrap his mind around.

“What the hell?” He would whisper it to himself, a quick swear under his breath. It was repeated louder after a moment, after he realized how bad the situation really was. “What the hell?”  The beast was a giant. Nearly ten feet tall, something like double his height. He could see how it towered over the few standing shinobi who still attempted to fight. It was built like an ox, with the armoring of a rhinoceros.It was like a dragon, or a dinosaur, built with fleshy armor that seemed tougher than steel. Crystals stretching out from flesh seemed to glow with the color of fresh blood. It was beyond his comprehension as something human. Although it wasn’t its lack of humanity that frightened Chigetsu, and it wasn’t the rather ugly appearance the beast was sporting either. It was the Mizukage, mid-air from the monster’s throw. A deep shooting pain had caught through his chest, erupting into a series of coughing. Chigetsu had to prevent himself from retching. It was just like that time before. The campsite. The crater in the ground. The masses of soldiers all watching. The woman with red hair, and the tall man that stood above them all. The memories he had been trying to supress came back too suddenly.

He formed hand signs. Not in his stomach, but with his hands. The mere thought of twisting his guts like that now would be enough to make him actually vomit. Five clones would spread out on the roof around him. With a quick gesture they would all be sent down to the ground to assist. They sped downwards with an impressive speed, faster than what the real one was even capable of. Rather than moving to immediately assault the beast though they would instead work to surround it. He wouldn’t be able to defeat this beast. Not without using the best of what he was capable of, and even that would result in much of the city being destroyed as collateral damage. Instead his role here would be to hamper the creature’s movements to allow the Mizukage to deal a deathblow.

[WC: 1282]

Chakra 370/390:

4Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Empty Re: Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Thu Jan 24, 2019 11:02 pm




'This beast was going down...‘

Ayakashi, having been hurled like a toy, she would flip and land, grinding along the street. Her hand was beginning to tingle, the creature's strength was impressive, it had been a long time since she had felt something like this. Visceral excitement began to pump through her veins like a toxin, adrenaline that would normally warm her blood instead supercooled it with her demonic ice corruption. Her face rising, not a scratch upon her save for a graze that had been caused by the wind-force of their combined strength on her cheek. The thrill of combat returned to her again, awakened after her fight with the former Hokage, she had been wounded then, but now was the chance to test her recovery and the enhancements she had been given with it. But at that given moment, two other ninja had begun to make their assault, it was going to be interesting to see what they had, but, with them here, Aya would have to fight at a lesser capacity, and there was far too much at stake.

With a mighty roar, the creature before them would open its mouth. Raw, lethal energy would consolidate within its maw, charging for a moment as the unstable beam of nature enhanced chakra would explode in a deadly ray before sweeping it in a fan at chest height for all of the ninja that were charging at it at the time, hoping to wipe them off the face of the earth as they made their approach. The creature was sluggish where it wasn't tough and insanely strong, but should the ninja it had attempted to attack overcome the beam it would lash out with its fists as soon as its opponents were in range. Swinging and slamming wildly like an untamed, wild gorilla with all the force to back it up. Its savage blows would split open the earth beneath it, and tear open the skies with its claws.

The monster had gone totally berserk, whatever semblance of humanity there had once been was gone, and along with it, the city in at least a thirty meter radius. Aya couldn't help but marvel at it, and the shining red crystal that beat in its breast like a heart. That was either the center of its strength or the cause of this whole mess. It was either the best part to aim for, or the worst. It'd be a hell of a 50/50. She just prayed that the beast wouldn't explode when it died and take half the village with it... As the other two would make their initial assault, Ayakashi would move to back them up. Bringing her weight forward, her feet coiling behind her like a spring as she would explode from her standing position with a single burst, tearing up the earth in an all-out sprint as she would hope to collide with the creature. Kusanagi would hurl through the air as it would collide with one of the crystals on its body, letting out a shower of sparks but not seeming to inflict any damage with her chakra enhanced blade.

It was another failure, Ducking a swing and calling out to the other two, it was pointless for three highly trained ninja like this to be using valuable time in fighting this beast. Using little more than her speed, the Mizukage would leap, spinning in a triple Axle and landing a direct kick into the creatures' head, launching herself away once again and allowing the beast to stagger. Fracturing some of the crystal on its face with the force of the blow. Ayakashi couldn't understand what was going on, but, her kick had made an impact and seemed to deal damage where her blade hadn't... Kusanagi seemed to almost be resisted by the beast, could it be some kind of defense? It was likely, though Ayakashi couldn't feel or see anything of the like, perhaps it was just a part of the aura that it seemed to give of. She'd seen something like this once before, but it was vastly different to this.

'That settled it.'

With the distraction Ayakashi's two companions would be able to capitalize, hopefully to the ends of eliminating the creature, Ayakashi was the fastest of them all, it would be best for her to relocate to another opponent and not them, so, she would relay her order. "You two! Take this, I'm going to move to the next location... You got this, i believe in you! Take. It. OUT!" And with that, Ayakashi would vanish from sight in a feat of extreme speed that would have her almost impossible to see. As little more than a navy blue blur she would skyrocket through the village to the next location. These creatures weren't invincible, but it would take some punishment to bring them down!


5Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Empty Re: Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Wed Jan 30, 2019 11:40 am



After having tossed probably the strongest shinobi that’s present in the village through the air like it was nothing Fuyuko patiently awaited what the beasts next move would be. She wouldn’t have to wait very long before the next attack was prepared by the monster. It’s mouth opened as chakra started to gather inside of it. Its head turning as far left as it could possible go as the beam started to shoot out of it. With one fell swoop it had made almost a complete circle with its head and with it splitting all the houses in a 30 meter radius in half. The speed at which it moved had made it impossible for her to dodge had she not preemptively dropped herself to the ground, despite that the tip of her ponytail would appear to have gotten a small cut. She figured there wasn’t any chance for her to outrun the technique, furthermore it seemed to be a technique that would be a beam of sorts. Finally she hadn’t personally drawn attention to herself yet so staying low enough so that she could go underneath it, would it for some odd reason come her way, was a good enough reason in her head. She was happy she had chosen for that option, because there was no way she could’ve weaved hand seals fast enough to put up a better defense against that technique.

It wasn’t done yet though. Slamming its fists wildly around at the shinobi that had started to continue their attack. Fuyuko couldn’t help but notice that the behavior of the beast was very much similar to that of an animal that felt like it was afraid and cornered. Or perhaps that of a mother that had lost her children just trying to find them back. However there was no time to have sympathy of the sorts for the creature that was in front of her. It had the strength to kill anyone there if they weren’t careful and Fuyuko wasn’t ready to give up her life just yet. There were still a plethora of things she wanted to do and attempt to accomplish. The restoration of the mist village being probably the most important thing and for that, there would need to be a village to remain. So there was only one thing she could do and that take the beast down together with the others that were present.

However having said that, it was definitely easier said than done, she didn’t really have too much of a clue of where to start and her observant role would continue as the Mizukage continued her own onslaught on the beast. However despite their efforts, it didn’t seem to leave much of an impact on the creature. So not only did the creature have incredibly strength, the crystals that covered its body also offered great resilience. The attacks and blows that Ayakashi landed on the creature seemed to have next to no impact on it. It made Fuyuko question how she would be capable of doing anything to it if even the Mizukage seemed to be hopeless. However the mists strongest didn’t yield despite the setbacks they were facing. They pressed on and kept on trading blows with the monster. Eventually one of their kicks had managed to place a crack upon the monster, it was the signal that everyone needed, or perhaps just what she needed. It was vulnerable, it wasn’t the impenetrable beast it portrayed to be on first glance and it eased the unrest that was going on in the back of her mind.

A small smile appeared on her face as well when she saw a familiar face amongst the people that were surrounding the beast. It was Chigetsu, someone she hadn’t seen for years. The last time the two of them were together was when there was that training camp going on at spider island. Thinking back about that place made a chill run down her spine and goosebumps appear all over her skin. The eerie feeling of dread and despair that loomed over the entire island, not to mention the chance of you being killed by Sero if you made one misstep or misspoke. It wasn’t a time she looked back at pleasantly. His daughter, Haka, wasn’t that bad, but she was still quite mysterious and incredibly introverted and despite her somewhat frail appearance, she too had that sense of danger looming around her. She was definitely a case of ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’.

But it wasn’t the time to recall memories from the past. She had to focus on what was happening right in front of her so that she wouldn’t end up being squashed like a little bug. The loss of focus seemed to be a trend that she was having a lot as of late. Her mind was always occupied by one thought or another, one pressing matter after the other she was churning on in the back of her mind, which left her incredibly susceptible to things that could grab or divert her attention. Her teeth gritted as she got angry at herself for losing focus once again. However that feeling of anger would instantly be replaced by shock. The Mizukage called both her and the name of Chigetsu, telling the two of them to take on the monster together and that they could do it. Before she could even appeal the notion of leaving the beast to just the two of them she had already disappeared. The only trace that was left behind was that of weak chill and icicle particles scattered about and with her disappearance the others that were present would also scatter. Leaving it to just herself and Chigetsu to clean it up.

Herself and the clone walked up to the beast, standing at roughly the same distance that Chigetsu’s clones were. Her fists were clenched and a final deep breath in order to calm her nerves and compose herself. “Chigetsu, do you have some technique that might be able to deal significant damage to it? I might have one, I might also have a technique that could restrain him, but other than that I’m somewhat clueless as what I could possibly offer.” The beast looked around unsure whom to target next or maybe it was just waiting for our next move. Fuyuko would continue talking as long as they still had the opportunity. “Further one of their crystals appears to be different from the rest, it’s worth a try to focus on that particular red one that’s in its chest. Maybe it will deal extra damage or maybe that’s the only place we can even deal damage. I’ll initiate and try to restrain the monster, stay away from me while I activate the technique, or you’ll be restrained too! Oh by the way, this is the clone that’s talking.

As soon as she finished talking the beast had grown tired of waiting and started its assault again and dashed towards the Fuyuko that had just finished talking. Whilst jumping backwards to create as big of a gap as possible she did her best to weave the signs bird, horse, rat and snake as quick as possible. The beast launched his fist towards her as it had closed the gap within a split second. Her clone held out their palm on which the restriction technique was placed and it made contact with the beasts fist. The seal was placed and activated while at the same time they were sent flying through the buildings for about 15 meters. The real Fuyuko, and probably her clone as well, couldn’t help but feel glad that they had put up a defense before they took part in the battle. They would probably turn into nothing but vapor if they were hit by that without a defensive technique. The technique unsealed it self and wrapped itself around anyone that was within 10 meters of the initial placement. It appeared to have affect and the beast seemed to be completely incapable of moving. As soon as the restriction was over Fuyuko would yell at chi “It’s safe to go now! He should be restrained!”.

wc 1398
twc 2246

Fuyuko 155/195
Clone 135/195


6Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Empty Re: Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Sun Feb 03, 2019 4:28 pm

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

The idea of someone like him sweating was almost funny to imagine. Despite the irony of someone made entirely out of water sweating like a pig, Chigetsu was utterly terrified looking down at the refuse and wreckage strewn across the city’s streets. Liquid flesh dripped off him into a puddle of colors at his feet, stretching across the shingles of the rooftop he was perched up upon. It was such an effect that he was already perhaps an inch shorter than he had been. The reaction was perhaps a bit exaggerated, but the circumstances that presented themselves now were absurd beyond belief. Kirigakure no Sato was being attacked. Shouldn’t some alarms have been rung in that case? If enemy shinobi or bandits came in to the village there would have been alerts set off long before they actually reached the center of the village, much less began freely ravaging the city-scape like this. Had they been infiltrated from the inside? That was the only option that made sense at the moment to his swirling mind. The rationale behind the attack hardly mattered though. People smarter than he was could speculate about how this happened after it was taken care of.

Watching the monster charge a beam of energy within its mouth immediately made Chigetsu cringe. If it was just some sort of beastly gorilla that swung its arms around he could easily deal with it. Even if it was strong enough to punch a person to the moon, that wasn’t an issue for somebody like him. Having to deal with beams of energy like that completely ripped apart the sliver of confidence that he had previously. The sweeping beam fanned out to the charging shinobi would tear through four of the clones that Chigetsu had sent to surround the thing, the creature much too fast for any of them to think about reacting to it. Each would immediately end up boiled from the sheer energy output the beam had, splattering and evaporating up into steam. The one clone that had been stationed behind the beast would then decide it was time to “tactically retreat”, unless it wanted to meet the same fate that its brethren just had. Even if it was just a clone the thing wasn’t suicidal, and had honestly pissed itself a little bit watching what had just happened. Cover would be taken behind a streetlamp where it would watch for any further movements from the beast. Hopefully if it was prepared it might be able to jump out of the way of the next blast like that, but that might have been wishful thinking. It was foolish for the five of them to rush forward in the first place, and perhaps a bit naive on the part of Chigetsu to send them all out without thinking ahead of a plan. He would have to wait for the Mizukage to take action, and then follow up on whatever momentum she created. There just wasn’t any other way he could be useful. Ayakashi’s moves would be focused on as a result, the still terrified Chigetsu watching the battle for any potential places that he could move in and assists. All of the Mizukage’s actions were a blur to him though, and so he wasn’t exactly sure what he could do to assist. Chigetsu could tell very easily that her power simply dwarfed him, like the ocean to a mere river. Still, it seemed as though she was having little success in actually damaging the beast. The attacks she landed on the creature seemed to just bounce off. If she was having such trouble, how could he possibly help? The shattering of the crystal on the beast’s face brought him out of his internal self-deprecation. If she could hurt it like that then there was clearly some way to kill it. It must be the crystals that gave the beast its energy, and thus were its weak points as well. A directed assault to shatter each of the crystals that covered the creature was the best plan that he could think of in the moment. If the Mizukage could pin it down, perhaps he could try and pinpoint each of the crystals very carefully…

"You two! Take this, I'm going to move to the next location... You got this, I believe in you! Take. It. OUT!"

His mind went blank. She couldn’t possibly be serious, could she? Apparently she was, as the Mizukage was gone before he could even blink. Was this some sort of joke, leaving the two of them to fight this thing that she barely could fight? It was only after his senses returned that he could try to think of who the Mizukage meant by ‘you two’. He hadn’t noticed Fuyuko’s presence before that moment, having been much too focused on his own fear and the Mizukage’s battle. Fuyuko was somebody he hadn’t seen in years, and it almost took him a second to recognize her after all this time. They were just children when they last met. There was a strange sense of nostalgia that pitted up in his gut from the memories. It didn’t seem that Fuyuko was caught with the same emotions, either that or she had noticed him before literally two seconds ago, as she began to take charge and spout off directions. Chigetsu swallowed nervously.

“I have something that could hurt it, but that would destroy the entire village in the process. I don’t have anything focused enough to target its weak points without causing collateral damage…” He would trail off. Chigetsu was sure that the comment ‘destroy the entire village in the process’ would surely be taken as an exaggeration of his own power, but attempting to use that technique here would surely result in an incredible amount of civilian casualties. Too many. He didn’t want to risk it. “I could try to hammer away at it with everything I have if you could restrain him. Maybe that could work.” He wasn’t too optimistic about this entire situation. Even if she could really restrain it, which Chigetsu wasn’t entirely convinced of, it was doubtful that he could actually seize the moment and capitalize on that. Either way he would wait for her clone to finish speaking and take action. Even if it probably wouldn’t work it was still their best plan.

Seeing the beast charge at her and then rail her with its big meaty fist made Chigetsu reconsider if waiting for her to act first was the best idea. He was absolutely sure that the clone had just been eviscerated, but seeing that in the aftermath of the clash it seemed that the beast had actually been restrained he considered that at least to be a success. The seal that she had been placed on the beast would be noted. Memories of the Death Camp would flood back for a moment. He had seen her seal away those incoming fireballs that Izumi had flung towards the lot of them before. His body would already begin moving to take advantage of the restrained beast before she could yell at him to go. With those memories still haunting him he would point out a finger, and a flurry of bullets would spray out at the beast. Six water bullets would collide right in the crystal that covered its heart, each impacting in the exact same location right after each other. The repeated impacts hadn’t done literally nothing, it seemed that there was now a barely noticeable scratch across where he had focus fired. Frustrated, Chigetsu would flood enough chakra into his fingertips for another burst of power, releasing a blasting grapeshot of water bullets that battered down at the creature as it was still restrained by the fuuinjutsu. It was difficult to tell if it had even noticed what Chigetsu had just done. The clone that had “tactically retreated” earlier would press forward to seize what it saw to be its moment to shine. A quick dash would allow it to come in contact with the creature and splatter like a water balloon. The spread out clone would surround the beast in a massive water prison formed from its own body, wrapping it in what would hopefully be the monster’s grave.

With the power of the seal beginning to fade away the monster caught in the water prison would start to strain at what held it. With the clone forming a water prison around it the monster would immediately open its mouth. What it did next wasn’t ‘begin to charge up another chakra blast’, but instead it started to slurp. With an almost unbelievable strength it would attempt to drink the clone that surrounded it, and the water prison would bit by bit be forcefully sucked into the creature’s mouth. The real Chigetsu could only watch in horror as his clone was eaten. As the last of the liquid that had been surrounding the monster disappeared between its lips it would almost seem to smile.

“Do you have any other ideas?” He would immediately call out to Fuyuko. The paralysis hadn’t worn off completely yet, but it was only a matter of time.


Chakra = 335/390:

7Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Empty Re: Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Sun Feb 10, 2019 7:16 am




'It was time to end this nonsense!‘

Ayakashi flew through the city like a bat out of hell, her teeth gnashing as she could still hear the wailing screams of her scared people crying out through the night as the beasts that seemed to attack out of nowhere maintained their ardent rampage. Ayakashi would draw changeling, she could feel that the power of her chakra had been held back by the creature, she wasn't sure that using a weapon weaker than the Kusanagi was a good idea, though it was better than nothing. Her new arm pulsated with the hyouton chakra that had begun to course through it. However, such tricks weren't what was going to win this fight for her, it was time for brute force and unrelenting might. Her sage mode wrapped around her, making her appear as a bolt of crimson lightning ripping through the night as her destination revealed itself at the end of it all. One thing she had discovered, was that these creatures were slow, damn slow, they weren't able to keep up with her unless Ayakashi launched large telegraphed attacks. Her blows also had purchase on the beasts... it wasn't much but it was something. She hoped that the other two would figure out how to destroy their creature... but they were two of the better ninja amongst her elite nation, it was time for them to begin to realize their greatness... in the fires of combat if need be.

It wasn't long before Ayakashi was hot on the tail of the second of the three creatures. Landing on a house she was able to see the field of barren bodies that had been torn asunder by its pulsating claws splayed out like a rose of gore at its feet. In a rage, Ayakashi would launch towards the creature, blade in hand, landing on the ground and thrusting forward with everything she had as the force of nature before her would turn, and see the supernatural force of righteous hatred collide with its gut, a punch that would be thrown full charge and full force, dedicating everything into it. No sooner than the blow landed, every window from the surrounding houses would immediately shatter from the pressure change of the blow alone. The waves of force which would then emit would rock the area to the core as her foe would lift from its feet, and be thrown several dozen meters. Cleaving through the stone and earth that paved Ayakashi's roads. The Mizukage was no longer playing around, she didn't have time for this nonsense.

It was with a violent roar that it would power up the chakra from its beam, and in response Ayakashi would channel her hyouton chakra into her hand running head-first again as it would lurch its weight forward emitting its powerful beam of raw nature chakra in her Direction. With little more than a flourish, Ayakashi would raise her hand, the beam smashing upon it as the chakra that it consisted of would freeze with the overbearing force of Ayakashi's chakra, tracking the entire beam back towards the beasts' head and freezing its mouth wide open as the devastating ray would come to an end. Vaulting high in a corkscrew spin, Ayakashi would land upon the frozen horizontal pillar, running up it towards her targets head with changeling erected as the long bladed naginata that she would wield against this colossal foe. Dragging the blade along the ice behind her in one hand as she would reach the enemy.

It would be its fist rising that would shatter Ayakashi's footing, but she was already gone, Vaulting once again over the beast and landing behind it, ducking its next strike and rising like a phoenix with the force of her pole-arm. Slamming it in the jaw with the butt of the pole with enough force that it would stagger enough to have Ayakashi open up on its chest and body. the flurry of blows launched by the Mizukage was so fast, a shower of sparks would simply emit from the repeated clashes against the many crystals that composed its body. The beast would attempt to charge the energy for a beam, but Ayakashi would deliver another blow to its head, knocking it aside and forcing the beam upwards into the skies above, and allowing her own berserker barrage to go unabated. When her Naginata had failed to deliver enough damage to the creature, it would be cast aside for fists and fury, letting out a roar as dozens of blows per second would be thrown into the beast's chest. Each one likely lethal to another ninja as the crystals would fracture and shatter.

Gripping one of the out-jutting crystals on its arm as it would attempt to wrench Ayakashi away from it, she would roar and with colossal force tear the crystal out from its body, forcing it to howl as she would spin and shatter it across the beasts' head and continue to lay into its body. Eventually, the creature would fall under the weight of the blows, Ayakashi leaping upon it and hurling punch after punch at its heart, cracking it quickly before thrusting her entire arm into the core of it. Now that seemed to do something... The entire beast would freeze, the crystals that composed it all cracking simultaneously before the energy that comprised its form ran wild. The crystalline protrusions across its form would begin to turn the creature to stone, and following that metamorphosis, it would shatter into little more than dust in the wind...

'one down...'

However, as Ayakashi looked around to see the ninja that were standing around her, many of them almost appeared to be in a state of shock. In her fury, Ayakashi had fought little less than a possessed beast herself. Her arms were covered in the beasts' blood, and she had taken hits from the creature in the rapid flurry herself. Cuts across her sides and extremities as her senses had been so dulled by the adrenal rage that she was totally unable to feel the pain of the tearing blades that had scored their hits. She'd need medical attention, and as soon as she walked away from the creature, it was clear that someone should follow her to ensure it was given. Ayakashi would look to one of the nearby ANBU, calling him to her, as he would snap out of his gawking paralysis for a moment as he snapped to attenton.

"The crystal in the middle is some kind of regulator for their chakra, they're beasts made of some kind of nature chakra. Without it, they'll die fast. Spread the word to the others fighting the creatures. I need to get these cuts seen to. They're also slow to react, their size makes small targets hard to hit up close and personal. Go."

With a nod and a hand-seal, with the body flicker technique active, he and his compatriot would vanish into nothing and hope to appear at the location of Chi and Fuyuko as they continued to battle their temporarily paralyzed beast. Although Ayakashi hadn't cracked the reasoning to how they had resisted some of her attacks and not others, its weaknesses were at least something that could be given to others. hoping not to get so close as to interfere, the ANBU would shout his message across the blazing battlefield. No doubt the creature's own charka defenses had held against the waves of their assault... Ayakashi may have discovered its weaknesses, but she'd yet analyzed its strengths in detail.


8Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Empty Re: Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Fri Mar 22, 2019 6:14 pm



"Tch..." was the noise the real Fuyuko made when she heard that Chigetsu didn't have any technique that would really be capable of dealing significant damage to such a small area. If it turned out that way, perhaps Chigetsu would have to use his village destruction level jutsu. A destroyed village is still better than a destroyed country. Perhaps it was even a bit of an exaggeration, but she couldn’t know. They hadn’t seen each other for years so it was hard to tell what kind of technique he had developed that would cause such wide spread damage. So it would come down to her to end up killing the creature, before they’d need to rely on extreme measures, such as ‘blowing up the entire village’.

She wasn’t too fond of the thought that it was going to rely on her killing capabilities though. There were to major reasons for that. First of all, which wouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who knew Fuyuko on a more personal level, she really disliked killing to the point where one could almost call it detest. She had a strong feeling of life being important and it not being a thing someone should take away lightly or easily. Which rolls very neatly into the second reason she didn’t like things relying on her when it came to offensive power. Her arsenal wasn’t filled with a lot of damaging techniques, in fact only a very slim portion of her kit was capable of dealing significant amounts of damage. There wasn’t too much she could do about it though, she would just have to do her best in the scenario that she found herself in.

With the beast swinging its arm at her clone and sending her flying the real her jumped as much to the side as it could. Trying to create some distance between herself and the beast, although the distance would probably do very little for her, the beast was so much faster than anything she had ever encountered up to this moment. Perhaps that statement wasn’t entirely true, she watched the Mizukage fight that rogue in the desert, however she wasn’t participating in that fight herself. So at the great distance she was at it was hard to really feel how fast things were moving. She could tell it was fast, but it’s a completely different from when it happens inches away from your face. This fight made her feel like that if she blinked, she was dead. That’s how blinding fast the creature appeared to be before her eyes.

Whilst she was creating the distance she required herself Chigetsu followed up on her lead. Assaulting the beast with a couple of water style techniques hitting its mark. It wasn’t hard to hit, the restraining technique that her clone had used managed to restrain even such a behemoth. Which quite frankly surprised her, but a win is a win. She waited to see how much of an effect Chigetsu’s attacks would have before continuing with her own attack, perhaps his attacks were enough to take it down, even if that was wishful thinking. They had no clue how many more of these creatures rampaged through the streets of the hidden mist village so it was best to preserve as much chakra as possible so that they’d be able to continue fighting for as long as possible. One of the many Chigetsu’s tried trapping it within a water prison. Much to her surprise the beast started to suck in the entire technique. The monster would also start to twitch, whilst the markings of the seal were still wrapped around it. A sort of indicator that it was attempting to break free from its restraints. There was no time to be wasted, while it was still not moving she would need to make her move.

Her hands weaved the signs required as fast as possible as she started to dash towards the monster again. A ‘ball’ of lightning in her left hand with electricity violently shooting out from it in every direction. The sound the electricity made could be compared to that of a thousand birds chirping. “I don’t know, hopefully this will be enough.” She said to Chigetsu as the gap got smaller and smaller. The angle at which she was coming at was somewhat awkward, she hadn’t mastered controlling chidori in her right hand, so left was all that she was capable off. However that meant she would have to run a few extra steps to be able to make sure her hand doesn’t collide with the beasts body.

As she got closer to the target time seemed to go slower and slower. Its body was moving more and more. Her hand thrusted forward towards the red crystal, that appeared to be beating now that she was this close to it. It was within reaching distance, but in the corner of her she could see it. The seal had been broken and within a split second the arm that she had been trying to run around had moved itself more forward. It was now positioned right in front of her belly and with a quick sweep she was sent flying away from the monster. The strength of the throw enough to turn her into a human projectile send flying through a wall or two, knocking the wind out of her lungs in the process.

More speed” is what her clone thought as she watched the scenario unfold in front of her from a distance. “Okay Chigetsu!” she yelled loudly. “If you can keep it busy and preferably restrain it, I think I can finish it off!

wc 965
twc 3211

Fuyuko 135/195
Clone 135/195


9Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Empty Re: Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Sat Mar 23, 2019 6:41 pm

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Things looked rather bleak. It had been a mistake for the Mizukage to leave the two of them alone with this behemoth. Even if he had grown considerably in the last few years Chigetsu still was not that far removed from his time as a genin. He was still young, still not as skilled as he wanted to be. He didn’t capture the terror of Lord Sero Osada, or the sheer strength of the Mizukage. Most of the time he felt as though he compared unfavorably even to his squadmates, Haka and Verdandi.The water bullets that he had fired simply bounced off the creature’s hide, seeming to do little more than leaving dents. If he couldn’t even break its skin was there any point to continuing this struggle? Perhaps this was a sign that he had grown complacent. His techniques were designed to kill humans and not monsters, but this philosophy towards battle now seemed useless in a world where there were just as many monsters as humans. It brought a disgusting feeling of self loathing into his mind, where it swirled around in circles infecting his thoughts. What could he have done better? Maybe aiming for its eyes, unprotected by the thick skin and crystals, would have been successful. His arm began to raise on its own will after he realized his folly, while the beast was still restrained. It was beginning to twitch, but maybe he would have enough time. As long as it didn’t close its eyes…

The explosion of electricity beside him nearly threw Chigetsu off his feet. With how much he had been caught in his own thoughts the male went into a sort of tunnel vision, focusing only on himself and the monster. The horrible crackling noise was enough to violently shake him back into reality. The water bullet he had been preparing would be fired off accidentally up above the monster’s head, careening off wildly until colliding into the corner of a building. Panic flooded into his mind and overroad every other thought and emotion. A sharp pain immediately spread throughout his chest, and the sheer dread as he turned to look stopped him from breathing. Those milliseconds as he turned his head felt as though they took forever. The ball of lightning crackling intensely in her left hand was the only thing he could look at. He couldn’t see Fuyuko anymore. Instead he saw a different girl. She had bright red hair flowing down over her shoulders, and around them was a sea of sand.

It wasn’t real. Fuyuko was in mid-dash, speeding towards the monster, and not staring him down as he had thought. He was behind her, instead of infront of her as her target. There were in Kirigakure, not Sunagakure. But it was the same technique, either way. Even having only seen it once he could recognize it immediately. There wasn’t any mistaking it, especially with the sound it made. Still, he couldn’t breath. Caught in a cold sweat now, Chigetsu could barely swallow.

“I don’t know, hopefully this will be enough.”

It took a moment, but he began to curse his own fear and helplessness. Anger and self-loathing again took control of his mind, swirling around in a destructive pit of emotions. He was unreasonably satisfied when the monster swatted her like a fly, sending the poor woman through a wall. The creaking sound the walls she had been sent through made revealed that they had been supporting structures. The building they had been holding up would collapse shortly afterwards. That emotion only lasted for a second though, as Chigetsu began to get a better grip on himself. Hopefully she would be okay. The clone’s quick statement afterwards would seem to confirm that she at least wasn’t dead. He could only assume based on the request to “restrain it” that she would try the same thing again, but… that was an incredibly cruel plan. Their last interaction had been years ago, but Fuyuko should still know that he was made of water. What did she imagine, that he would hold it down physically while she shoved that ball of electricity through its gut? That would surely kill Chigetsu in the process just through conduction. He would shoot Fuyuko’s clone a dirty look. He was becoming fed up with this all. How useless he felt throughout this entire scenario, the strange actions of the Mizukage, and now the way that Fuyuko seemed to be planning to use him as a sacrifice in order to take down the beast.

“Fine then.” His voice was instantly noticeably different than it had been before. It was now higher-pitched, in a way that radiated youth. He hadn’t made any visible hand seals to activate the technique, but his body was already restructuring itself. In a matter of moments Chigetsu had compressed down to around half of his original size. His height and features turned to that of a young child, matching what had become of his voice. The caution and restraint that he had been holding were set aside. As depressing as it was to think about, this was a dog-eat-dog world. He would only continue to be trampled on if he stayed so hesitant and afraid. “I’ll do my best to restrain it. If what you’re planning doesn’t work though, I’m going to explode. Try to throw a barrier up around yourself if you can in that case, because I can’t control the collateral.”

He jump off of his position on the roof and hit the ground in less than half a second. The force of his takeoff crushed the shingles that he had been standing on into a fine dust and spread it up into a dirty cloud of smoky clay residue. The force that came from hitting the grounds at such a speed spread throughout his body, distributed easily due to his liquid body. His internal temperature would rise ever so slightly from the impact, and although it was so slight that it was near impossible to notice, his body would begin to expand. The beast, while strong, was nowhere near as fast as Chigetsu had just become. A swat of its arm would be ducked under, and in an impressive feat of over compensation Chigetsu would slam his face straight into the ground in the process. This was the first time that he had used this sort of technique, and so he hadn’t ever had the chance to really adjust for the boost of speed that he had just obtained. There were a lot of things that were still experimental with this technique, that he would have to practice. Honestly, he wasn’t even entirely sure if the explosion process wouldn’t end up killing him as well. It wasn’t supposed to, but how could he really know? The slamming down into the ground would be easily compensated for though, as the blowback would explode his form into a splash of water that rebounded up into the monster’s upper torso and face. His liquefiable bones made it easy to maneuver around the thing, and the advantage on speed meant that he could snake around its body before it could even attempt to pry him off. What he truly had to worry about was the blasts of energy that it seemed to be capable of emitting from its crystals. He had been counting on it being too panicked from the sudden assault to have the piece of mind to charge them up, but that was an advantage he could only rely on temporarily.

“Now! Hit it, and don’t worry about me!” He would yell out to Fuyuko once he obtained a decent grip on the monster. To rectify his original mistake he would be aiming for its eyes now, forcing portions of his liquid body into its eye sockets. While it was difficult with the monster’s flailing and desperate clawing at its own face, Chigetsu would do his best to increase the pressure inside its sockets until its eyeballs would simply pop out of its skull. It had the added advantage of blinding and further distracting the thing to Fuyuko’s next attack, but what he was really aiming for was to be absolutely sure that his detonation would kill it. If he had portions of the explosion start from inside its body then its armored hide would do no good in protecting it. Of course, he hadn’t really restrained it. Surely not in the manner that she had wanted, at least. It was blinded and distracted by Chigetsu up on its face, and snaking around its body, but at the same time it still had free use of its arms and legs. It would be up to her to capitalize on what Chigetsu had provided, even if it wasn’t an ideal opportunity.

Chakra 280/390:

10Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Empty Re: Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Fri Mar 29, 2019 10:25 am



A puzzled look would grow on her face as Chigetsu threw a dirty look towards her. Why would he give her that look? What had she said or done that would evoke such a reaction from him. It made no sense to her. All she did was ask to restrain it. The thought of his bodily composition came to mind, but it wasn’t like she asked him to restrain it in such a way that she would also hurt him. She restrained the monster with a technique, didn’t she? So why shouldn’t he be able to? If he can’t do such a thing he should’ve just said so and she would need to devise another plan. All she has done was throw the first plan that came to her mind out there so that they wouldn’t stagnate and just dance around the beast. They had to keep moving, keep trying things. It was him after all that asked for more guidance.

Fuyuko did her best to shrug the thought to the side, it was something that they could deal with later. It wasn’t the time or moment to grow resentful towards each other, because it would most certainly result in death. However Fuyuko was very confused in how Chigetsu was going to restrain it, seeing as he was going for a more physical approach, but his size at shrunk considerably. Being only about half the size it was before, it left Fuyuko extremely puzzled as to how he was going to pull off this feat. Despite his size, he had grown incredibly quick, way quicker than she had expected. Chigetsu was capable of moving at speeds with which even the beast had trouble keeping up with. As they seemed to wrestle for dominance Fuyuko noticed that Chigetsu’s body started to grow and grow as time passed on. Decently fast becoming bigger than he was before.

Without wanting to wait much longer Fuyuko started preparing herself, this time after weaving the signs ox, hare and monkey the same ball of electricity appeared in her hand again. With the ball in hand she waited a bit longer, waiting for Chigetsu to impair the monsters movements more and more. It became evident that he would never obtain a full restraint and thus she took off. While her speed wasn’t as quick Chigetsu before, she still moved twice as fast as she did with the previous Chidori.

While she was running Chigetsu told her to not worry about him. It pulled back the thought from before, which just made her confused. Why did he tell her to not worry about him, yet he threw that glare at her. It made no sense, the puzzle pieces didn’t match up in her mind. The lapse in concentration proved to be dangerous. Chigetsu’s crude method of restraining the beast proved to be not completely effective. It had pulled its right arm lose from his grip and started to swing towards her. A coin followed by a beam of lightning flashed in front of her eyes as it collided with the monsters arm and knocking it to the side. The real Fuyuko had gotten up and provided some support to her clone.

Within striking distance Fuyuko thrusted her arm and lightning cutter forward. Her fingertips crashing into the red crystal that was faintly glowing. “Come on!!” she yelled as the crystal didn’t seem to budge at all. Her face growing rapidly more frustrated until it started to crack. However the frustration quickly turned to delight as her hand started to slip in. Eventually after what felt like and eternity her hand had made it’s way all the way inside. Eventually piercing something that could only be described as tearing through flesh. The beast groaned absurdly loud, deafening loud. She could feel it flowing between her fingers, the beating sensation around her hand. She was certain that she had just shoved her hand through monsters heart. A feeling of gloom overcame her as some of the crystals started to immediately fall off of the beast after it fell down to the floor. Red drops of paint dripped from her hand onto the ground. And the crystals that once covered a monster now revealed there was a person underneath it. While most of the crystals still covered up big parts of its body, you could see the human limbs in between.

Fuyuko grew ever so sad, she knew what she did was right, but having had to kill for it didn’t make her feel good. The clone disappeared, leaving only the puddle of blood on the ground as evidence of something having stood there. Allowing the real Fuyuko to learn everything that her clone had learned and taking on the sad feeling that the clone had started to generate. One beast down, god knows how many more to go. But she needed a rest. She wouldn’t survive another encounter with a beast straight away.

I’m beat, I’ve used up most of my techniques that will be useful against these monsters, I need a bit of resting time before I can be helpful again.” She said as she let herself fall down onto the floor. "But we did it, that's all that matters for now. I guess the Mizukage was right after all." she followed up with a cheeky smile and laugh trying to hide her internal sadness. Also in an attempt to just forget about what had transpired a moment ago between the two of them as well, now was not the time to address such matters.


wc 945
twc 4156

Fuyuko: 110/195
Clone: 110/195

Jutsu used:

4156/4000 - A-rank Quest mission
156/100 - 25 extra ryo
56 wc discarded

11Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Empty Re: Rise of the 7 Swords: Awakening Sun May 12, 2019 11:36 pm

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Fuyuko’s arm collided into the glowing red crystal that made the creature’s heart. Even as he struggled in an attempt to assert dominance over this creature Chigetsu couldn’t help but stare at her as she came at him. It felt so familiar. A disgusting feeling washed over him, and he would be caught struggling with his emotions as she struck her fingers into the gemstone. While he hadn’t been caught in the attack, which he had half expected to, the mere presence of the electricity emanating from her hand made him flinch back away from the point of impact in subconscious fear. His grip on the creature did not lessen from the fear, and if anything he held on even tighter than he did before. It was as if he were clinging to it for dear life, ironically feeling more threatened by his ally’s attack than he did of the abomination against nature that he was wrestling with. The combination of the lightning bashing against its heartstone and the gelatin monster restraining it was enough to sent the beast into shock. It didn’t move, at least not in the timeframe that would have been necessary to save its own life. This didn’t exactly go down as Chigetsu had thought it would, with his body being electrocuted and acting as a method to fry the creature from all angles, but really he was incredibly grateful for that. Getting electrocuted wasn’t exactly the most pleasant thing in the world, and he would like to avoid it whenever possible.

There were a few moments of hesitation between when Fuyuko’s fingers fist collided with the creature’s chest and when the chidori finally began to push into the beast. The cracking of the crystal came shortly after, but those few moments when it wasn’t clear that the attack had succeeded where terrifying. If Fuyuko couldn’t defeat this thing it would mean that Chigetsu would be forced to rely on the explosive part of this technique as well, which would surely destroy half the village in the process. There was no telling if she would be able to survive that either. After what felt eternity she would shove the entirety of her hand inside the creature’s chest. It would let out a sudden roar of pain that echoed throughout the city. Afterwards the glowing of the crystals would immediately begin to dim. As she pulled her hand back the creature would fall backwards, colliding onto the ground with a loud thud. Chigetsu would quickly pull himself up from his position wrapped around the corpse and arrange himself into a more humanoid form. Seeing that the creature was dead he had no reason to remain in this childish form any longer he would release the techniques that he had cast earlier. As he grew in size and reverted back to his adult form bubbles of steam would erupt from the top of his head, escaping from his still superheated interior. He had been lucky this time.

They would both be left panting and exhausted. While Chigetsu hadn’t used nearly as much chakra as Fuyuko had, his superheated insides now were causing him a considerable amount of distress. Having your internal organs subjected to boiling heat wasn’t exactly pleasant, especially when bits of them were actually the things that were boiling. He would recover. It was just another part of this legendary technique that he hadn’t adjusted to yet. It definitely wasn’t intended to be used in the way that Chigetsu was using it here, and so that was a large part of the problem. With time perhaps he would be able to adjust it to better suit his purposes. His mind was everywhere at the moment, scattered with thoughts about his joki boi and chidori. That there were two other beasts in the village still was something that had escaped his conscious thought up until the moment that Fuyuko mentioned it again.

“That’s right… There are more of these things. I almost forgot.” A quick glance would be taken at the village. The sounds of alarms and comat were still clearly audible. “I can’t believe we took this one down to be honest. It’s still hard to believe.”

Chigetsu would take a seat on the ground, crossing his legs over another. Even if there was still other monsters roaming the village he desperately needed a moment to rest. "I'll go to help out where I can after a little bit. You can catch up whenever you feel you're ready... Well, hopefully the Mizukage has already taken care of everything else..."

[Mission: 4000 wc]
[Training Fuuin from D->C: 1050 wc]
(With 30% Reduction from Genius+Prodigy)

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