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Rebelling against the world[Amaya Uchciha/Ginza/No Kill/Private] New_ca10

Dante was rushed to the hospital, full of cuts and wounds from combating the forest now full of dead rapists and murderers. However, this did not come without a price. Dante has been fighting on an empty stomach, and without treatment for days. The only treatment was fire to burn his wounds away. Needless to say, it was painful. The young man was found passed out among the many corpses he killed. Should he awaken he would not enjoy hearing Konohagakure had saved him from dying. The idea just wasn’t appealing for someone who was out to crush the five nations. The crimson-eyed has an ambition and it is to crush the five nations. He planned to go about that ambition as he always did his mission, solo.

The sage that sealed away his time should be dead, however, if he is still walking this earth that means he is as old as Dante right now. Not only that, but he should have lost all of his Jutsus and especially that seal. Meaning, at the present time, the sage was most vulnerable. Dante would seek him out and give him a peace of his mind. However, the problem is the situation at hand. Dante awoke, and as he found himself in a hospital he left in a raging fit. While the nurses chased after the now genin shinobi. He dodged and evaded the hospital’s staff effectively. The head nurse chased him with immense speed crossing twenty meters a second, and as she caught him he poofed into a pillow with a middle finger drawn on it. Dante escaped to the top of the building and laid on his back as he enjoyed the sky. Laying on his back the man took a sip of the juice he stole and unwrapped the meal that was delivered to him. After eating he just enjoyed his juice from a straw while looking up at the sky.

He looked at his body, and cursed his situation. The lasses of Konohagakure saved him and he now owes them. Angered by the fact that he was indebted to them he sighed and closed his eyes. He was supposed to crush the big five. Not befriend them. He remembered the Sage as he sealed Dante away. “I give you a new chance, Dante Uchiha. Relive the life you turned into a crimson massacre. Realize an ambition worthy of your power. Stray away from evil and remain just” Angered by the words Dante crushed the pocket of juice in his hand and threw it away. “My path is mine and mine alone. I’ll rebel against this accursed world.” Dante spoke in a low voice in his cold tone.

Dante laid back once again and just kept staring at the sky. No one should find him on top of the building. That Nurse was crazy fast, and Dante had not an ounce of his speed.

Word Count:

Last edited by Crimson on Tue Jan 03, 2017 7:20 am; edited 1 time in total



The days spent at the hospital were never slow, filled with people coming and going, both in the land of the living and the land of the spectral. But, of course it was the goal of the medics in the hospital to keep too many people from venturing into the spectral realm with their efforts to heal them from their injuries or illnesses.  None of the staff at the hospital were interested in losing a patient to Death, after all.  And with the effort of everyone in the hospital they were able to keep the number of deaths relatively low, which was nice, and Ginza tended to focus on keeping those numbers low while he was working.  It kept him ridiculously busy, and sometimes that was a blessing to keep Ginza’s mind focused and away from thoughts of other things that tended to draw his mind away from the present and to the horrors of his past. And, for the most part he was grateful for the distraction, but it was days like this where everything was non-stop that Ginza sometimes craved a break. So, Ginza had been making his way to the break room for some well deserved coffee when he heard a nurse that usually came to him if there was an issue call out to him.

“Medic Kaigara!”

Giving a small put upon sigh that the woman wouldn’t be able to hear, Ginza turned to see the breathless nurse that had called out to him, raising an eyebrow as he watched the woman hunch over, hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. That was the advantage of being a shinobi. The amount of training that one had to go through was intense, and because of that one’s endurance became much more than someone normal. It had been quite some time since Ginza had actually been winded like the woman in front of him, and he closed the distance between them, carefully setting a hand on her shoulder as she caught her breath.

“Are you alright? What is it?” Ginza asked after a moment of letting her catch her breath, not wanting to prolong whatever it was that had sent her running to him.  He always had a habit of going straight to business like he always did, though he did all the more so now particularly because the nurse seemed so urgent about whatever it was that was going on.

“I-I’m fine. Sorry.” The nurse sighed, straightening up as Ginza pulled his hands away from her shoulders. She took another deep breath before launching into her explanation. “A patient’s been running myself and the others ragged. We had no idea where he’s disappeared to…” She started again, before continuing on and explaining about the patient’s file, detailing his injuries and appearance to the twenty-four year old medic.

When she finally finished, Ginza gave her a nod and immediately walked past her to begin his search. A patient gone rogue. Of course there had to be a patient that ran off from their treatment, even if it was for their own health. Shinobi made the worst patients with their determination that they could handle whatever could come at them. But, Ginza, as both a shinobi and a medic was just as determined, and he usually managed to find the individual who had run off, particularly with the sensory techniques that he had.

Of course, searching the entire hospital was a slow process, moving from floor to floor until he reached a floor that he could reach the top with his sensory techniques.  It made everything so much simpler. Closing his eyes, he let his chakra flow from his body, reaching into his surroundings to search for heart beats. For the most part everyone seemed to be in the correct places, save for… one on the roof. No one was supposed to be on the rooftop of the Hospital. So, instead of continuing his search in the building he quickly made his way to the roof, hoping to find the missing teen.

And luckily, find him he did, and a frown of a stern medic formed on his face as he moved towards the dark haired boy. “Perhaps I should congratulate you from getting away from the other staff in your condition.” Ginza hummed, raising an eyebrow as he looked over the bandages on the other’s body. “But you’d be doing me a favor if you decided to just go back to your room to lie down, Mr. Uchiha, rather than doing so here, on the roof. You’re making our jobs harder by running around and hiding like this.”

Chakra 140/150 :

WC: 787

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