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1Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Empty Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:45 am



Hira woke up from a very well rested night and reached for his headband, he grabbed it and looked at it. Black strap with the kiri symbol on it, he smiled at it before placing it back down. He reached into his bag and grabbed his new headband he had it made as a present to himself for getting premoted to chunin. It was just like his other one except the strap was a dark purple and the metal was a blue color with the kiri symbol colored in a blue color. He put on his armor strapped his swords to his side and hopped out the window as he headed out for the rolling hills. He planned on today being another day of relaxation, he deserved it after all, as did everyone who got premoted.

As he reached the village gate he stopped for a few moments looking around at everyone as the citizens walked in and out of the village with their own business. Some people had bags on and some people didnt, some people looked older and some people looked younger. He laughed a small bit and continued down the dirt road that led out of the village.

It was a few moments before he got to the rolling hills, the green grass was lush and soft. The sky was also soft, but blue instead of lush and green. He looked out over the hills with his arms crossed with his posture sturdy and straight. You could tell by looking at him that he was proud of something. He wondered if his teammates got premoted, he hoped so. They deserved it as much as he did. "Your moving up in the world Hira, keep moving forward!" He muttered to himself.

2Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Empty Re: Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:59 am

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu took his headband and looked at it with care. His old blue and silver one. The one to show he graduated from the academy to become an official ninja. He tied it up to the tree he was in. If he had his way, it would stay there forever. It was a marker if anything. He took out his other head band. It had the same metal guard, but he asked if his could be a much lighter blue. Sky blue. This showed everyone that he was the next level of ninja. A Chunin. With being promoted came could and bad things. He'd get a little more respect, and freedom to do more things. The part that made Akimitsu sigh was the fact he would have to do more missions when he did need to work. He'd much rather do other things. Can't be helped though.

He heard a person not far ahead and took a wild guess that he must have been promoted as well. He jumped out of his tree and walked towards the other ninja. Normally he wouldn't go out of his way to talk, but today was different. It was a nice day, along with his promotion. "Looks like I'm not the only one who wanted to celebrate a bit."

3Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Empty Re: Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:53 pm



Otto looked at his chunin exceptance letter with a half smile, he did it he was a chunin. He took off his coat with a frown then folded it solemnly as if to say good bye. So far this had been his favorite jacket but like his past jacket it would have to go. He pulled a box out of his bag; the box was marked chunin. He opened it and inside it revealed a new head band and a new jacket. He grabs the black head band it was different from most no metal just black cloth. In the middle there was the Kirigakure symbol in maroon ,"Nice" he said aloud. He then grabbed the new jacket rather the being maroon on the outside it was black on the outside with several maroon highlights on trhe sleavesand on the entire inside. He threw on the head band then slowly slipped into the coat. quickly he threw on the hood it not only obscured the veiw of his eyes but it also revealed a second kirigakure symbol in the middle right above his face. he smiled then hopped out of his window to show off his new jacket.

He saw hira after strolling around the city a bit and taking quite a few numbers. He approaches him from behind and hears him mutter something. Otto clears his throat then says quickly," Let me guess you got promoted as well... or at least you better have"

4Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Empty Re: Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:23 pm



Hira turned around to see Akimitsu, a genin from the leaf village he knew on an aquaintance basis and otto one of his own teammates. He turned to face them and he shook his headband with his right hand and put a smile on his face saying to the two "Yep... being a chunin is hard work ya know?" He said this as a joke as he hadnt been a chunin for very long. He looked at otto and for a moment didnt notice a difference but then stated "Oh... i see you got a new headband to huh? Nice..." He returned his gaze back to the rolling hills and just kinda enjoyed the scenary.

5Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Empty Re: Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:49 pm



Skye received his headband and had a somewhat odd smile on his face. He was happy to have the new headband. Taking his old one off, he seemed to stare at it for a while. A slight bit of nostalgia hit him. He was already beginning to remember when he first got it. This went on for a few minutes until Skye eventually snapped out of it and switched the headbands out. After folding the old one, he put it in his pack and decided to go see who else was promoted to Chuunin. As he wandered the streets of Konoha, he started to plan out the rest of his stay. He would definitely have to head back with Raijin, and maybe even Karoshi. He'd have to check in with one of them eventually. Skye eventually got sight of a few others.He recognized some from his 5v1 exam match. Speeding his pace up, he caught up to the two and noticed their headbands. "Hey guys." A happy grin began to form.

6Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Empty Re: Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:37 pm

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu saw how many genin became chunin. It didn't surprise him all that much. At least people moved up the ranks. Akimitsu started to wonder if any of the other Konoha ninja were able to become a chunin.

"Just a curious question for all of you. Now that we are chunin, what is the first thing you guys are going to do once you go to your villages again?"

7Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Empty Re: Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:42 pm



Otto quickly moved to hira's side and put his arm over his teammates shoulder. "Help rebuild a village, become Jonin, eat yogurt, get my ass beat in a rematch, and hunt down a specific rouge." This was literally all Otto had planned anything else would come later right now it was only time to have fun... No worries.

8Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Empty Re: Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:46 pm



Hira chuckled at otto's little remark and supported him as otto leaned on his shoulder. He had to admit though he wasnt sure at all what he was gonna do if he decided to headback to the ruins of home. He didnt live inside the village, heck he practically lived outside so he wasnt sab about not having a bed or a home to go back to, but he did come to be good friends with a lot of people there and come to respect the village and its inhabitants. "Im not sure what im gonna do when i get back, i guess whatever is needed of me. As for now though my focus is on training and gaining strength. Just because i got premoted doesnt give me a reason to slow down." Hira sounded really determined in his words and in truth he was, he just wasnt used to expressing himself in the way he just did.

9Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Empty Re: Chunin party! [chunins only/no-kill] Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:21 pm



"Oh wow..." Skye hasn't really thought about the future now that he was a Chuunin. It never really came up until now. As Otto and Hiragana went ahead and announced their plan, Skye did a quick brainstorm to come up with something. He ended up with a few things involving his clan, and a few more involving Kumo. "Well, one of the first things I'll probably do is enjoy a few days off. The exam took a bit out of me. Then I'll probably start working on succeeding my father as clan leader. It won't happen for a while, but I'm going to do it eventually." He grinned and scanned over each of the other's faces to see their reactions.

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