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Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

Razor had just had it he was going to go out of his mind this place was so different than suna. Everything was just so strange to him he decided to clear his head with a walk. And wandered around forever until he ended up at naka river. When he heard the water flowing all his cares melted away and he decided to lay down and relax. Before he knew it he had been there for hours just listening to the water flow.



Otto was in the naka river swimming; as a natural hozuki member he wore no clothes the water refreshed his body and helped speed up the healing process. Eventually he sees the sand ninja relaxing and he thinks, 'should I appoach or will I freak him out... eh who cares.' He raises up and says to the ninja "hey how ya doing!"

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra limped along the river with a stick under his left armpit. His shin was still healing from his fight with Sero so he decided not too put a lot of weight on it. He was not walking long before he came in contact with the only familiar face in Konoha. “Hey Razor!” Ezra called out from a distance when he noticed a guy in the water who also called out to Razor. Ezra chuckled to himself although he wasn’t quite sure why. He kept walking to approach his fellow sand-nin as the surroundings got brighter. ‘Looks like the sun is finally coming out from its hiding place.’ Ezra was thinking about how it had been a pretty cloudy day up until now.

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

Razor heard the boy say his name and he expected to look up and see someone behind him. But instead he a guy in the river itself Razor looked at him and said while smiling a little. " you're from kiri right". Then he heard a familiar voice and responded " Hey Ezra how are you feeling".



Otto continued to swim," yes I'm from kiri what gave me away" he says with a smile. He had never met any sand ninja before the land of sand was dangerous for a hozuki he could dry out hard core there just by itting in the sun the thought made him shudder. "So who are you guys... you must be rather strong to live in such heat"

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra gave a thumbs up to Razor’s questions as he approached. The thumbs up seemed to say “I’m good”. Ezra was now in the thick of human interaction with his friend Razor and a mist ninja. “I’m Ezra.” He answered the mist ninja’s question then looked to Razor to introduce himself. He then turned his attention back to the fellow in the water and saw the smile on his face. ‘He looks happy but there’s something else to it.’ Ezra was right the guy seemed quite at home in the water, maybe it was because he was from Kiri.

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

"Im happy you're better feeling better ezra" after ezra introduced himself
razor said " And i am Razor nice to meet you whats you're name".



Otto looked at the two genin with a smile he was always in a good mood while swimming it reminded him of his mother. It cradled him cared for him the only thing he loved equally to swimming was kenjutsu that reminded him of his father stern and smooth. He sighs then says,"I'm Otto, a kirigakure genin, age 17. What's it like in Suna?"

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

“Its pretty great if you don’t mind the occasional sandstorm and lack of visible water and if what you’re doing right now is any indication; Am I right to say you like your water?” Ezra said with a smile as he removed his sandals rolled up his trousers and walked with the help of his cane formerly known as a tree branch into the shallow part of the water. He then looked to Razor. “Anything to add?” He asked considering he had said two of the simplest things about Suna.

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

"Yeah the fact that suna never gets snow because of the heat. Also about myself my name is razor namizake head of the namizake clan age 16 village suna. If you want to know anything else just ask". And with that razor jumped in to take a swim.



Otto thought about his abilities,"yes it's very safe to say that like my waer a have to stay pretty hydrated," this was a direct play on his abilities; He chuckled at the statement. He looked at the other man with a smile "seeing as how my family is all, but dead it's safe to say that i'm probably head of my clan as well."

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

"Sorry to hear about your family." Ezra interjected hoping to stop the conversation from taking a turn down sadness lane. "I'm the head of my clan as well, or I will be when I turn sixteen." Ezra said as he took off his shirt and tossed it to dry land. He walked a little further into the river so that the water could at least touch his stomach. 'This is nothing like the Reservoir.' Ezra thought feeling a bit homesick.

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

"huh you got that right ezra" Razor said as he laid back to enjoy the sunlight. "So otto what are you doing here".



Otto shrugs at the mans comment about being sorry then chuckled, " Not my problem or yours they should have fought the guy." He says this in a cold voice that make it seem as if he does not care. "I'm mostly here for the chunin exams but i'm in this lake because i'm semi-injured and i'm using the water to help speed up my healing process"

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

"Speaking of healing. I should get going." Ezra leaned on the stick and pulled out of the water. Facing away from the river he turned his head sideways and used his peripheral vision to look at Otto. "If you don't mind I'd like to ask what do you mean by you're using the water to speed up the healing process?" Ezra asked as he had remembered a story about a certain clan from Kiri. Was the story he heard true? Maybe. He'd probably find out now.

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

"Yeah ezra you need some rest" And i would also like to know what you meant. I have heard stories of abilities like that but ive never meet anyone with it". He looked at the kiri ninja with a sense of wonder as he awaited the answer.



Otto chuckled then quickly deflected their thoughts on him being a hozuki until he earned his families respect he was no Hozuki, hell even if they all died he wouldn't be a hozuki until he reached a jonin ranking so until further notice...",I'm from Kiri he says with a smile we live i the water we dry out without it by being in the water we all heal much faster in places similar to home. it's a scientific fact. " He was lying but wasn't at the same time he wasn't, he couldn't regenerate... yet.

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

"I guess I'll take your word for it." Ezra said as he picked up his shirt and sandals. He though about whether it was a scientific fact or not. 'It couldn't be. Could it?' Ezra thought as he raised his left arm and waved backward. "See you guys around." He pointed at Razor and Otto with his index and middle fingers unintentionally giving the peace sign. He shook his head putting the thought out of his mind and continued on to town, to the apartment he was staying in for the duration of the exams.

-Exit Thread-

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

"Yeah i should get going too bye otto" Razor then walked back to the apartment where he was staying but he could not get that ninja out of his mind but he eventually got tired and fell asleep.

[exit thread]

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