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1A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty A party goers day off (Open no kill) Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:29 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Caro sat down on a hill, thinking back on her fight with that other girl she hadn't been that bad, honestly speaking though she ran away from the fight the moment she attacked her, which showed a lack of courage but otherwise she was good with a kunai. She had entertained that thought for the main part of her day by midday the sun was high in the sky, heating up her skin, almost burning it, or thats how it felt at least.  She pulled the stopper off her bottle of red rum and took a long swig, savoring the cold liquor that was kept cold by the insulating inside of his flask, he headache started the abate, probably because she emptied half of the flask into her mouth in one go, she felt slightly light headed. She corked to flask and stood up and stretched feeling the pop in her back and the release of tension. She went back for her bottle and uncorked it again and took a small is letting it swish around her mouth enjoying the better quality rum she bought for herself. She was really enjoying the day today it seemed to have no faults in it.

Word count 203

2A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:58 pm

Luna Fang

Luna Fang

Luna was wondering back through the woods again after resting and stopped when she smelled rum. "could that be that girl again?" she wondered. she walked around the edge of a big bolder and saw her on a hill. with the girl sitting down she thought might have a chance to talk before a possible spar. walking slowly up to her she stopped a short distance away. "I dont get why you drink so much" she said lightly to the girl as she leaned against the nearby tree.

3A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:07 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

She thought it implausible that the girl would show up again, especially when she was just thinking of her, but this time she wanted to talk a little bit flirt the last encounter they had hadn't been so talkative. She stood up and started to sauntered over after the girls comment about drinking she answered back You know why because it tastes good and its fun to be drunk, parties aren't as fun sober, anonymous sex isnt fun when you are coherent, here take a sip this is expensive stuff. she put the flask into the girls hand and smiled and laughed as she gave the girl a playful nudge, as she waited for the girl to take a drink of the liquor. She smiled and laughed again at the girl and added Also its a goo way to make friends, you know she gave a meek smile and awaited the girls response.

4A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:27 pm

Luna Fang

Luna Fang

She understood her answer but didnt fully agree. when the girl handed her the flask, she looked back to her, glad she didnt right out and attack her, and shugged. but when she took a swig she instantly spit it out. "thats not what i thought it would taste like, but who knows i might like it when im older. and everyone has their own tastes." she says handing back the flask. she wiped her mouth and pulled out a canteen of water and took a swig. she looked out past the hill and then pack to the girl. "How long have you been in the village?" she asks to change the subject of of the liquor.

5A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:35 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

The girl had spit out the rum, she had never drank before it seemed she also asked another question, to which she took a swig of rum before answered, feeling the cold, burning liquid run down her throat and fill her belly with a warm feeling, she then answered Yee yu get used to it eveually i find it tastes good, haha, and Ive been in this village since i was born 26 years ago, ive been a genin since i was about 12, its been awhile she hoped she would make chuunin soon to make other s give at least a little respect. this girl was actually quite attractive when she looked at her now it was funny what booze did to her.

6A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:42 pm

Luna Fang

Luna Fang

Luna looked up and moved some hair out of her face with her hand. "wow im surprised you aren't a Chuunin yet, your wind shuriken was impressive. Ive been here for about 5 years now and and genin since then." she said looking up to the sky. Her stomach then growled loudly and she remembered she didn't eat anything before coming back out here. "haha, looks like i forgot to eat again." she said laughing. she then looked back to the girl and wondered if she hangs out here alot. she wouldn't be surprised, she likes to hang in the trees. with that thought she jumped up and grabbed the branch above her and pulled herself up to sit on the branch.

7A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:48 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

You forgot to eat, wow that sucks, do you like jerky i got some in back pack if you want some, i dont eat when i drink. She pulled the bag of jerky out and threw it up the tree the girl was sitting in then added. Hey do you want to train, you know a fight, just les angry i thought you were with the emo kid before, i could teach you a few moves if you want. she said as she smile and winked at the girl.

8A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:53 pm

Luna Fang

Luna Fang

Luna caught the jerky easily and smiled. "well it happens often when i want to wander and thanks" she said and then thought a moment, "You know you should eat something when you drink, that way you can concentrate better, but everyone does has different tolerances to drinks. But yeah training sounds great" she says before jumping down neatly before the girl while eating some of the jerky. "This is good jerky" she adds afterwards.

9A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:04 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Yee i make the jerky myself at home, and i never bring enough booze with me to get me drunk, unless im at a party,and why do you think im so skinny. so well then dont go easy on me ok, haha she took her shuriken off her back and stood ready for an attack of any kind, And ill let you attack first, wouldnt seem fair otherwise she stood ready for an attack of any kind, waiting to see what this girl was made of in a one on one match. She wouldnt kill the girl now she didnt even really want to damage the girl, she like this girl, see was her polar opposite.

10A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:19 pm

Luna Fang

Luna Fang

"Haha i wont, plus i learned some new jutsus" she says as she jumped back and pulled out a kunai. For some reason the kunai knife was her favorite weapon except for a sword that she couldnt have. The then formed the hand sign to create a clone and criss crossed as they ran and jumped. Both clones threw a kunai at the girl before landing softly on the ground. She then pulled out the other kunai she had and stood in a defense pose.

Name: Doppelganger Technique (影分身の術 ~ Bunshin no Jutsu)
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: E
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: Short (0-5m)
Speciality: None
Duration: Clones last 4 posts, or until dissipated.
Cooldown: Six posts after all clones are dispersed.
Description: Using this technique, the user can create up to five intangible clones that appear physically identical to the user. The clone has no physical form, and as such cannot attack. When any object passes through the clone, be it a fist, a rock or a blade, the clone will evaporate. It's mainly used to help mask the user, helping them attack an opponent who is superior at dodging. The clones do not disturb the area around them, don't have shadows or body heat, and as such experienced ninja can easily pick them out. Costs 5 chakra to create clones. :

Chakra 145 of 150:

11A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:09 am

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Caro Saw the approach of the girls and couldnt tell which one was which, so she attached her strings to her Fuma shuriken and threw it to her right and swung it around with her charka strings so it would it the one on the right first before she threw her Shuriken and if the first one was a clone, it would go through it and travel to hit the second, but if the first one wasnt a clone it would hit the girl directly, so no matter what it would contact one of them. She threw it a bit before the girl could let her kunai fly. The girl wouldnt enjoy being hit with a shuriken of this size but there wasnt time to make smaller ones, so the massive shuriken would do for now.

Chakra 145:

12A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:33 pm

Luna Fang

Luna Fang

The large shuriken hit her square in the side and tossed her backwards. she landed hard on the ground and held her side. yes it was bleeding but she was use to injuries. she quickly got back up and jumped up into the tree. she then jumped once more from the branch to get a height advantage. she then formed hand signs and released Fire style Phoenix flower jutsu. the balls of fire heading towards the girl.

Chakra 130 of 150:

13A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:09 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

The girl was apparently on the run again as she jumped up into a tree, Caro got her shuriken to fly back into her hand, catching it by the center and keeping it spinning and ready to throw. He let the shuriken loose towards the tree where the 20 some fireballs were now coming from keeping it on track still with her chakra strings, just in case she tried to dodge. she then jumped to the left of all of the fireballs, though she was still nicked by one of the fireballs in the right shoulder, causing first degree burns, on her left should, though not seriously injuring her.

14A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:27 pm

Luna Fang

Luna Fang

"man she dodged it well" Luna thought but then jumped down when she saw the shurikin fly her way. she landed roughtly and spun around the tree incase the she redirected the shuriken. She peeked around the tree to find her kunai knives. "ive got to get my kunai" she thought. she didnt want to use her clones again and she actually couldnt. deciding to change it up a bit and because the shurikin would be above, she ran right out from the back of the tree and straight at the girl. right as she got to her she did a quick spin and kicked at the girls knees.

15A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:19 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Hr shuriken had met only branches when it came in contact with the tree, then the girl came barreling down the tree and ran directly at her he puled the shuriken back to her direction, now flying for tthe girls back and would hit right after the girl went to kick her legs, Oh no im not good at taijutsu She thought, just before the girls kick landed on her knee almost making her fall over but, momentarily blinding her thoughts and driving her to momentary anger, causing her to activate her buzz saw no jutsu, causing the Fuma shuriken right behind the other girl that was just about to hit her to start spinning at intense speeds, and causing it to be able to cut 7 inches into skin, so as long as it doesnt hit a rib it could cut halfway through her body. The girl wouldnt hear it in time to make a reaction.

Chakra 125
Maintaining strings
Justus used:

16A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:12 pm

Luna Fang

Luna Fang

Luna was hit badly in the side as she landed from her attack and knocked to the ground. she looked up at the girl and was surprised."What was that?" she asked her with her hand holding her side. she then got up slowly and jumped back so she could catch her breath. "at least this is just a spar" she thought, she knew that it could have been a lot worse.

17A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:18 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Haha you got that right eh i had to ease of a bit on that last blow to make sure it didnt cleave you halfway across She said as she caught her shuriken and put it on her back and walked over to the girl and put her hand out and shook her hand, she then walked passed her and smacked her on the ass whilst giggiling You got to work on your dodging and attacking at the same time dearie

18A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:37 pm

Luna Fang

Luna Fang

Luna frowned at the comment but then laughed cause she was right. she jumped when she smacked her on the butt. she walked over to where her kunai knives were and picked them up, she knew she needed to buy more. she put them up and walked back to the girl without saying a word.

19A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:41 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

The girl had done well escpeially since all of her jutus were very lethal and she didnt want to kill the girl. Do you have any unique jutsu by any chance she asked wondering if she had anything special about her that she didnt use, Caro did Caro had her shuriken noone could do her shuriken jutsu like she could. got a boyfriend by any chance She asked in a light manner.

20A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:44 pm

Luna Fang

Luna Fang

Luna thought for a moment. "my only special jutsu is the Phoenix flower jutsu and no i dont have a boyfriend" she said lightly before jumping into a tree but staying within range to talk to the girl. she didnt know why she liked heights but she did. she looked around and noticed it had gotten late "hey i gotta go soon ok" she said to the girl. she would have to meet her sensei in the morning.

21A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:50 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Hmm the fire ball one that got me eh... you are good at that, and if youre ever looking for a girlfriend , im here She said as she winked at her and laughed and kept talking You know you are fun to train with any time you need to train ill be right here, ill go easier on you next time eh...just joking you did great...are you hurt though She asked in a concerned voice.

22A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:00 pm

Luna Fang

Luna Fang

Luna smiled. "That was fun but i dont think im too hurt. i know i still need to work on my techniques." she says looking to her. "How often do you want to train?" she thought to ask as she did need to get back but knew she had to get plenty of rest for he next day.

23A party goers day off (Open no kill) Empty Re: A party goers day off (Open no kill) Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:06 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Whenever you want dear just call me up and ill be there, either that or ill already be there. She said as he walked away to go sleep under the stars and waved and turned around and winked at the girl. She had had a good day today and wouldnt mind training like this.

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