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Hira was having a dream about, well, nothing interesting really just one of those boring dreams that people rarely even remeber having in the slightest. He was awoken by the sunlight coming through the window and beating down on his closed eyes. He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes while letting out a small yawn. He got up out of bed and grabbed his armor, his new headband, and his sword sheathes. Equipping all of them he continued to exit his apartment building and head off to the rolling hills to finish his slumber there instead of inside the bustling village. He made his way to the village gate only stopping once along the way to sit down and take a drink from his water bottle and then he continued on his merry way.

As he exited the village, he stopped to look back at it from the outside, it was a pretty nice village. It was more fancy than kiri but still, hira liked kiri more because it was afterall his home and he had grown up around there and thats where his ninja career had begun. As he made his way to the rolling hills he began to feel a little less tired so when he got there he sat down and instead of napping just peered off into the distance with no real idea on what he was doing there anymore.

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