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Gulp, gulp, gulp. An entire glass's full of beer rushed down Cana's throat all at once and into her soft belly, which rumbled a little in satisfaction as if the alcohol kept her going, which it sort of did. The sixteen year old girl herself let out a long, bassy belch in satisfaction that would echo across the entire Siren's Den; she loved to just let it all out of her system, so to speak. The bartender and all the regulars at the bar had gotten used to her habit of burping like crazy during and after drinking, ever since she first entered the bar at the age of fifteen. Of course, they didn't mind it much at all; her presence to them meant eye candy... or a black eye if they stared too hard. Or got too hard, for that matter. She was drinking at the Siren's Den, of course, a location that tripled as a bar, a club, and a stripclub. This brought together all sorts of personalities, many of which seemed to clash. Two such personalities were the pervert and the assertive young woman.

The young woman would seem to be easy picking for any pervert who intended to go to the stripclub; in fact, she was once invited to go work for the stripclub by an employee who recognized the demand for younger girls there but denied the offer based on the fact that she wanted to keep her dignity. Her body was damn near perfect by the standards of most people in general, especially perverts (unless the individual pervert had some really weird kinks). Voluptuous breasts accompanied her slim, tan body; her flat, curvy stomach also attracted the attention of many onlookers, male and female alike, being complemented and accentuated by her well-defined hips. Oftentimes, she would catch people gazing at her ample posterior in amazement. Puberty had certainly worked wonders on this girl; she wore extremely skimpy outfits to show it off to the whole world. The scantily clad girl had three main outfits that she wore: her everyday outfit, her mission outfit, and her party/bar outfit. The one that she wore right now, the bar outfit, was the most skimpy out of all of them, revealing the entirety of her legs, including her thunder thighs; the other two outfits always covered them with tight capri pants that had left just a little more to the imagination, she supposed. The outfit that she wore composed of a white bikini top with floral patterns whose straps traveled up and down her shoulders and a small white bikini bottom with floral patterns that left as most exposed skin as possible; her Hanafuda deck of cards would be stuffed below her cleavage, within the white bikini top. Of course, wearing such risque clothes, she would be the target of multiple perversions, especially when in such proximity to a strip club.

Bar Outfit
Armed Pervert Meets Alcoholic Teenage Girl, What Could Go Wrong? [Invite Only/NK/Maigo] Cana_alberona_ova_6_by_knightwalker591-d74xq4m

Cana could feel a hand tightly squeeze her rear. Oh shit, this guy was in some big trouble. It had happened quite a few times before with different men, but she had always made it a point to punish whichever man had done it severely in order to show the others that this was not acceptable in the slightest. She turned around and threw a punch at him, knocking him to the ground with force.

"Never try that again, you perv!" she yelled at him in anger as he scurried away, embarrassed with a red face to prove it. Who could guess what other perverts she would stumble across in this bar?

WC: 604



It was a calmed chaos within Maigo's mind...

The nuances of all of it far too long and exacerbated to bother spelling out, the thing with him was not so much what was troubling him. As that could be spelled out in a hundred different ways and each being more incoherent and dramatic than the previous but rather, Why he was so tormented internally?

The answer to that question? Death.

The feelings of mortality and all else that plagued him in recent times, not so much worth the thoughts behind them. Half vulgarity mixed with cursings upon the world and melancholy enough to leak out into the world should he dare to project them out. Truly turning the curse of his eyes and their legacy into an internal struggle, but for how much longer could he really contain all that emotion within him?

Still, he found the best way to drown his absolution were in his own vices, those far too know to Maigo and then those vices that ranked lower on his list. Sitting at the bar for a moment, the Siren's Den was the perfect place to meet the need for many of his pangs he were so desperately trying to forget. But what distracted him more than the drink sitting in front of his hand or the strippers in the stage off behind the bar was rather a commotion going on between some woman and another guy, with some force. Maigo's head peaked in interest, the woman was... well, hardly wearing anything not that it would be unique for a strip club.

He almost couldn't stop staring for the moment, taking in her sight for a moment, almost staring for a time as he brought his drink to his lips and downed what little was left of it. He sighed, thinking to himself, what was the worst that could happen?

He slowly stepped down the bar, taking the seat next to her and leaning in, his face probably a bit red given his situation. His lean in would be nothing less than invasive, though not enough to truly break any barriers, no contact or anything. His voice calmed, focusing in on it to give it a little more of a suave sound than normal, a slight edge to take off any tone or accent that would hinder it, he would speak up, "So are you this rough with everyone? Or do you make them buy you a drink first for that perk?" he knew what he said sounded so stupid. But the cornier the pick up line the better the conversation starter, and even if it went no where, it was still a bit of fun to pull at strangers strings.

[458 words]



"So are you this rough with everyone?" a man spoke as he came down to sit next to the well-endowed young woman in an attempt to be cool, "Or do you make them buy you a drink first for that perk? Meanwhile, she would receive a new glass of beer from the bartender and immediately begin to chug down, placing the bill on the Hanafuda clan (95% of the clan's liquor budget went directly down her throat); eventually, she would have to inherit leadership of this clan from her father Clive Hanafuda, but, for now, she could drink, drink, and drink without having to worry about the day-to-day concerns of managing a clan. She would take a look at the man before heaving out a bit of a sigh; while he did not necessarily look bad in her eyes, he was definitely not anything compared to the other kinds of guys who had tried to hit on her. She would suppose that he'd be fun to mess with though.

She would down the glass of beer in mere seconds while looking at the guy, the alcohol rushing down into her stomach, yet she didn't have enough to satisfy her: she wanted to drink more. She had already placed quite a sizeable bill on the Hanafuda clan from her drinking; she might as well take advantage of the offer that the average man had given her while still taking the opportunity to fuck with him, not literally of course (ew, that would be cringy for someone of Cana's beauty, in her view). To assert herself around the new guy, she would unleash a loud belch right in his face as he leaned in with a look of nonchalance on her own, dismissing her antics as if the belch never even happened. This acted almost like a manliness test of sorts, something that almost all poor excuses for men seemed to fail when around Cana; if they really had some balls, they wouldn't take shit like that from a woman and would assert themselves without being an asshole. Perhaps this guy would have the confidence that Cana looked for in men. Or maybe not, and he'd just serve as a free drink for her.

"If you want to buy me a drink, she would tell him right afterwards in response to his earlier comment, holding out her empty glass towards him as if it were his prerogative to fill it up and foot the bill, "Then be my guest." From there, she would await the man's response.

WC: 1039



This girl was... problematic. She was... seemingly rude and her breath smelled of booze in the worst way, if it weren't for her own alluring features then he probably would have had a major problem. However, her outfit was... skimpy at best, little more than lingerie and just enough to be considered underwear. Maigo would blink confused, not believing what had just happened in front of him, to him rather.

For all or any of his self control his blink would slowly transition into a twitch of a single eye as she continued on with an offer to buy her a drink. It was a bit apathetic, almost ignoring any attempt at making a joke or being suave and met with... rudeness. His response would be a bit drawn out, stepping back a bit and standing in front of the stool next to her, his tone would grow shorter, his face a bit more stoic.

The question was how would he respond? He was never one to do well with confrontation or controlling himself when he felt slighted and that boiled over frustration and disrespect was becoming apparent. He'd start off simple, a reminder and call to what happened, for whatever it would be worth, "I see that I don't have to pay you to get treated poorly then..." he would comment snootily. Sly words meant to dig at the heart of her, nothing more than antagonizing the argument to come or the confrontation building up. Assuming that she didn't turn to interrupt or yell at him, he'd continue on, aiming to add insult to injury here, "You'd probably also be better off with not getting harassed if you wore a little bit more than lingerie in public, just saying..." he sat into the stool and turned away.

It wasn't pouting, it was driving home his point? She wasn't all that important, an aim to bring her down a peg or two, if he could. Otherwise, he wouldn't mind the argument at all, besides, how hard could it be to run mental circles around a scantily clad alcoholic teenager? Well, it wasn't a matter of difficulty, rather, a measure of how long it would be before she tried to knock his teeth in.

[383 words, 841 words total]



"I see that I don't have to pay you to get treated poorly then..." the man commented. She figured that he was playing along, trying to bring down her self-esteem after her insult with one of his own. Perhaps he'd win this mental game. She stayed quiet just for a bit, containing her thoughts for a second, as the man opened his loud mouth again.

"You'd probably also be better off with not getting harassed if you wore a little bit more than lingerie in public," the man added, "Just saying..." What? What? Men had commented on her clothing before in a catcalling sense, no doubt, but nobody had dared to suggest to her to pick a more modest set of clothing, other than some of her friends in the Hanafuda clan but definitely not strangers like this creep. She felt free in her clothing, and nobody was the boss of her; he'd just crossed the line with that one, no doubt. The man turned around, as if to end the conversation; however, she wasn't even close to done with this.

"What did you say, you black-haired buffoon?" she yelled as she got up and slammed on the bar table with her right fist, all the others at the bar now setting their eyes on the confrontation, "Are you jealous or something?" With that, she would attempt to punch him in the back of the head (or the front if he had turned around when he heard her speak) with her left fist; however, little did she know, he was much more experienced than she could even imagine...

WC: 1314



His response of slight was met with confrontation, she called out at him, referring to him as a buffoon. Well, perhaps rightfully deserved but that wouldn't quell any of the anger brewing inside him. Who was she to refer to him like that?! She slammed her fist on the table, prompting Maigo to turn his head back towards her and glare her down. He wasn't much for creating a scene, but if she were going to give it to him, he wouldn't back down for anything. The only problem in his mind was starting a fight with a girl who was... well, not hardly wearing anything to say the least.

Still, she continued on taunting him with a question of jealousy, well... that wasn't the word he would describe the situation as but any other emotion was met with the childlike tantrum of anger right now. Being called out in public and slighted so really killed any potential he'd have beyond that. Still, she didn't leave much room for negotiation here as she already took a swing at his head, immediately he noticed that she hadn't decent form to her punch. Probably some training there, and she was moving rather quickly, perhaps not just some civilian who walks around in her underwear after all? Not that... civilians walk around like that, but besides the point.

Still, for any emphasis on winning a fight against strangers, she was still slow, and her punch looked weak. Maigo knew that much immediately, leaning back in his stool and letting it fall over, aiming to fall backwards and avoid the brunt of her punch with gravity as an aid. His aim would be to fall back to the ground, and using his leg placed on the bar of his stool, kicking it as he fell. Aiming for his stool, to slide into hers and knock her over, seeing how her own reaction time was to his slight. After all, he was never going to hit a girl directly, especially not over something like this, but she did show a little promise in fighting, and he wasn't going to let her off easily. Perhaps a subtle genjutsu would be good to turn the tides here? His hell viewing technique had worked wonders in the past for ending these sorts of situations, but perhaps throwing her into a world of her worst fears would be too much of an escalation. Wouldn't be the first time someone would stab him over that...

Either way, maybe escalation wasn't the way to go, so he'd play it by ear, waiting to see how she'd react to losing her own seating or footing if he could succeed in doing so.

[462 words, 1303 words total]

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