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1A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Empty A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:20 pm



The Stone Bridge. Long ago, Sasuke of the Leaf Village, gone rouge fought Danzo here on this very bridge. The bridge had long been since repaired with a few spots left here and there for some historical value. It didn't mean much to Toushi however, it was just a bridge to him. Somewhere where he could come and go from place to place. Nothing more and nothing less. Toushi had been wandering around by himself for most of the day and hunger was looming over him. That was until he had realized he had a packet of sweets in his back pocket! WIN! He lunged for his pocket and began rummaging around for the packet of sweets, little did he know that the sweets were in his other pocket but he was too hellent and determined that these sweets were in this pocket! Idiot.

After about ten minutes of complete failure he gave up and walked to the side of the bridge where he proceeded to sit down where a loud pop was heard as his rear end rested abruptly on the packet, the contents unleashing a small explosion of caramel in his back pocket. His eyes widened from shock as he knew what had now happened to his new jeans. To the bin. Oh great.
"Why does this have to happen to me? Of all people..."

Last edited by Toushi on Fri Nov 23, 2012 12:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

2A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Empty Re: A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:36 pm



Asari was sitting on the bridge's edge, holding his Kirigakure head-band with a look of confusion, and in the other hand the new Iwagakure headband that he'd been given from his ally in the village. Of course, his transition wouldn't be official until the Tsuchikage got back from the chunin exams, but that wasn't really important right now. What WAS important was what he was supposed to do. What was he supposed to do... he was a member of Kirigakure, but that was gone. He was a proud Kisame member, but he didn't know if anyone else had survived the Ametarasu. Hell, he'd been lucky to get out alive as it was. He was highly doubtful that very many people would have managed to survive. Should he just throw away the headband that had marked him a soldier of Kirigakure and wear the new one? But... that would disgrace his ancestors. His hands tightened into fists, fighting back tears. Who the hell would destroy a village like that? The innocent people, all of them... He slammed his hand on the stone railing, bruising his knuckles. WHY?!?

His ears perked up as he heard someone behind him. thankfully he'd kept his thoughts to himself as he forced a small smile and looked at the man. He was obviously complaining about something. Probably something minor. It was depressing that everyone would bitch and complain about the slightest thing nowadays. Sometimes he wondered why people found it okay to complain when hit by small things, but when you had to confront with the most painful things in the world, there was just no words. Death, loss, pain, poverty, starvation. These kind of things were worth complaining about. Caramel staining your pants, or at least Asari prayed to all fifty gods in every alternate heaven that it WAS caramel, was not something to complain about.
"You alright kid?" Asari asked, his tone seeming gentle and kind as it always did.

Last edited by Asari on Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

3A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Empty Re: A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:51 pm



Hearing a sudden voice ask out to Toushi, he froze up on the spot and fell to his face, skidding on the ground ever so slightly to the strangers feet. Toushi didn't deal well with people sneaking up on him nor did he cope well with pain from hitting a stone floor face first mind you.
He shot to his feet in a blur and stanced himself in a dramatic pose, pointing at the stranger.
"Alright? You near enough killed me with your creepiness!" He shouted, his finger pointed right at the man.
The man however was rather strange looking. His skin was...lighter than most people's and there was...a slit on his neck? Well, he couldn't be so sure since the mans collar was covering up most his neck. He was also holding two headbands. Was he...from this village or not?

Toushi wasn't too sure on how to approach this strange character.
"My name is Toushi Iki and you are?" He said to the man in a slightly upbeat tone, taking on more of an approachable stance. he wasn't one to be angry but more of a happy person and to be honest, this person had a slightly strange yet interesting allure.

4A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Empty Re: A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:59 pm



He was.... creepy? Oh, screw this guy. Screw him to all fifty levels of hell. He'd tried to be considerate but this guy had to go and play THAT card didn't he?
"Go straight to hell, you insensitive jackass. Who the hell do you think you're calling creepy? Just because I'm of the Kisame clan doesn't mean that I'm creepy!" he yelled, putting his hands on the bridge he was laying on and flipping back onto his feet on the bridge looking at him.
"Where do you get off being so rude to someone you've only just met? Respect your betters, boy." Asari wasn't normally this rude, nor this hostile, but calling him creepy.... well, that was a sore spot. It was like calling a midget short or calling an Akimichi fat.

As his identity was asked, he said proudly
"I'm Asari Kisame, of the renowned Kisame clan of Kirigakure village... it WAS of kirigakure village." he said, looking away, his tone slowly dying back down to sadness. He didn't want to talk about it.
"Are all Iwagakure ninjas this rude? Surely you know how to be kind to a refugee don't you?"

5A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Empty Re: A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:07 pm



Arashi's head was full of thoughts, wild ideas about new jutsus. After he finished his training for the day, he thought that it wouldn't be such a bad idea to go for a short walk, to clear his mind. But, as Arashi is, and always be Arashi, his mind just kept working. He thought some more about the Tsuchikage's actions on the battlefield, remembering some details he forgot when he looked over the situation the last time. They were negative, just as pretty much everything else the Tsuchikage did that afternoon. Saving Arashi instead of Moussa was the reason why Arashi hold a grudge against the Tsuchikage. Arashi was perfectly safe, away from the battlefield and the scorching flames. Mouse was right in the middle of them, and had a serious chance to die. But the Tsuchikage picked up and "saved" Arashi, not Moussa.

As Arashi left the village, and stepped on the bridge; he saw a couple of people there. Both were young, just a bit older than him. One had black, and the other brown hair. Arashi stood on the spot, looking at the pair. They were both male, and Arashi recognized one of them; he was Toushi, the boy Arashi had met earlier that day. He continued his walk, and as he got about 20 meters from them Arashi waved his hand, and opening his mouth.
"Hi Toushi!"
Arashi then looked at the other boy. He looked like a fish, which really grossed Arashi out. But he didn't say anything about that, just introduced himself.
"Hello to you as well! My name's Arashi Nekomotze!"
Arashi never saw him, and he didn't at all look like an Iwa nin. If Arashi was correct, the boy could've been from the Kisame clan, which is situated in Kiri.
"What brings you to Iwa, friend?"

6A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Empty Re: A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:13 pm



All of the words seemed to fly right over Toushi's head as he stared at the ranting boy with a blank expression. What was he on about? He should really listen.
"Huh, what? Sorry betters?" What was this fish on about? He'd heard about the Kisame clan but him being a better? Yeah, no. Only that could be considered through combat. Everything past that moment went right over his head again, Toushi was easily bored and people shouting at him didn't get through to hi on a social level either. He shrugged and stared at the boy.

"Right, why don'y you just simmer with all the 'Rude' that seems to be spewing out my mouth and lets concentrate on you. I'm a jokey kinda guy so you'll rarely find me serious about something and with you shouting your head off at people from this village and you being a refugee, you'd think you'd be at least nice. I'm nice to everyone regardless anyway but I wont listen to your pish if you're going to continue to shout at me and here I was going to invite you to my house for dinner. My mum loves guests and she loves to cook so we could've gave you some amazing hospitality. I do feel bad for you and the people in your village but I wont condone you're shouting at me. I ment creepy in a friendly manner." He said as he waved his hand, turning his back and beginning to walk away from him. He wasn't going to stand around and listen to the guy shout at him.

Toushi had entered and introduced himself but before anything else happened he grabbed Ara by the arm and began to drag him with him.
"you're coming to dinner at my house. No objections!" He joked, letting out a small laugh.

OOC: Posting order is now Me, Asari and Arashi.

7A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Empty Re: A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:21 pm



He was being accused of shouting his head off? This guy was rude, insensitive, crude AND a hypocrite. If he had his sword with him right now this guy's head would be on the chopping block... He sighed and let him rant at him all he wanted. He was.... offering him dinner he guessed. Asari sighed and bowed his head slightly in apology
"My apologies, Iki-san. I'm just.... a little stressed at the moment." He tied his iwagakure headband around his neck, hiding his gills before someone new turned up. He was short, red-headed, and with a voice that could grate sandpaper. He was about to talk when he got dragged. He was being dragged? Why was he being dragged?!?! This was not a position that he wanted to find himself in.

He started to fight it, not liking to be controlled by this, but then he heard the boy's words. It was... for dinner? He would have smiled if he wasn't so surprised. Nobody had ever offered him dinner before, they tended to laugh and pick fights, hence his original hostility.... Should he be okay with this? He started to object but then just sighed and stopped fighting it, walking with him
"fine. Just no fish. I'm not a cannibal." Those words coming out of his mouth would be a little strange to anyone who didn't notice the gigantic clam shell coming off of his head, but that wasn't exactly something that was easy to miss. The Kisame clan had always been part-fish part-human, he just so happened to be a clam. Nothing wrong with clams.

He started talking to the new guy who had just turned up.
"I'm Asari, Asari Kisame. And as for what takes me to Iwagakure, I live here now. See the headband?" he asked, pointing to the thing covering his neck. He wrapped his Kirigakure headband gently around the arm that he was being pulled by, showing proudly his link to the two villages. He guessed that he wasn't so much without a home, as a man with two of them. One just so happened to be reduced to ashes.

8A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Empty Re: A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:43 pm



Arashi saw that the strange boy and Toushy were actually fighting! Calling each other rude, and what not. Arashi was just about to step on Toushies side, but the other guy actually apologized to Toushi. Ara was glad. The guy then introduced hiself.
"I'm Asari, Asari Kisame. And as for what takes me to Iwagakure, I live here now. See the headband?"
Arashi slightly nodded his head, as a sign of approval.
Toushi suddenly walked to Arashi. Hi grabbed Arashi by his hand and starting pulling him, saying:
"You're coming to dinner at my house. No objections!"
What? Well, Arashi never turned down good food. Toushi looked like a decent dressed guy, at least. So Arashi knew that the "dinner" won't be a slice of old bread with butter. His mouth allready started drolling. Arashi didn't fight Toushi at all, accepting his invitation and walking by him.

9A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Empty Re: A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:06 pm



Touhi stopped in his tracks and let go of Arashi's wrist. He turned his body back and smiled to Asari, walking up to him, he booped his forehead with his index finger and smiled at the kisame fish.
"Alright then! It's settled! We're going to my house for some of my mums homemade garlic doughballs and beef stew! She's a chef so if you have anything wrong with the food, say now...she wont like having to re-cook everything and throw away food!" He laughed to himself. Better to warn them the now than not at all.
He turned and gestured for the fish to follow on with them. It was at least a ten minute walk to get to his house so plenty of time to get to know the guys!

10A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Empty Re: A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:09 pm



Asari seemed a little surprised for a second as Toushi acted like he expected him to be picky. He had no idea.. Asari was not the kind of man to be picky, hell he wasn't even the kind of person to be ungrateful for things even if he disliked them. Plus, he was so legitimately thankful that he had been offered dinner by a stranger who didn't know him at all that he was too dumb-struck to even think for a second about complaining. Well, other than to make sure that they didn't eat fish. He wasn't some kind of god-damned cannibal, that was just silly. Still, Asari decided not to make a comment and kept quiet, simply nodding. He followed the gesture and walked alongside the other two.
"By the way.... I can't see what you two are. I mean, I'm clearly a Kisame because well.... yeah, You can kind of guess." he smiled awkwardly, tilting his head so the clam-shell got to the top. he continued on as he started to talk.
"But what about you two? I've read a lot about the clans of Iwagakure, but I can't remember your clan's name. Iki... must have been a very secretive clan, or you're just not very famous. I guess it really doesn't matter, but meh." He didn't think for a moment that saying that might be considered rude, he just thought about getting the facts straight. He didn't want to be going to some cat clan's place. He did not get on well with cats. They generally tried to eat him

11A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Empty Re: A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:17 pm



Asari nodded back at Arashi, and the group of three started walking. Not more then a few second have passed, before Asari started talking.
"By the way.... I can't see what you two are. I mean, I'm clearly a Kisame because well.... yeah, You can kind of guess."
Asari tilted his head by a bit, showing the large shell thingy he had on his head, and continued his talk.
"But what about you two? I've read a lot about the clans of Iwagakure, but I can't remember your clan's name. Iki... must have been a very secretive clan, or you're just not very famous. I guess it really doesn't matter, but meh."

As Asari was looking at Arashi, Arashi tought he should anwser first.
"I come from the Nekomotze clan. Frankly, we're not to big, or wealthy. Even if we've been in Iwa for a long time, we rarely get any prestige. Our origin is from the woods, and caves, and we learned how to fight by observing bears and wolves. We specialize in Taijutsu and Chakra Flow. Toushi, waht about you? I haven't heard of the Iki clan, either.

12A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Empty Re: A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:49 pm



Toushi honestly didn't know much about his own clan. He was made from a one night stand and Iwa didn't have any books on the clan. Apparently the Iki clan never came from or originated from Iwa originally...Strange indeed but oh well.
"Uhm...well my clan uh...We have white chakra coloring from your usual blue coloring? We also seem to have some obsession with a jutsu based on the Light ailment. That's about all I know." He laughed, scratching his head. He honestly knew nothing about his clan and that was that.

They must've been a secretive clan then but then cogs began to turn inside his head. Why was it secretive. Maybe his mother knew? His face went from enlightened to a more 'in deep' thinking expression. He wasn't one to think and to even know he was thinking or capable of it was scary enough to know! He became completely oblivious to the world around him and continued to walk, a little quicker than the other two to be exact.

13A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Empty Re: A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:12 pm



So,from what Asari understood, what he was to a fish Arashi was to a bear. That was interesting. Bears tended to eat fish though so he wasn't too sure about this guy all of a sudden. Plus, he was talking about his clan like it didn't matter very much, and whilst Asari understood (all too well) the concept that each person was their own person, but clan is still clan. He should really have been a little bit more enthused about it, he seemed to be a little lackluster about the whole clan. Maybe that was just a little thing that Asari was just making up, he wasn't too use to decoding people's emotions via their tone of voice yet, so that was probably something he'd juts imagined. Still, he guessed it didn't matter, but what did matter was the fact that Iki-kun didn't know very much about his own clan. It was his own clan, he could understand not knowing much about another clan but this was his family! He sighed, and facepalmed. This guy was as dumb as he'd given him credit for. He continued walking and started talking
"you know what, I think there's something more about you that you could be telling me instead of your clans. I'd ask for a tour, but we're going to have to dinner at Toushi's place. So.... what can you do in Iwagakure in the evening?" Now, this wasn't like he was asking about night-clubs, honestly he'd never gone out to one as he'd been too busy reading or training, but maybe there was something fun in his new home-town, eh? Maybe there was a pub... well, a pub that served to sixteen year olds. He'd heard there was special laws in this place that allowed you to drink in public at 16 instead of 18 like in most villages. Plus, most people actually just didn't give a crap. It was alcohol, what was so wrong about that?

14A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Empty Re: A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:11 pm



"Uhm...well my clan uh...We have white chakra coloring from your usual blue coloring? We also seem to have some obsession with a jutsu based on the Light ailment. That's about all I know."
That's his clan description? White chakra and Light? Arashi was just about to facepalm himself, but he didn't, not to hurt Toushi's feelings. But still, Toushi's either lying because his clan is secretive, or simply stupid. Either way, Arashi didn't care all that much. He knew those things from his fight with Toushi, just earlier that day. Blinding jutsu. White chakra. Yeah, nothing new here.

As Toushi finished speaking, Asari facepalmed himself. Well that's a bit rude. Not the best way of making new friends... They were walking, as Asari continued what he was saying. Just making conversation.
"You know what, I think there's something more about you that you could be telling me instead of your clans. I'd ask for a tour, but we're going to have to dinner at Toushi's place. So.... what can you do in Iwagakure in the evening?"
Yeah, it was late afternoon already. The sun was about to set, so Arashi got why Asari asked about that. There wasn't much to do, actually. Iwa was just awakening from it's long sleep. Of course, it was because of Dengan, what cooled down Arashi's anger towards him a bit. Arashi anwsered the question.
"Well, I usually train the whole day, so I'm pretty exhausted when night falls. Sleep. I'm sure there are some clubs, and good places to hang out when night falls, but I'm just a bit to lazy...
At the last part of the sentance, Arashi scratched his head and smiled.

15A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Empty Re: A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Tue Oct 30, 2012 11:46 pm



Toushi's eyes widened as he realized they were right. Night was falling and he'd always been shit scared of it...he couldn't just go home and ignore these two...he'd need to make up a good lie if they were going to go to any clubs... but he'd feel too guilty for ditching them and he didn't want to be a party pooper...
"You guys going to a club you say? well yous can go ahead you know. I'm not stopping you" He said to them both, letting out a small laugh near the end. "I've gotta get home anyway. Mother has me on a curfew and I have some homework to catch up on." This was both the truth and a lie. As much as he hated lying, he couldn't tell them why he was afraid of the dark. He'd only just met the two and he wasn't sure on if he could trust them just yet.

The sun was setting which was making Toushi slightly nervous.
"Yous can still come and have dinner if you so please?" He asked, trying to rush the occasion on

16A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Empty Re: A stranger appears! [CLOSED] Fri Nov 23, 2012 12:32 pm



OOC: Okaaaaaaay seeing as though Asari just upped and went, I have other action than to close this thread.

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